National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 192 Infighting In The Glory Guild!

Player: Meng Wang

Grade: 63

Races: Angel Race·Seraphim, Sky Demon Race·Demon God, Dragon Race·Tai Chi Dragon King

Hidden Occupation: Reaper/Guardian of Light

Identity: Holy Son of the Holy Cult of Light, Archangel Michael the Student, Holy Cult of the Night Holy Son, Lucifer the King of Demon Gods the Student.

HP: 63616

Mana: 1000

Physical attack: 10891

Magic attack: 13622

Physical Defense: 16712

Magic Defense: 14872

Power: 60

Physique: 886


Spirit: 50

Agility: 300

"The physical defense exceeds 15,000, the magic defense is nearly 15,000, and the life value has also increased to 60,000!"

"I am becoming more and more fleshy, and I am going further and further on the road of meat shield?"

Looking at his attribute panel, Lin Feng was overjoyed.

For ordinary players nowadays, standing there by himself, his attack power and defense breaking may not be able to do it.

"How much defense?"

At this time, Murong Yiyi on the side also asked.

Immediately, Lin Feng directly shared his attributes in the past. Seeing Lin Feng's attributes, Murong Yiyi's eyes widened and she was speechless!

"This... Your defense is too high! If I still use the previous Gatling, I may not be able to break through your defense!"

Murong Yiyi was amazed, while Lin Feng was delighted. Murong Yiyi usually has a calm attitude when dealing with things, but now she is shocked when she sees Lin Feng's defense and blood volume. Open the current player.

"Lin Feng, with the Holy Cloth of Light, maybe can go and check it out! She has been clamoring for the past few days to come to Yashan City, and we sisters are basically in Yashan City , just Sisi no longer! On my side..." Murong Yiyi frowned, it's not easy being a big sister. Although she only came out a little earlier.

"It's just a trivial matter. After I go online, I'll go find Sisi!" Lin Feng said.

"Then thank you!" Murong Yiyi said.

"No, we're all one family, what are you talking about!" Lin Feng said carelessly, but Murong Yiyi's heart beat slightly.


"I said before that the relationship between Xiao Wu and Lin Feng is a bit abnormal, is it true?"

Immediately, Murong Yiyi looked at Lin Feng with somewhat hostile and complicated eyes.

Qing, Lin Feng walked around Yashan City wearing the Bright Saint Cloth, and he went offline after showing off beautifully. This time Lin Feng has been online for a long time, but the harvest is also very rich.

While Lin Feng was off the assembly line to rest, Oumen's side.

In the second world, a storm surged.

After waiting for Lin Feng and Murong Yiyi to leave the Triangle City, Wu Ri's glacier transformed into the talker and supreme leader of the Triangle City.

With such an achievement, how could Wuri Glacier hold back, and immediately contacted his brother, Wuri Lieyang, and directly shared some information about the Triangle City with Wuri Lieyang!

Noon's Glacier: "Haha, did you see that I have already become a Triangle City, no, you probably don't know yet! The Triangle City is Sisyate Port City, and I have now become the commander and deputy city lord of this city Already~.!"

Noon's Glacier: "How is it? I'm envious! In the future, if you come here, you have to get my consent! And not only that, I have also become the saint of the Church of Light. In the Church of Light, I have a higher status than your president high!"

On the other side, Lie Yang in the afternoon was also taken aback when his sister showed off.

A small town, he didn't care.

What he cares about is the development speed of the glacier at noon!

Most of her actions in the game before were seen by Lie Yang in the afternoon. Although she was excellent, she hadn't reached her level yet.

But now, his stupid younger sister has become the deputy city lord and chief commander of a small town, and she has also become the saint of the Church of Light.

The Holy Maiden and Holy Son of the Church of Light have equal identities, which even the Light of Glory has failed to achieve! However, the glacier at noon has achieved it!

When did she become so powerful?

It seems that since the battle of the Son of God, after that, she met King Meng!

Yes, Meng Wang!

Soon, Lieyang of Wuri found the crux of the problem. With the glacier of Wuri alone, it is impossible to counterattack so quickly. There must be King Meng helping him!

And Meng Wang's start this time can be said to be stepping on the head of the Glory Guild, and the rise of the glacier in the afternoon is the same!

Thinking of this, the scorching sun at noon is a little restless!

He didn't reply to Wuri's Glacier, but on the other side, Wuri's Glacier said he was addicted.

Noon's Glacier: "Haha, how is it? My stupid brother, I have nothing to say now! Let me tell you, why don't you quickly leave that Glory guild and join our number one guild in the world?"

"Brother, after you come, I can leave you a captain here! And I will definitely cover you. The light of glory can't do it, and our president will rub it on the ground!"

Seeing the message sent by the glacier in the afternoon, the scorching sun in the afternoon couldn't take it anymore, so I replied directly, I got it!

Then, he never replied!

In the Triangle City, Noon Glacier looked at his brother's reply and showed a triumphant smile.

"Haha, let's see how you can teach me a lesson now?"

There was a burst of joy, and soon, Daily Glacier began to think again.

"I must take care of the Triangle City, otherwise, he will teach me a lesson later! Don't give him any more chances!"

With clenched fists, Noon's Glacier is a winner at this moment.

On the other side, the Glacier Empire.

Melting Mountain City, one of the main cities of the Glacier Empire, is also the headquarters of the Glory Guild.

At this time, Glory of Glory, Wind of the Temple and other players in Sisyat Port City returned to Molten Mountain City.

Moreover, the other vice presidents of Glory Light also returned to Molten Mountain City one after another.

This time, the action of the Light of Glory in Sisyate Port City (Triangle City) directly caused the reputation of the entire Glory Guild to plummet. With such a serious mistake, some members of the guild are already somewhat dissatisfied.

And according to the usual practice, at this time, there will be a meeting to discuss it! After all, what happened this time is no longer a trivial matter.

Of course, if the Light of Glory leads people to pursue Lin Feng successfully, then this matter will become a small matter.

The scorching sun at noon also returned to Molten Mountain City.

Soon, other high-level members of the Glory Guild also returned one after another, such as the wind of the temple, Atlantis, the scorching sun at noon... all came to Molten Mountain City, the stronghold of the Glory Guild .

In the conference room of a real estate in Melting Mountain City, the senior officials of the Glory Guild——sat down.

"I don't need to say much about what happened this time! Everyone must have understood it! President, the wind of the temple... everything that happened in Sisyat Port City this time, both of you must Explain it to everyone!"

During the meeting, Lie Yang from Noon Ri was the first to speak, and said coldly.

After his words fell, several people on the field did not speak, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. In the end, it was the wind of the sanctuary who continued to speak.

*~We underestimated the strength of Meng Wang, he is very strong! And his strength is a bit outrageous! So this time the development of things is also beyond our expectations!"

"Strong? Just say that the enemy is strong, and you want to shirk all responsibility! It's not that simple! The Glory Guild belongs to everyone, not to a certain person or a certain family! Aren't you going there to do missions? Me offended King Meng!" At this moment, Atlantis suddenly spoke, asking a little angrily.

"The King Meng's mission conflicts with ours to a certain extent, and he took away the president's position as the Holy Son before..." the wind of the temple continued.

But as soon as his words fell, the light of glory glared at him.

Seeing this scene, the wind of the sanctuary was slightly taken aback. He intentionally covered the light of glory, but it didn't mean that he would take the blame for the light of glory. With a heart-warming look, he also opened his mouth lazily!

"Forget it, let the president speak! During the whole process, I just obeyed the president's order, and it was my suggestion to evacuate from Sisyate Port City, otherwise, we would have been killed by King Meng to level 1 , the loss of time will be greater! As for the rest, I will not say anything! You can make a decision!"

The voice of the wind of the sanctuary fell, and then he put on a posture that I don't want to participate in the discussion.

And at this time, then, a senior member of the Glory Guild on the field also spoke!

"This time, I don't think it's all to blame for the president and the vice president of the temple. There is a conflict in the mission, and there is only one person on the other side! 200 people against one person, who would have thought that such a result would happen!" (Zhao Nuo Zhao) As soon as he opened his mouth, several senior executives on the field also slightly echoed.

"How about it! This time, the leader will deduct all the contributions from the guild, and the president will contribute a part of his own funds as the guild subsidy, how about that?" one person suggested.

Speaking of this, the eyes of the light of glory eased a lot! The wind of the temple looked at the few people who spoke contemptuously. They are basically people from the light of glory. The incident this time is obviously The Light of Glory has the greatest responsibility.

The few of them want to downplay it easily, but I'm afraid that other people on the field will not agree easily! The Glory Guild is not a simple guild, and many people in it represent some of Oumen's family forces.

"No, this incident has had too much impact on us! Even the name of the No. 1 Guild in Oumen is now being questioned. "And other guilds can't let this time go!"

On the field, Lie Yang in the afternoon spoke again.

"Then what do you want to do?" Glory's eyes sank and asked back.

"You give up the position of the guild leader, and I will be the leader of the Glory guild!" Lie Yang in the afternoon said bluntly: "You and King Meng's grievances are deep, and after this time, there is no guarantee that there will be a next time! "

"Furthermore, the battle for the holy son and this time have already proved that you are not the opponent of Meng Wang!"

"So to be on the safe side, you abdicate! Give me the president, or another vice president!"

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