National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 124 I Come To Be The Son Of The Night

The Warrant of the Son of the Night is to find the Pope of the Night before he can become the Son of the Night.

Lin Feng is not sure if he can become one, but he still wants to try. If it doesn't work, you may die, but only once.

But if it is successful, there will be another layer of status, and maybe some more rewards. After all, what Archbishop Guangming gave him back then allowed his guardian unicorn to evolve so that it could fly into the sky.

If it succeeds this time, you can get rewards, and it is worth~ taking the risk to try.

In an instant, Lin Feng appeared in a strange place.

Looking around quickly, Lin Feng found himself in a relatively spacious square. Similar to the teleportation point of Longyuan City and the Great Bright Holy City, it is also the square of the resurrection point.

The sky is cloudy and gloomy, the surrounding buildings are dominated by black tones, and there are very few people around, most of whom are wearing black robes. Some people wear weird masks.

Game prompt: "Enter the Dark Night City, this place is full of dangers, players pay attention to safety."

"You have to be careful in the Dark Night City? What the hell, it's the same holy religion, the difference is really big. And the degree of excitement is also different." Lin Feng thought, and then he saw two soldiers in black armor walking over, and then It went directly to the two NPCs.

The two NPCs here have no names, are white, and tall.

Guardian of the Night City



When the two NPCs saw Lin Feng, doubts appeared in their eyes at the same time.

"The dark elemental breath of the dense fog, but... I've never seen this person before." An NPC said.

Another NPC guardian: "I haven't seen it either. Could it be someone who invited you here? Or someone who entered here by mistake?"

As they approached, two NPCs looked at Lin Feng warily at the same time: "Sir, tell me your identity, what are you doing here?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "I'm here to be the Son of the Night, of course I'm here to find you Pope of the Night."

"Huh?" One person was surprised.

The other person snorted coldly and said, "How can you see the Pope? You speak frivolously. I think you are a spy who sneaked in here."

"To tell you the truth, you don't believe it, alas! This thing..." Lin Feng's hand appeared in Lin Feng's hands: "You guys know this, right?"

"Warrant of the Holy Son!" Two NPC guards were surprised at the same time, and one exclaimed: "Is he the Holy Son?"

"Impossible! We all know the four holy sons and one holy woman. Without him, the new holy son?" Another person said.

Suddenly, the Holy Child Token in Lin Feng's hand emitted black light, and then a small circular magic circle under his feet lit up with black light.

Afterwards, Lin Feng felt his body was bound suddenly, unable to move, and there was a strange force pulling him.

"Swipe!" Lin Feng disappeared instantly!

In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng found himself in a large hall.

This hall is very magnificent, not inferior to the hall of the Pope of Light. There are fallen angels, demons, and all kinds of weird and hideous monsters on the walls of the hall.

The hall of the Pope of Light is vast, warm and thriving. But here is gloomy, depressing, as if everything is exhausted. It feels like the complete opposite!

There is also an ink-black throne at the very front. At this time, an old man with brown curly hair, white beard, and wearing a black robe is sitting on the throne.

He looked old, but exuded a powerful aura, as if there was a demon king beside him.

Night Pope: Bart Ratta



"You are the first outsider who came here, congratulations on completing the first test of our Dark Night Sacred Church." Night Pope Batrata smiled and said, "I'm curious, how did you kill Billy... Kunta, can you tell me?"

"Billy Quinta?" Lin Feng pretended to be puzzled: "I have killed many people, but I have never heard of this name. Does he have another name?"

Bart Rata continued to smile: "Then where did you get the Dark Child warrant?"

Lin Feng said: "According to what you said, I killed an outsider, and then I picked this up from him. Then I bought a scroll from other outsiders that was sent to the Holy Cult of the Night, and then I came here. My body and ability should be related to you, I think I am more suitable here."

As he said that, the death scythe appeared in Lin Feng's hand.

"Reaper's Scythe!" Night Pope Batrata's smile turned into surprise, and then he quickly calmed down, thinking in his heart: "No, it's not a complete product, but you can use this weapon, and it's one of the Reaper's inheritors."

"If he returned to the Temple of Death, he probably wouldn't have come here. He actually picked up a treasure. This time, a saint son died, but a son with even better talent and status came. It seems that hell is protecting us in the dark night." Holy religion rises.

Then, he said: "Very well, you are born to belong to our Dark Night Sect, but before that, you need to pass my test before you can officially become the Dark Night Son. The Dark Night Son must be a genius among geniuses." Yes, if it fails, it means that you are not qualified to be, do you want to accept the challenge?"

"This old fox is just as difficult to deal with as the Pope of Light! But........won't you have to PK again this time?" Lin Feng felt helpless, and he said, "I accept."

"Aren't you asking about the test?" Dark Night Pope Batrata smiled.

"I was born to belong to the Dark Night Sacred Church. In order to win this opportunity, I am willing to risk my life to meet this test." Lin Feng said seriously. Blowing ratio, that's right.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news." Night Pope Batrata opened his hand, and a black mist rushed out of his palm, wrapping Lin Feng's body directly.

The game prompt sounded: "The test mission of the Son of Darkness is open, do you accept it?"

"Accept!" Lin Feng responded.

"Boom!" Lin Feng's mind went blank, and then his body disappeared into the hall in an instant.

After a moment of blankness, Lin Feng regained consciousness and found himself in a spacious and empty space, looking at a nearly circular space with a diameter of more than one thousand meters.

At this time, a transparent light curtain appeared in front of Lin Feng's eyes.

【Sura Proving Ground】

Explanation: The player Meng Wang successfully passed the tenth floor of the Shura trial field, even if he passed the test task of the Son of the Dark Night, he can become the Son of the Dark Night. If you die halfway, it will be regarded as a failure to clear the customs, and you will be sent away from the Night City.

Regulations: Each floor should not take more than 30 minutes. The shorter the time-consuming, the higher the points. After the task is completed, the level of rewards will be determined according to the degree of completion of the points settlement. (Completion degree: normal

excellent, excellent, perfect, super perfect)

"Ten seconds later, the BOSS of the Shura field on the first floor will appear, and the players are ready.



Lin Feng directly summoned the pet Lunar Dragon King Xiaohei, and the egg beast "Egg".

...asking for flowers...0

Although Eggy is only level one, it might be useless, he thought, if he kills the monster, he will also have experience to share with Eggy, so that he can take it to level up quickly.




"Boom!" A hundred meters away from Lin Feng, a black light flickered, and the boss appeared.

BOSS-Night Berserker

Level: Level 50

HP: 120000

"Damn! I thought the difficulty would be very high! That's it?" Seeing the monster's HP and level, Lin Feng had a weird expression on his face. Just such a weak thing, hit him?

"Xiao Hei, let's go together!" Lin Feng rushed out and quickly approached the boss Night Berserker.

When the distance was 20 meters, he cast the chain of souls on the target. The chain of souls at level 2 increased the damage again.

[Chain of Revenant Soul Lv2] Consume 20 points of HP to release 3 chains of Revenant Soul, which can trap up to 3 targets, immobilize for 2 seconds, and cause damage equal to 500% of magic attack. If you cast the skill again, you can pull yourself in front of a certain target and freeze for 1 second again. The attack distance is 30 meters, and the cooldown is 2 seconds.



A blow from the sun!


When the boss was immobilized, Lin Feng used his skills again, and the ghost claw flew out and grabbed the boss directly.

Ghost Claw!


The BOSS blood volume is emptied, and it will be killed in seconds!

The monster died and nothing exploded.

But at this time, Eggy Beast jumped to the side of the monster's corpse, opened its mouth directly, and a black air flew out from the crack in the eggshell, directly wrapping the body of the two-meter-tall boss.

In an instant, the BOSS corpse turned into black energy and was directly devoured by the Eggy Beast.

Then, Lin Feng saw a slight change in the passive skills of Dandanmon.

Passive skill: [Devouring Alienation] The Egg Beast can devour living beings to undergo heterogeneous evolution. (Evolution: 10/100)

Devoured: BOSS Night Berserker

"Quite fast! A boss has 10 points, that is, if I kill 10, he can evolve! This is good."

At this time, he got a game prompt: "Successfully killed the boss of the Shura field on the first floor, do you want to enter the second floor?"

Lin Feng didn't confirm, but stayed for a minute and a half to cool down all the skills, and then chose to enter the second floor.

"The first floor takes 1 minute and 40 seconds, and the player enters the second floor."

In an instant, Lin Feng appeared on the second floor. The second floor looked similar to the first floor, except that there was more mud on the ground. It felt that the movement might be affected, and the area was similar.

"After 10 seconds, the BOSS of the Shura field on the second floor will appear, players get ready."





"Boom!" A black light radiated from a hundred meters away, and then a monster appeared.

BOSS·Dark Swamp Beast

Level: 50


"The level has not changed, but the life value has been doubled." Lin Feng said: "Xiao Hei, positive!"

Afterwards, Lin Feng and Xiao Hei rushed directly, while Eggy was bouncing forward, but... this speed was too slow.

Soon, the distance between the two sides was 20 meters.

Start playing and!.

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