National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 176 Mission At The Ss Level Of The Church Of Light!

"It's just three pieces of gold equipment!"

Looking at the attributes of the three pieces of equipment, Noon Ri's Glacier was a little dissatisfied.

"These two are just ordinary bosses, it would be nice to kill them! If it weren't for the fear that they would go back and reveal your and Lin Feng's identities, we wouldn't seem to do it. If it was a legendary boss, we might die here !" Murong Yiyi said.

"However, the materials on these two people are not bad, and there are a lot of gold coins!"

After listening to Murong Yiyi's words, Wuri Bingchuan nodded.

"That's right, the three of us have leapfrogged to kill monsters! We still have a lot of experience!"

Then, she looked at Lin Feng and the pets around Lin Feng again, and smiled.

"Lin Feng, do you sell these pets?"

"Do you want to consider selling one to your sister? It's not for nothing! I will give you 10 million earth coins for a pet."

"That pet named Xiao Hei, I will give you 50 million earth coins. How about it?"

Noon's Glacier looked expectant, and just now the performance of Lin Feng and his pets completely shocked her.

"Don't pay attention to his pets! He won't sell it! He sold a guild token a few days ago, and he made more than 100 million yuan. Currently, there are only a few billion yuan. I really can't impress him." Looking at the afternoon Looking at the glacier's expression, Murong Yiyi said indifferently.

"It's true that these pets are not for sale! But I can sell them to you when I find pet eggs." Lin Feng followed suit.

"That's good! Chairman 24, you must hit it!"

"Don't worry, you will be the first to be notified!" Lin Feng laughed.

"The task is over! The boss is also over! We should go back!"

Murong Yiyi continued to speak.

"In addition, you can take the three pieces of Lin Feng's equipment! Without you, we can't kill these two people at all!"

"I don't mind giving it to Lin Feng. I'm already very satisfied if I can get the identity token of the Holy Son of Light!"

At noon, Glacier took over the voice, a little excited.

"Haha, after I go back now, I will become the holy son of the Church of Light... no, I will be the holy woman!

"Let's go back with you!"

After finishing speaking, the three of them flew towards Misar City.

Twenty minutes later.

Lin Feng and the glacier people in the afternoon returned to the Holy City of Great Light.

At noon, Glacier directly found his teacher, Luli Capri, Archbishop of Brightness.

"Teacher, I have already obtained Witt's identity token!" Glacier in the afternoon handed over the task.

"Hehe, I didn't misread you! You really did it! Witt is a maverick among the many saints, and many people in the church are already dissatisfied with him! Including his teacher, he is also against this saint. I'm a little dissatisfied!"

Seeing the identity token of Son of Witt, Luli Capri was a little excited and said.

"This time, you got his identity token, which means that he is dead. You can take over his position [becoming the new saint! The teacher is ready!"

"Come with me! I will take you to accept the sainthood!"

"Ah... so fast?" Noon Glacier was a little dazed.

"This matter must be fast! Don't worry! No one will trouble you, at least on the surface!" Luli Capri said: "But after becoming a saint, you have to be careful, Don't be a second Witte!"

"Teacher, don't worry, I won't!" Wu Ri's glacier said.

"That's good! Come with me!"

After the words fell, the glacier in the afternoon followed Luli Capri to the church hall.

After a few minutes.

Noon's Glacier walked out of the hall excitedly. At this moment, she already has a new identity, the saint of the Church of Light.

At the same time, she also received a new mission, an SS level mission.

Without any hesitation, Zai Ri contacted Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi directly.

Noon's Glacier: "Hey, I have become the saint of the Church of Light! However, I have received a new SS-level mission, which is not private, but issued by the church, and has merit points! Lin Feng (Yiyi), How about it? Do you want to do it together!"

Mengwang: "SS-level missions? Awesome! That must be done!"

Noon's Glacier: "I'll share the task with you first!"

Noon's Glacier spoke while operating.

"This task was originally the task of the Son of Witt, but because I took his place, this task also fell on my head. In addition, I have to ask my teacher for the details of the task. Come with me Bar!"

"Investigate Sisyat Port City?"

Looking at the task, Lin Feng frowned. The introduction in the task panel is not detailed, just like what Bing Chuan said in the afternoon, he still needs to ask someone from the Bright Church to find out more about it

Soon, he and the five-day glacier found Luli Capri.

"Teacher, I have received the task of investigating Sisyate Port City. Can the teacher give me some advice?" Noon Glacier asked directly.

Luli Capri looked at Lin Feng.

"Shengzi Mengwang, young and promising, it seems that you are friends."

"Teacher! Son of Witt is the one who helped me complete the task!" Glacier said in the afternoon.

"Hello, teacher." Lin Feng said respectfully.

"That's it!" Luli Capri showed a mysterious smile and nodded: "If this is the case, then I will tell you in detail."

"The Port City of Sisyat belongs to the Glacier Empire. On the coast of the Glacier Empire, it is thousands of miles away from the City of Paradise! All along, the Port City of Sisyat has enjoyed the blessings of the Church of Light, and the Holy Light has always protected it to this place."

"However, half a year ago, someone reported that there seemed to be personnel from the Church of the Dark Night in Sisyate Port City, and the city owner of Port City Sisyate seemed to be in collusion with members of the Church of the Dark Night! The church sent some envoys to investigate, But these people all died in Sisyat Port City in the end!"

"That's why the church handed over the task to the Holy Son of Witt. Now that you have inherited the identity of the Holy Son of Witt and become the new saint of the church, you will naturally have to fulfill the duties of the saint. This task is also for you. test!"

"As long as you can successfully complete the task, I believe the church will not pursue the Son of Witt!"

"Also, Elgado, the lord of Sisyat Port City, has very likely betrayed the Holy Light. If you find out something! Or if he directly attacks you, you can kill him directly!"

Luli Capri looked at Lin Feng and Wuri Glacier, and then continued to speak.

"With the successors of Prince Meng and Lord Gabriel, maybe you can completely solve the problem of Sisyat Port City.

"Okay, you can now teleport there through the Job Transfer Temple!"

"Although the church suspects that Sisyat Port City has betrayed, the job transfer temple there can still be used!"

"Okay, teacher! Thank you for your guidance!"

After hearing Luli Capri's words, the birthday glacier said respectfully.

After speaking, the two left here.

"The arrival of the Outer Ones is bound to bring great changes to the world"

Luli Capri looked at the backs of Lin Feng and Wu Ri's glacier, and fell into deep thought!

"It seems that the key to this mission is the city lord of Sisyate Port City!"

"That's right, maybe the city lord will be killed in the end!"

"Well! Anyway, let's go over there first! Fortunately, teleportation can still be used, otherwise... I can't find it anywhere!"

After leaving the main hall of Luli Capri, the three discussed it.

"Glacier Empire! The Glory Guild is in this empire, and I don't know if there will be members of the Glory Guild in Sisyate Port City!" After finishing the task, the glacier in the afternoon thought of Omen's current number one guild.

"Isn't your brother the vice president of the Glory Guild? Just ask!" Murong Yiyi said.

"Um...forget it! We went there just to do the mission! He is now a member of the world's first guild, and he asked me to go to his side after asking too many questions." Noonday's Glacier thought for a while, but finally didn't ask.

"Glory Guild? The battle for the Holy Child before! If I remember correctly, that Glory Light should be the president of the Glory Guild, right?" Lin Feng remembered at this moment: "That guy has a bad mouth!"

"It's a bit! Besides, Lin Feng...he is very hostile to you now!" Bing Chuan smiled faintly in the afternoon.

"I'm not afraid of him, it's like killing him for fun." Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said indifferently.

Noon's Glacier nodded.

"That's right, your current combat power is too powerful, especially those pets... Lin Feng, are your pets really not for sale?"

"Not for sale!"

"Okay, hurry up and do the task!" Murong Yiyi urged.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the Job Transfer Temple and were teleported to Sisyate Port City.

Sisyat Port City.

"What a refreshing sea breeze!"

"The weather here is good, more natural than Paradise City!"

After leaving the priest's conversion temple, a fresh sea breeze with a salty taste rushed towards the face, and Lin Feng and the three suddenly became more energetic. Then, they looked around. At this time, Sisyate Port City was already in the early morning. Under the light of the morning light, the entire scene of Sisyate Port City also fell into Lin Feng and the three of them. in the eyes.

Sisyate Port City is not big, not even one-tenth of Longyuan City. The entire east side of the port city is close to the coast, where many piers have been built [Lin Feng and the others can still see some ships coming and going.

The buildings here are much lower than the city of Paradise, but there is one thing that is very novel. Sisyat Port City has a lot of waterways, and some small boats carry people passing through the waterways. It made Lin Feng think of Venice in the real world.

“This is a nice place!”

"However, where is the City Lord's Mansion?"

After getting a general understanding of Sisyate Port City, Lin Feng and the others began to search for the City Lord's Mansion.

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