National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 177 Traitor Of The Illuminati Church!

at the same time.

Sisyate Port City, in the City Lord's Mansion.

In a magnificent hall covered with a red carpet, Elgado, the lord of Sisyat Port City, was full of smiles, looking at the other people in the hall.

Most of these people are El Gado's subordinates, but there are a few players sitting opposite El Gado. If Lin Feng and others were present, they would definitely be surprised. The person opposite El Gadot was none other than the president of the Glory Guild, Glory Light.

"Your Excellency Glory, I hope we can cooperate happily this time!"

Elgado raised the wine glass in front of him, and said to the glory.

"Happy cooperation!" Light of Glory also raised his glass.

This time, members of their Glory Guild came to Sisyate Port City for an S-level mission, to investigate the members of the Dark Night Church who secretly sneaked into the Glacier Empire.

After this task is completed, it is possible for the Light of Glory to obtain the alternate status of a Holy Son of Light, so he attaches great importance to it.

According to the investigation of the Light of Glory, El Gado may have a certain connection with the Church of the Dark Night.

Therefore, the light of open honey found El Gado directly.

As the Pope's student, the Light of Glory came to the port city of Sisyat, and Elgado naturally did not dare to neglect.

After a meal of hospitality, he agreed to the Light of Glory to investigate the members of the Church of the Dark Night who sneaked in in the Glacier Empire.

But the brief contact has already made Elgado tired of the Light of Glory-selfish, arrogant, and arrogant.

"You may not know that I let in those members of the Church of the Dark Night you investigated!" Looking at the light of glory, Elgado sneered, but he was still respectful and kind on his face.

Soon, the meeting between the two ended!

After waiting for the light of glory to leave, one of El Gado's men came over at the side door of the hall, leaning over beside El Gado.

"City Lord, the Son of the Cute King of the Church of Light has entered the city!"

"In addition, there are two companions, one of whom seems to be a student of Luli Capri!"

"Oh?" Elgado frowned: "Do you know their purpose?"

"It's not clear yet! It's very likely that he received that mission like the previous Son of Witt!" the servant said.

Elgado frowned even tighter.

"Send some people to keep an eye on them! See what they do!"


Soon, the servant left.

"Has it been exposed? Did the light of glory just now test me? It doesn't look like it!"

"Son of Mengwang, if I remember correctly! He should have won the Light of Glory and won the title of Son!"

"The two of them know each other? Are they friends or enemies?"

After the servant left, Elgado fell into deep thought.

In the port city of Sisyat.

The three of Lin Feng quickly found out the location of the City Lord's Mansion.

However, the three of them did not go directly to the City Lord's Mansion, but came to a hotel in Sisyate Port City and found a room.

"What should I do next? Go directly to the City Lord's Mansion?" Bing Chuan asked in the afternoon.

"No need! You'll be exposed after you go, so it shouldn't be easy!" Lin Feng frowned.

"Well... that's true! But we sent it through the priest transfer temple. If there is something wrong with Elgado, he should already know it by now!" Noon Glacier frowned slightly, Let's analyze it: "The teacher asked us to investigate first, and take action if necessary. Now that he said so, there must be something wrong with Elgado, or 80% of the problem. I remember, the last time Lin Feng went to kill Son of the Dark Night, that is, the news from the mission of the Holy Cult of Light [that is almost 100% there.

"Should we take a stroll in Sisyate Port City first to see if there is any special place? Then go to the City Lord's Mansion?"

Lin Feng nodded and looked at Murong Yiyi.

"Anything!" Murong Yiyi said.

"Okay! Then go down and look around! There is no particularly good way now!"

After the decision, the three of them left the hotel soon.

The three of them walked together and appeared on the streets of Sisyate Port City. When they saw some suspicious people and places, they would investigate them.

On the other side, El Gado's men also discovered the existence of Lin Feng and the others.

"It's the three of them? The man in the middle is Mengwang Shengzi! The woman on the left is Luli Capri's student! The other one I don't know."

Elgado's men lurked in the dark, looked at Lin Feng and the three of them and said.

"Well, I'll bring a few people to follow, and you go back and report to the city lord! The suspicious whereabouts of these people are likely to come for the city lord."

After the words fell, several subordinates hurried towards the City Lord's Mansion and reported the news to El Gadot.

"Is it really aimed at me? The church still noticed something!"

After hearing the report from his subordinates, El Gado began to worry.

"Okay, I got it! You go down first!"

After dismissing the subordinates who reported the news, El Gado walked towards his bedroom in the city lord's mansion.

A few minutes later, he came to a spacious bedroom. The bedroom was very large, and one wall was occupied by bookcases. Walking to the bookcase, Elgado pulled out several books in a specific order.

Ka Ka Ka——

The entire bookcase began to shake, and soon, the bookcase moved, and a secret room appeared in the bedroom.

Elgado went into the Chamber of Secrets.

The secret room is not big, there is only a box and a table inside, and a crystal mirror is placed on the table. Walking to the mirror, Elgado waved his right hand, and a mass of energy fluctuations spilled out.

However, the magic power he used at this time was not the holy light, but the dark attribute magic power with the breath of the night! This alone proves that El Gadot has betrayed the Church of Light, and the suspicion of the Church of Light is not groundless.

The magic power of the dark attribute surged, and a cloud of black mist surged above the mirror, and soon, a blurry figure appeared on the mirror.

"Your Excellency!" Elgado said respectfully.

"Hmm!" An old voice came from the mirror.

"The Holy Son of the Church of Light has come, and my side should have been exposed! Your Excellency promised me before that as long as you join the Church of the Dark Night, you will definitely protect me! Now I think it's time!" Elgado opened the mouth.

The figure on the opposite side pondered for a moment.

"Okay! I will arrange for people to go there! But if it's just the Holy Son of Light, you should know how to do it!"

"Kill him! When you arrive at the Church of the Dark Night, I will take you to meet the Pope!"

"El Gadot, this is your chance! The Church of Light has given up on you, and only with the Church of the Dark Night can you get more benefits!"

After speaking, the black mist floated on the mirror again, and then it was completely absorbed into the mirror, and the crystal mirror returned to calm.

"Kill the Son of Light?"

"Meet His Excellency the Pope!"

Hearing the sound, Elgado's eyes revealed a gleam, and then turned fierce.

His status in the Church of Light is not high, and Sisyat Port City is not a famous city, not even a big city, and even people like Glory Light come to "he will receive them humbly.

Rather than being enslaved by the Church of Light, it is better to go to the Church of the Dark Night. If I can gain the respect of the Pope of the Dark Night, then I will be able to rise steadily in the Church of the Dark Night in the future!

Thinking of this, Elgado felt excited in his heart.

Then, he quickly exited the secret room and went to the main hall.

"Come on!"

This time, Elgado didn't call his confidant, but a few guards.

~The Lord of this city has just learned that the Son of Light has come to this city, you guys go to the city to invite the Son of Light!"

"Holy Son of the Church of Light, don't be negligent!"

After the words fell, Elgado showed a smile.

"Yes, Lord City Lord!"

At this time, in the city of Sisyate Port.

The three of Lin Feng were still exploring, but when they reached the pier area in the east of Sisyate Port City, the glacier at noon suddenly stopped.

"Something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Lin Feng asked.

"Someone is following us again, you two wait a moment!" Wu Ri's Bing Chuan frowned, and then she used her flower language secret technique.

One after another magic wave rippled around Wuri Glacier, forming many phantom petals, which looked extremely beautiful! At the same time as the phantom petals were formed, Wuri Glacier opened his closed eyes.

"Sure enough, someone is following us! My flower language perception skill can perceive danger, and I have found the source of danger!"

"Over there! Probably three or four people!"

At noon, Glacier pointed in one direction and opened his mouth.

"Stalking us in the city, it should be sent by El Gado! There is indeed a problem with this person. But now in the city, we also take a lot of shots! Lead them outside the city and catch them all in one go.

By the way, ask for information!" Lin Feng said.

"Okay! But be careful before this, don't be found out!"

The three of them glanced at each other, nodded, and then walked towards Sisyat (Li Haohao) outside the port city.

Ten minutes later, the three of them left Sisyat Port City and came to a hill in the west, and the glacier at noon once again released its flower language perception.

"They came and followed! It's not far from there! Let's raid together, don't give them a chance to react!" Pointing in a direction, Wuri Glacier said.

After her words fell, Murong Yiyi on the side directly spread out her armed wings, and a stream of magical tail flames shot out, "She shot towards the direction of Wu Niutian's glacier.

Lin Feng didn't say anything else, and directly summoned Shuang'er, leaped forward, and galloped over.

Noon's Glacier also jumped, and a pair of multicolored wings surged out behind her. The wings were full of phantom petals, which looked like they were composed of petals.

The speed of the three was very fast, and the distance between them and El Gado's men was shortened almost in the blink of an eye.

"No, we've been found!"

Seeing the three of them shooting towards them, El Gadot's men trembled.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

When one person called out, the others dispersed one after another, using their skills and galloping towards Sisyat Port City.

And at this moment.


A cannon fire fell directly from the sky, landed in the middle of several people, and exploded.

Immediately afterwards, they saw Lin Feng riding a Gemini Unicorn descending from the sky, scanning the field indifferently. .

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