National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 172 Luring The Snake Out Of The Hole, The Plan Begins

Soon, Noon's Glacier shared a coordinate, and also notified Murong Yiyi who was still in Yashan City.

According to the coordinates, Lin Feng immediately teleported there.

Soon, Lin Feng arrived at the place where he merged with the glacier in the afternoon, and when he arrived, Murong Yiyi had already arrived at the meeting point.

"You came!"

"Well, I said we might meet again."

"Long time no see Glacier."

"Hello, Mengwang."

Looking at Lin Feng, the two greeted each other.

Glacier in the afternoon looked at Lin Feng and continued to smile: "Your dungeon record from Huaxia has now been passed to Oumen, and now the name of King Meng is also very famous on Oumen's side. And last time, the competition for St. Son, the light of glory will never forget you!"

"Okay! Now I've learned to speak ironically!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "Last time he was defeated by me, and this time it's the same. I won't be afraid of him!"

"It's better to be careful! Glory Light is the president of the No. 1 Guild in Oumen, he is not afraid that there will be too many people, but it will be a bit troublesome!" Murong Yiyi reminded.

Then, she looked at the glacier in the afternoon: "Let's look at the mission first!"

Immediately afterwards, Noon's Glacier shared his task with Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi.

"Another S-level mission! It's just a pity that I don't have any merit points this time!" Seeing the mission introduction, Murong Yiyi said.

"This task is interesting! Kill the Son of Light and replace him as the new Son of Light?"

After seeing the task introduction, Lin Feng immediately burst into joy.

He thought that the last time he killed the Son of the Night to replace him was an exception, but now it seems that not only the Church of Light but also the Son of the Night are basically the same

"This must have involved the internal struggle of the Guangming Church!" Murong Yiyi said directly.

Noon's Glacier nodded: "Yes, this time is indeed a private mission, not a public mission issued by the church, but as long as I can kill that holy son, I will have a way to become a new saint. My teacher Among them is Luli Capri, Archbishop of Light.

"Big Bishop of Light!"

Lin Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, but soon remembered that the teacher of Noon Bingchuan was Luli Capri, Archbishop of Guangming. Immediately, Lin Lai's mind became active.

"The Church of Light is a bit fierce! My teacher may receive similar tasks in the future. But don't worry now, I am also one of the holy sons.

"It seems better to make Noonday's Glacier the Holy Son than the NPC Holy Son in the mission. If there are any missions in the future, maybe we can go out together!"

While Lin Feng was thinking, Murong Yiyi had already started to analyze the task.

"This task is not easy to handle! The NPC-type Holy Son of Light is usually in the City of Paradise, so it is impossible for us to do it in the City of Paradise, right? Especially Lin Feng, he is also the Holy Son of Light."

"Well! When the teacher gave me this task, he also told me that I can't do it in the city of paradise."

Noon's Glacier nodded and continued.

"But it doesn't matter. I have already contacted this holy son. This guy is not smart, but he is very ambitious. I told him that I found the relics left by the previous Pope of Light, and because I am not strong enough, I want to Unite with him and be willing to take him there!"

"Of course, I also have some items and information about the former pope in my hand, and he should be under suspicion now."

"Anyway, I can trick him into a small city very far from Paradise City, where there is a dilapidated cathedral. He should go there!"


Noon's glacier frowned.

"Just what?" Lin Feng asked.

"It's just that there are usually two protectors by his side, both of whom are relatively strong and a little difficult to deal with! This is also the main purpose of my coming here with you!"

Speaking of this, the glacier in the afternoon looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also accepted the task of assassinating the Holy Son last time, and actually killed a Dark Night Holy Son, but left safely.

Therefore, Lin Feng said that he could help him kill, this time she will think of Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, last time you..."

"The last time I was alone against a Holy Son, if there were too many people, I wouldn't be able to handle it!" Lin Feng said directly.

"If the two of you can distract the two protectors and let me deal with a Holy Son alone, there should be no problem! After killing the Holy Son, we will join hands to deal with the other two! By the way, there may be a Holy Son of Light Order Card, if there is one at that time, I will give it to you."

Lin Feng looked at the glacier at noon.

According to the mission requirements, the glacier in the afternoon needs to get the Holy Child Token.

"Okay! I can't kill those two protectors yet, but if you distract them, it shouldn't be a big problem for me to cooperate with Yiyi!"

"Also, if the mission is successful this time, all I need is an identity token! Yiyi, how about you?" Noon Glacier said.

Different from the previous mission, this mission is basically a glacier private mission in the afternoon, and there are no merit points to be obtained. What's more, it was still Wuri's glacier who offered to ask the two of them for help, and it was right to give them some benefits.

"I'll just follow along! In addition, if there is a mission next time, it's the same if I call you!"

"Alright then, let's discuss the next move!"

"It shouldn't be a problem to seduce the Holy Son, the most important thing is to seduce your two protectors."

Noon's glacier frowned and began to think.

After a while, her eyes lit up.

"I may have figured out a way!"

"In this way, the two of you go to the abandoned hall over there first, and I will give you the coordinates!"

"When I arrive, Yiyi, you will appear outside the hall in the disguise of a member of the Church of the Dark Night. When the time comes, I will chase you with two protectors!"

"There are two protectors, and I can't deal with one person left behind! In addition, you two must leave too! Only one-on-one with the Son of the Night is possible! If there are more than one person, I may die first." Lin Feng said : "Can you be sure that both protectors have left?"

"One on one?" Listening to Lin Feng's words, Murong Yiyi was thoughtful.

"Don't worry! Only Son of Light will be left alone!"

Noon's Glacier didn't care about Lin Feng's words, with a smile on his face, he seemed to have a brilliant idea.

"That's fine, since it's been decided! Then let's get ready to do it!" Murong Yiyi said.

Noon's Glacier: "Well, no problem! But I still need to prepare in advance!"

Afterwards, the three agreed on a time, and each started to act. Murong Yiyi and Wuri Bingchuan started their own plan [Shi Lin Feng took a stroll in the City of Palms.

Soon, it was the agreed time for the three of them. Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi passed through the teleportation square and teleported to a small town.

Misar City is a small city 30,000 meters away from Paradise City, but there is still the main hall of the Church of Light in the city. Through Paradise City, both Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi can be teleported here.

“Compared to ancient Rome, this place is much inferior!”

Looking at some narrow streets, Lin Feng said.

"Don't look, hurry up and find that abandoned hall! After a while, it will be completely dark!" Murong Yiyi said.

Soon, the two left the city.

Murong Yiyi can fly by herself, and Lin Feng has a unicorn mount. It didn't take much time for the two to find the location of the abandoned hall.

~Here is the abandoned church hall! It looks like a building of the Church of Light, but I don’t know why it was abandoned!”

"Just looking at it like this, it must have been abandoned for a long time! At least a few hundred years! This can make the glacier in the afternoon, it seems that she is quite powerful!"

Looking at the mottled stone wall in front of him and the slate floor surrounded by green plants, Lin Feng said.

The abandoned hall has not completely collapsed. From the outside, only the right wall of the hall has been damaged, while the left wall is still firm. At the same time, many buildings in the hall are still relatively intact and have not collapsed.

Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi walked into the main hall. In the innermost part, they found a place similar to a tunnel, just enough to accommodate the two of them, and they could see the outside situation through the gap. At the same time, the tunnel was connected to the outside. connect. It can be described as an excellent place for peeping and hiding.

"I don't know what's going on with her now?" Murong Yiyi asked after the two of them hid.

"I don't know, wait and see."

Paradise City.

"Master Son, are you ready?"

In a magnificent room, Noon Glacier asked with a smile. In front of her, the Son of Light, Witt, was preparing to travel.

"Naturally! This time you were able to discover the relics left by the previous pope, which is amazing. I have also heard a little about your identity. In the previous battle for the Holy Son, you unfortunately lost

There is no need to be depressed! Waiting (for Zhao) when the Holy Son becomes the Holy Emperor, and you will be one of the archbishops of Guangming when I see you. "

Bright Son Witt said, his expression was full of rebelliousness.

"As for competing with you for the Son of the Meng King earlier, you don't have to worry about it. In the eyes of this Son, he is nothing at all!"

"This is for sure! People in the Church of Light now know that you, Son of Witt, are the most likely to take over the position of the Holy Emperor, otherwise, I would not have looked for you!"

Noon's glacier said with a smile on the surface. But he started cursing early in his heart. If it wasn't for coaxing you out, you, like you, would never be able to become the Holy Emperor in your life.

"You still have some eyesight!" Werther smiled lightly: "Okay, call Morka, let's go and have a look!"

After the words fell, he moved a little closer to the glacier in the afternoon and lowered his voice.

"Is the Pope's favor you said true?"

"It's true, but once the Pope's favor is triggered, it will only be given to one person on the field. I can avoid it, but if it's time to give it to Morka and others..."

The glacier at noon revealed a touch of tangle. Inwardly, he sneered.

Fool, I just made up one myself, I believe it all! The Pope's grace is not so simple.

"You don't have to worry about this, just leave me alone when the time comes!" Witt straightened his collar, his face glowing with glory.

"Go, go to the place you said to have a look!".

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