National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 149 Five Clawed Golden Dragon·Ao Lie Is Dying!

Often running towards the high-level area, Lin Feng also found that the player will get game prompts when he first enters the monster area that does not exceed his level of 100, and there will be no more prompts if the player exceeds level 100.

In the same way, if the monster does not exceed the player's level 100, the player can also see the monster's name, level, and life value.

There are only special monsters, and the level is within 100, and the specific ones cannot be seen.

And beyond level 100, the player only sees the name of the monster, and some level gaps are even bigger. If the monster does not reveal it deliberately, even the name will not be seen.

Lin Feng is currently level 58. After running for more than half an hour yesterday, after he got the last dangerous game reminder, he never got the reminder again.

As soon as it appeared, Lin Feng summoned a pet and three guardian beasts, also in combat form. Murong Wuwu also summoned Yuanyang Dragon King, in battle form.

Looking at the header, the two sped up and ran again. The monsters Lin Feng saw only had names, and no level or health was displayed, so he avoided them as much as possible.

Naturally, there are also things that cannot be avoided. After the battle, looking at the percentage of the monster's HP drop, Lin Feng was sure that he could kill it within a few seconds, so he killed it. Pets, take off directly into the air.

Anyway, I have taken enough delicious food now, and the fatigue value recovers quickly after eating, so I am not afraid of the fatigue~ value consumed by flying in battle.

An hour passed like this, and the two climbed over more than a dozen peaks. When the tracking time came, the little arrow still pointed to the northwest, and there was still no change.

It's not good to move on when you lose your purpose.

So, the two are out of the game again.

It was just noon at this moment, Lin Feng casually stewed rice, copied a tomato egg, and ate something simple.

Since he bought the game room, he seldom eats at noon, and goes directly to the nutrient solution.

But after all, the nutrient solution can only allow the body to get nutrition intake, but there is no sense of taste, so eating is still good.

After eating, watching a drama, two hours passed, and the 6-hour cooldown in the game ended, Lin Feng logged into the game.

This time, Murong Wuwu did not go online earlier, Lin Feng went online almost at the same time.

"Today, if you don't find it all day, what should you do? The mountain of 100,000 beasts is too big, it feels like no matter how you run, you won't be able to reach the edge." Murong Wuwu said.

"I can't find it in one day, and I will continue to look for it tomorrow. Anyway, it will take seven days. Normally, it will not take seven days, because since it is your test, the game also has to take care of your level. It is impossible for you, a player with more than 30 levels, to run too far." Go deep into the Mountain of Hundred Thousand Beasts. The game settings are not so perverted that it is 100% impossible to complete." Lin Feng said: "Run up and keep looking."

I didn't find it for 1 hour, continue to quit the game, watch the drama......

At around 4:00 p.m., I went online again and continued to search. If I didn’t find it after 1 hour, I continued to exit the game.

It will be online at about 6:30 p.m., continue to search. …

While running, Murong Wuwu glanced behind her, and said beside Lin Feng: "We have run so far, even if we found it, how can we go back then?"

"Let's talk about finding the target! At worst, go back to death." Lin Feng said.

keep running

After running for about half an hour, Lin Feng found that the direction pointed by the small arrow in the upper right corner of his viewing angle had changed.

Originally pointing to the northwest, as he moved, it began to move towards the west, until it became the most west.

"The direction has changed, which means we are not far away, west." Lin Feng pointed to the west, turned quickly, and continued to run.

"Finally found it!" Murong Wuwu's eyes showed excitement.

If Lin Feng hadn't come, she would have been too lazy to come, but she would not have dared to come even if she knew she wasn't here.

Now there are fewer monsters around them, the size is getting bigger and bigger, and the level is not visible at all, and there is a sense of crisis of being killed in seconds at any time.

After running like this for more than 20 minutes, Lin Feng and Murong Wuwugao rushed over the top of a peak, when they heard a huge noise, and at the same time, the ground trembled slightly.

"There is a battle!" Murong Wu said.

"Speed ​​up." Lin Feng first used the light form, and the Death God Scythe in his hand was sealed and entered the body. Then grabbed Murong Wuwu's arm and rushed down the mountain directly.

At this point, it is morning in the game.

This huge sound came from the west, but even if there were no trees on the mountain and the bottom of the mountain, but all kinds of stones, they still couldn't see any light flickering.

It's not because the light is bright in the morning, but because there is no battle under the mountain in front of them, but behind another mountain range.

Although Lin Feng grabbed her arm and her body was lifted into the air, this movement was a bit weird, but Murong Wuwu was used to it.

She runs slowly, and she is often caught by Lin Feng to run like this. She can't be said to be carried by Lin Feng on her back, or hugged horizontally. If she wants to run fast, that's all she can do.

Soon, the two of them and their pets climbed another peak.

But at this time, Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu saw it clearly, and they couldn't help showing expressions of surprise.

Because, at this time, the two Chinese dragons with a length of hundreds of meters are fighting fiercely in the midair below the mountain.

A whole body of gold, naturally exuding a powerful aura, the whole body exudes golden light, like pouring gold, dragon claws like giant knives, and at the same time, a strange magic circle appeared beside him, and other attack methods were added to it.

The other head is black all over, full of black energy, extremely evil, exuding a deep yin aura. In addition to fighting with dragon claws in melee, there is also black magic energy under control, and they will fight with the five-clawed golden dragon together.

Legendary Boss: Five-Clawed Golden Dragon Ao Lie


life value:???

Legendary Boss: Black Fiend Dragon·Ao Qing


life value:???

At the same time, when the two dragons are fighting, there are three other identical monsters joining the battle group.

Rare Boss Omen Octopus


life value:???

This day demon octopus has a humanoid body, blood red all over, more than 30 meters high, has huge devil wings, devil horns, and a ferocious face.

Eight arms with a length of thirty to forty meters are exhibited on the back of each head, all of which are sharp claws.

"Sky Demon Race?!" Lin Feng frowned slightly again, and said quickly, "I'll go there first, you slow down a little, this golden dragon is in danger."

"Xiao Hei will follow me, Xiao Gong, Shuang'er and Ping'er will protect Murong Xiaowu."

After speaking, Lin Feng rushed out first.

"Xiaobai, catch up!" Murong Wuwu also said quickly at this time.

...asking for flowers...

Afterwards, Taiyin Dragon King and Yuanyang Dragon King quickly caught up with Lin Feng at the same time, and rushed down the mountain together with him.

The reason why he was in a hurry was because the golden dragon that Lin Feng saw was besieged by the black dragon and the three demon octopus, and now there were wounds on his body, and the blood kept flowing.

On the contrary, the Heisha dragon and the three demon octopus were only slightly injured, not obvious at all.

Soon, Lin Feng rushed down the mountain, and at this moment, he suddenly got a game prompt.

"It is forbidden to detect the pure dragon blood, as the host, it is allowed to enter."

A layer of faint ripples flickered slightly, Lin Feng almost didn't feel it, and continued to rush towards the battlefield.

"It's no wonder there are no other monsters around. It turns out that there is a magic circle imprisoning it, and other monsters may not be able to rush in. did the three demon octopus rush in?"

I don't understand it in my heart, but it's useless to think about it.

At this time, Lin Feng had already rushed forward, and then he directly performed dragon transformation.

The game prompt sounds:

"The remnant soul of the Sun God Dragon King is possessed, the player's HP increases by 300%, double resistance and double attack increase by 300% at the same time. Additional increase: all skill damage is doubled, duration: 60 seconds"

Afterwards, mixed white dragon wings appeared behind Lin Feng, and white dragon scales grew on his body, emitting a holy white light.

Although the battle was fierce, the sudden appearance of the dragon's aura made the two dragons notice Lin Feng at the same time.

"Huh?" The five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie lowered his head and saw Lin Feng, then he looked up the mountain reflexively, and was rushing towards Murong Wuwu here.

"Dragon Abyss breath?"

Like Ao Lie, Ao Qing, the evil black dragon, also noticed Murong Wuwu, and he was the first to say: "Hahaha... I didn't expect the new Longyuan preacher to be so fragile, just the two of them Save you? It's ridiculous to be so weak!"

"Ao Lie, do you think I'm afraid of you? Do you think you're trapping me? You're wrong. You plotted against me, and I plotted against you. It's good, let's die together!

"What are you waiting for? Start!"

As soon as his words fell, the 24 arms of the three huge demonic octopus below pierced into the ground, and then they all exploded, turning into blood mist, and pouring into the ground.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a dark blood-colored magic circle appeared on the ground with a large area of ​​more than 300 meters. It happened to be based on the formation created by the five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie earlier.

"How is it possible?" Ao Lie's eyes suddenly changed.

Suddenly, hundreds of blood-colored chains drilled out of the ground and soared into the sky, wrapping around the body of the five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie in an instant.

"Blood Fiend and Trapped Dragon Formation!"

The five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie's eyes showed shock, and he flew directly into the distance, trying to get rid of the entanglement of the chain.

"Boom!" Unfortunately, Ao Lie couldn't rush away at all, his body was pulled by the chain and fell directly to the ground.

"Puff! Puff! Puff..." At this moment, a black light burst out from the ground, completely piercing through the body of the five-clawed golden dragon.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of beams of light directly penetrated hundreds of blood holes from Ao Lie's dragon body!

"Fuck! The mission target is going to die, isn't it a failure?" Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was slightly taken aback, and then became anxious. .

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