National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 171 Going To Kill The Holy Son Of Light?

"Ancient Roman San Cartier Mountains?"

Lin Feng's eyes brightened.

More than 50 levels? This place is too dangerous for other ordinary players to go. But he is not a problem at all, he can be teleported to ancient Rome through the holy city of light, and then fly over.

"There is a level 60 boss called Sky Crystal Beast! It may explode with this kind of material, but the explosion rate is not high!" At this time, Murong Yiyi continued.

"Yeah!" Lin Feng nodded, the level 60 boss is not powerful, he can solve it by himself.

"I'm leaving now!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng couldn't wait any longer.

He has been coveting the Bright Saint Cloth suit for a long time, a suit that can grow, and it is a dark gold rank from the beginning.

Now the materials are only short of Sky Crystal, Lin Feng wished that a few Sky Crystal beasts would appear in front of him right now.

"Do you need my help?" Murong Yiyi asked.

"No, it's just a small boss, it's nothing! I'll come back and make the Bright Saint Cloth suit when I get the materials!" Lin Feng said excitedly.

"Well, it just so happens that my sub-professional blacksmith has been upgraded to the master level, and I can directly build it! It just so happens that the matter here is over, and it's time for me to go back to ancient Rome. Caitlin seems to have made some moves recently, and it may not be long before the two of us There will be a team."

"What do you mean?"

"We'll know when the time comes."

Lin Feng waved his hand, bid farewell to Murong Yiyi and Li Yuan, and walked directly to the priest's transfer hall.

Soon, Lin Feng appeared in the teleportation square in ancient Rome.

The ancient Roman city corresponds to the capital of the Italian country. In the game, this name is used. The San Catti Mountains are the mountains surrounding ancient Rome.

This building is famous, and the architectural style around it is obviously different from Longyuan City.

Lin Feng in the distance can still see several extremely huge palaces and palaces, and the most amazing and eye-catching one is a ring-shaped megalithic building, which is somewhat similar to the Roman Colosseum in the real world, but in the second world, This circular building is even bigger, at least ten times larger than the real world.

"Is this ancient Rome?"

Lin Feng was amazed for a while, but quickly put away his thoughts.

"Let's go to the San Kadi Mountains first! It's important to fight monsters!"

After confirming the map, Lin Feng soon walked out of the ancient Roman city, summoned the guardian unicorn of Gemini, and galloped towards the San Cardi Mountains.

The San Kadi Mountains are extremely tall. The upper part of the mountains is covered with ice and snow all the year round, while the lower part is a dense forest, which is lush and covers a very large area.

Shuang'er's speed was very fast, and Lin Feng arrived near the mountainside of a large peak in the San Kadi Mountains in a short time. Most of the growths here are coniferous trees, and this is also a place where Sky Crystal beasts haunt.

After landing, Lin Feng directly summoned several of his pets, especially the newly tamed Xiao Zi and Xiao Ha, who happened to take them here to level up.

Soon, in a sparse forest, Lin Feng found more than 20 strange monsters, a bit like hunting dogs, but their backs were covered with icicle-like things.

Ice Beast

Level: Level 60

HP: 16000

Sensing Lin Feng's appearance, more than 20 ice crystal beasts that were lazily lying on their stomachs got up one after another, let out a low growl, and then directly attacked Lin Feng.

"Xiao Hei, get on!"

After Lin Feng's words fell, Xiao Hei immediately roared and released the frozen land directly. In an instant, the ice crystal beast charging towards Lin Feng was frozen.



Red damage numbers floated up one by one, and one by one, Xiao Hei directly obliterated more than 20 Sky Crystal Beasts.

"These ordinary monsters are too weak!"

Lin Feng shook his head, collected the spoils, and looked at Xiao Zi and Xiao Ha on the side. The experience of more than 20 level 60 monsters made them rise to level 5.

Continue to advance with a few pets along the way, most of the monsters encountered on the road are not Lin Feng's opponents, and they are killed directly in two or three hits.

And at this moment, Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

In Lin Feng's current situation, on a bare hillside, a brilliance of precious stones suddenly shines out. Looking carefully, some cone-shaped crystals grow on the hillside, which are unexpectedly dazzling under the sunlight. When I looked closely, the crystal actually shook.

At the same time, a huge wolf-shaped monster with a height of 4 meters appeared in front of Lin Feng.

BOSS·Sky Crystal Beast

Grade: 60

HP: 160000

"Sky Crystal Beast!"

When he raised his brows and his eyes lit up, Lin Feng burst into joy, and immediately launched an attack.

The sword of the archangel in his hand shook, a golden light condensed, Lin Feng directly released the guardian angel's cross cut, and the huge cross sword directly cut towards the crystal beast.



With one move, it will be instant kill again!

"Cut, a weak chicken, boring! This sky crystal beast looks very powerful, I didn't expect it to be so weak!"


Accompanied by Lin Feng's complaints, Yin Jing's body shook and fell directly on the ground.

Afterwards, Lin Feng stepped forward to collect the spoils.

A total of 1 piece of equipment and 1 piece of Sky Crystal material exploded from this Sky Crystal Beast.

Lin Feng looked at the equipment exploded by the Sky Crystal Beast. Silver equipment is not very powerful.

Sky Crystal Armor

Quality: Silver

Requirements: Level 60

Physical Defense: +500

Magic Defense: +500

Intelligence +5

"The equipment is not very powerful, but this shiny appearance is not bad! You can put it in the guild later!"

"This sky spar, if you kill a BOSS, one can pop up, life is pretty good!"

Putting away the equipment and materials, Lin Feng continued to wander around the San Kadi Mountains.

This time, he directly summoned all the pets.

Level 60 bosses are not too powerful! They can be used for leveling.

The San Kadi Mountains are very large, and the monsters become stronger the higher they go up. The Sky Crystal Beast was just about to be near the mountainside. Lin Feng took a few pets and quickly found it the next day.


This time Lin Feng didn't make a move, but directly let a few babies make a move.

Xiao Hei took the lead.

A few mouthfuls of ice slag were sprayed on it, and the Sky Crystal Beast became bloody, and then Xiaogong and Shuang'er also launched an attack. The two levels of Xiao Zi and Xiao Ha are too low, and the damage from hitting them is very little, but this time they are mainly used for leveling.

The second Sky Crystal Beast only exploded a piece of equipment and other materials, but did not explode the Sky Crystal Gem, which made Lin Feng somewhat uncomfortable.

"I thought it was going to explode, but now it seems that it is not ten!"

Shaking his head, Lin Feng continued to search for the Sky Crystal Beast.

On the way, he met other monsters, and Lin Feng killed them all to level up his pets.

Time passed quickly, Lin Feng fought in the San Kadi Mountains from morning to afternoon, walked around, killed more than 50 boss sky crystal beasts, and only then harvested 20 sky crystal gems, and at the same time Got some silver equipment.

"Finally saved up to 20 Sky Crystal gems!"

Looking at the number of sky crystal gems in the inventory, Lin Feng let out a long sigh of relief.

Then, he waved his hand and directly called the pets back.

During this day, he, Xiao Hei and other pets killed a lot of monsters, besides the Sky Crystal Beast, they also killed many other bosses, gaining a lot of experience.

Among the several pets, Xiao Zi and Xiao Ha improved the fastest. These two pets were only at level 1 at the beginning, but the pets at the legendary level are big players who consume experience. After a day, the levels of both babies will increase. Reached level 20.

Xiao Zi and Xiao Ha were recruited, and Xiao Zi immediately galloped around Lin Feng, and the cute Q looks extremely cute. And Xiao Ha squatted obediently in front of Lin Feng, sticking out his tongue, looking at Lin Feng excitedly, as if he wanted Lin Feng's praise.

"not bad!"

Lin Feng reached out and touched Xiaoha, then looked at the property panels of the two pets.

fairy witch

Grade: Legendary grade (growable)

Name: Xiao Zi

Host: Meng Wang

Level: Level 20

HP: 150000

Mana: 150000

Physical Attack: 3800

Magic Attack: 3800

Passive skill:

【Die Wu Mingyuan】【Undead Fairy】

Active skills:

[Fairy Healing Lv1] [Fairy Resurrection Lv1]

Blood Moon Sirius

Dual Forms: Sirius Form / Werewolf Form

Grade: Legendary grade (growable)

Name: Xiao 830 Ha

Host: Meng Wang

Level: 20

HP: 150000

Mana: 90000


Magic Attack: 4000

Passive skill:

【Nightcrazy】【Claw Crack】

Active skills:

【Shocking Sky Lv1】【Blood Moon Howling Sky Lv1】

(The skills are brief, if you are interested, you can read the previous content! There are detailed introductions!)

"It's level 20! Not bad, this can be regarded as a bit of attack power!"

Looking at the property panels of Xiao Zi and Xiao Ha, Lin Feng was overjoyed. Both Xiao Zi and Xiao Ha have legendary qualifications, and they are definitely no worse than Xiao Hei when they grow up.

Thinking of going out to fight in the future and releasing three legendary babies first, Lin Feng burst into ecstasy.

"Wait for them to grow up, I'm afraid the damage will be twice as high as mine. Three legendary babies... tsk tsk, I'm afraid of myself!"

Lin Feng was excited for a while. But at the same time, I also understand that these three babies are big eaters of experience, and Xiao Hei may need more experience than himself to grow up to the first level.

It's hard to raise, but it's awesome when you raise it!

Putting all the babies away, Lin Feng rode a small bow back to the ancient Roman city, preparing to return to Yashan City, and asked Murong Yiyi to create a bright holy garment.

But as soon as he arrived in the ancient city of Rome, the news of his friend rang.

Noon's Glacier: "Is Lin Feng there? Do me a favor and do a quest!"

Seeing the message, Lin Feng immediately replied.

Meng Wang: "I happen to be here in ancient Rome, what's the mission?"

Noon's Glacier: "Really? That's great. Last time we agreed, I will lure monsters and you will kill them. After communicating with a bright son during this time, I finally have a chance. I have called Go to Yiyi. The three of us together!"

Lin Feng: "Son of Light!?"

Noon's Glacier: "Yes, there is no

Meng Wang: "Alright then, tell me a place, and I'll rush over there!"

He didn't expect that last time he said it casually, but he didn't expect that the glacier in the afternoon would actually do it!

Kill the Holy Son of Light?!.

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