National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 130 Demon God Mission: Seraphim's Heart!

As the light released by the huge magic book became stronger and stronger, a light and shadow finally lifted into the sky, revealing a blood-colored spar emitting holy white light floating in the air.

At this time, Lin Feng also got a hint from the game

Quest: Demon King Lucifer's Test

Quest Item: Heart of Seraphim

Success: within 72 hours, give Lucifer the heart of Seraphim, complete the task, and you can transform into a demon clan of Lucifer's lineage.

Failed: Not completed within the time limit, the level will be reduced to level 1, due to the loss of the identity of the Son of the Night.

Looking at this task, Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged, but he was slightly surprised in his heart.

Then he looked at Lucifer pretending to be puzzled: "Master Demon God, the Seraphs are the seven Seraphs mentioned by the senior sister, right? That...Although I think I'm not weak, I really can't do this. "

"Of course you can't do it." Lucifer said flatly: "Same as our seven demon gods, the seven seraphs also have their bloodline inheritors, and there are more than one of them. Killing the seraphim, you can't do it at all. But, If you can break through the Asura Proving Ground, you still have a chance to kill the bloodline inheritor of the Seraphim, as long as you can kill a bloodline inheritor of the Seraph Angel within three days, and get back the Chitian "Eight Four Three" envoy The heart is to complete the task."

"Inheritor, how do you find it?" Lin Feng wondered.

"That's your business." A scroll appeared in Lucifer's hand and flew in front of Lin Feng: "A teleportation opportunity, get the heart of Seraph, and it can appear to me after use. If you can't find it, don't use it." Come back, the prohibition in your body will wish."

After he finished speaking, Lin Feng felt a huge force pushing his body, and he couldn't help but fly upside down like a magic circle that appeared out of thin air behind him.

In an instant, Lin Feng noticed that the surrounding scene changed rapidly, and then...appeared directly in Longyuan City Square.

"Seraphim's bloodline inheritor, such as... me?" Standing in the square, Lin Feng suddenly had a strange expression on his face.

This drama caught him off guard.

"I thought it would be such a difficult test, and there would be such a big dungeon battle, but I didn't expect it, that's it? Do you want to kill yourself again?" Lin Feng thought for a while, and finally dismissed the idea

The Heart of Death was taken away by a slightly unusual, but not too strong Holy Dragon Knight NPC. Now they are the Seven Great Demon Gods. Once they take their heart over, the other party may sense it directly.

Afterwards, he sent a message to Murong Yiyi: "Where is it?"

Murong Xiaoyi: "Dragon Feather City is recruiting people. At present, there are 5,000 registered members, and it should reach 15,000 by the end of today. I plan to conduct an assessment later, kick out some people, and keep useful ones. What's the matter? "

Lin Feng said: "You let me kill once, okay?"

There was a pause for a few seconds, and a message was sent: "Tell me the reason.

Lin Feng directly shared the task of Lucifer's test with Murong Xiaoyi.

Murong Xiaoyi: "It's a very miraculous mission. You are afraid that he will find out that it is your heart, so come find me? Because I am also of the Seraphim race, belonging to the Gabriel family. However, he has not discovered your identity as a Seraph." , It seems that you have hidden skills, and you have so many abilities."

"Okay, I don't have time to look for you right now. You can come directly to Longyu City! After killing me, you go to do the task, and I will continue to recruit people into the guild."

Lin Feng: "Okay, right, there is one more thing, I issued a guild token again, do you think we digested it internally, or sold it?"

Murong Xiaoyi: "You are amazing, don't you just kill ordinary monsters now, and only kill bosses? With this frequency, at least hundreds of bosses over level 50 have to be killed. You are a junior guild this time, so you should only kill bosses." Can you recruit 5,000 people?"

Lin Feng: "Yes, I was a city lord at the beginning, so I established a mid-level guild and owned a city. Now it is only a junior guild and a village, and I cannot buy a city."

Murong Xiaoyi: "Keep it in, it won't help us much, but it will lengthen the battle line. Once a gang fight occurs, it is very likely that we will lose our base, and the loss will be even greater. Because we don't have core guild members, that is, to recruit Everyone needs to adjust.”

"Insufficient energy, it will not be beneficial to build it, but it will consume more resources. It is better to sell it directly. This is the second guild token. Someone must want to pay a big price to buy it. You can make a fortune."

Lin Feng said: "That's right, as long as you don't sell it to Hot Pot City, it's the same for anyone else who buys it. That's fine, I'll hang it up first, and I'll find you later."

Afterwards, Lin Feng first ran to the auction exchange and directly put up the guild token, with a starting price of 1 million.

At the same time, this time he did not hide his name, and directly revealed the name of "Meng Wang"

After releasing the guild token, Lin Feng ignored this place and walked towards the teleporter.

The auction exchanges in each main city are currently not connected.

That is, the things sold in Longyuan City's auction exchange, players from other main cities enter their auction exchange, and they can't see the items in Longyuan City's auction exchange.

And after the guild token was hung up, many Longyuan City players who casually flipped through the auction exchange quickly spread the news.

Soon, the news of someone auctioning the guild tokens spread throughout the 36 main cities, and spread to all the big guilds.

In Seven Dragon Palace, seven people formed a team and chatted in the group.

Seven Dragon Palace·Water Dragon: "Holy shit, this cute king is awesome! I just established a guild, and I got another guild token the next day. We just happened to be short of one, so go buy it."

Fiery Dragon: "I just got the news, so what are you waiting for? Raise money and buy."

One-stop: "Whoever establishes the guild first will develop the resident first. It's different one day earlier. But... this time, many people must be eager to buy. According to the current second world price

Maybe a billion dollars.

Little milk dragon: "Brother Mengwang is too powerful, we summoned so many people to fight the 50th level boss, but they still can't beat it, it's so difficult!"

At this time, Zulong sent a message: "Just now, our team of ten killed a level 60 boss, and the guild token exploded."

Water Dragon: "Damn, the boss Zulong is powerful, hurry up and create a guild, don't wait for others to buy Meng Wang's guild token, we are only the third."

Big Fierce Dragon: "Even if we have a piece, we still have to participate in the auction. We can't afford others! Buy it if you can. Anyway, in the future, each of the seven of us will have to establish a guild, so there is no shortage of money for development. Get the dragon as soon as possible." The resources around the source city are well occupied to prevent being robbed..."

Zu Long said: "Yes, if you can buy it, you can buy it. If it is 100 million, you can buy it. If it is too high than this price, you can let it go. If we can get one piece, we can get the second one. The big deal will slow down everyone's upgrade progress. It is mainly used to play cold cards of the guild."


At the same time, other guilds also started discussions, and some went directly to raise money.

Soon, the guild presidents or high-level officials from various main cities gathered in Longyuan City, exchanged a few words of courtesy, and formed a team to enter the auction exchange.

At the same time, those who couldn't afford it also entered the auction field for auctioning guild tokens.

It has not been 5 minutes since the guild token was put up [someone has already called for a price.

Xiongba's grandma asked for 5 million yuan: "I'm here to close the door. Brothers are all ready, just wait for the guild token."

Xiongba's asking price for one leg is 6 million: "Like the president.

Xiong Ba slapped the price of 8 million: "Let's go."

Xiongba Xiaoquanquan asks for 10 million yuan: "Add more, everyone can figure it out."

The strongest creatures in the sea, land and air bid 20 million: "This guild token, my Wanshoumen is going to order it.

Feng Wu Jiutian bid 21 million: "I didn't get too much money, I just wanted to try. My sisters in Phoenix Palace are waiting for good news from me.

The asking price for one shot of sunflower is 23 million: "Dragon Sword City, Five Mountains Alliance, all friends are welcome to join.

The Gentleman Sword is a sword with an asking price of 25 million: "Follow Brother Zhen to join in the fun, the Five Sacred Mountains Alliance, and worship on the top of the mountain. Chairman Meng Wang, make friends.

The price of hot pot with Sprite is 26 million: "Hot pot city is recruiting people."

Seven Dragon Palace·Water Dragon asking price 27 million: "Brothers in Hot Pot City, how are you doing in Dragon Ancestral City?"

The old man who doesn't eat meat asked for 30 million yuan: "It's such a tempting guild token, it attracts me more than a bald head.

Let go of that monkey and ask for a price of 33 million: "If you want to learn PK, come to Huaguo Mountain."

Wahaha asked for 40 million yuan: "The doll group is here! The baby took out the New Year's money."

The 0.8 tiger screamed and asked for a price of 41 million: "Then you have a lot of New Year's money, and the Tiger King Team will show their face."

Most of the guilds are in the Longyuan City Auction Exchange, even if they don't buy, they are still there to watch the fun.

At this time, Lin Feng had already arrived in Longyu City, and then he sent a message to Murong Yiyi: "I'm here, where are you?"

Murong Xiaoyi: "Kill me in the wild? Or kill me in the hotel?"

Lin Feng said: "Let's go to the hotel! Because, it may be bloody, and it's not good to be seen in the wild."

Murong Xiaoyi: "OK, let's form a team."

Afterwards, the two teamed up, and after about ten minutes, Murong Yiyi and Lin Feng entered a hotel room.

"Let's start!" Murong Yiyi said.

Holding the death scythe, Lin Feng said with a little embarrassment: "Thank you so much this time, after this time, I will take you to upgrade.

Murong Yiyi casually said: "Level 1 only, if nothing unexpected happens, I will also accept the task of killing the Demon God Clan. When the time comes, I will dig out your heart and that will be enough."

"Um, fine, but we're talking about heart-pounding topics here, it's very tasteful!" Lin Feng said with a strange expression, "I'm doing it!"


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