National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 187: Battle Of Slaughtering The City! European Players Run!

"Let's go together, he's alone!"

In the port city of Sisyat, a guard captain looked at Lin Feng hostilely.

In the air, Lin Feng honestly doesn't want to entangle these guards too much. After killing the guards in the city, they have very little experience and won't explode their equipment. It's a thankless task!

However, now that he has killed Sisyate Port City, he is unwilling to let the Glory Guild and other players who attacked him go. If the guards want to do something, they have to fight hard.

Among the guards, there are definitely people who are enemies of the Church of Light, Lin Feng can be sure of this!

At this time, these people may be the happiest dancers.

If they surrender now and wait for the people from the church to come, this group of people will undoubtedly die!

Resist now, maybe you can escape!

Of course, it is also possible that many members of the Church of the Dark Night have already evacuated here!

Lin Feng doesn't have much interest in the battle between the Church of Light and the Church of Dark Night, and he won't do anything without experience and rewards!

But now, the guards of Sisyat Port City were instigated by several leaders and directly launched an attack.

Lin Feng is welcome too!

He looked around, and there are not too many guards in Sisyate Port City, there are only more than 400 people, and he can still solve it!

The unicorn sprinted, and Lin Feng galloped down!


Seeing Lin Feng landed, the captain of the guard shouted, and then rushed over.

bang bang bang

Soon, there were bursts of beating sounds in the port city of Sisyat.

At this time, the players in Sisyate Port City are not calm anymore.

"Run! Meng Wang is here!"

"What! King Meng is attacking the city!"

"Damn it, how dare he? What does he want to do? Does he really want to kill us to level 1?"

"Now in the city, Meng Wang has already fought with the guards! However, the guards in this city are probably not the opponents of Meng Wang!"

200 players, as well as Gao Wan from the Glory Guild, plus 200 guards are no match for Mengwang, let alone 400 guards!

Players can be resurrected to fight again, but NPC guards only have one life, and they die when they die!

When the players knew that Lin Feng was really going to attack the city, they were completely shocked!

Many players thought of Lin Feng's bold words before!

Kill the player to level 1!

Immediately, many players in Sisyate Port City became afraid!

"I'm leaving now! Meng Wang is too scary!"

"Get out of here, if you get killed to level 1, I'm afraid I'll cry!"

"This Oriental is too ruthless! He wants to kill everyone!"

Some players with low levels and low combat power clamored to leave here. But at this time, another piece of news came over.

"The players from the Glory Guild have escaped!"

"Now the teleporter is full of people from the Glory Guild! They say that the high-players from the Glory Guild have been teleported away! The Glory Light has also left Sisyat Port City.

"Damn it, these people must have known in advance that Meng Wang was coming back!"

"A bunch of trash! How could our first guild in Omen be this kind of guild!"

"Everyone, hurry up and teleport away from here! The King Meng is really going to slaughter the city!"

The players of the Glory Guild left, and in an instant, the Omen players in Sisyat Port panicked.

why are they leaving

be afraid!

afraid of what?

Naturally, it is the cute king.

If the guards of Sisyate Port City lose to King Meng, then the entire Port City of Sisyate will be ruled by King Meng. At that time, there will be no stronger players and forces than him, and if they stay here, they will only be slaughtered!

In an instant, the players in the city walked towards Chuan Square one after another.

However, in the second world, teleportation also takes time, and the level of teleporters in a small city like Sisyate Port City is not high, usually players do not teleport many, and may wait for dozens of seconds.

But now, the players in the entire Sisyat Port City have to leave, so the waiting time is not tens of seconds!

And it will take time to get there!

After the transmission is over, if you are killed!

Meng Wang really defended the resurrection point and killed himself to level 1, but it was a big loss!

In Sisyate Port City, everyone in Europe is in danger, and they are all rushing towards the teleportation square!

At the same time, Oumen was on the Second World Players Forum.

The news that Meng Wang defeated the Glory Guild, Sisyate Port City guards and players also spread, and at the same time, the news that Meng Wang returned to Sisyate Port City was also spread!

For a moment, all Oumen players were stunned again!


This is the rhythm of slaughtering the city!

Since the opening of the second world server, no player or faction has openly fought against an NPC or player in a city!

Now, Meng Wang has not only done it!

And, he's about to do it!

This is really the first person to create the world, a scene that can be recorded in the entire Second World game history!

But if any player makes such a move again in the future, many people will directly think of Meng Wang.

And what shocked the Oumen players even more was the combat power of the Meng King!

How many days has it been since the second world opened!

This oriental man is actually able to massacre a city?

Although Sisyate Port City is just a small town, it is also a city!

One person will be killed!

It's so legendary!

While admiring, European players are a little bit regretful!

Such a powerful player is not from Oumen? He is from the East!

But the massacre happened in Omen!

This is simply too helpless!

Therefore, many players pulled the Glory of Glory and the Glory Guild out again, and spat hard.

"Light of waste glory, look at the No. 1 player in the East!"

"Shame! Shame for us Omen players! Neither the Light of Glory nor the Glory Guild are worthy of being the number one player and guild of Omen!"

"Speaking of Oumen's guild, I am more optimistic about the Twelve Temples! The Glory guild is only rich and famous!"

"The Temple of the Gods, which ranks second now, is not bad either! Their president, Ragnarok, is also very strong. I think he is stronger than the Light of Glory! He may be able to defeat the King of Meng, even if he can't.

It won't be such a disastrous defeat with the Glory Light!"

"Hmph, that means the Twelve Kings of the Twelve Temples didn't make a move. Otherwise, King Meng would definitely be killed and retreated to level 1!"

"The Glory Guild has embarrassed us Euromen players this time!"

After some discussion, Lin Feng soon became the big devil and the balance of power among the Oumen players!

Who can defeat Meng Wang!

Whoever can become the representative of Oumen's new generation of games! The well-deserved number one among Oumen!

Even if you can't defeat Meng Wang, at least you can't lose so badly like the Glory Guild!

While there are heated discussions on the forum, the battle in Sisyate Port City has also entered a fierce stage.

The glacier at noon followed Lin Feng and entered the port city of Sisyat.

But when she arrived, Lin Feng had already fought with the guards.

In the air, the glacier at noon looked down.

At this moment, Lin Feng released Shenlong Transformation again, but this time he summoned the remnant soul of the Extreme Yin Demon Dragon King, and his whole body was transformed into a black scale armor. On the basis of providing double attack and double resistance bonuses, the skills Cooldown reduced by 50%.

A series of skills are generally thrown out without money. The guards of Sisyate Port City are almost instantly killed when they encounter skills!


Another ray of cross light slashed out.




A small group of guards were submerged in the holy light slash, turning into corpses.

Up to now, there are less than 50 of the more than 400 guards gathered. Lin Feng beheaded more than 200 people, while the others saw Lin Feng's powerful combat power and fled without fighting.

At this moment, the remaining 50 guards were also terrified, and looked at Lin Feng one by one, their eyes full of fear.


"He's a demon!"

A guard screamed and slumped on the ground, curled up trembling all over.

The other guards also became wretched, not daring to go forward.

"Surrender now, I can spare your life! But your guard status will be deprived, and you will become prisoners of Sisyat Port City from now on!"

Lin Feng pointed the Archangel's sword in his hand, his eyes were a little cold, the time for Shenlong Transformation was up, the black armor around him scattered, and turned into a bright form again.

"I surrender!"

"I...I also surrender, Lord Son, don't kill me!"

Seeing this, several guards dropped their weapons one after another, and the other guards followed suit.

In the end, less than 50 guards all gave up resistance.

Seeing this, Lin Feng snorted coldly, and put away the Archangel Sword.

"Lin Feng, you...just now?"

At this moment, the glacier in the afternoon galloped to Lin Feng's side.

"It's just a transformation skill, learned from Longyuan!" Lin Feng explained: "Look at these people (Li Zhaozhao)! Don't let them run away!"

After saying these words, Lin Feng headed directly to the teleportation square!

From the time he did it just now, he has already felt that many players are leaving Sisyat Port City with the help of the teleportation circle.

"I just want to leave at this time, don't you think it's too late?"

"I am not the light of glory, what I said will come true!"

Lin Feng's speed was very fast, very fast, only Lin Feng's back was left in the glacier's eyes at noon!

"How do I feel, Murong Yiyi and I are two soy saucers?"

Looking at Lin Feng's back, Noon's Glacier was a little surprised, then she looked at the 50 guards in front of her, and her expression changed.

"Damn it, all of them are level 100 guards, and there are a few captains!"

"This guy, more than 50, how can I live!"

At noon, Glacier gritted his teeth and began to worry.

However, her worries at this moment are completely unnecessary, because these people have already been killed by Lin Feng!

The guards didn't resist, making the glacier at noon feel at ease!

But soon, Guori's glacier frowned.

There was another noise near the Teleportation Square in Sisyate Port City, apparently Lin Feng started to attack again!

Seeing the holy light flickering there, the eyes of the glacier at noon were full of entanglements!

"This guy, really doesn't want to kill those people back to level 1?".

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