National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 135 The City Of Death, The True Inheritance Of The God Of Death

"Enter the city of the dead."

At this time, Lin Feng got the game prompt, looked around in a blink of an eye, and found that he was no longer at the gate of Zhao's Tower, but appeared in a city.

Turning around quickly and looking around, Lin Feng found that the city of death gave him a feeling similar to the city of demons.

The building is dominated by black tones, half of the buildings have been destroyed, and the ground in the city is also full of potholes. It seems that after a war, there is a ruined city left.

Flying into the sky, Lin Feng found that outside the city of death was an invisible blood-colored thick fog, the sky was gray and it was night. There is a gloomy and oppressive feeling in the whole city.

Because he flew high enough, Lin Feng also saw a large hall in the center of the city of death, several hundred meters high.

It is the largest, tallest, most majestic, and most conspicuous in the city.

Afterwards, Lin Feng flew directly to the center of the city of death.

During the flight, he looked down, and there were various corpses lying on the street, but there were no monsters or npcs walking. It can be said that there were no living things anywhere he could see!

However, Lin Feng didn't walk on the ground, because he couldn't see it, but it didn't mean there were no monsters. If you don't pay attention, "197" is directly killed by a powerful monster, that would be bad luck.

This city of death is very big, even bigger than Longyuan City. After flying for more than 20 minutes, Lin Feng flew from the place he passed to the center of the city.

Carefully watching the surroundings, Lin Feng slowly landed at the entrance of the main hall from a high altitude.

In comparison, the hall was not damaged in any way.

At this moment, the gate of this black hall was closed tightly.

As he got closer, Lin Feng pushed the door of the main hall, which was more than 30 meters high, without moving a muscle.

At this time, the game prompt sounded: "It is detected that the player has the inheritance of the God of Death, belongs to the camp of the Temple of the God of Death, and can enter the Temple of the God of Death freely.

After one second, it prompts again: "Because the Temple of Death is now a land of no man, should the player enter?"

"Enter." Lin Feng responded.

Then, a blood-colored magic circle appeared under his feet, and the two temple doors that were more than 30 meters high slowly opened in front of him, revealing a gap that could accommodate one person to pass through.

"No teleportation?" Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, but then remembered: "That's right, the original teleportation was to get close to a certain NPC quickly. Even teleportation is their method. Now this Temple of Death is a land without an owner. There's nowhere to teleport."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng directly cast the dark form and entered it carefully.

Whether it is the God of Death, the Demon God, or the Holy Cult of the Night, all of them are dominated by dark elements. Turning into a dark form, even if there are NPCs who are not dead, there is a little more goodwill.

Just as Lin Feng stepped into it, the door closed automatically behind him, and then he fell into the boundless darkness.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a group of faint blue flames lit up nearby, and then faint blue flames continued to light up on the walls around the hall. In just five seconds, a circle of faint blue flames appeared on the walls of the entire hall.

But even so, the light in this hall is still not too bright, it is still in a kind of dimness, and it is even more weird with the faint blue flames shining.

Lin Feng quickly looked around, there are 13 huge stone pillars in this hall, leading to the top of the hundred meters high.

There are 13 monsters of different shapes engraved on the stone pillars, which are so lifelike that they seem to be resurrected.

The surrounding walls are covered with stone carving patterns, which look like stories.

Although I don't understand it well, Lin Feng roughly guesses that it is the god of death wearing a cloak and robe and holding a sickle, killing everywhere, or recovering various creatures to become servants, and finally forming a towering giant city, that god of death reigns in hell.

A hundred meters away from the gate of the palace, at the end of the black carpet is a high platform piled up with skulls of various people or monsters, on which there is a bone throne, which is extremely hideous.

Lin Feng walked towards the throne slowly, while looking around.

When he reached the high platform where the skulls were piled up, Lin Feng stopped.

He looked carefully, and found that the hall was very spacious, except for the 13 stone pillars and the walls of the hall, as well as the high platform and the throne. Nothing else.

"I've been watching Michael and Lucifer have seats for those awesome NPCs. I was a little envious at the time, but now I have this opportunity too. Do you want to try?" Lin Feng thought to himself.

He naturally wanted to try it, but he was afraid that something would happen in the middle, such as triggering some restriction or mechanism, and he would be killed directly, which would be bad luck.

However, after coming here, even if Lin Feng hesitated, he couldn't help but want to go up and give it a try. After all...he still has a chance to be resurrected in Satan's Lord of the Rings.

"It's a big deal to die once." Soon he made up his mind, and then directly used the skill "Death Form", a pile of death wings appeared on his back, flying more than ten meters into the air

On the high platform where the bones are piled up.

As soon as Lin Feng landed on it, all the tens of meters of high platforms under his feet showed strange formations.

"Boom!" Before Lin Feng could dodge in the future, the bloody brilliance from the formation under his feet had already flooded Lin Feng's body.

At this time, the game notification sounded again: "It is detected that the player is the inheritor of the God of Death, and will not be restricted by the God of Death to kill."

Afterwards, the bloody light that rushed up more than ten meters and submerged Lin Feng's body quickly fell back and finally disappeared.

"The title of Inheritor of the God of Death is very useful!" Lin Feng grinned, looked at the huge throne, and walked over directly.

Now that they are all on the high platform, it is not bad to sit on it and try it.

Approaching, Lin Feng naturally sat on the hideous throne.

At this time, the white throne suddenly burned with bloody flames, and thousands of needles sprouted from the throne.

This thin needle is blood red, but it seems that it is not real.

The armor on Lin Feng's body couldn't stop him at all, and in an instant he felt his whole body being pierced by fine needles.


Losing more than one-third of his blood, Lin Feng heard the game prompt again:

"As a trainee god of death, I sacrificed blood to the throne of god of death, and successfully summoned the remnant soul of god of death."

A blood-colored phantom suddenly appeared five meters away from the throne, and then began to materialize into a slightly faint humanoid figure.

Wearing a black robe and cloak, the death scythe with a huge scythe floats behind him, and the almost perfect monster face is not attractive, but gives people a sense of illusion and unreality.

Reaper (remnant soul)

Position: Lord of the Temple of Death, Supreme Commander of the Army of Death.

"The remnant soul of the god of death, that is to say, the god of death is dead?" Lin Feng wondered: "All gods of death will die! This is really dramatic."

At this time, the god of death (remnant soul) with a strange face said: "Young inheritor, hello."

"Hello." Lin Feng asked suspiciously, "Are you my teacher?"

The God of Death (remnant soul) turned his mouth slightly, showing an evil smile: "Well, I never imagined that the first person to enter the City of Death was an outsider after so long. It seems that the Temple of the God of Death was really destroyed, a ridiculous traitor , a sad end."

Lin Feng seized the opportunity and said directly: "I can help you rebuild the Death Temple, and rebuild the glory of the Death Temple."

"Really?" The god of death (remnant soul) still kept a wicked smile: "Is it to rebuild your temple of death? I, the main body has perished, and here is just a remnant soul, which will dissipate in a while. It is you who can really enjoy the glory .”

"Khan, I thought the remnant soul was easy to deceive, but unfortunately I was overthinking it." Lin Feng was a little embarrassed in his heart, and originally wanted to trick you into getting some benefits, but the other party figured it out as soon as he opened his mouth.

At this time, the sinister smile of the god of death (remnant soul) disappeared, and he continued: "Your false sincerity gave me hope. In this evil hell, only hypocrisy can live longer and better. .Since the remnant soul is left, it is naturally for my successor, that is, you.

"Eh! What the hell, praise me! Or hurt me!" Lin Feng was speechless.

The god of death (remnant soul) continued: "Let's start directly! Everything about me, from today onwards, belongs to you.

After finishing speaking, his body suddenly condensed into a drop of dark red blood, which flew out with a whoosh, directly flying into the center of Lin Feng's eyebrows.

Afterwards, Lin Feng received several game prompts in a row. It directly confused him! The main reason was the sudden harvest, which was so big that it made him feel unreal like dreaming!

"1. God of Death gave the City of Death to his inheritor "Apprentice God of Death Mengwang". Player 1.7 Mengwang, do you accept the City of Death?"

"1. Accept that you will become the lord of the city of death and may face unknown dangers."

*2. Reject, now teleport away from the city of death, and lose the authority to enter the city of death. "

The Reaper's job transfer task is opened, the player reaches level 60, awakens in the city of the dead, will officially transfer from the trainee Reaper to the Reaper, and become the new commander of the Reaper's Temple.

"Three, the task of rebuilding the Temple of Death, do you accept it?"

"1. After becoming the commander of the Temple of Death, you can accept it. By recovering the loyal and old members of the Temple of Death, killing the descendants of the traitors in the Temple of Death, rebuilding the glory of the Temple of Death. Reach the corresponding stage and get the corresponding rewards."

"2. Give up now. No punishment, no reward."

"I'll go, that's all...Accept a city?" Lin Feng still looked at the game information prompt in disbelief.

He was overlooking the City of Death from a high altitude, a city not inferior to the main city level of Longyuan City! Just give it to him to inherit?

"Suddenly there is a feeling of... the pie falling from the sky!" Lin Feng directly selected "Accept!".

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