National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 188 Domineering And Fierce!

"Run away!"

"Meng Wang is crazy, he really wants to kill us to level 1!"

"This guy is too strong! He is not an opponent at all! Escape! Escape from Sisyate Port City!"

When Lin Feng arrived at the Teleportation Point of Sisyat Port City and directly killed a few Omen players, many Omen players on the field began to panic, and some players tried to negotiate with Lin Feng. But Lin Feng didn't mean that at all!

At this time, there were more than 200 players in the teleportation square, but after Lin Feng killed more than 20 players, the rest scattered and fled.

However, in Sisyat Port City, there is no open outside, and there are not many directions to escape.

Soon, Lin Feng summoned pets and BOSS, and started raging in the city, chasing and killing the fleeing players.

And he himself went to the resurrection point to guard the corpse!

For a moment, all the Oumen players in the entire Sisyat Port City were in danger, and fled out of the city frantically. Most of these people participated in the encirclement and suppression of Lin Feng, and Lin Feng did not have any burden to kill.

Glacier at noon saw the chaos in the city, and couldn't help frowning.

"This guy is really capable of doing things!"

"It must be hot now, maybe it can become the public enemy of European players!"

"But there will be a lot of fans!"

In the game world, strength is always the best way to attract fans.

boom boom boom

The chaos in the port city of Sisyat lasted for two full hours before it finally calmed down.

During these two hours, more than 200 Oumen players were brought back to level 1 by Lin Feng alone.

At the resurrection point of Sisyate Port City, watching myself return to level 1, only a little pitiful attribute is left! Almost all the equipment exploded, these more than 200 Oumen players want to cry but have no tears, they can only feel the pain in the bottom of their hearts Started to scold Meng Wang.

At the same time, on the Oumen Forum.

"Meng Wang Tu 847 City, 200 players were killed back to level 1, including Glory Guild players!"

A new post became popular again. At the same time, in the post, it also said that Meng Wang threatened to bring Glory Light and Glory Guild's Gaowan back to level 1 next time.

Domineering and fierce!

For a while, European players had a new impression of Lin Feng.

Although the previous post was about Meng Wang attacking the Glory Guild, from the perspective of a spectator, Meng Wang himself is only the one fighting back! If the Glory Guild does not target Meng Wang, Meng Wang will not do anything!

Moreover, if you want to kill me, I will naturally kill you!

But as soon as this post came out, Meng Wang directly took the initiative.

You offend me, then I will take revenge!

Kill back? Not enough.

Not only to kill and retreat, but also to kill you completely, directly beheading you to level 1!

This is not counterattack, but revenge, revenge!

Moreover, he directly killed more than 200 players to level 1, and even threatened to kill the light of glory to level 1. Not all players can possess such courage!

Could this approach really become the public enemy of the game?

On the forum, Lin Feng's approach also instantly split into two factions.

Yangtuotuo: "This is too cruel! More than 200 players, how will these people play in the future?"

The Stick of Time: "That's right! King Meng is deceiving people too much! It's fine to repel them, and kill them all!"

Seventeen seconds: "Is the one upstairs mentally retarded? When others come to kill you, it is natural to kill them? You are also deceiving people too much. When more than 200 people from the Glory Guild chased and killed Meng Wang, why didn't you say that! I Support Meng Wang, although he is an oriental, but I like what he does, a real man should be like this! Revenge when there is revenge, and revenge when there is resentment! (ceeg)”

At midnight: "Support Meng Wang, who wants to come and kill me! I can't wait to kill him back to level 1! It's best to retreat if you can kill him, otherwise these people will definitely not be good at giving up! It's just a pity that I don't have the strength of Meng Wang! "

Friday: "It's a pity, the Light of Glory actually ran away early! Otherwise, there would be a lot of excitement now! If the Light of Glory is killed and retreated to level 1, the Glory Guild will be finished!"

Snoopy's scent: "Wake up upstairs! The Glory Guild is finished! Do you still think they can represent European players?"

"it's over?"

When there was a lot of discussion in the Oumen Forum, in the port city of Sisyat.

Murong Yiyi and Glacier of Rongwuri have returned to Sisyate Port City.

Looking at the resurrection point, a group of level 1 players looked at Lin Feng angrily, and the glacier at noon was a little embarrassed himself!

But on his side, Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi looked indifferent.

"Let's go! It's time to go back and hand over the task!"

Lin Feng spoke, and then looked at the glacier in the afternoon.

"Is that quest item still with you?"

"Mission? Thank you for remembering the mission!" the glacier said angrily in the afternoon.

Lin Feng was guarding the player at the resurrection point to kill them. She and Murong Yiyi waited for two hours. After seeing Lin Feng's attack, Noon Glacier was shocked at first, then numb to the point where she was a little impatient now!

"If you don't kill these people, you will still be in trouble later!"

Lin Feng spoke directly.

"Do it now, anyone who dares to attack me in the future will have to weigh it!"

Having said this, Noon's Glacier nodded his head. After thinking about it carefully, what Lin Feng said was not unreasonable.

Now, he is already a top player in the second world, and even the light of glory cannot be suppressed! Moreover, he is not a European player, so he is easy to be targeted in European. When you are king, you need to think about whether you can afford the price.

This is the solution once and for all!

At least some players who want to step on the cute king can dispel this idea!

"Okay! Whatever you want! But now, I have to go back and hand over the task!" Noon Glacier raised his brows, then turned around and walked towards the priest's conversion temple.

The three of them want to return to the Holy City of Great Light, and they can only be teleported through the priest transfer temple.

"This matter is finally over!"

When the teleportation light flickered, the glacier at noon also let out a sigh of relief.

This mission is really exciting!

Killed the mayor!

Being hunted down by guards, and chased down by players!

In the end, the anti-kill came back and slaughtered Sisyat Port City.

Along the way, Noon's Glacier was full of worries, and even a few times in the middle, she wanted to sneak back to the Holy City of Great Light to hand over the task by herself!

After all, this is her first mission after becoming the Holy Maiden of Light. If she fails! There will definitely be a little trouble!

But in the end, although the process is exciting and thrilling, the result is still good!

Wait for the teleportation light to flash again.

The three of Lin Feng appeared in the Holy City of Great Light.

Although Murong Yiyi is not from the Great Bright Holy City, but with Lin Feng and Wu Ri's Bing Chuan, a saint son and a saint daughter, there is no problem at all in and out of the Great Bright Holy City

"Son of Mengwang, Saintess of Glacier in the afternoon, His Excellency has learned of what you have done in Sisyate Port City, His Excellency has already waited for a few of you in the Temple of Light!"

As soon as they arrived at the Holy City of Great Light, the staff of the negative teleportation spoke to Lin Gang and the two of them.

Hearing the sound, the face of the glacier in the afternoon changed immediately.

"The Pope actually knows!"

Soon, she thought that the light of glory was the Pope's student.

Immediately, the glacier at noon looked at Lin Feng, with resentment on his face, as if to say: Look at what you have done!

"Lin Feng, if this mission fails, if my position as a saint is ruined, I will never end with you!" Daily Glacier said indignantly.

"What? You can still bite me!" Lin Feng smiled lightly, but he himself did not expect that his actions in Sisyate Port City would fall into the Pope's ears so quickly.

As for the Light of Glory, Lin Feng is not worried at all, and the Pope is not the only student.

And if you fail to compete with yourself, that is just a waste of the light of glory, what else can't be explained?

In the Church of Light, if the Pope alone can have the final say, then what kind of holy son should be selected, and the Pope can directly appoint the next Pope?

Murong Yiyi on the other side looked indifferent, she is not a member of the church, whether the Pope likes it or not has nothing to do with her, and she is Gabriel's student, but from this point of view, it is really impossible to offend her!

The three of them had their own thoughts, and soon, they came to the Great Bright Temple in the center of the Great Bright Holy City.

In the entire Holy City of Light, the Holy Temple of Brightness belongs exclusively to the Pope. The Pope usually sits in the Holy Temple of Brightness, and this building is also the most central building in the Holy City of Brightness, and it is also the tallest building. Magnificent building.

The outside of the Great Bright Temple is inlaid with glass and gold, and there are many magical crystals in it, which look extremely shiny. The three of them walked up to them and looked at the tall gate. .

"Three please, His Excellency the Pope is already waiting inside!"

When they came to the door, the day-level doorkeeper said.

Lin Feng took the lead and entered directly into the hall, Wu Ri's glacier gritted his teeth and finally walked in, Murong Yiyi walked behind.

The temple is also very huge, the three of them walked in it, feeling as small as ants. The center of the temple is covered with a carpet, the center is red, and the red carpet extends to the innermost part of the hall, a full 100 meters.

In the innermost part, there are three steps with nine steps, and above the steps is a golden throne. The Pope of the Church of Light is sitting on the golden throne at this time.

Seeing the Pope, the glacier at noon immediately became nervous.

"Holy Son, King Meng, I have met the Pope!" King Meng walked up to the golden throne, bent down, and said with a voice.

At this time, the glacier in the afternoon woke up and spoke quickly.

"The glacier of the Holy Maiden's afternoon, I have met the Pope!"

"Murong Xiaoyi has met the Pope!" Murong Yiyi also said indifferently.

While the three saluted, the Pope of Light's gaze drifted over to the three of them. .

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