National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 158: Clan Extermination! Great Harvest!

At this time, the Nether Flame Domain has not yet disappeared, and it can also cause high damage to the boss. Combined with the blood mist, it will be fine.

As soon as he rushed into it, Lin Feng started singing directly.

"Boom!" At this time, the monster that was previously immobilized by the Nether Ghost Claw, the original skill is 2 seconds, but it can move in 1 second, the first to rush into the blood mist fiercely, because its body is too big

When he took a step, he just hit Lin Feng.



With a physical defense of more than 20,000, this basic attack is not weak, but it didn't deal too much damage to Lin Feng. And at this time the singing was over [The ground under Lin Feng's feet suddenly rushed out of the flame.




Because two monsters also rushed into the skill range. Because they are too huge and too tall, they have already exceeded the height range of the blood mist, but they still can't see where Lin Feng is.

Both BOSS suffer damage at the same time.

At this time, the three skills dealt nearly 700,000 damage to the two bosses in one second!

Black Dragon Devil Slash!

The huge sword energy spread out in a circular shape, and the blood volume of the two bosses dropped crazily



At the same time, the wounds of the two big bosses were torn apart, losing 48900 blood points per second.

Next, the two bosses didn't use their skills any more, but kept slapping Lin Feng with their big paws.

Although each monster's general attack only hurts Lin Feng by two to three thousand.

But they couldn't bear the high frequency of their attacks, they were all agile, and their attack speed was super fast. Even if Lin Feng had more than 70,000 lives, he couldn't bear the consumption.

So the next battle is that Lin Feng keeps running to avoid monsters. Then ran into the blood mist, ran into the blood mist again, and then ran in again after a while, "Relying on range skills to deal damage.

First, the blood mist can be avoided, making it impossible for monsters to distinguish. Second, the monster is huge. As long as he passes by here, the monster will enter his skill range.

And the surrounding ordinary monsters first came to block the magic circle, and second, they seemed to be under command. This time around, none of them rushed forward. Another large part is still attacking the protective circle of Lin Feng's servants and pets.

In 12 seconds, when the sea of ​​flames in hell disappeared, the blood mist was filled because the one used first also disappeared. Lin Feng caused more than 6.5 million damage to the two big bosses respectively.

Because of this short period of time, he didn't use other skills, and most of them were cooling down.

And at this time, the Guardian Tianzi was chopped off.

At the same time, less than 10% of the HP of the legendary BOSS- Lord of the Blood Wolf dropped, and his eyes suddenly turned blood red. The precursor to using skills!

The cross sword energy flew out, hit the boss, and its remaining HP was instantly emptied!


"Plop!" A legendary boss died and fell to the ground.

And at this moment, a streamer of red gold suddenly fell from the sky, crashing into the body of the still alive Legendary Boss Xue Yongwei.

At that time, the BOSS fell into dizziness.

It was Murong Wuwu who suddenly fell from the sky!

"Three war servants died. I can't hold it anymore. Anyway, I will die sooner or later. The damage is not enough, and I can be stunned for 1 second." Murong Wuwu stood on top of the monster's head, looked at Lin Feng below, and grinned laughed.

"Good job!" Lin Feng directly cast the chain of souls on the boss, rushed to the boss, and slashed with the Archangel sword in his hand.



The damage is not enough, but the victory lies in the high frequency, and the damage dealt is also a lot.

The boss wakes up in a second. Just as he was about to grab Murong Wuwu above his head, a giant red gold dragon rushed up from above the latter's head and punched the monster on the forehead.

As a result, the monster fell into dizziness again!

Another 1 second, the monster woke up again, Murong Wuwu held up the keel with both hands, and smashed it down, a red gold dragon shadow fell from the sky, hitting the top of the monster's head, knocking him into a stun again!

(cebg) Taking the opportunity, Lin Feng started singing.

Soul Binding Array!

Another second, the monster woke up this time, grabbed Murong Wuwu suddenly, and slammed it to the ground with a bang. But turning around later was to attack Lin Feng.

Magic circle, craftsman!


At this time, Murong Wuwu crawled out of the pit of human nature, and spat out the dirt in her mouth: "I was almost shot to death!"

"It's not dead!" Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

This hit directly hit Murong Wuwu with more than 20,000 HP, and she, who is in her early forties, still has a third left, that is, there are still more than 10,000 HP!

Then, he cast "Guard the Cross Healing" to help himself restore blood and help Murong Wuwu recover.

After dissipating from the sea of ​​hell flames, another 5 seconds passed, and the Nether Flame Domain dissipated. At this time, the boss still has a blood volume of over two million.

"Continue!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth and continued to attack.

Just like that, Lin Feng carried the monster hard, stood in the magic circle and fought for ten seconds, and its blood volume directly dropped by more than 1.5 million!

And Murong Wuwu was shot to death by the big boss in the chaotic battle.

At this time, after Lin Feng swung his sword, a ball of flames suddenly spewed out from his mask, forming a huge flame dragon, which directly bombarded the boss.

The dragon mask was worn by him at the beginning of the ninth round.

This mask can protect the face from critical strikes, and it also has a feature that Lin Feng seldom uses. It may be that he seldom attacks this book, and the natural trigger probability is very low.

That is, during battle, there is a 1% chance to trigger the breath of dragon flames, causing damage equal to 10% of the target's health within 20 meters in front.


The monster's HP instantly cleared to zero!

This time, even Lin Feng didn't realize that the big boss died just like that!

This is a legendary boss, he didn't even use the final skill, but was passive by Lin Feng's mask, and was killed by flames!

Lin Feng found that two big bosses died, and even dropped things!

He moved quickly, picked up the thing that exploded, and said to Murong Wuwu: "I will revive you later, and I will revive you now. If you are among the monsters, you will be beaten to death by them.

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng flew straight into the air and flew towards Buta.

Less than two minutes have actually passed since the start of the war.

Although it didn't take long, there were only three of his war servants left on the stone pagoda, and the two pets and three guardian beasts didn't have too much blood, and they couldn't hold on.

"Bottle! Use your skills." Lin Feng yelled.

At that time, Aquarius, the guardian unicorn "Pinger", spread out a layer of diamond-like light broadcasting from its whole body, spreading 30 meters, covering the servants and pets.

[Diamond Stardust Wave Lv2] Consumes 200 magic points, centering on itself, emits light waves like diamond stardust outwards, causing 500% magic attack damage to enemies within 30 meters, and recovers 25% of companions within this range % HP, Cooldown: 300 seconds.

The blood volume of the war servants who were about to lose their strength recovered by 25%.

With the addition of Lin Feng, the battle situation improved instantly.

Lin Feng keeps moving, as long as the cooling time is up, Lin Feng will cast a soul-absorbing circle, then another soul-binding circle, and then a soul-absorbing circle...

Although there are a lot of monsters left, they are too many, and the damage done to Lin Feng is not as fast as his recovery.

As for the remaining 16 rare level bosses, after Lin Feng's skills were all cooled down, they all died one by one.

After about thirty minutes, about the same time as the previous round, finally, all the monsters were killed by Lin Feng.

With the death of the last monster, Lin Feng and Murong Wuwu got a game prompt at the same time: "Congratulations to players Murong Xiaowu and Meng Wang, who successfully resisted ten rounds of monster attacks after 72 hours and protected the five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie to overcome difficulties , the task has been completed. All experience is issued, rewards are being issued..."

Afterwards, Lin Feng was directly promoted to level 62 with the white light Shandong on his body.

Xiao Hei also rose to level 1, reaching level 42. Egg Beast has been upgraded to level 50. Shuang'er has reached level 50, and Xiaobow has reached level 49. Bottle reaches level 41.

Five seconds later, two items [Golden Dragon Guardian Totem] and [Dragon Roaring Diamond Shield] appeared in Lin Feng's backpack. At the same time [his game also has an interface Dragon Clan Merit (10b)

[Golden Dragon Guardian Totem] Put it in the city, you can get the protection of the five-clawed golden dragon of the Shenlong group.

【Dragon Roar Diamond Shield】

Grade: Epic

Requirements: Level 60

Physical Attack: 3000

Magic Attack: 2000

Physical Defense: 3000

Magic Defense: 3000

Constitution +150

Features: [Dragon Roar] Make a roar like a dragon roar, which can draw the hatred of monsters within 100 meters to yourself. "Cool down for 5 minutes.

"Not bad! I haven't had a good shield yet, and now it's just in time for rain." Lin Feng's dual-weapon proficiency is that he can use shields and other weapons, and now he's good, with a good shield

He directly equipped the Dragon Roaring Vajra Shield.

Then, he quickly ran out and revived Murong Wuwu.

At this time, the ground is full of gold coins.

Under normal circumstances, if the monster dies, if it is not picked up for a few minutes, the gold coins or equipment will be refreshed. But this time it may be due to the mission, the gold coins have not been refreshed.

However, Murong Wuwu didn't think so, just after being resurrected, she ran out in a hurry: "Hurry up and pick up the gold coins! It's too late and they're all gone."

"Okay." Lin Feng grinned and joined the team of picking up gold coins.

In the end, the two together won a total of 56,000 gold coins in the tenth round!

A total of 138,500 gold coins were obtained in ten rounds. Murong Wuwu traded all the gold coins she picked up to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng didn't pretend to accept it directly.

Later, he transferred 1000 gold coins to Murong Wuwu.

"Ah!" Looking at the gold coins in the trading box, Murong Wuwu was a little dazed, then she shook her head slightly and said, "I don't want it. I'm just accompanying you on this task. You help me complete the task, and I get a lot of rewards. crime."

"I got too much, and it's impossible to split them evenly. This is the hard-earned money for you to pick up gold coins. Take it! Buy some equipment. I haven't seen the things from the boss I killed just now. Take a look, there is something suitable for you. No." Lin Feng said.

"Oh well!"

Subsequently, Murong Wuwu confirmed the deal.

Count the things that exploded from the two legendary bosses.

[Blood Wolf Demon City‧City Lord Order] Since the Blood Wolf Demon Clan was exterminated, the Blood Wolf Demon City has become an empty city. With the City Lord Order, you can become the City Lord of the Blood Wolf Demon City.

[Blood Wolf Monster Clan Creation Temple] Spend a certain amount of gold coins and invest in the corresponding arms to create the Blood Wolf Clan.

【Pet Egg·Blood Moon Sirius】Legendary pet, can grow.

[Pet Egg Lord of Blood Wolf] Legendary pets that can grow.

With regard to these four items, Lin Feng shared them with Murong Wuwu.

At this time, Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng and said pleasantly: "Good news! Er Er accidentally got a legendary pet egg during her professional mission, which can also grow. She said that her pet is a healing type. Not suitable for him, you just have two melee meat shield pets, you can exchange them at will."

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