National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 150 Killing The Heisha Demon Dragon, A Big Harvest!

There were hundreds of bloody chains, which looked like a lot, but they were very precise. They were all used to wrap around the five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie, not Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu.

"Damn, I'll be killed as soon as I find it. Wasn't it in vain?" Lin Feng was anxious in his heart, and directly displayed his talent "Together to the End", and then directly flew into the air towards Ao Qing, the black demon dragon, and shouted loudly at the same time : "Die!"

Then, he cast Remnant Blood Kill on the target!

This skill is used when the monster's blood volume is less than 5%, and it can be killed 100%. If it does not drop to that blood volume, the attack will be invalid.

But now the black evil dragon has a lot of blood, and another characteristic is that the attack distance is 100 meters.

Now he is too far away from the target, tens of meters away, other skills can't hit at all. Now he needs to pull aggro!

"Huh?" Lin Feng's attack caught the attention of the black evil dragon Ao Qing.

"Huh! The extra creatures are looking for death. Ao Lie, I will let you live for one more second." The black evil dragon Ao Qing sneered, and flew tens of meters in a blink of an eye, and came to Lin Feng in the blink of an eye. With his dragon claws, he grabbed Lin Feng.

"You are not a dragon, and you are so weak, and you still want to save him? It's ridiculous. Dragon "087", is it worth your protection?" The black evil dragon Ao Qing looked down at the little one "Lin Feng" in his hand.

"It has nothing to do with guarding, I just want to say something to you." Lin Feng said.

"Oh? What are you talking about? I'm very curious." With the winning ticket in hand, Ao Qing, the black demon dragon, was no longer in a hurry, and asked.

"You're an idiot!" Lin Feng cursed suddenly and waved his hands.

Guard the Cross!


After transforming into a dragon, Lin Feng's burst of attack is not low.

"Looking for death!" At that time, the black evil dragon Ao Qing was furious, grabbed Lin Feng's dragon claws and emitted a black light, and then directly crushed Lin Feng!

Instantly, Lin Feng's blood volume cleared to zero!

"You ridiculous weakling, really think you can kill him, uh!" The black demon dragon Ao Qing threw Lin Feng's remains to the ground, while talking, the contempt in his eyes suddenly turned into consternation.

Because, the black demon dragon Ao Qing's blood volume suddenly cleared to zero!

"Plop!" The huge dragon body floating in the air suddenly fell to the ground.

At this time, Lin Feng had already used the "Immortal Body" skill bestowed by Satan's Lord of the Rings, and his level did not drop, so he was naturally resurrected.

And at this time, he flashed three times in a row, directly rising from level 58 to level 61!

At the same time, the game prompt sounded: "Skills are being acquired randomly..."

The three heavenly demon octopus looked at this side at the same time, and their savage blood-colored eyes appeared at the same time, shocked and puzzled.

Similarly, although the five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie suffered heavy injuries, he also saw this scene with puzzlement in his eyes.

However, because of Ao Qing's sudden death, the control of the formation disappeared, and the chains that wrapped around the fierce dragon's body began to scatter.

"good chance!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Suddenly, the red golden blood flowing in the hundreds of blood holes on the five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie ignited a red golden flame.

Then three red-gold dragon shadows rushed out of his body at the same time, turning into three two-meter-long spears in an instant, across the sky, and pierced through the eyebrows of the three demonic eight-clawed beasts in an instant.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!"

The surprised look in the eyes of the three demonic eight-clawed beasts turned empty!

Then they fell to the ground straight up at the same time.

All dead!

At this moment, Lin Feng got the game prompt again: "Acquire the skill [Heisha Demon Dragon's Inheritance] randomly.

[Inheritance of the Black Demon Dragon] The Black Demon Dragon can pass on its blood to any creature before death, applicable to NPCs and monsters. After the player owns it, it evolves into the "Dragon Bloodline", which is currently in the seal. After level 60, after entering the Dragon Transformation Pool, it can be activated and has the Dragon Bloodline.

"I'm going! I can transform a dragon!" Seeing this prompt, Lin Feng became excited.

As a Chinese, he naturally has fantasies and longings for Shenlong.

At this time, Murong Wuwu also ran over.

Looking around, she suddenly became confused.

The black dragon died, the three-headed monster died, the golden dragon was seriously injured, and then? Nothing happened to her!

Therefore, she couldn't help but look at Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng secretly sent a message to Murong Wuwu: "You are the protector of Longyuan, the golden dragon should be able to see it, and directly explain what we are here for. Our baby dragon is legendary and can transform into a human form. He should be able to, and it is not impossible to fly back by then."

"Enen!" Murong Wuwu quickly ran towards the five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie, Lin Feng slowed down a little.

However, before the two of them moved more than ten meters, the five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie was the first to say: "Young guardian of Longyuan, are you here to find me?"

"However, I can't go back now. I was severely injured by the trapped dragon formation, and then I overdrawn my life to kill the enemies of the Demon Race that day. If I don't heal my wounds in time, I won't survive a day."

"Even if you hang your life desperately, in the current state, you will die halfway and be assassinated. The monsters in this fast area are weak, and I want to heal my wounds here. You protect me and complete the task

Thank you very much. "

At this time, Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu got the game prompt at the same time.

The WSSS-level difficulty mission [Protecting the Golden Dragon] is released, do you accept it?"

SSS! It's even harder than my previous mission!" Surprised, Murong Wuwu secretly sent a message to Lin Feng: "Do you want to accept it?"

Lin Feng had no choice but to respond secretly: "There's nothing you can do if you don't accept it. If you protect him and heal his injuries, you can return to the Dragon Clan with him. That is to say, if you accept it, you will complete the two tasks at the same time. If you don't accept it, maybe he will die in the Halfway, all our efforts will be in vain."

"That's right." Afterwards, Murong Wuwu, as the captain, "selected and accepted.

This time it was her mission, the two formed a team, with Murong Wuwu as the captain.

As the two accepted the task.

A small tower flew out of the five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie's mouth.

Then it quickly grew bigger, until it turned into a golden tower with a height of 100 meters, directly from top to bottom, enveloping itself in it.

"My healing will last for three days and three nights. If the tower is broken, I will die. If it is not broken after three days and three nights, there must be a big thank you. My Golden Dragon Clan will also remember the kindness of the guardians of Longyuan."

Ao Lie's voice came from the tower, and then the golden light emitted by the golden tower quickly subsided.

Finally dissipated, the tower turned into an ordinary black stone tower......

At this time, Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu also received a game prompt: "Player Murong Xiaowu and Mengwang, get ready, the first herd attack will start in ten minutes."

Lin Feng quickly looked at the task description.

[Mission: Guard the Golden Dragon for three days and three nights]

Difficulty: SSS

Explanation: "Ao Lie", the father and son of the Golden Dragon Master of the Golden Dragon Family of the Shenlong Clan, is seriously injured and has fallen into retreat to heal his injuries. For a period of 72 hours, the guardian needs to deal with ten rounds of siege by monsters and beasts, with an interval of 7 hours each time. Successfully resisting the siege of the beasts, within 72 hours, to ensure that the Golden Dragon Stone Tower will not be broken, is to complete the task.

Completion rewards: Golden Dragon Guardian Totem, a random treasure from the Golden Dragon Treasure House, 1000 Dragon Merit

Failure: The hatred of the golden dragon family may suffer revenge from the dragon clan of the golden dragon family in the Shenlong family.

Golden Dragon Stone Pagoda: **(If the life value is reset to zero, it will be broken, and the task will fail)

"Ten times! Three days and three nights, 72 hours!" Murong Wuwu said with a bitter face, "Isn't this too long? This is equivalent to 24 hours in real time, and we all have to stay here. This is my This is the first time I have encountered such a long-lasting mission.”

Lin Feng walked towards the body of the black dragon, and said: "It's not that exaggerated. The interval between ten rounds of monster siege is 7 hours. If we fight fast, for example, if we finish a round in ten minutes, we can rest for nearly 7 hours." gone."

"Eh... What if we can't finish talking about monsters in six hours?" Murong Wu said.

"Crow's mouth, why don't you want to order something good? You better hope we finish killing the monsters quickly, anyway, I'm not afraid of staying up late, your skin is tender, and you will grow old after staying up late." Lin Feng curled his lips.

"Me! I'm not afraid, I'll try my best to finish it. But... Well! When it's done, I'll take another beauty sleep." Murong Wuwu said while talking.

Later, she added: "Although I don't know what you did, I still don't ask! You killed the black dragon, and the things belong to you."

"Okay, if there is something suitable for you, I will give you a 20% discount according to the market price." Lin Feng said 3.4, and put all the things that the black dragon died into his backpack.

This is a legendary boss that has raised him to level 3, and they can't see the level. There are definitely good things, and Lin Feng is not welcome.

As for the other three demon octopus, he didn't attack from the beginning to the end, and was also killed by NPC Ao Lie, so he didn't reveal his equipment.

Summon the Dandan Beast and let it devour the corpses of the black Shanglong and the Tianwei Octopus.

Count the harvest

[Dragon Teeth of the Blood Fiend Dragon X2] A god-level material used for refining weapons.

[Dragon Horn of the Blood Fiend Dragon X2] A god-level material used for refining weapons.

[Dragon Claw of Blood Fiend Dragon X2] A god-level material used for refining weapons.

[Dragon Scale of Blood Demon Dragon X10] A god-level material used for refining weapons.

[Dragon Ball of the Blood Fiend Dragon] Through special means, creatures other than dragons can evolve into dragons.

【Black Demon Dragon Sword】

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