National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 173 I'm Dead! You Too!

Misar City is a hundred kilometers away.

In the abandoned hall.

Murong Yiyi and Lin Feng were still hiding in the tunnel.

After waiting for a while, the sky outside had already darkened, but the two of them still did not see the figure of the glacier at noon and the Son of Light, Witt.

"Do you think she can succeed? Witt, Son of Light, is no ordinary person! Although he is an NPC, as far as I know, the NPCs with high status in this game are almost no different from our players." Murong Yiyi asked.

"It should be possible, although his PK is not too strong, but it is said that there is always a 90% certainty."

Lin Feng frowned and said.

"But having said that, the struggle in the Church of Light is also quite interesting! When she becomes the Saintess of the Light, there will only be two player saints in the Church of Light! Or turn around, I will kill another one, and get one for you? "

"The three of us have become the Holy Son, whoever will become the Holy Emperor in the future! Players become the Holy Emperor! It's interesting.

Lin Feng looked at Murong Yiyi, and suddenly felt that this method was feasible.

Adding him to the glacier in the afternoon, if I get a few more familiar players to become the Son of Light, the Church of Light will not be emptied by myself!

"It's not that simple! I can't do it, because I'm the successor of the God of War Temple, and I'm one of the members of the Angel family, not inferior to the Temple of Light." Murong Yiyi glanced at Lin Feng and blurted out, but thought carefully Thinking about it, he continued, "If you have a chance, let the core members of our guild try it."

The two of them had just finished speaking, and at this moment, they saw that in their sights, the two of them really found that Noon's Glacier appeared near the abandoned hall with three NPCs, and the four of them were walking towards them.

"It's really here! This holy son is really easy to deceive!" Lin Feng muttered.

"Okay, it's time for me to act!"

Murong Yiyi who was on his side immediately got up and stepped out from the back of the main hall, Lin Feng was still hiding in 977's main hall.

Soon, the glacier at noon brought the Son of Light to the abandoned hall.

"Master Shengzi, this is the place!"

Lin Feng looked at the three of them.

Legendary Boss Bright Son Witt

Level: 100


Boss High Priest of Light Morka


life value:???

Boss Light Executive Sylvia


life value:???

Guangming Shengzi looks younger, with blond hair, a high nose bridge, and a standard Omen person, but his eyes are full of arrogance. The two guards on his side were older, looking around vigilantly.

"Not bad, not bad! I will definitely tell the Bishop later!"

I don't know what the glacier in the afternoon said before, but after coming to the main hall, the Holy Son of Light had a somewhat satisfied expression, and then he was about to speak.


At noon, the glacier suddenly yelled, and immediately turned around, and saw a figure flying past from the outside of the hall.

"My lords, there seems to be someone outside! Before I came here, I found out the whereabouts of the members of the Dark Church, and now I'm afraid... two lords, why don't you go out with me to have a look!" Wu Ri's glacier looked He said sadly, and looked at the two guards beside the Holy Son.

The two guards were also careful, they glanced around, and then they looked at the Son.

But the Holy Son nodded, and said, "You two should follow her! It's best to keep guard outside. My Holy Son still has urgent matters to deal with here!"

After the words fell, Morka and the two were a little unwilling, but they still followed Niu Ri's glacier out. As soon as the master went out, he saw Murong Yiyi's figure.

"There really are others!"

Morka yelled, and immediately chased after him. Midday Glacier and Silvia followed.

In the abandoned hall.

"The remains of the Church of Light..."

Bright Son Witt's eyes were full of light, and he spoke excitedly.

On the one hand, Lin Feng waited for a while, and saw that the three did not return, and walked out of their hiding places.

"Son of Witt, hello!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Sacred Son of Meng Wang? did you appear here!?"

Witt looked at Lin Feng with a look of surprise. This place is said to have the relics of the previous Pope of Light.

"It was her. Damn it, she also told you the news?"

"News? What news?"

Lin Feng pretended to be astonished, and slowly approached Witt, and at the same time, activated the skill 'Together'.

Like I said before, it's one-on-one!

"There's only one thing I'm here for?" Lin Feng continued.

"Damn it, you also want to get your hands on the Pope's favor?"

Witt's expression changed, and he looked at Lin Feng.

There is only one pope in the church, but there are several holy sons. His relationship with Lin Feng is naturally hostile.

"Benefits of the Pope, I am not interested!"

"The only thing I'm interested in is...your life!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng showed a fierce look in his eyes, and walked up directly holding the Archangel's sword.

On the opposite side, Witt was taken aback suddenly.

But soon, he felt that the power exuded by Lin Feng was not strong!

He is now level 100, but what about Lin Feng? Only level 62!

As the Holy Son, his potential and strength are not small!

To deal with today's Lin Feng, that's more than rubbish!

Sensing Lin Feng's weakness, his eyes were full of disdain.

"Hmph, if you want to kill me, it's up to you?"

"I really don't know if some people in the church are old and confused, or that guy deliberately lured you here to die!"

"You are a holy child who only depends on a little luck, I can kill one of you!"

"It just so happens that if we don't do anything to you in the City of Paradise, let the Holy Son lose one more position today!"

As soon as the words fell, the Holy Son of Witt moved directly, a ray of light condensed from the staff in his hand, and then shot directly at Lin Feng (cede).

Lin Feng didn't dodge either, and directly hit the ray of light head-on.


In an instant, Lin Feng's blood brother's empty!

Before that, he had already put away his equipment, hoping to kill him with one blow. It's not the monster that dies, but yourself!


The body was pierced by light, and Lin Feng's body fell in the hall.

Seeing this scene, Son Witt was dumbfounded.

He thinks that no matter how stupid Lin Feng is, he can't be so stupid as to be sent to death, right?

But now, Lin Feng's body was in front of him.

After a moment of stupefaction, the Son of Witt greeted him with joy.

"Hahaha, vulnerable."

"...Uh, no..."

Son of Witt laughed loudly, but after only a moment, he realized that there was a problem with his state.

The life value was all gone in an instant, and the brilliance in front of him also turned into black and white.


There was a cry of grief in his heart, and with a plop, Son of Witt fell directly to the ground, becoming a corpse.

1. Go back to the city and resurrect.

2. Resurrection in situ.

There were two choices in front of him, and Lin Feng chose to resurrect in place without hesitation.

With one attribute of Satan's Ring, Lin Feng was not dropped. After many dungeons, plus the experience of the 100-level legendary boss this time, he was directly promoted to level 63, and he gained half of the experience.

After the resurrection, Son of Witt had died, Lin Feng immediately went forward to collect the spoils, looked outside the hall, and then immediately prepared to flee.

"It's not safe yet! Those two guards may come back at any time, let's leave here first!"

After finishing the words, Lin Feng directly left the hall, summoned Shuang'er, and galloped towards Misar City.

at the same time.

Near the abandoned hall.

"Damn it, where did that guy go?"

Morka growled. The two of them followed the glacier at noon out of the abandoned hall. They thought it was an excuse from the Holy Son, but who would have thought that there were actually people nearby.

They pursued directly. But after chasing for a while, the two of them lost track.

Morka was furious for a while, and looked back again, only to find that Noon Glacier, who was following them, disappeared at some point.

"What about her?" Morka asked angrily.

"No, Lord!"

Sylvia's complexion suddenly turned pale, and her heart tightened. When she spoke, she immediately turned around and chased in the direction of the abandoned hall.

But at this time, on the other side, the glacier at noon saw all of this.

"I don't know if he succeeded?" Bing Chuan said to himself in the afternoon.

But at this moment, a ray of light flickered above her body.



Glacier in the afternoon had a look of joy.

"I knew it was absolutely right to find this guy! Haha, now I can also become the Holy Son. This way, my brother can win more opportunities!"

A flash of confidence flashed in his eyes, and the glacier in the afternoon galloped directly in the direction of Misar City.

Among the jungle.

A ray of light also surged from Murong Yiyi's body.

"Upgraded! That proves he has succeeded!"

Her eyes lit up slightly, but she quickly regained her composure.

"That's right, he did it last time! This time it's not unusual, but what skills need to be released separately?"

"And he also killed the final boss in the battle to defend the city where the race was acquired..."

"However, the stronger the Mengwang, the better. He is the president of the world's number one guild, but Shanshan is in a difficult situation..... She has been clamoring to defeat the Mengwang. The level gap is too big, and it can't be made up."

Thinking of her third sister, Murong Yiyi still had a weird smile on her expression, it was quite interesting to see Shanshan, who has always surpassed ordinary people, lose.

Soon, taking advantage of the darkness, she also passed in the direction of Mirsa City.

The task has been completed, this is just a small town, there is no need to stay here any longer.

And Lin Feng quickly rushed to Murong Yiyi and Wuri's glacier, there are two bosses, and there are treasures on him!.

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