National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 190 The World's No. 1 Guild-Oumen Branch Established!

【Sisyate Port City (with a chance to change the name)】

Level: small town

City Lord: Meng Wang


Assets: 18787

Features: 1. Citizens within 100 kilometers away from Sisyat Port City, upgrade experience gain +10% | water system attack increase +10%.

2. The city is a port city, the capacity of citizens and guards is +20%, and the trade price is +10%.

Looking at the panel of Sisyate Port City, Lin Feng was slightly happy.

There are actually two characteristics, which proves that Sisyate Port City has a very good development prospect.

Then, Lin Feng looked at other information in Sisyate Port City.

Deputy Santo: Conce Jackson (removable), Will Nierma (removable).

Grand Commander: None.

Guards: 56.

City buildings: port wharf (specific to the port city), shipyard (specific to the port city), blacksmith shop, teleportation square...

"Not bad, Em is a lot fishier than nothing!"

"And Sisyat Port City still has 180,000 gold coins in stock, which can be used for city development!"

"Not bad!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly. Seeing his expression, Noon's Glacier immediately cast a curious look.

Inheriting an existing city is not rebuilding.

"How about "Eight Seven Seven"? Lin Feng, how about Sisyat Port City?" Ri Glacier asked.

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng directly shared the information about Sisyate Port City, and at the same time shared the past with Murong Yiyi.

"Not bad. It actually has two characteristics, and many buildings have them, but the guards are a little less!"

Murong Yiyi said, but how few guards there are! She also knew very well.

As she said that, she looked at Lin Feng with a smile on her face, as if to say again: "I made you feel bad before, but now you're losing money!"

Lin Feng didn't care.

If I hadn't done that before, I might not have gotten the city!

The Pope of Light should have seen his decisive and ruthless actions, so he paid more attention to himself.

"Sisyate Port City, this name is too convoluted! I decided to give it a new name!"

"Also, here I plan to be the sub-base of the world's number one guild in Oumen, Kaitlyn, Yiyi, how about the two of you as deputy city masters?"

"I still have a guild token here, so I can directly apply for one at Oumen's side to form a world's No. 1 centimeter insurance!"

Lin Feng said. When the Pope decided to give up Sisyat Port City, Lin Feng had already made his decision!

"I have no problem! However, I also want to manage Yashan City! This side may..." Murong Yiyi said.

"Then let Caitlin take care of it!" Lin Feng looked at the glacier in the afternoon.

At this moment, the glacier in the afternoon looked dazed!

what happened?

After talking about it, I suddenly became the deputy city lord of Sisyate Port City, and it seems that I want to take the lead!

"Why, you don't want to? If you don't want to, forget it! I'll find someone else!"

Seeing the confusion and astonishment on the glacier's face at noon, Lin Feng said.

Hearing the sound, the glacier at noon immediately became tense.

"Who says I don't want to! Although it's only a small town, I'll just reluctantly take it over!"

Although he said so on his mouth, the glacier in his heart at noon was still very happy.

My elder brother Elizabeth Davin, Lieyang of the afternoon, serves as the vice president of the Glory Guild. Now he does not have his own independent city management, but now he can actually manage a city.

What does this prove?

Prove yourself stronger than him!

In the future, if he dared to talk to him in a teaching tone again, he would slap him in the face on the spot.

Do you have a city? Are you the deputy city lord?


No don't talk to me!

Of course, being a city manager is not the only benefit. You can use the entire Sisyate port city to develop, collect resources, build equipment, organize players, and make money... All of these require a city as a starting point.

Although the current Sisyate Port City is only a small city, the future development potential is huge! Moreover, as the inherited city, many things have been perfected in the Sisyate Port City, and there is no need to work hard!

This is simply a dream city!

Glacier at Noon Ri is naturally very happy to be the person in charge!


Lin Feng said.

"In this case, then I will go to establish a trade union later, waste time, Caitlin, Yiyi, you two will serve as the vice presidents of the branch! Caitlin, you will be more responsible for Sisyat Port City in the future, and I will occasionally Those who come for spot checks, if they fail...hehe!"

"You're the reason why you're unqualified! Don't worry! I'm also a member of the Elizabeth family, and managing a small town in the game is nothing more than a trivial matter!" Noon Glacier said confidently.

"The Elizabeth family!"

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng grasped the important point, looked at the glacier in the afternoon, and couldn't help but think in his heart: It seems that she is not simple. But it doesn't matter, I won't come to Omen anyway! At least not for the time being!

"Okay!" Lin Feng continued: "But before again, let's change the name of the city! Sisyate Port City, it's a bit of a mouthful, and it's too long!"


In the afternoon, Glacier looked excited and changed the name, which made the city look different!

"Then it's called Noonday's Castle, how about it? Doesn't it sound nice?"

Lin Feng was speechless for a while, and shook his head.

"Too long!"

Noon's Castle? Why don't you call it Noon's Glacier's Castle.

The glacier at noon was a little depressed, but soon, her eyes lit up.

"Then it's called Glacier City!"

Lin Feng was speechless again, and continued to shake his head.

I am the owner of the city! Big sister, you are just a part-time worker!

"The owner of the city is me! Glacier City, why not call it Mengwang City!"

"Moe King City!" Noon's Glacier rolled his eyes, it sounds so ugly! He immediately denied it!

"Called it Water City?"

At this time, Murong Yiyi also spoke, and she thought of the port in the east.

As soon as the name came out, Bing Chuan and Lin Feng in the afternoon looked at Murong Yiyi at the same time, with the look of "Are you serious?".

And then, the birthday glacier continued to speak.

What Wuri City, Bingri City...all were denied by Lin Feng! Murong Yiyi also contributed a few names, but Wuri Glacier and Lin Feng discovered it together, and Murong Yiyi didn't name it at all. talent.

Water City! Port City! Sea City... She can even come up with such a name!

Until the end, Lin Feng couldn't take it anymore and made a decision directly!

"Triangle City!"

"It's called Triangle City!"

"You, me, Yiyi... just three people, the triangle also symbolizes stability, this city has just undergone a big change, it must be stabilized! And this symbolizes that the three of us are the invincible triangle, and we will definitely be in Oumen in the future Shine bright!"

Lin Feng said with a gleam in his eyes.

In the afternoon, the glacier curled its lips, the city has undergone a great change, and this change is not caused by you!

However, this time she did not object!

Triangle City actually has another meaning, implying that the friendship between the three is solid and solid! But Lin Feng didn't say it... It's just that the glacier in Japan can feel it!

Moreover, now Sisyate Port City, no, the lord of Triangle City is Lin Feng, and he can only modify the name. No one else has the authority, and in the end Lin Feng has the final say..

"I have no objection!" Murong Yiyi also said.

But at this time, she doubted herself a little bit.

Is the name I chose really bad? Why did they both deny it when I said it? It would be better to be simple and straightforward!

In the end, the wind made a direct decision.

Renamed Sisyat Port City to Triangle City.

At the same time, the two previous deputy city lords were dismissed and replaced by Murong Xiaoyi and Wuri Bingchuan.

As for the position of Grand Commander, Lin Feng also gave Wuri Glacier to manage everything in Triangle City.

After dealing with these, Lin Feng then found a place to create a guild in the city, and directly consumed a guild token to create a guild.

【The World's No. 1 Guild (Rome)】

Level: Elementary

President: Meng Wang

Vice President: 0(0/2)

Captain: 0 (0/10)

Members: Murong Xiaoyi, Wuri's Glacier (2/5000)

Guild Warehouse: Not yet created.

Guild funds: 50,000 gold coins

Guild mission: not yet opened

Guild promotion value: 0/10000

The branch was established successfully, and Lin Feng left another 50,000 gold coins to Wuri Glacier as the guild's activity funds. And set Murong Yiyi and Wu Ri's Bing Chuan as vice presidents!

As for the captain, Lin Feng directly handed over this task to Wuri Bingchuan for her selection, but in the end they had to go through Lin Feng's assessment, and ordinary members didn't care.

After some operations, the three of Lin Feng were very happy.

"In this way, there will be a branch of the world's number one guild in Oumen! Next, Oumen can also develop!"

"In the future, I hope our branch here can kill the Glory Guild and become the number one guild in Omen!"

Lin Feng spoke enthusiastically.

"It's too difficult to get rid of the Glory Guild!" Noon's Glacier smiled faintly: "But, I like this goal! President, don't worry! I will definitely help you get rid of the Glory Guild... and their Vice President 1.3!"

The last sentence was muttered by the glacier at noon, but neither Murong Yiyi nor Lin Feng heard it clearly.

"Hey, that's good! After that, I'll leave it to you here! But if the Light of Glory is causing trouble, you can contact me directly! If he didn't kill him back to level 1 this time, he ran fast!" Lin Feng murderous Floating, said.

Noon's Glacier nodded, she herself is not the opponent of Glory Light.

But Lin Feng... this guy is too strong!

With him here, maybe this guild can really develop into the world's number one guild!

And after that, my afternoon glacier is the vice president of Omen, the world's number one guild, and the player representative of Omen!

In the afternoon, Glacier thought about it for a while, she was so happy in the game today!

Not only became the saint of the Church of Light, but also became the head of a city.

Within a day, his progress in the game surpassed that of his elder brother Lie Yang in the afternoon.

Now I can slap my brother in the face!

Of course, all the credits are brought by Lin Feng, this point Wuri Glacier will never forget!

"In the future, we must manage it well and run the Triangle City well! This is not only for myself!"

Looking at Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi, Noon's Glacier smiled gently, saying firmly in his heart. .

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