National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 208 Magic Crystal Vein! The Version Is Updated Again!


Hearing the sound, Murong Sisi's eyes widened with disbelief.

She looked at Lin Feng!

"Lin Feng, you are now a millionaire?"

Although the Murong family has money, it belongs to the family. Among the five Murong sisters, Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu have always been protected. Both of them have no worries about food and clothing, and have never gone out to make money.

Playing games is all because of hobbies, not for the initial 3,000 yuan like Lin Feng.

However, the money in the family belongs to the family, and what you earn is your own!

The concepts between the two are different, Murong Sisi and Murong Wuwu still know this.

But now, after seeing Lin Feng kill a level 100 boss and earn 3 million, Murong Sisi was stunned.

She has no concept of equipment in the game, but she still has a concept of money in reality!

"It's nothing, Lin Feng made a lot of money before! A guild token has been sold up to the upper limit!" Murong Wuwu said while pouting.

If it weren't for this, Lin Feng would still be my game teacher! Now it's a good thing, I feel that Lin Feng is more familiar with the big sister than I am!

Hearing Murong Wuwu's words, Murong Sisi was shocked again! She quickly looked at Murong Wuwu.

"Wuwu, why didn't you say this before!"

"I said it! I said Lin Feng is rich now, so he won't be my game teacher anymore! You didn't listen!" Murong Wuwu said angrily.

"Ah...Murong Sisi was taken aback.

The money she thought was rich is not so rich!

Tens of millions, how much yogurt and strawberries do I have to buy?

For a moment, Murong Sisi was in a trance for 643 points!

"It's nothing, the big head is over there!" Murong Yiyi pointed to the golden-backed giant ape's lair, and said: "If there is really a magic crystal vein in there, even if it is a small vein, the current value is also the same. More than ten million, even hundreds of millions!"

"Of course it will be depreciated in the future, but it won't be too wolf! The second world still has great potential!" Murong Yiyi emphasized.

"Hundreds of millions?" Murong Sisi was shocked again, and she immediately said: "Then what are we waiting for, let's go and have a look!"

"Wow, you can earn hundreds of millions of dollars in one day! Xiaojiu discovered this!"

"Sister, can you give me some of this mine? I don't want too much, just give me a million!"

Thinking that the ore was discovered by Xiao Jiu, Murong Sisi hurriedly said.

Seeing Murong Sisi like this, Murong Yiyi felt annoyed and funny, but finally nodded.

"Okay, I'll transfer 1 million to you later! But, Er Er, watch carefully, don't let her buy snacks indiscriminately! You are the fattest among five people!"

Hearing the fattest, Murong Sisi also pouted.

"Where is it? They are all the same! If you don't believe me, Lin Feng, come and judge!"

Lin Feng didn't open his mouth. He was lazy to meddle in such matters.

But speaking of it, apart from their different personalities, the five Murong sisters are really similar in appearance. In reality, they don't say "Lin Feng himself may not be able to distinguish the speed.

"Okay, let's go in and have a look!" Lin Feng said.

The voice fell, and several people nodded.

Then a group of people marched towards the lair of the golden-backed giant ape, and soon, several people walked into the lair.

The lair of the golden-backed giant ape was not very big, but as soon as they entered, Lin Feng and the others saw that there were many magic red crystals in the lair, with different sizes and shapes, which seemed to be formed naturally.

After several people walked into the nest, Lin Feng and the others saw the nest of the golden-backed giant ape.

"There are more magic red crystals here! It seems that this should be a mine of magic red crystals!" Murong Er'er said.

"Sister, come and see!"

At this moment, Murong Sisi, who was walking in the front, called out, and then several people hurriedly followed.

Then, they found a crack on the wall of the golden-backed giant ape's lair, and looked through the crack. On the other side of the crack, there were some natural magic red crystals growing, shining a little bit of light. Beautiful, very beautiful.

"That's right, it's a magic crystal vein!" Murong Er said excitedly.

At the same time as he discovered the magic red crystal vein, a system notification sounded in Lin Feng's mind.

"Ding, I found a magic red crystal vein (middle)."

"It has been detected that you have a city near the mine, do you want to include the mine in the territory of the city?"

"Yes!" Lin Feng replied immediately.

The voice fell, and the system's notification sounded again.

"The magic red crystal vein (middle) has been stored in your city Blood Wolf City, now you can build a mine here, hire miners, and send more guards!"

After the notification sounded, there was no change on the field, but Lin Feng knew that if he wanted to do this series of operations, he had to return to Blood Wolf City.

"The system prompts! This is a mid-level magical red crystal vein, which now belongs to Blood Wolf City! We can send guards, miners and construction workers here when we go back now!"

Lin Feng said to the five Murong sisters.

"Great! Lin Feng, my Xiaojiu is the best!" Murong Sisi said with an air.

"In this way, the development of Blood Wolf City! No, together with the development resources of Yashan City, there will be!" Murong Er smiled lightly.

"Then what are you waiting for! Let's go back quickly!" Murong Wuwu raised her hands and said.

They found a medium-sized magic crystal vein, and everyone was very excited!

Soon, several people returned to Blood Wolf City by the same route.

Back at the City Lord's Mansion, Lin Feng found the information about the medium-sized magic red crystal veins in the blood wolf city's panel. At the same time, on the system's panel, there were also options for building mines, hiring miners, and mineral guards.

However, at this time, these options are grayed out, and there is no way to view them.

Just when Lin Feng was puzzled, at this moment, a world announcement sounded in the second world.

[It is detected that players in the whole server have explored 100 ore veins, and the server will be updated for the second time in 1 hour, and the update time is 12 hours. I hope players can guarantee their offline location and ensure their data security】

[It is detected that players in the whole server have explored 100 ore veins, and the server will be updated for the second time in 1 hour...

[It has been detected that players in the whole server have explored 100 ore veins, and the server will be updated for the second time in 1 hour.....]

A series of three world announcements appeared.

Soon, Lin Feng also knew why the mine option was gray and white.

"After the game is updated, these veins can be put into use!" Lin Feng said.

At this time, the Murong sisters also got the news of the world announcement.

"Lin Feng, the version is about to be updated! This time it seems to have something to do with the mine!"

"Hey, Lin Feng, do you think we are the 100th to discover ore veins! But there are actually 100 ore veins discovered in the whole server! From this point of view, these ore veins are not particularly valuable!" Murong Sisi said: " I thought we were the first to find it!"

"Hehe, discovering does not necessarily mean being able to mine! After the version is updated, we can mine directly! And among the 100, there will not be too many magic veins!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Murong Yiyi on the side nodded, and then asked.

"Lin Feng, do you still have something to do here? No, I will go offline first! One hour is not enough for other things!"

"No more! If you have nothing to do, you can go offline! The update will take 12 hours, so you can relax!" Lin Feng said.

After the words fell, Murong Yiyi didn't speak again, but directly chose to log off.

Seeing Murong Yiyi go offline, Murong Sisi emboldened her courage and approached Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, after you go offline, come and play with us, okay! Wuwu even said that she misses you! You man...cough cough, you are not competent at all!" Murong Sisi said with a smile. Playful smile. "However, remember to bring something delicious when you come! And yogurt and strawberries!"

"Murong Wuwu misses me?"

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng was slightly taken aback! He looked at Murong Sisi, he didn't know it because he hadn't contacted her before. Now that he got in touch, Lin Feng found out that this guy is only afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

Although my current residence is not far from Murong Wuwu's sisters, but I really have to go there, Murong Erer may not say anything, but Murong Shanshan will definitely not let it go.

If Murong Yiyi finds out about this later, I'm afraid she will suffer when the time comes!

"Forget it in the past! You are all women, and it's inconvenient for me to be a man! If not, let's all have a meal together! I'll treat you!" Lin Feng said.

It is not allowed to go inside the house, but it is okay to treat guests! Anyway, it is a guild!

"It's a treat, okay! Okay! I'll definitely bring Wuwu, Lin Feng, just put it down!" Murong Sisi said with a smile.

After the two finished chatting, Murong Sisi then made a gesture of turning back to contact her, and then went offline.

Lin Feng didn't have anything to do here, so he simply went offline.

After coming out of the game, Lin Feng had some activities, and this time the online time was not short.

Then, Lin Feng received a WeChat message from Murong Wuwu.

Murong Xiaowu: "Lin Feng, Sisi said that you want to treat guests to dinner, is it true?"

Lin Feng: "Of course it's true! It's rare for the game to be updated once, so let's go out to have a meal together and have fun."

Murong Xiaowu: "Okay, I'll tell the second and third sisters right now!"

Lin Feng: "By the way, I moved here and I don't know where to eat delicious food nearby? You have lived here for a while, do you have any recommendations!"

Murong Xiaowu: "I don't know either, usually the first sister doesn't let me eat outside!"

Lin Feng: "Okay, I'll just watch it myself! I'll tell you when I see it!"

Murong Xiaowu: "Yeah! The second sister and the third sister said, they will go too! President, our sisters will kill you this time, hehe..."

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