National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 159: Legendary Fairy Witch


While speaking, the tall tower behind him glowed with light again, the golden light flourished, the sound of Qingyue dragon chant came out, the stone tower suddenly shattered, and the five-clawed golden dragon Ao Lie flew out of it, with a huge body covering the sky and covering the sun.

The golden scales shone with brilliance, obviously after three days of healing, his injuries have recovered a lot.

"Longyuan Daoist, and that kid, thank you very much. This golden dragon guardian totem is a thank you to you. If you encounter trouble in the future, you can use it to summon my dragon clan to solve the trouble for you." Jinlong Aolie's eyes were on Lin Feng flashed over and said to the two.

"Longyuan Daoist, quickly reach level 60, I'll wait for you in the Dragon Clan." As he said, his injuries had healed, and Jinlong Ao Lie didn't stop there anymore, his huge body twisted, accompanied by a low dragon chant, Ao Lie soared into the sky.

"Bye!" Murong Wuwu waved to Jinlong.

In mid-air, Ao Lie heard a low dragon chant, which was regarded as a response.

Lin Feng also raised his head and murmured: "I don't know when, we will have the opportunity to use Shenlong as a mount. Thinking about it, it's very majestic!"

Now the Dragon King of Taiyin is still a little bit small.

After ten rounds of guardianship by the demon clan, Lin Feng's level has reached the requirement of level 60 [Inheritance of the Black Demon Dragon], but using a dragon as a mount and becoming a dragon by himself are two completely different concepts.


At this time, Xiao Hei heard the words and flew in front of Lin Feng, making a babbling sound, and his tail wagging slightly seemed to say, I can!

Lin Feng smiled and patted Xiao Hei on the head: "Then we Xiao Hei must grow up quickly!"


Murong Wuwu also patted Xiaobai beside him, and said with a smile: "We Xiaobai also want to grow up quickly!"


Taiyin Dragon King and Yuanyang Dragon King made their voices at the same time.

The two laughed at the same time.

"The task has been completed, let's go back, Er Er is waiting for us in the main city." Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng.

"Wait first."

A City Master Token appeared in Lin Feng's hand, and said: "Just now, after killing two legendary bosses, the City Master Token that exploded, Blood Wolf Demon City, why don't we go and have a look."

"Okay." Murong Wuwu nodded.

Afterwards, he put a few pets into the space, leaving Shuang'er behind, Lin Feng also faded out of the angel form, and looked at Murong Wuwu, who was pretty and blushing.

Select the riding state, and the two jump on the back of the Gemini guardian unicorn at the same time.

Shuang'er's wings shook and flew high.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Forest is huge, with towering ancient trees, stretching endlessly. Lin Feng sensed it when he activated the City Master's Token. The Blood Wolf Demon City is about 5 kilometers away from here.

Soon, the two found a simple city among the lush old trees.

Flying there, looking down from a high altitude, the city is very large, almost the same as Yashan City, but it is not angry at all, it looks like an empty city, it is not right, it has already become an empty city!

"Ten rounds of beasts, is it true that the introduction said to kill all the blood wolves?" Lin Feng had a strange expression, and instructed Shuang'er to fly down to the city.

"The Bloody Demon City is currently unowned, and the player Meng Wang has obtained the Order of the City Master, becoming the new City Lord of the Bloody Demon City!" The game prompt sounded.

Sure enough, on the Lin Feng panel, the Yashan City and the Death City were removed, and a Scarlet Demon City was added, Yucheng.

【Blood Wolf Demon City】

Level: Midtown

City Lord: Meng Wang

Citizens: 1

Assets: 0

Features: Citizens of the city within 100 kilometers away from Blood Wolf Demon City, upgrade experience +10%, physical attack increase +20%

Position setting in the city: The player Meng Wang can freely set the position and the rights of the corresponding position, and can also use the position setting in the game.

" extra Midtown?"

Lin Feng felt a bit of a headache all of a sudden, getting the main city should have been a happy event, but with the two money-burning machines of Yashan City and Death City, the demon city in the Hundred Thousand Beast Mountain was simply unable to operate.

"He won't get fat if he eats too much, and he won't get moldy if left alone. After the game's territory expands in the future, this place will definitely be a must-visit place for players. It can be used as a base for the guild halfway in advance." Lin Xindi mentioned.

At this time, Murong Wuwu also turned around, walked back to Lin Feng and said: "Why does this city seem to be an empty city, and many buildings don't look like people live at all, they are very rough and all made of stone ."

"Well, this is a demon city.

"Demon City?"

"Yes, do you remember that when we guarded the Golden Dragon Stone Pagoda, the monsters attacking us were the monsters from this bloody demon city. Now that they are all dead, this demon city belongs to us." Lin Feng said.

Hearing this, Murong Wuwu's beautiful eyes widened, she didn't expect to get a main city after guarding the ten round golden pagoda!

"Let's go to the City Lord's Mansion." Lin Feng said, and then led Murong Wuwu to find the central City Lord's Mansion. A 3D picture of the entire main city appeared in front of him.

It is also a mid-level main city, but because monsters live there, all kinds of buildings are relatively rough, not as exquisite and beautiful as a human main city.

After thinking for a while, Lin Feng sent a message to Murong Yiyi: "We have obtained a central city in the Forest of Beasts, and I will set permissions for you now. You can come and take a look when you have time, and set the general development direction."

On the other side, Murong Yiyi was obviously stunned when she saw the news.

How long has it been since Yuanran has another middle city? And it's in the Hundred Thousand Beasts Mountain.

"Okay." Murong Yiyi replied.

Very nice, there is also a mid-level recruiting temple here.

Then, Lin Feng first spent 2000 gold coins to recruit an intermediate teleporter.

Lin Feng set up several positions in Blood Wolf City, two deputy city lords, Murong Wuwu and Murong Yiyi.

After everything was over, Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu and said, "We haven't rested for so long, let's go back to Blood Wolf Demon City first, and make detailed plans later.

"En." Murong Wuwu nodded, followed Lin Feng to the teleportation array, and saw that he suddenly had a deputy city lord, and asked in surprise, "Huh? Why am I still the deputy city lord of the Blood Wolf Demon City?"

Turning his eyes to Lin Feng, he saw that his expression was normal, and he couldn't help feeling a strange feeling deep in his heart. A smile appeared on his mouth, and he followed him into the teleportation circle.

"Choose the main city for teleportation, Longyuan City!"

Then, the light of the light shrouded the two of them, and when the screen changed, Longyuan City teleported to the south.

"Er Er just sent a message that she is in the hotel in the main city, let's go there now." Coming out of the teleportation array, Murong Wu danced.

Then the two followed what Er Er said, found the hotel, walked into the hotel, and found that Er Er was frowning at the pet egg in front of him.

Hearing the commotion, Murong Er Er turned his head: "Lin Feng, Wu Wu, you are here, why did your task take so long?"

"We..." Sitting down in front of Er Er, Murong Wuwu briefly described the mission process of the two of them and the rewards they got at the end.

"Golden Dragon and Beast Tide...... also got a demon city?!" Murong Er'er's beautiful eyes widened when he heard it, and he was very surprised.

Instead, she raised her thumbs up to Lin Feng, "harm"

"Er Er, Lin Feng also got two pet eggs of the meat shield type. Your pet eggs are of the healing type, and you can exchange them." Wu Wu said.

Lin Feng also said: "The two pet eggs I got just now are also of legendary quality, they can support the field, and they don't help me very much. If you need them, we can exchange them.

"Okay, it would be great if you are willing." Murong Er Er said with a smile.

As he spoke, Lin Feng took out two pet eggs from his backpack, the Blood Moon Sirius and the Blood Moon Lord, and Lin Feng put them in front of her and asked, "Choose one of these two.


Murong Erer frowned slightly, and lightly tapped the two eggshells with his slender hands, finally pointing to the blood wolf master with more beautiful eggshell patterns.

"Just this one!"

Then she handed the [Fairy Witch] pet egg to Lin Feng, Lin Feng took it, and directly chose the pet egg to hatch.

Bright light patterns flicker.


There was a soft cracking sound, and the eggshell cracked, revealing a girl with purple hair and a face as white as ceramics. She was holding a magic wand in her hand. There was a lavender butterfly on the magic wand, and two almost transparent petals behind her. wing.


The fairy witch made a lovely voice, and the butterfly on the magic wand fluttered around her like an elf.

…… Ask for flowers…………

"The player gets a pet Legendary Fairy Witch, please name the pet."

The pet baby opened its eyes curiously, looked around, then looked at Lin Feng, and made a cute babbling sound.

"Let's call her Xiao Zi!" Lin Feng said.

"The pet was named "Xiao Zi" successfully!"

【Fairy Witch】

Grade: Legendary grade (growable)

Name: Xiao Zi

Host: Meng Wang

Level: Level 1

HP: 500

Mana: 500

Physical Attack: 50

Magic Attack: 50

Passive skill:

【Diewu Mingyuan】The normal attack of the fairy witch can cause damage to the enemy when it hits the enemy. Hitting a friendly team will restore the target's HP equal to the normal attack amount.

[Undead Fairy] When the fairy witch is killed by the enemy, there is a 50% chance that the purple butterfly will take the damage instead of the witch, and the fairy witch will be resurrected naturally.

Active skills:

[Fairy Healing Technique Lv1] Consumes 100 mana, Purple Butterfly applies healing effect to friendly units, restores 25% of the target's current HP, and restores 5% of the target's HP every second, lasts for 5 seconds, cools down for 60 seconds.

[Fairy Resurrection Lv1] Consumes 200 mana, the fairy witch revives friendly units, after resurrection the HP and mana are 50% of the total value, and the cooling time is 10 minutes


Looking at Xiao Zi's effect, Lin Feng thought of the battle just now. If Xiao Zi's healing effect was added, the result would definitely not be so tragic. Intermediate level will not die so many war servants.

With Xiao Zi, even if there is a protracted war from now on, the servants can persist for a longer time, it's like a tiger with wings added.

【Fairy Witch】After the hatching was completed, Lin Feng hatched the Blood Moon Sirius together, and the eggshell cracked with two clicks, revealing a fluffy head.


Husky-like dog...

"Please get the pet Blood Moon Sirius, please name the pet."

Lin Feng grinned and said, "Let's call him Xiaoha."


The Blood Moon Sirius barked twice, as if responding, his cute appearance didn't have the slightest terror like when he brushed the Scarlet Sirius just now.

【Blood Moon Sirius】

Dual Forms: Sirius Form / Werewolf Form

Grade: Legendary grade (growable)

Name: Xiaoha

Host: Meng Wang

Level: Level 1

HP: 500

Mana: 500

Physical Attack: 60

Magic Attack: 30

Passive skill:

[Night Maniac] Fighting at night, attack increased by 10%

[Claw Crack] Normal attacks have a 20% chance of tearing the target, causing 20% ​​of physical attack damage per second, lasting

10 seconds, the skill effect can be superimposed, and a target can superimpose 5 layers at most.

Active skills:

[Shocking Lv1] Consumes 30 mana, slaps the ground with both claws, causing shock damage equal to 500% of physical attack to enemies within 30 meters, and stuns the target for 3 seconds. cold

But 4 minutes.

[Blood Moon Roaring Sky Lv1] Shouting to the sky, the sound wave impacts a range of 30 meters, causing 600% magic attack damage to the enemy, and stuns the target for 2 seconds. Cool for 3 minutes


Both pet eggs hatched, Lin Feng looked at Er Er, her blood moon master also hatched, it is a dog similar to Xiao Ha, but with dark red fur

Wagging his tail at her.


Er Er looked at the pet in front of him, very happy, "Lin Feng, thank you so much, now that I have Xiao Hong, I can spawn monsters by myself.

Xiaohong! This name is as distinctive as naming yourself.

Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay, we are all a guild, and if you become stronger, it is equivalent to the strength of our guild."

After chatting casually, Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu: "Wuwu, the task of finding the golden dragon is also completed, let's turn in the task.

"That's right, seven days have passed and almost four days have passed.

Then, when the two left the hotel, Murong Wuwu lightly stomped on the mace in Murong Wuwu's hand [The gate of Tongshi Longyuan opens. .

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