National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 178 The Wrath Of The Light Of Glory!

"Damn it, how did they find out?"

"No, they are coming!"

Outside the city of Sisyate, in the valley.

Seeing the three of Lin Feng suddenly attacking in their direction, Elgado's men panicked.

"Go back quickly!"

"Tell the mayor quickly."

One person screamed, and the others fled in the direction of Sisyat Port City.

And at this moment.

A fiery flame appeared above the sky, and then a cannon fire fell directly. The artillery fire exploded, and in an instant, several of El Gado's men were directly blown away, and fell heavily to the surroundings.

After they got up, they saw Lin Feng riding the unicorn had landed, looking at them coldly.

Elgado's Men

Level: Level 100

HP: 70000

Henchman of Elite Elgado

Level: Level 100.

HP: 210000

Arriving on the field, Lin Feng swept his eyes and quickly confirmed the opponent's identity. Four people, all under Elgado's men, 2 elite monsters.

"Damn it, it's the Holy Son of Light!"

Seeing Lin Feng appearing, one of his confidantes cursed secretly, his eyes became a little sharper.

"What should we do now?" asked an ordinary subordinate beside him.

"Looking at the other party's appearance, they have already spotted us! And it seems that they are going to attack!" There was a touch of fear in the eyes of the confidant, and then turned into a ruthless one.

"It's better to strike first, directly strike, hold!


The people on one side were a little surprised.

"That is the Holy Son of Light! Kill us, the Church of Light will not let us go!"

"Hey, after following Lord Elgado, do you still expect the Church of Light to let you go! The people of the Church of Light are just a bunch of hypocrites, and the blood on their hands is not as small as that of the Church of the Dark Night. Stop talking nonsense, Do it directly! Otherwise, we will only have a dead end.

As soon as this confidant finished speaking, he took out his own weapon, a dagger.

Then, he directly released the invisibility technique and hid himself.

The men on his side were a little bit unwilling, but they also made a fighting posture.

"Do you want to start a fight?" He smiled slightly and looked up at the sky.

At this time, Murong Yiyi and Wu Ri's Bing Chuan had already arrived and landed from the sky.

"Try to catch alive!"

After leaving a word, Lin Feng summoned Xiao Hei and released the frozen land directly.


In an instant, the confidant who was originally invisible was frozen in place, and a figure appeared.

Then, Lin Feng directly launched the death charge, and the dragon roar diamond shield in his hand pushed forward, and Elgado's confidant was directly knocked into the air, and all the ice blocks covering his body were also shattered.


Just a face-to-face, Elgado's confidant's blood volume was directly reduced by half, and he looked at Lin Feng in astonishment, with a little more fear in his eyes.

"How can it be so strong?"

"Is this the Holy Son of the Church of Light?"

"And that pet...what is that!"


Cursing inwardly, his confidant immediately thought of retreating and prepared to retreat. People who are found by the Illumination Church may die if they rebel, but that is also in the future. If they don't leave now, they will die immediately.

Afterwards, Elgado's confidant looked at the other people. As the battle unfolded, Murong Yiyi and Wu Ri's Bing Chuan had already killed an ordinary subordinate with their joint efforts, and the remaining two people, the situation It is also a crisis.

Seeing this, the confidant immediately panicked and turned around to flee.

"Want to escape?"

Seeing this, Lin Feng leaped onto Shuang'er's back, charged forward, and slashed at his back with a sword.

In an instant, this confidant was cut down to the ground, and his life value was also lost by more than 10,000.

"Speak! (cedj) Did El Gadot send you here?"

Jumping down, the Archangel's sword swung across, hitting the confidant's forehead. Lin Feng's eyes were full of indifference, and he asked.

"I said, I said... Lord Son, after I say it, can you let me live?"

In the face of death, this confidant still chose to compromise.

"You have no choice!" Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

The confidant's heart skipped a beat, he hesitated for a moment, and finally began to speak slowly.

On the other side, Murong Yiyi and Wu Ri's Bingchuan have already dealt with another ordinary subordinate and are besieging another confidant, and it seems that that confidant can't last long.

After a while, this confidant told Lin Feng everything he knew.

"Is there any other news?" Lin Feng asked again.

" more! That's all I know!" The confidant said tremblingly, "My lord, I've said everything I need to say, is it okay?"

"get out!"

Lin Feng put away the sword of the Archangel, and this confidant was overjoyed immediately, stood up and ran towards the distance.

However, he didn't run very far when a bright light suddenly flashed behind him.

The confidant turned his head suddenly, only to see a cross light surge over, engulfing him directly!

Afterwards, the life value of this confidant was emptied directly, and the whole person fell to the ground with a plop.

Watching him die, Lin Feng stepped forward to harvest the loot, and then joined Murong Yiyi and Wuri's Bingchuan.

In the jungle near the valley.

The three of Lin Feng began to sort out the information.

"So, Elgado betrayed the Church of Light half a year ago?"

"Many of his subordinates are wanted by the Illuminati Church! If we really fight, I'm afraid it will be bad for us!"

Like Lin Feng, Noon's Glacier also asked one of Elgado's henchmen, and the two henchmen gave roughly the same information.

Elgado started communicating with the members of the Church of the Dark Night half a year ago. He used the port of Sisyat Port City to provide convenience for the members of the Church of the Dark Night, and obtained a lot of financial support from the Church of the Dark Night.

According to the report of these two confidantes, the person who contacted El Gado should be an archbishop in the Church of the Dark Night.

But who it is, the two of them don't know.

With the support of the Church of the Dark Night, Elgado completely controlled the trade of Sisyat Port City on the one hand.

On the one hand, it began to recruit some people who were wanted by the Church of Light, and absorbed some members of the Church of the Dark Night into the City Lord's Mansion to contribute to themselves.

In half a year, with the support of the Church of the Dark Night, Sisyate Port City has almost become Tong Ergado's private territory.

And many people and forces in the Church of Light have been isolated, which is why the Church of Light is aware of it.

"Since it has been determined that there is a problem with El Gado, it is time to go to the City Lord's Mansion to have a look!"

"There must be some magic props that are connected to the Church of the Dark Night! I don't believe that every time Elgado and the Church of the Dark Night contact, they will send people back and forth!"

At noon, the glacier opened its mouth. Having said this, Lin Feng also nodded.

The area of ​​the Second World is very large, and the port city of Sisyat is not within the sphere of influence of the Church of Light.

Even the bishop-level figures of the Church of the Dark Night dare not easily step into the sphere of influence of the Church of Light. If they send someone to contact them, the efficiency will be too slow!

"Well, first go to the City Lord's Mansion to have a look! If necessary, do it by force!"

Lin Feng had already made a plan, and it was not worthwhile for them to delay this task for too long.

Afterwards, the two looked at Murong Yiyi.

"Yes!" Murong Yiyi said lightly.

Then, the three of them walked towards Sisyat Port City.

It's just that the three of them had just arrived near the priest's conversion temple, and several guards from Sisyat Port City stopped the three of them.

The leading guard looked at Lin Feng.

"Dear Your Excellency, you are the Prince Meng's Son?"

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and Yinshou's guard continued.

"Oh, the city lord has already known about your arrival, and now the banquet has been filmed in the city lord's mansion, ready to entertain you!"

"Enter me?"

Lin Feng was even more astonished, looking suspiciously at Murong Yiyi and Noon Ri's Glacier. Murong Yiyi and the two nodded.

"Okay! Since the Lord City Master has a heart, I will trouble you to lead the way!" Lin Feng said.

"Hehe, it's my honor to be able to serve Lord Shengzi!" The guard smiled all over his face, then turned around and began to lead the way.

"what happened?"

Behind them, Lin Feng and the others were a little puzzled.

"Could it be that he already knows what's going on outside the city?" Glacier in the afternoon wondered.

"Probably! But even if you know, how could you take the initiative to invite us?" Lin Feng frowned slightly: "There must be something wrong.

"Since this is the case, it's rare to think about it, just kill Elgado directly! It's a one-stop deal, and it saves time!" Murong Yiyi interrupted and said.

"There seems to be no scoring mechanism for this mission. Now that Elgado's identity as a rebel has been determined, let's kill it directly!" Noon Glacier also said.

Lin Feng on the side also nodded, but he just went in and did it... It always feels a little violent!

But time!

"It doesn't matter so much, the big deal is to run away after killing Elgado!"

Lin Feng said, and at the same time, he looked at the guards leading the way.

"I wonder if the guards of Sisyat Port City were bewitched by El Gado?"

Having made up their minds, the three followed the guards and walked directly to the City Lord's Mansion.

At this time, it was on the other side of Sisyat Port City.

In a large manor in a city.

Members of Glory Light and Glory Guild are gathering to discuss the progress of the mission.

"According to the information collected so far, these members of the Church of the Dark Night are more or less related to the port city of Sisyat, and there are also rumors from the Church of Light that El Gadot has rebelled!"

"So, we need to get in touch with El Gado more now. It is best to find evidence of his contact with the Church of the Dark Night, and then force him to reveal the plan and the list of members of the Church of the Dark Night!"

A member of the Glory Guild analyzed. Sitting on the main seat of the meeting, the light of glory nodded, affirming his statement.

And at this moment, the message of the friend of Glory Light rang.

Opening the message, Glory's complexion changed instantly, and there was a bit more hostility in his eyes.

"President, what's wrong?" one person asked.

"Damn it, the Meng King of China is here! Murong Xiaoyi and Noon's Glacier are now heading to the City Lord's Mansion!" Glory Light gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Moe King!"

Hearing the sound, the others suddenly exclaimed and looked at Kai Zhiwang.

They all know that the last time Glory lost to Meng Wang in the competition for the Holy Child, they lost a lot of face and returned to the guild, clamoring to kill Meng Wang! But Meng Wang has not been on Oumen's side , the light of glory has nothing to do.

It's just that everyone never expected that this time Meng Wang also came to Sisyate Port City.

It's just, what did he come to Sisyate Port City for?

"Calling all members of Sisyat Port City!"

When everyone on the field was puzzled, Glory Light slammed the table in front of him fiercely and issued an order. .

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