National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 131 Extraordinary Race Demon God Race

Just when Lin Feng raised his sickle and was about to attack Murong Yiyi, the latter suddenly said: "If you kill someone in the hotel, will the guards suddenly appear and kill you?"

"Eh!" Looking at Murong Yiyi and the scythe in his hand, Lin Feng was taken aback suddenly: "This......Although I haven't tried it, I feel that I will be killed by the guards, so let's go to the wild

"Yes." Murong Yiyi nodded.

"All right!"

Afterwards, the two left the hotel again, flew out of Longyu City, and flew to a place where no one was around.

Murong Yiyi used Seraph form, Lin Feng directly hacked Murong Yiyi to death, and then... dug out the latter's heart.

Seraphim's heart is really like what Lin Feng saw, it is a blood-colored spar, and it looks very beautiful.

"I went back to the city directly." Murong Yiyi sent a message to Lin Feng, and then her body turned into white light, and she went back to the city directly to be revived.

[Seraphim Heart] Gabriel's series of Seraphim Hearts, the props needed for the test of Demon King Lucifer.

Looking at the spar in his hand, Lin Feng put it away, and then flew to Longyu City again.

He didn't intend to go to that Lucifer quickly. twenty four

After all, if you just left there and then returned within half an hour, the other party would definitely be suspicious.

Lin Feng calculated the time, at least 24 hours must pass.

Therefore, Lin Feng passed through the teleportation city of Longyu City, returned directly to Yashan City, and then flew directly to the northwest.

Because the contract of all souls has been upgraded to level 3, the number of war servants has increased again.

[Contract of All Souls Lv3] consumes 1% of the life value, and has a 30% probability to sign a contract of all souls with creatures whose life value is lower than 10%, so as to subdue them into war servants and recruit them into the space of all spirits. The number of souls in the space of all spirits is limited to 30 . The war servant cannot exceed the caster's level 30, cannot be upgraded, cannot be advanced, and the dead cannot be resurrected automatically. Within 1 minute, the resurrection skill can revive it. The operation distance is 20 meters, and the cooldown is 10 seconds.

Now you can have 30 war servants, Lin Feng currently has 20, just to add 10 more, of course, I also want to replace the three 50-level war servants with 70-level evil dragon kings.

Lin Feng was hunting monsters, but he didn't know that the auction house where he auctioned guild tokens was once again on fire.

Since the game has shut down the function of recording certain scenes, and even if a sub-professional player can take pictures, he must obtain the consent of the person concerned.

With so many people's chat records, there are naturally some who don't want to disclose it.

As a result, no video streamed out either.

Although there was no live video broadcast, there was someone spreading the news to the outside in real time as to what price the auction had reached.

At the same time, it also brings the introduction of each guild.

All of a sudden, the auction house became popular, bringing Lin Feng into everyone's eyes again.

Three days in the game is equivalent to one day in real life.

In reality, 0:00 am to 8:00 am is a game day.

8:00 to 16:00, that is, 4:00 pm, is the next day.

From 16:00 to 24:00, which is 0:00 the next day, is the third day.

Lin Feng starts spawning monsters after 2 o'clock, and the game ends after 4 o'clock.

He returned to Longyuan City, flew away from the main city again, and entered Zhao's Tower, choosing the death mode for both chances.

It may not be the first time to brush, and the burst rate has decreased.

But maybe because he killed monsters too quickly, Lin Feng encountered the hidden boss Thunder King Zhao every time.

This time, two consecutive dungeons allowed him to explode four pieces of gold-level equipment: yellow robe armguards, yellow robe helmet, yellow robe armor, and yellow robe leggings.

At the same time, there are two pieces of Dark Gold rank equipment, both of which were revealed by the hidden boss Thunder King Zhao, namely: Dark Gold Rank Zhao's Thunder Helmet and Dark Gold Rank Zhao's Thunder Armguard.

A total of 18,500 gold coins were obtained twice in a row.

Leaving the dungeon, Lin Feng continued to teleport to the outside of Yashan City, and continued to subdue the level 70 evil dragon king...

I went offline at 7 o'clock, went out for half an hour, came back to eat at about 8:30, continued to go online, and went offline at 11:30.

It has been about a day since I took the test of the Demon God, and Lin Feng, who is doing his best to brush the boss, is very efficient.

Up to now, he already has 30 war servants, and all of them have been replaced by evil dragon kings with high blood volume and long-range attacks.

I didn't see the auction house either, so I took a shower and fell asleep.

The next day I got up at 7 o'clock on time, went out for half an hour to run, finished breakfast, and at 8:30 am, Lin Feng entered the game.

And now nearly 60 hours have passed since the Demon God mission, and his mission shows that there are only 11 hours left.

Afterwards, Lin Feng cast Dark Form and directly used the scroll that Lucifer gave him.

"Shua!" Lin Feng's figure disappeared in Yashan City.

In an instant, Lin Feng appeared in the hall again.

At this time, Lucifer, the king of demon gods, was still sitting on the throne, not angry and majestic.

"It took a long time, but you can complete the task and perform very well. Take it out!" Lucifer said flatly.

"Okay." Lin Feng took out the Seraph's heart, that is, the red spar, from his backpack.

When seeing this spar, a smile appeared in Lucifer's calm eyes: "Very good. Very good, this is the heart of Seraphim. Although the blood is not pure enough, this feeling is not wrong, Gabriel 1 Department. Unexpectedly, you can kill the inheritor of the lineage of Angel War God, very good."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and the Seraphim Heart in Lin Feng's hand flew to King Lucifer.

"Familiar breath of blood! I haven't seen you in 2087, Gabriel. Didn't you think that your inheritor is not as good as mine?" Lucifer looked at the red spar, and the smile in his eyes grew stronger.

Then, the seraphim heart disappeared in his hand, and he looked at Lin Feng again: "Very good, you have successfully completed the test of the demon, and also completed my test as the king of the demon god, this is the most difficult of my tests One, if you can complete it, it means that you are qualified to be my inheritor. So... I will seriously ask you now, are you willing to become my Lucifer's bloodline inheritor?

Game prompt: "Would you like to become the bloodline inheritor of Lucifer, the King of Demon Gods, and become the extraordinary race Demon God Clan?"

1. willing

2. unwilling

"Yes!" Lin Feng said "sincerely": "Teacher, in order to carry forward your glory, I am willing to do everything."

"Okay!" There was a smile on the corner of Lucifer's mouth, and then a dark red blood bead flew out between his eyebrows, and flew into Lin Feng's eyebrows in an instant, and then Lin Feng felt a cold feeling in his body.

Then the coldness turned into scorching heat, and a dazzling white light suddenly burst out from his body, and under the stabbing pain in his back, six snow-white angel wings grew out.

Although Lin Feng couldn't see the change in himself, he was too familiar with this feeling. This was when Seraphim switched races.

"Damn, why is the Seraphim race activated, egg!"

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