"Are you forcing me?"

Hearing Lie Yang's words in the afternoon, Glory's light was no longer calm.

He stood up directly and looked at the scorching sun at noon.

"Dawen, I know what you are thinking in your heart! Glory Guild, I have invested so much! I will not let go of the position of president! And Mengwang, I will continue to target it!"

"Let me tell you, this is Oumen, not Dongfang! A cute king, I failed this time! It doesn't mean I will fail next time!"

"If you are afraid, no one will force you out of town!"

"If you want me to abdicate, fine! Vote with a show of hands, whoever agrees and whoever opposes! Everyone vote!"

The Light of Glory looked at the surrounding high-rises, and shouted sharply.

After these words fell, the atmosphere on the field became even more unfriendly.

"President, Vice President Dawen is also doing this for the good of the guild, we don't have to do this! It's the loss of the guild if it hurts!" A captain stood up and said.

But waiting for his words to fall, on the field, Lie Yang stood up at noon and looked directly at the light of glory.

"Okay! Let's vote with a show of hands!"

"Hands up for the Light of Glory's abdication!"

Lieyang at noon was the first to raise his hand, and at the same time, he looked at the wind of the temple and Atlantis.

The wind of the temple curled his lips and waved his hands: "This time I am also responsible, I will not participate! Just vote!"

"I don't participate either! Abstain, you two are the same to me!" Atlantis said, he is not from a family, even if he really wants to change the chairman, it will not be his turn, so for It doesn't matter to him.

"Okay, then there are ten captains left! Davin, as a competitor, raising your hand doesn't count as a vote!" said Glory Light.

After finishing the words, Lie Yang in the afternoon glanced at him, but 007 still held his hand!

The atmosphere on the field is a bit awkward!

After going on for dozens of seconds, brushing——a few people raised their hands!

At the meeting place, the country raised its hand high!

But the scorching sun at noon does not count, so there are actually only four captains who support it.

The number of votes was six to four, obviously the Light of Glory won the victory!

"Cut, I knew it was like this!" Seeing this result, Lie Yang in the afternoon showed a trace of disdain, and then he turned around and left the meeting room, and the four captains who had just raised their hands also got up one after another, followed Behind the scorching sun at noon.

"Elizabeth Davin, what do you want!"

Seeing this, the wind of the temple was no longer calm, and immediately stood up and questioned.

Lie Yang in the afternoon waved his hand.

"There is a saying in the East, different ways don't conspire with each other! From then on, there will be no noonday sun in glory!"

After his words fell, several people on the field were shocked, and Glory Light also clenched their fists. When Lie Yang of Noon Day wanted to vote, he knew that either he would step down today, or Lie Yang of Noon Day would leave the Glory Guild.

Now, although he has not stepped down!

But the other party took away four captains, and they were all members of the Glory Guild! The four captains did not represent four people, it was as simple as that.

The Glory Guild now has about 100,000 people, and there are ten captains in total. On average, each captain is in charge of 10,000 people, and these four captains represent 40,000 people. If these 40,000 people really leave the Glory Guild, Then it was definitely a blow to the Glory Guild.

Even, the title of the No. 1 Guild of Oumen will be completely lost!

But this time, the Glory Light felt right!

Not long after the meeting ended, nearly 40,000 people left the Glory Guild. At the same time, Lieyang announced directly on his social account that he had left the Glory Guild and established a new one. guild. The new guild name is Lieyang Guild.

As soon as this news came out, the Oumen players in the entire second world were shocked, and other guilds were also shocked. But this time, the transformation of the Glory Guild can be seen by anyone, and the trigger is the Mengwang.

Meng Wang, an Eastern player, actually used a legendary battle to disperse Oumen's first guild, the Glory Guild!

This......... This is a fantasy to many people. But now he has indeed appeared!

At the same time, other guilds in Oumen.

Twelve Temples Guild.

Twelve high-level guild members gathered together.

St. Peter: "The Lieyang Guild did not expect that the Lieyang at noon would actually split. This should be a good thing for us. 17

St. John: "Yes! I didn't expect that the mighty Glory Guild would be defeated by an oriental man! But I heard that the guild that the orientals also established in Oumen seems to be called the number one guild in the world! And Oumen's side is just a branch!"

St. Andre: "Leave him alone for the time being, that Easterner is not easy to mess with! And this is Omen after all, no matter how strong he is, he won't affect too much, but the Glory Guild, let's take advantage of this time to hit it! In addition, if the Lieyang in the afternoon can win over, then do so! The Lieyang Guild has just been established, and the Glory of Glory will definitely target them, so we can help them appropriately!"

St. Jude: "Haha, it's exciting to watch!"

The Temple of the Gods Guild.

Zeus: "I didn't expect that the Glory Guild would split! It seems that this is an opportunity for our temples!"

Hera: "Why are you in such a hurry? Now the Glory Guild is probably more anxious than us. Lie Yang at noon went out by himself and established the Lie Yang Guild." He can tolerate Yao Zhiguang's character.

Apollo: "I heard that Lieyang of Noonday has a younger sister whose id is Glacier of Noonday, and she acted together with King Meng before! And now it seems that she has become the world's number one guild of King Meng, in the Omen branch. Vice President, tell me, does his split this time have something to do with it!"

Athena: "It's not impossible! But no matter what! The possibility of cooperation between these two guilds is very high! Not only them, but we should also help the Sunshine Guild (cefg), the previous dominant guild of Glory The time has passed!"

Zeus: "Yes! The next second world will be more interesting! It's just unexpected that the fuse of the big event on our side of Oumen is actually an oriental person. If there is a chance, I still want to see this person called Moe King's Eastern player!"

Hera: "I'm also very interested in him! And, speaking of it, we have to thank him!"

the other side.

Noon's Lieyang broke away from the news of the Glory Guild, and it was soon known by Noon's Glacier.

Seeing that his brother had really left the Glory Guild, Bing Chuan in the afternoon was stunned!

"I just said something! He actually listened?"

"So! My stupid brother is really stimulated!"

"Tsk tsk, Lieyang Guild, this name... is really narcissistic!"

Looking at the news on the forum, Noon's Glacier said. She completely forgot what she did when she named Triangle City.

And just as she was sighing, there was a buzz, and her friend's message rang.

After seeing the glacier in the afternoon, a smile appeared on his face. Sent by my brother.

Lie Yang at noon: "Meng Wang, are you still here?"

Noon's Glacier: "No! Wow, I really didn't expect that, I just said that, you actually left the Glory Guild! But it's a pity, you didn't join our world's number one guild! But it doesn't matter, you That Lieyang Guild can’t be dealt with anymore, I still welcome you here! Who told you to be my good brother!”

Lieyang at noon: "The Lieyang Guild now has 40,000 people!"

One reply directly stunned the glacier in the afternoon.

The Lieyang Guild has 40,000 people, what about the Oumen branch of the world's largest guild?

There are only 3 people now!

Immediately, the glacier in the afternoon widened his eyes, and then the scorching sun in the afternoon began to pierce his heart.

"The Lieyang Guild has obtained the city building order, and is planning to buy a central city in the Chiyang Empire!"


Damn it, Triangle City is just a small town now!

In an instant, the glacier at noon was under pressure, and life felt like ups and downs.

She finally overtook Lieyang at noon in the game, and now she was overtaken back in just half a day!


Lie Yang in the afternoon: "If you can't get along there anymore, you can come to the Lie Yang Guild, I welcome you very much! Who made you my good sister!"

Wow - shameless!

Use my words!

In the afternoon, Glacier was furious and immediately closed the chat with friends.

According to this progress, soon, she will be overwhelmed by the scorching sun again!

Noon's Bing Chuan suddenly became full of energy, she wanted to prove herself, and soon found the one who crushed her brother again!


"Development must be accelerated!"

"Triangle City has a lot of infrastructure, as long as you recruit some guards, the safety of the city will be guaranteed! And, for the powerful NPC, I might go and see it in the Holy City of Brightness!"

"In addition, the guild has to recruit people as soon as possible! Don't be overwhelmed by him!"

Looking at the panels of Triangle City and the world's number one guild (Rome), Glacier immediately began to study how to develop Triangle City.

At this time, her friend message rang again, this time it was still sent by Lie Yang, who was still on her birthday.

However, this time it was not a sarcasm!

"Help me contact Meng Wang, I want to see him!"

Seeing this news, the glacier in the afternoon was taken aback.

What is this for? Brother wants to unite with Lin Feng?

"Okay! But there is no guarantee that he will be able to see you!" Noon Glacier replied.

On the other side, in a main city of the Chiyang Empire.

Lie Yang in the afternoon received a reply and showed a faint smile.

"Haha, Caitlin is probably mad now!"

"However, the feeling of being the guild leader is really good! It's much more comfortable than being in the Glory Guild!"

"Also, Meng Wang? An oriental player came to Omen, is it a coincidence or has other plans? Can you cooperate with him? Oh, my silly sister!"

With a sigh, Lieyang started to get busy at noon, the guild has just been established, and he still has a lot of things to deal with!.

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