National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 175 Defeat The Guardian Of The Son!

"Holy Light Slash!"

Sylvia let out a roar, and clenched the heavy sword like a door panel with both hands, continuously pouring the power of holy light into it.

At the same time, he came directly in front of Lin Feng with a thrust.

The door-like epee slammed fiercely at Lin Feng's forehead.


"Moe King!"

Seeing this, Bing Chuan and Murong Yiyi in the afternoon exclaimed, reminding Lin Feng. Although they can be dealt with at a high level, it is also based on the premise that they are not hit by too powerful skills, otherwise they are easy to be instantly killed.

Although these two people can't instantly kill Lin Feng, but if they want to eat one of their skills alive, it will be very hurt!

Sylvia was furious, as if she couldn't get rid of her hatred if she didn't kill Lin Feng.

Seeing this, Lin Feng didn't dare to be careless, and directly put the sword of the Archangel across his chest, making a defensive posture. At the same time, he began to gather strength.


The heavy sword struck down, but a big miss floated above Lin Feng's head.

At the same time, the entire power of Sylvia's Holy Light Slash collapsed directly, as if it was absorbed by something. At this time, the light on the sword of the Archangel in Lin Feng's hand surged, and it was even a bit dazzling.

Guardian Angel strikes back!

Consume 100 mana, take a defensive posture, absorb a skill flying in front of you, and issue a combat slash.

Sil "Eight Nine Seven" Via's powerful slash was directly resolved by Lin Feng using this skill. At the same time, he swung the Archangel Sword in his hand, and a more powerful holy light slash was triggered, hitting Sil directly. Via.


Unprepared, Sylvia was hit directly by the slash, and the whole person flew upside down in an instant, and fell to the ground with a thud.


The red number soared, and a counterattack directly dealt 300,000 damage. Sylvia's blood volume instantly decreased by one-tenth.


"It hurts..."

Murong Yiyi on one side and Bing Chuan on Wuri were stunned. The two of them can't reach 200,000 with a full burst now, but Lin Feng directly hit 300,000 damage.

"Is he that strong now?"

"It's scary! No wonder you can kill the Holy Son!"

"I guess I'm not his opponent now!"

"Shanshan is afraid that some will fight in the future!"

Murong Yiyi and Wu Ri's Bing Chuan became active.

"Don't be in a daze, you two! Hold on to him, I'll get rid of Morka first!"

Lin Feng looked back at the dull two and said.

Sylvia is a melee type, while Morka is a ranged attack.

Lin Feng planned to kill Morka first, and then turn around and kill Sylvia. But Murong Yiyi and Wuri's glacier are mainly remote, so it is not a problem to entangle Sylvia for a short time.


Murong Yiyi simply agreed, and then, the bazooka in her hand began to bombard, and energy missiles rushed out of it, surging towards Sylvia.




On the other side, the glacier at noon launched an attack. Under the attack of the two, Sylvia's actions were quickly blocked. Especially in the face of Murong Yiyi's artillery bombardment.

On Morka's side, Lin Feng directly summoned several pets.

Xiao Hei still took the lead and released the frozen land.


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Pieces of ice condensed around Morka, and he himself was directly frozen by the ice, unable to move.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei unleashed a Taiyin Strike.


Beside Xiao Hei, Shuang'er, Xiao Gong and other pets also launched an attack, and Morka's blood volume decreased slowly but firmly.

At this time, Lin Feng also rushed towards Morka. With one blow of Death Charge, he directly hit Morka, knocking the frozen Morka flying, and the ice cubes on his body were also directly shattered.


Resuming his actions, Morka cursed secretly, and at the same time moved his staff, a wave of holy light spread from his side, sweeping towards Lin Feng, Shuang'er and other pets directly.

The protective light circles around Lin Feng still existed, and with a big wave of his hand, he unleashed a thunderous blow.

The thunder and lightning in the void condensed, and Lin Feng's body suddenly rolled with thunder, and the momentum was turbulent. Stretching out a finger, the condensed thunder force spread out directly, heading straight for Morka.


Morka released the Bright Armor again, but was quickly pierced by the surging thunder, and Lin Feng clenched his fist, and the countless thunder that had been rippling out were collected again, and at the same time caused a lot of damage to Morka. harm.

Looking at Lin Feng, Morka's eyes were full of anger, but at this moment, there was a touch of fear. After just a short while of fighting, the skills and methods Lin Feng used made him feel a bit difficult, especially the protective light array released by Lin Feng, he released two skills and failed to penetrate it!

On Lin Feng's side, he has basically understood the range of Morka's attack power and health.

More than 2 million blood volume, very thick!

When Morka's attack power is about 10,000, the skill bonus released does not seem to be very high, and the damage may be between 20,000 and 30,000.

Such damage is not as good as a level 60 legendary boss. Of course, legendary level and boss are not a level in themselves.

"Consume! Consume him to death!"

A light flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, ordering Xiao Hei and others to alternately use control skills. At the same time, he himself put on the guardian star shield, acting as the front row to absorb damage.

Soon, Lin Feng and a few pets formed a formation and started fighting in an orderly manner.

Lin Feng didn't save either, and directly transformed into a Seraph, with x3 agility, x3 magic attack, and x3 health.

Faster speed, higher damage, thicker shield!

After a battle, Morka was almost desperate!


The holy light and the slash continued to flicker in the dense forest, and the loud roar shook all around.

Finally, after more than ten minutes of fighting, Morka's blood was consumed to the point where there was only a trace left.

In the end, Xiao Hei shot down on Morka's body and took his head!


The life value is emptied, and the power in the body is rapidly passing away. Morka looked sad and indignant.


"Master Holy Son!"

With a scream, he threw himself forward and hit the ground with a thud, a colorful light flashed on the corpse.

At the same time, a white light flickered on one side of Xiao Hei's body.

Black has been upgraded!

"Well done, Blackie!"

Lin Feng praised Xiao Hei, and then stepped forward to harvest all the loot that Morka exploded. Looking back, the battlefield between Sylvia and Murong Yiyi has been pulled away.

The sound of artillery bombardment continued to come from there.

"It's been more than ten minutes, and I don't know how many gold coins have been played? This is a krypton gold machine!"

After muttering, Lin Feng immediately rushed towards Murong Yiyi's direction.

When he saw Sylvia again, the other party still had two-thirds of his blood.

"Lin Feng?"

Seeing Lin Feng appearing, Noon Glacier was taken aback.

It's only been ten minutes, why did he come here?

What about the other boss?

"Where's Morka?" Asked the glacier in the afternoon.



At noon, the glacier was stunned, his face full of shock...

How long has this been?

Although the attack of these two bosses is not high, they have a lot of blood and defense.

She and Murong Yiyi fought so hard for a long time before they drained each other's blood!

Now, Lin Feng actually killed a boss by himself?

How high is his output?

The glacier at noon was shocked!

"Since you're here, help out and fight together!"

"He has recovery-like skills! He must fight quickly, otherwise he will never be killed!"

At the same time, Murong Yiyi saw Lin Feng, and immediately reminded him.

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, Xuanji nodded, and immediately joined the battle!

"Xiao Hei, do it!"

Giving orders to several pets, Lin Feng still adopted the siege tactics.

At this moment, his seraphim form was not over yet, so he directly stepped forward to cast the guardian star shield and fought with Sylvia, while Xiao Hei and the others released various control deceleration skills on the side.

For a while, with Lin Feng's joining, Sylvia fell into a predicament.

Looking at Lin Feng's battle and several pets, Glacier's eyes suddenly brightened in the afternoon.

Especially when she saw that Xiao Hei's Tai Yin dealt more than 100,000 damage in one blow, she was even more stunned.


"Is the damage of pets so high?"

"Slowdown, control, high damage...that cute little girl seems to be a recovery pet!"

"What's the matter with this cute king? The pets are so good!"

"It's a good thing that you couldn't use pets in the last Holy Child battle? Otherwise, you wouldn't even be able to beat a single pet!"

Looking at Xiao Hei, the glacier at noon felt helpless.

With the addition of Lin Feng and several of his pets, the output of several people immediately increased a lot, and various control skills continued, and Lin Feng was able to resist the pressure. The output environment of the glacier and Murong Yiyi in the afternoon was much better. Some skills that need to be charged can also be released.

"Guardian Angel Cross Slash!"

"Guardian angel strikes back!"

"Thunder strike!"

A series of skills were continuously released, and Sylvia's blood volume began to drop, which was much faster than before.

Soon, Sylvia's blood volume dropped to 1/2, and then 0.0 was 1/3, 1/10, 1/10!

"Hurry up, he has only a trace of blood left, use your skills to kill him!"

Seeing that Sylvia's blood volume was low, Murong Yiyi scolded.

Lin Feng's skill was activated, and the huge cross light cut through.

Sylvia's blood volume was completely emptied, and she fell to the ground with a plop.


The boss died in battle, and the glacier and Murong Yiyi at noon breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Then, their eyes lit up, and they immediately walked to Sylvia.

"Look what good stuff exploded!"

Lin Feng also walked up, and at the same time opened his backpack, and checked the equipment that Morka exploded.

Two BOSS, a total of 3 pieces of equipment, more than 20 rare materials and some other materials broke out.

Bright Rock Crystal Greatsword

Grade: Gold

Requirements: Level 100

Physical Attack: 5200

Magic attack: 5200


bright spar pendant

Grade: Gold

Requirements: Level 100


Bright Blazing Boots

Grade: Gold

Requirements: Level 100

Physical defense: 1200

Magic Defense: 1200

Agility: +50

Constitution: +50.

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