National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 170 Large-Scale Expansion Of Recruitment, Yashan Chen's Strength Has Become Stronger!


Lin Feng said without hesitation. 1000% magic attack, killing the target can also reduce the cooldown, overall, it is definitely a powerful skill.

"You have learned the skills [Double Weapon Mastery] and [Shadow of Death]."

The system sound sounded, Lin Feng smiled, and at the same time he noticed that he had an extra weapon in the death form.

"It just so happens that the Book of Death obtained from the Death God's Treasure can be used! In the future, it can be combined with the Death God's Demon Scythe, and the absolute strength will greatly increase."

Open the inventory, Lin Feng is directly equipped with the use of death.

Book of the Dead (Growth Type)

Grade: epic

Requirements: Reaper, level 60

Physical Attack: 5000

Magic Attack: 6000


Constitution +100

Features: 1. Increase the damage of Death skill by 20%.

2. Death is like the wind: Send a death blow to the target within 100 meters, then cause 1% to 100% damage, cool down for 30 minutes.

3. The attack power and grade of the weapon will increase with the level of Reaper.

He holds the death scythe in his right hand and the book of death in his left hand.

With the blessing of the two weapons, Lin Feng's magic attack power once again broke through, reaching more than 15,000, and the increase in the skill of Reaper's "Six Seven Zero" has been greatly improved, and his combat power has been greatly improved.

Moreover, both physique and intelligence have increased by 100 points, and the body has become even harder.

"Double weapon proficiency, double attack, double happiness! Not bad not bad!"

Looking at his attribute panel, Lin Feng was delighted.

Then with a satisfied mood, Lin Feng went to the city of death.

The City of Death is an imperial city. Although it is dilapidated, its future potential is immeasurable.

After repairing it, it is an extremely powerful city, which can accommodate fifty million NPCs, not weaker than Longyuan City. He even doubted that the City of Death in its heyday surpassed Longyuan City.

Maybe, this place will be my biggest reliance in the second world in the future, and it must be repaired.

Seeing the dilapidated buildings everywhere, Lin Feng is not in a hurry, the road needs to be taken step by step, and the city needs to be repaired bit by bit.

Arriving at the recruitment temple, Lin Feng looked at the recruitment list.

"Some have been recruited before, but not enough!"

"A super construction worker is worth 1000 gold coins, let's get another 100 this time!"

Soon, 100 super construction workers came out of the recruitment hall, and under Lin Feng's wisdom, they began to repair the buildings in the City of the Dead.

Lin Feng took a look at the construction progress, and there was almost no change.

"100,000 gold coins were smashed in without even a single splash! This imperial city is indeed a treasury!"

Lin Feng's expression was a little bit bitter. He thought he was making money very quickly, but now it seems...that his earning can't keep up with his spending!

"Let's do this first! When we have money later, we will recruit some special construction workers!"

"In any case, it is impossible for such an imperial city to be abandoned!"

Leaving the City of Death, Lin Feng teleported to Yashan City again through the City of Demons.

At this time, there are already more than 200 players in Yashan City, but these more than 200 people are members of the world's number one guild. Yashan City is not yet open to all guild players. Except for guild members, other players cannot teleport to here.

As for flying over? Lin Feng doesn't even know where Yashan Chen is located, and the players haven't come from far away.

"There are more and more people here! This place is really good, although it is small, it is much more lively than the City of the Dead!"

Seeing the players coming and going, Lin Feng was relieved for a while.

"Lin Feng, you just came back!"

As soon as Lin Feng teleported back, Murong Yiyi came to find him.

"Some things need to be discussed with you!"

"You opened up the dungeon record and gave you a lot of resources. I discussed with Li Yuan and recruited some civilian NPCs, but in addition, there are some guards in the city! I have seen that Yashan City wants to advance from the middle city For a big city, first the number of people and guards in the city must be at full value. Then we will make guild points, and when our mid-level guild points reach enough to be designed into high-level guilds, we can apply for promotion to the size of the city.”

"After the guard team is established, we will not be afraid of players messing around in the city, so we can open it to other players. Otherwise, the risk is a bit high. And the guild has a lot of people now, and the security work in the city really needs to be considered. gone."

Murong Yiyi looked at Lin Feng and asked for Lin Feng's opinion.

Lin Feng smiled lightly: "You and Li Yuan can decide on these matters! I don't know much about these things, but since you said it, let's go to the Recruitment Temple together!"

"Okay, I'll call Li Yuan in too!"

Soon, Murong Yiyila came to Li Yuan, and the three of them came to the Recruitment Temple.

The current Yashan City is still an intermediate-level city, and the recruitment temple is only intermediate-level, and can only recruit NPCs of intermediate level and below.

Lin Feng looked at the recruitment panel.

Guards: Soldiers who protect the city can be divided into: spearmen, shield soldiers, and archers.

Currently available for recruitment: 0-100 level guards.

Level 10 guards get 1 gold coin, level 20 guards get 2 gold coins, and so on.

"Just recruit level 100 guards!" Lin Feng said. The other two also nodded.

"Crazy, if you have money, you have what you say." Li Yuan said: "You have created so many dungeons, you are a local tyrant on the cliff."

The guards are related to the safety of Yashan City, so naturally the stronger the better.

"Many places in the city have not been built yet, and there are not many places that need guards to patrol, so that's good!"

"Recruiting 800 level 100 archers, 800 level 100 pikemen, and 700 level 100 shield soldiers, a total of 2300 people! It's exactly the same as the original 700 people, reaching the full value of 3000." Lin Feng said .

"Okay! Wait until the city behind is open, and then recruit if there is not enough!" Murong Yiyi nodded.

"Okay, that's it!"

After speaking, Lin Feng began to recruit guards.

Soon, the system deducted 23,000 gold coins, and in the recruitment temple, a guard was also recruited. Murong Yiyi directly set up the patrol route for the guards, and after these guards appeared, they patrolled according to the patrol route independently.

at the same time.

In Yashan City.

"This is the city of our guild? It looks so big!"

"Yes! This is a medium-sized city. I heard that you need 100,000 to 1 million gold coins to buy a medium-sized city in the second world.

"Ah, so many gold coins...they need to be exchanged for RMB...the president is really rich!"

Several members who joined the No. 1 guild in the world came to Yashan City and were amazed.

"That's not right, I heard from our captain that the president is a rich second generation, and he plans to invest billions of dollars here!"

"Dozens of billions! Sigh.....I have never seen so much money in my life, and the president actually used it to play games! It's really the world of the rich, I don't understand!"

"Hey, a few billion is a lot for us! But it's the same for the president! I heard that the president has already made a lot of money in the second world. One guild card is worth one. How many billion! When the city is built in the future, it will earn more! If the president is rich, naturally we will not be poor..."

"President, if you are so powerful, then we... can we also drink some soup!"

"That's for sure!"

The player who spoke looked proud, and then looked around the mountain city curiously.

Soon, he spotted the guards coming out of the recruiting temple. At the same time, some players from the No. 1 Guild in the World who came to Yashan City early also discovered these guards.

"Are those guards? A group of people with large shields. This number looks so handsome!"

"Guards! We have more and more guards in Yashan City!"

"Damn, I read it right! Another group of level 100 guards?"

"What level 100 guards, this... how many levels do we have now, not even level 50? Yashan City has already started to hire so many level 100 guards!"

"Meng Wang is really rich! Level 100 guards can't be messed with, can't be messed with!"

"There are so many guards at level 100, they are amazing! If I attack him, will these guards attack me?"

"Hehe, if you try to die, no one will stop can try it! Don't worry, I will collect the body for you!"

Seeing the guards appear, many players gathered and became curious.

Some players even blocked the entrance of the recruiting temple directly and began to count.

"1,000! 1,000 guards have come out of the recruiting temple, and 10 gold coins per guard, 1,000 10,000!"

"Ten thousand gold coins, the chairman is really rich!"

Ten thousand gold coins is nothing to Lin Feng today, but for ordinary players, it is still not a weak income.

"Next, the specific guild and city management will be up to you two!"

"Just such a city is still easy to manage!" Murong Yiyi 5.5 smiled faintly.

She can handle the Murong family's group companies very well, and the city in the game is a piece of cake.

"Crazy, this is on me!" On the other hand, Li Yuan patted his chest, smacking the ticket. He is also very grateful to Lin Feng for being able to lure him into the club, otherwise, he would not be able to manage such things as the city.

At this time, Murong Yiyi said: "By the way, some of the resources and equipment you gave earlier have been reserved for the guild, and the rest have been sold. It's almost 120,000 gold coins. I'll transfer them to you!"

"No need, let's put it on the guild's side first! The development of the city is also very expensive! And I don't know that I can collect all the materials in the Year of the Monkey, and I need them. If you don't have enough gold coins, tell me, and I will transfer them to you." .”

"Okay" Murong Yiyi nodded and continued: "In addition, I can find almost the same material for your Bright Saint Cloth, but there is still a shortage of 20 crystals.

"Although it's not for sale online, I got news that it can be played near the San Cartier Mountains in ancient Rome! But there are all high-level monsters over level 50."

"The players who actually sell the materials are generally low-level, so it is naturally impossible to go to that kind of place, and the current high-level players do not lack this money, naturally...there is a lack of this material at present. This, you have to go there yourself .”

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