National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 191 The Bright Saint Cloth Set, Completed

"Don't worry! President, there is absolutely no problem in entrusting this place to me!"

In the Triangle City, Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi didn't stay too long. After dealing with some basic matters, they decided to leave.

After all, Oumen's side is just a branch, and the core of Lin Feng and the world's number one guild is still in Yashan City.

If it wasn't for the emergence of Triangle City, he would never have thought about setting up a branch guild here.

The basic facilities of Triangle City exist, even if the glacier in the afternoon is not managed very much, it can still be maintained. Moreover, to Lin Feng's amazement, Triangle City is now in the income stage.

"For the time being, players will not be allowed to teleport in! Wait for the guards and the guild to develop before opening the Triangle City!"

Lin Feng spoke to the glacier at noon.

He made a big fuss in Sisyate Port City, and now the city has become his, and it has been renamed Triangle City.

Lin Feng naturally didn't want other people to make a fuss in Triangle City.

"Okay! I still know this!" Noon Glacier nodded and said.

"That's fine! I'll leave this to you! I have other things to do in Yashan City!"

Lin Feng said, and then he looked at Murong Yiyi again.

After all these battles and accidents, Lin Feng almost forgot that he came to Omen this time not to do missions, but to collect materials and make the Bright Saint Cloth set

"I have collected enough Sky Crystals! Can I make the Bright Saint Cloth set?" Lin Feng asked, with longing in his eyes.

He has been coveting this level 60 Bright Saint Cloth set for a long time.

At this moment, Murong Yiyi also remembered that Lin Feng came here to collect materials, if it wasn't for the invitation from the glacier in the afternoon, the following things would hardly have happened!

"Yes, but I didn't bring the materials. 24 is in Yashan City! Send it back and you can build it!" Murong Yiyi said.

There are a lot of materials to make the Bright Saint Cloth set, and it seems to be very precious at present, it is not worthwhile to carry it with you to do tasks and blow it up!

"Then what are you waiting for! Go back quickly! After making the holy clothes, it's time to take a rest!" Lin Feng said, and then she looked at the glacier at noon: "Kaitlin, I will leave this place to you !Don't next time I come over, Triangle City is gone!"

"Who do you look down on? Hurry up and leave! Don't affect the performance of this commander!"

At noon, Glacier said with a smile on his face.

Then, Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi left Triangle City.

Passing through the Holy City of Great Light, the two of them teleported back to Yashan City.

As soon as the two returned to Yashan City, many players from the world's number one guild in Yashan City became excited.

"President, the vice-president is back!"

"The president is awesome, you don't want to beat Oumen!"

"President 666, really embarrassing us ** players, Oumen's mob is not the president's opponent at all!"

"Congratulations to the return of the president. The president punches the number one player in Oumen and steps on the number one guild in Oumen. He is unparalleled and invincible in the world! Great love for the president!"

In the city, guild players shouted.

But at this time, Murong Er'er saw the two people also walking up, with a smile on their faces.

"Lin Feng, you have made a name for yourself this time! You have occupied the entire **Second World's forum, and all of them are discussing your achievements in Oumen!"

"Thanks to you, our world's number one guild is also on fire!"

Just after Murong Er'er finished speaking, Li Yuan also walked over.

"Awesome! Crazy, you are so awesome now! I didn't see it before, you actually have this kind of game talent! Amazing! Awesome! It seems that I was right to come here with you

A mysterious Murong Shanshan was also there this time, but she didn't say anything, as if the strength of the guild had no effect on her.

Seeing the state of several people, Lin Feng was slightly taken aback.

But soon, I understood! My feat in Oumen has been spread back to China!

The news is fast enough!

"Hehe, it's nothing! They want to deal with me, so they can only kill me!" Lin Feng touched the back of his head and said.

"You're still awesome!" On one side, Li Yuan said: "Go online now, madman, you are now the player representative of our **Second World. The presidents of several other guilds are close to you Than, that is weak!"

Lin Feng smiled again, and then changed the subject.

"Okay, let's not talk about this! How is Yashan City now?"

"It's okay, because of you, there are a lot of people who have applied to join the club. Now almost 3,000 people have applied! But Yashan City is still under construction, and it is still a bit difficult to accommodate 3,000 players!" Li Yuan said.

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng nodded, and then continued to speak.

"I've gained a lot from Oumen's side. Those players exploded a lot of equipment! This time it's just used to fill up the guild!"

"The development of Yashan City still needs to keep up! Later, I will throw all the equipment in the guild warehouse, and you guys can watch it! Reserve some of the high-quality products for the guild members, and sell the rest. The funds from the sale will be used to quickly Let's develop!"

"It would be great if Yashan City can be upgraded to a big city quickly!"

Lin Feng sighed, thinking that Yashan City is just a treasury. At the same time, I can't help but feel that the benefits of Triangle City and the basic construction have been completed.

However, after the Triangle City was upgraded to the Midtown, a large amount of expenses would be inevitable.

"It's better to make money quickly!"

After talking with everyone in Yashan City, Lin Feng put all the equipment he had exploded from European players in the guild's warehouse. A total of 312 pieces of equipment were unleashed, including 57 pieces of high-quality equipment above the gold level. They all exploded from the players of the Glory Guild.

Li Yuan, Murong Yiyi and the others were all taken aback when they saw so much equipment suddenly appearing in the guild warehouse.

Although Murong Yiyi went to Oumen with Lin Feng, but this time she was basically playing soy sauce and didn't have much sense of participation. She was not particularly clear about what Lin Feng had gained, and now that she saw it, her heart was a little shaken.

After dealing with all these, Lin Feng approached Murong Yiyi again, and was about to start making the Holy Cloth of Light.

In Yashan City, there is a blacksmith shop, and Murong Yiyi's master-level craftsmanship is also tempered in the blacksmith shop in Yashan City. This is the most obvious benefit of the ten cities for players!

Soon, Murong Yiyi took out all the materials for making the Bright Saint Cloth from the warehouse, plus 20 pieces of sky crystal gemstones that Lin Feng punched out.

The materials for making the holy cloth of light——collect them all!

In the blacksmith's shop, Murong Yiyi soon became busy.

The requirement for the Bright Saint Cloth is a high-level blacksmith, but Murong Yiyi has become a master-level blacksmith, the probability of failure is very low, but it takes ten points of time.

The fire was transparent, illuminating the entire blacksmith shop in a fiery red color. After nearly two hours of making, the Bright Saint Cloth set was finally completed and placed in front of Lin Feng.

Seeing the shining light in front of him, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel joyful.

"Awesome!" Lin Feng exclaimed, and then he directly took the Bright Saint Cloth suit and checked the attributes of the suit.

Bright Cloth

Grade: dark gold

Requirements: Level 60

Physical defense: 1250

Magic Defense: 1250


Features: 1. Guardian of Light: Passive——Increase your own life recovery and mana recovery by 200%. Active—consumes 100 mana, increases magic/physical resistance by 50%, lasts for 120 seconds, and cools down for 300 seconds.

Bright Helmet

Grade: dark gold

Requirements: Level 60

Physical defense: 1150

Magic Defense: 1150

Health: +2000.

Features: 1. Bright solidification: Consume 100 mana to form a shield that can resist 50% of the maximum health. The shield lasts for 60 seconds, and the skill cooldown time is 120 seconds.

Armor of Light

Grade: dark gold

Requirements: Level 60

Physical defense: 1150

Magic Defense: 1150

Constitution: +80

Features: 1. Bright Shock: Gather holy light, consume 100 mana to produce a powerful shock, deal 500% magic attack power light damage to enemies within 20 meters in front and 5 meters wide, cooldown time is 30 seconds.

Bright Leggings

Grade: dark gold

Requirements: Level 60

Physical defense: 1200

Magic defense: 1255000

Constitution: +40 points.

Agility: +40 points.

Features: 1. Eternal light: Increase resistance to dark attributes by 20%, increase light attribute damage by 20%.

Bright Boots

Grade: dark gold

Requirements: Level 60

Physical Defense: 1100

Magic Defense: 1100

Agility: +80 points.

Features: 1. Light and shadow trace: Consume 100 mana, increase its own speed by 300%, and separate out 2 holy light clones, which have 10% of the main body's attributes, last for 60 seconds, skill cooling time: 120 seconds.

Remarks: Bright Cloth, Bright Leggings, Bright Helmet, Bright Boots, and Bright Armguards can be combined into a Bright Cloth set.

Additional attributes of the suit: +8000 health, +100 intelligence, +50 constitution.


Looking at the Bright Saint Cloth suit, Lin Feng's eyes lit up and he was very excited.

"It doesn't count that I have spent so much effort and effort to create the bright suit!"

"Such a set attribute, I am afraid that among the 60-level dark gold equipment, it belongs to the top existence!"

Lin Feng was excited for a while. Compared with the previous Zhao Clan Thunder Armor suit, the Bright Saint Cloth suit was much stronger.

This time, the change of clothes can be said to be a direct shotgun change, which directly made Lin Feng's combat power soar.

"Try it on!"

Murong Yiyi was quite satisfied with the Bright Saint Cloth set. After all, it was made by her hands! This set of suits has been completed, and it has added a lot of experience to her blacksmith career.

Lin Feng was not pretentious either, and directly changed into the Bright Saint Cloth suit.


A ray of light flickered past, and after putting on the Bright Saint Cloth suit, Lin Feng revealed a holy and powerful aura, very sunny, and of course the Bright Saint Cloth also looked very handsome.

"This is a bit like the Holy Son of Light!"

Murong Yiyi smiled lightly, and she, who was usually serious, also praised her.

"Hehe, it's better that you built it!" Lin Feng replied, and then looked at his attribute panel!.

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