National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 169 Apprentice Death Awakens

Copy at this time.

More and more players surrounded this place, and when Lin Feng came out, all kinds of sounds rang out.

"Meng Wang only took five minutes this time, it's too fierce!"

"At this speed, even if most players reach level 90, it will be difficult to break his record!"

"Monopoly! This is a monopoly!!"

"Don't talk about those who have nothing, the president is too fierce! I love you, the president!"

"Eh? What president?"

"I have already joined the world's number one guild, what guild leader are you talking about?"

"Fuck, isn't the number one guild in the world already full, how did you add it~ other guilds?!"

"I'm a non-staff member. The guild expands, and I'll be an official member by then!"

"Can it still be like this?!"

"Stop talking, I- will grow out!"

"President, you are too awesome!"

"President, I am your fan!"

All kinds of voices came out, Lin Feng came out, and at a glance, there were many members of the world's number one guild among them.

After waving briefly to everyone, as a greeting, Lin Feng left from the dungeon entrance of the underground passage, preparing to go to the last dungeon, Garden of Doomsday.

at the same time.

Outside of the game, discussions about Lin Feng are still hot on the forum.

And the fact that he challenged all dungeon records not only attracted many players for the guild, but also made his name King Meng reappear on the popularity list, and it skyrocketed at an extremely fast speed!

"Where are everyone in the world's number one guild, come, come, come and vote for the guild leader!"

"Our number one guild in the world must be number one on the list!"

"The president is awesome!!"

"President 666!!"

"President I love you!!"

At this time, Yashan City.

Murong Yiyi was in the City Lord's Mansion, looked at Er Er, and asked: "Lin Feng really attracted a lot of attention to our guild this time, by the way, where is he challenging the dungeon now?"

"The last Garden of Doomsday, but after a while, he should have almost finished brushing!" Murong Er'er couldn't help but sigh, "Why are we playing the same game, but the gap is so big?"

To this, Murong Yiyi agrees very much, she herself is a hidden profession, she thought she was already very powerful, but compared with Lin Feng...

It’s still not as good as killing monsters, after all, Lin Feng has a lot of pets.

Murong Yiyi said: "The number of players applying to join the guild this time is estimated to be very large. Although they are non-staff personnel, you must pay attention to screening and don't let other guild members mix in."

"We know that." Murong Er Er nodded.

At the same time, on the other side, in the teleportation array of Yashan City, blue light flashed, and Lin Feng appeared outside the teleportation array.

After this, Lin Feng has cleared all the eight dungeons, and the forty fastest clearance records in the eight dungeons are all in the name of King Meng.

Every day, there are 40 dungeon medals alone.

Coming out of the teleportation array, Lin Feng walked directly towards the City Lord's Mansion.

"You are all here." Entering the City Lord's Mansion, Lin Feng walked over while Murong Yiyi and Murong Er'er were still discussing the details.

Murong Er greeted with a smile: "Lin Feng, your name, King Meng, is now resounding throughout the Second World again. The number one popularity list is you again."

Lin Feng smiled and waved, and sat down beside the two.

"The income from brushing the dungeon this time is not bad, and a guild token broke out, and the price of the guild token is still very high, so I just sold it.

With that said, Lin Feng took out this harvest from his backpack.

In the Doomsday Garden, a total of 11220 gold coins, Doomsday Gold Set, Doomsday Flower × 20 [Ten pieces of dark gold-level safflower armguards are harvested.

Adding all eight dungeons together, 94820 gold coins, a total of 6 sets of gold suits, 7 pieces of gold parts, 132 pieces of silver equipment, and most of the dark gold level equipment are parts, a total of 12 pieces.

Siren Dungeon Dark Blue Equipment 4 pieces, 1 weapon, Zhao Family Tower 2 Zhao Family Lightning Equipment, Lost Ruins Cursed Wand 1 piece, Thunder Land Black Demon Spirit Armor 1 piece, Scorching Canyon Assassin Dagger 1, Ancient Dragon Altar 1 Dragon Skeleton Sword, 1 Doomsday Garden Doomsday Red Flower Armguard 1 piece!

There are also various materials, high-grade siren beads × 20, cursed venom × 30, fire poison beads × 30, decayed keel × 40, black tail material × 30, flower of doom × 20.

Coupled with the guild tokens that burst out, the harvest is really rich.

Afterwards, Lin Feng picked out some parts that were not needed, left several sets of gold suits and all dark gold level equipment and weapons, and gave them to Murong Yiyi.

Lin Feng said: "There are 132 pieces of silver equipment here, 25 pieces of gold spare parts, and these materials. Take a look. The material guild will keep them if they need them, and sell them if they don't need them. Give me the money from the sales." Buy the materials I want, if you don’t have enough money, please contact me at any time. There are also 3 sets of yellow robe suits that can be used as guild rewards.”

"So many!" Murong Er'er said in surprise.

"Yes, now that the players' level is generally not high, they can still be sold at a good price. If the equipment depreciates in the future, these will be worthless, especially the guild tokens." Lin Feng said.

Murong Yiyi nodded and said: "Okay, I'll sell the equipment later and tell you the total. Your Bright Saint Cloth is almost complete. If you have these, the gold coins are almost enough for the suit."

"Yeah." Lin Feng yawned and said, "I've been playing for a long time, so I'll go offline for a rest first.


Then, Lin Feng went offline. It was five o'clock in the afternoon outside. Lin Feng went into the kitchen to cook something for himself, and then went out for a couple of laps.

After resting for a while, he re-logged into the game.

This time, he plans to go to the city of demons, find Lucifer, and complete his job transfer as an trainee Death God.

Back to Yashan City, at this time, Murong Yiyi and Murong Er'er were gone.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Lin Feng switched to a dark form, and then the Satanic ring in his hand flashed, and the Demon City teleportation array was activated.

Black light shrouded.

In an instant, Lin Feng appeared in the city of demons, as if sensing Lin Feng's existence, a strange force emerged and brought him to the front of Lucifer's hall.

Above the main hall, Lucifer looked sideways at him.


"Yeah." Lucifer showed a smile on his face, and he was also surprised by Lin Feng's upgrade speed: "I didn't expect that I have reached level 60, and I am qualified to be my student."

"It's all teachers who teach well!" Lin Feng flattered at the right time.

Lucifer said: "Since you have reached level 60, then, I will hold a ceremony for you now!"

Then, Lucifer stretched out his hand, and a black mist emerged.

It is completely different from the time when Michael, the Guardian of Light, awakened himself. The black mist surrounded Lin Feng, and following Lucifer's gesture, Heixin formed a formation.

The formation showed a strange color, Lin Feng felt a hidden warmth change in his body, and then his skill gauge changed.

……ask for flowers……

"Player Meng Wang has completed the job change of the hidden professional trainee Reaper!"

The game prompt sounds.

Lin Feng's original 45 skill slots have been increased by 15. At the same time, there are two opportunities to strengthen skills and upgrade skills.

His eyes turned around several skills, and finally, Lin Feng chose the two skills of hell fire sea and death harvest.

Compared with the others, of these two skills, one has a high group attack and the other has a high damage to a single target, and the cooldown is complete after they can be killed.

If the damage is increased, in the face of large-scale chaos, these two skills will be very powerful.

Make sure to strengthen!

Immediately, black mist flowed over the two skills, and the information of Hellfire Sea and Death Harvest also increased.

[Hell Sea of ​​Fire Domain Lv1] Consume 200 health points, cast it instantly, summon the hell fire in hell, surround the body, and cause fire damage of 600% magic attack per second within 40 meters, lasting for 15 seconds, and those in the sea of ​​fire The target slows down by 35%, and the cooldown is 100 seconds.

[Extreme Death Harvest Lv1] Consume 200 HP, throw out the weapon linked to the blood chain, and the next attack will cause 1000% magic attack damage to a target within 50 meters. If the enemy dies from this skill, the skill cools down instantly . Cooldown: 200 seconds.

At the same time, Lin Feng also obtained an awakening skill, the dance of the dead, click the skill to learn, and then add skills to Lin Feng's skill slot.

[Dead Dance Lv1 (Awakening Skill)] Consumes 500 health points, summons 100 hell undead within 100 meters, rushes into the enemy's body, causes 1500% magic attack damage per second to the enemy, and makes the enemy fall into During the stun, it lasts for 5 seconds and the cooling time is 12 minutes

Looking at the introduction on the skill panel, Lin Feng smiled. With these two enhanced skills and the awakening skill of Dance of the Dead, his combat power has been greatly enhanced.

The large-scale continuous group attack skill is simply a good helper in group fights, an invincible ultimate move!

At this moment, with a light wave of Lucifer's hand, the black mist surrounding Lin Feng dissipated, and the awakening ceremony was completed.

"Thank you teacher." Lin Feng said.

"Well." Lucifer said: "Your upgrade speed is still good, keep working hard, and don't disappoint my expectations."

"Okay, the awakening is complete, you can go back first. Lucifer waved his hand, and gently pushed Lin Feng,

Lin Feng exited the Lucifer Hall.

After completing the job change, Lin Feng has nothing to do in the Demon City. After thinking about it, he first teleported back to Yashan City, and then opened the gate of hell to enter his own city of death

However, at the first time of entering.

"Player Meng Wang has completed the trainee Reaper's job change, and has changed his job to Reaper!"

Hearing the sudden notification sound, Lin Feng couldn't help being surprised, this completes the job change? Didn't you want to change jobs at level 100, Guardian of Light?

At the same time, Lin Feng also noticed that two skills appeared.

One passive and one active.

Passive skill:

[Dual Weapon Proficiency] Can use two weapons

Active skills:

【Shadow of Death Lv1】Consume 250 points of life, 10 ghosts will emerge from the body of Death, rush into 10 enemies, deal 1000% magic attack damage to them, make them blind for 3 seconds, and kill those killed by this skill Each target will reduce skill cooldown by 10 seconds. Cooldown for 150 seconds.

Do you want to learn to beg?

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