National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 134: Level 51, Attributes Skyrocket!

"Ten million... Fuck, it's really more than one hundred million!"

Looking at the numbers above, Lin Feng couldn't believe his eyes. He never thought that he could make money so fast!

The last auction price stayed at 1 am, and there was no increase after that.

The final price is 100-200 million!

Sunflower asked the price for a shot, and left a sentence: "Brother Meng Wang, add a friend, and we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

Lin Feng directly confirmed the success of the auction, and within three seconds, he got a game prompt.

"The transaction price is **, minus the 1% handling fee, the player Mengwang will get **Earth Coin, and the funds will arrive within 2 hours."

Although the one-time deduction of 1.2 million is a bit distressing. But now he doesn't lack the money anymore, and he doesn't want to contact too many people in reality. When the amount of money exceeds a certain amount, safety becomes an issue.

The transaction was successful, and then Lin Feng added "Sunflower One Needle" as a friend.

Up to now, hundreds of people add him as friends every day, and the first thing to do every time you play the game is to ignore the friend application with one click. So maybe Sunflower added him, but he couldn't find it.

Soon, there was an agreement.

A shot of sunflower: "Brother Meng, I didn't see you in Longyuan City yesterday, what a pity! I have always wanted to see the number one player in the game, and I must meet next time."

Lin Feng responded: "No problem, yesterday I had a task to leave in a hurry, and then I went to bed. One needle, where is your Five Sacred Alliance mainly developing?"

A shot of sunflower: "Now Longyan City is developing, but as you all know, our Five Sacred Mountains Alliance is composed of players who are located in cities near the five famous mountains in China. Taishan, Huashan, Hengshan, Hengshan, and Songshan. In the game, there will also be five For the main city activities, I am in Taishan, and I am the leader."

"I'm curious, which game did your guild come from? I heard that guild tokens are created for junior guilds, with a limit of 5,000 members. But your first guild is an intermediate level The guild can receive 30,000 people."

"Besides, junior guilds can only buy villages and towns, but your intermediate guild can buy cities. This is ten times faster than us, so I can't help but want to ask.

Lin Feng smiled and replied casually: "There is no big guild that is too established, just good friends from various games gather here. Everyone wants to play together, so I established a guild."

A shot of sunflower: "Then you friends are not ordinary! Murong Xiaoyi is number one in the European ranking list, a dark horse in the God of Fighting list, Murong Xiaosan who has reached fifth place now, and Murong Xiaowu who casually kills hot pot and sprite alone .I want to have some strong friends like this too."

Lin Feng replied: "I know a lot of people, so there will be some! Well, I'm going to do the task, let's chat when I have time!"

Afterwards, Lin Feng left Longyuan City, directly summoned the Gemini Guardian Unicorn, rode it, and flew directly to Zhao's Tower.

Ever since the battle between Lin Feng and Hot Pot City, many big guilds have realized the strength of personal combat power in the second world. Afterwards, most guilds piled up a large amount of resources on the guild leader, or the strongest master of the guild.

The rules for distributing experience points for monsters in the second world are.

If the two are not in a team, the player who makes the final blow to the monster will get 30% experience value of the monster, and can pick up items that explode after the monster dies. Only in the past 1 minute, if no one picks it up, these things will become ownerless.

And there is 70% experience value, which is calculated according to the percentage of damage caused by the two to the monster.

Therefore, after the teleportation in the main city was activated, thousands of people even appeared to fight monsters, but they did not kill the monsters, but handed over the final blow to the president to kill.

A monster has 30% experience, but if you kill hundreds or even thousands of them at the same time, the experience will naturally increase.

This also caused, although the reality has only passed more than a day after the game was updated, the level of the leaders of the major guilds has increased by N times faster than before.

Lin Feng was originally number one on the ranking list, more than ten levels higher than the second place.

But now, the second Zulong is already level 41.

With the opening of teleportation in the main cities, players can accept more tasks, and the overall upgrade is much faster. Players in the thirties are not as rare as before, and occasionally a few will be seen. More than 20 levels can be seen everywhere in every main city.

Therefore, Lin Feng now needs to take advantage of the fact that none of the players have reached level 50, and try to farm Zhao's Tower as much as possible. Once there are 50-level players, or even more 50-level players, a bunch of people will fight

The burst rate will definitely decrease.

It's two more death modes.

This time the drop rate dropped again, but it was still very lucky, Lin Feng encountered hidden BOSS twice.

Let him explode three pieces of gold-level equipment: the yellow robe helmet, the yellow robe armor, and the yellow robe leggings.

At the same time, two consecutive hidden bosses revealed two pieces of dark gold equipment, which Lin Feng had never revealed before.

They are: Dark Gold Rank·Zhao Family's Thunder Leggings, Dark Gold Class·Zhao Family's Thunder Battle Transformation.

A total of 18,000 gold coins were obtained twice in a row.

Up to now, Lin Feng can be considered to have officially collected all the level 50 dark gold suits.

Before leaving the dungeon, he couldn't wait to equip the dark-gold suit "Zhao's Thunder Armor",

Dark Gold Level Zhao's Lightning Heavy Armor

Required Level: Level 50

Physical Defense: 800

Magic Defense: 700

Constitution +30

Intelligence +20

(Zhao's Thunder Heavy Armor, Zhao's Thunder Helmet, Zhao's Thunder Armguard, Zhao's Thunder Leggings, Zhao's Thunder Boots, five-piece set can form Zhao's Thunder Armor)

Dark Gold Rank Zhao's Thunder Helmet

Required Level: Level 50

Physical Defense: 750

Magic Defense: 600

Constitution +25


(Zhao's Lightning Heavy.....Five-piece set can form Zhao's Lightning Battle Armor)

Dark Gold Grade Zhao's Thunder Armguard

Required Level: Level 50

Physical Defense: 700

Magic defense: 500

Constitution +20


(Zhao's Lightning Heavy Armor...)

Dark Gold Level Zhao's Thunder Leggings

Required Level: Level 50

Physical Defense: 700

Magic defense: 500

Constitution +20


(Zhao's Lightning Heavy Armor...)

Dark Gold Level Zhao's Thunder Boots

Required Level: Level 50

Physical Defense: 600

Magic defense: 500

Dexterity +15

Constitution +15


(Zhao's Lightning Heavy Armor...)

[Zhao's Thunder Armor] Set Features: HP +400Q Intelligence +50

At the same time, Lin Feng has been upgraded from level 45 to level 51, 6 levels up, and has 54 free attribute points.

...... ask for flowers)-

In addition to the first guild and the first to own a city, an additional 20 free attribute points will be awarded.

There are now 74 free attribute points.

After a little hesitation, Lin Feng added all 74 free attribute points to intelligence.

Now there is a racial increase in physical fitness and agility, but intelligence has not yet, so naturally it needs to focus on improving.

After all, the boss he is fighting now has terrifyingly powerful attack power. Hitting him two or three times can instantly kill him.

Even if all the physique is added, it may not be able to withstand it, so it is better to attack more.

With the addition of Lin Feng's accessories, the increase of the dark gold-ranked Archangel Sword, and the increase of two major races, Lin Feng's attributes have undergone a qualitative change.

The current Lin Feng properties panel display is:

Player: Meng Wang

Grade: 51

Race: Angel Race · Seraphim, Sky Demon Race · Demon God

Hidden Occupation: Trainee Reaper/Guardian of Light

Identity: Holy Son of Light, Archangel Michael student, Holy Son of Dark Night, Lucifer, King of Demon God, student



Mana: 400


Magic attack: 3908

Physical Defense: 6094(7010)

Magic Defense: 5194(6110)

Power: 60

Physique: 382(573)


Spirit: 20


The current attribute bonuses of Lin Feng are:

Magic Attack = Intellect X4

Physical attack = intelligence X4

Physical Defense = Constitution X4

Magic Defense = Constitution X4

Life value = Constitution X40

Mana = Spirit X20

【Zhao's Thunder Armor Set】Special effects: Health +4000 Intelligence +50

Suit attributes: physical defense: +3550, magic defense: +2800

Constitution: +110, Intelligence: +70, Dexterity: +15

[Archangel's Sword] attribute increase:

Physical Attack: 1500

Magic Attack: 2000



【Lich Bracelet】Attribute increase:


Dexterity +10

HP +500

[Time Leakage Necklace] attribute increase:


Constitution +50

Dexterity +50

[Satan Ring (Growth Type) Attribute Increase

Constitution +100

Dressed in dark gold, Lin Feng's blood volume was more than 270,000, and the ones in the brackets on his panel were after racial enhancement.

The demon race increased his physique by 50%, which caused his blood volume and dual resistance to increase a lot.

The two races of Seraphim and Demon God each have a 50% increase in agility, which is 100%, directly doubling his agility.

At this time, Lin Feng realized a powerful race that enhanced the players in an all-round way. This completely surpasses the attributes of ordinary players, and it feels like killing players below level 50 is just like playing.

After everything was ready, Lin Feng left the copy directly, and then cast the Gate of Hell.

As the blood flowed out from his hands, a blood-red light gate appeared in front of him, and Lin Feng directly stepped into it...

"Choose——City of the Dead 2!".

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