National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 209 Take Down The Magic Crystal Vein!

In the real world, in a high-end buffet restaurant.

"Come on, cheers to the world's number one guild!"

Lin Feng held up the juice in his hand, and in front of him were Murong Wuwu and others. At this time, Murong Wuwu also stood up one after another, holding up the juice in his hand.

"Hey, cheers to the world's number one guild!"

The appearance of the four sisters undoubtedly became the most beautiful scenery in the hotel.

When everyone passed by, they couldn't help but look at the four of them. At the same time, many people also looked at Lin Feng on the side with puzzled eyes. The eyes seemed to say that this kid is so capable.

"This kid must be a big dog! So beautiful, and a quadruplet! It's incredible..."

"If you can come here for one night, it will be worth your whole life!"

The men cast envious glances one after another.

On the dining table, Murong Wuwu and the others were very happy, and they picked up the juice in their hands.

"Come on, cheers to our guild!" Murong Sisi spoke first, then drank the juice, picked up two strawberries, and quickly put them into her mouth

While chewing, he opened his mouth and said.

"Lin Feng, I think we should hold more events like this! This way everyone will be familiar with you and Wuwu...cough cough!"

Just as Murong Sisi's voice sounded, Murong Wuwu looked at her!

"Eat your strawberries! You just want to eat and drink! I don't know you! Do you want this yogurt and this lobster!"

As she said that, Murong Wuwu wanted to take the yogurt and crayfish in front of Murong Sisi's eyes, and immediately, a look of anxiety appeared in Murong Sisi's eyes.

"Yes. Yes, yes, my

Stopped in a hurry, Murong Sisi finally smiled. She is a snack!

On the other hand, Murong Er'er is very calm, and Murong Shanshan is very ladylike. It's just that every time Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu and wanted to talk to Murong Wuwu, her cold eyes swept over.

At the back Lin Feng simply let go, I don't watch Murong Wuwu anymore, I just watch you!

Anyway, your sisters are about the same age!

In the end, under Lin Feng's eye attack, Murong Shanshan felt a little embarrassed!

They ate for two hours for a period of time, during which everyone else talked and listened to Lin Feng bragging about his affairs in Oumen Triangle City, while Murong Sisi specialized in killing food, and left with a full stomach.

"Lin Feng, next time you have a treat, you must remember to call me!"

Before leaving, Murong Sisi did not forget to speak.

Lin Feng opened his mouth and agreed, and after leaving the hotel, the sky outside had already dimmed.

After sending the four sisters back home, Lin Feng also returned to his villa, and slept soundly.

The next day, at six o'clock in the morning, the Second World was updated on time!

Lin Feng quickly logged in.

Second World, Blood Wolf City, City Lord's Mansion.

Lin Feng was the first to check the update content, mainly about the update of the city territory and mine veins.

1. After the update, players can mine minerals, trees, etc. as long as they have learned mining skills.

2. The city can occupy resource points. After selecting a certain forest or a certain mountain, the player can organize a team of no more than 100 people to start land reclamation and enter the wasteland reclamation dungeon! If the dungeon is successfully attacked, this area will be occupied. As a city territory. Fight monsters near the territory of the city, and players in the city can get a lot of experience and rewards.

3. Players can organize mineral land reclamation. With a team of 100 people as the upper limit, enter the wasteland reclamation instance, kill the monsters and guardian bosses in it, and you will be able to successfully seize the mine veins, land reclamation is successful, and send a guard team of no more than 100 people to guard the mine. After that, the mine will belong to this team. Forty-eight hours later, other teams were able to attack the mine.

In addition, the second point of the game update is that many hidden forces have become active, and players have a higher probability of obtaining races and hidden occupations.

In addition, after the game is updated, players can also create their own equipment, weapons and buildings, opening up more functions.

"So, it's not just the mineral veins! The Myriad Beast Forest outside Blood Wolf City can also be occupied?"

Seeing this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

"There is also the area near Yashan City, which can also be directly occupied!"

While Lin Feng was thinking, Murong Yiyi also went online, and she found Lin Feng as soon as she saw the updated content.

"Lin Feng, this update is very powerful! It will be of great use to us!" Murong Yiyi was a little happy. There are not many cities owned by players in the entire second world, and the number one guild in the world now has three on the surface .

Yashan City, Triangle City, Blood Wolf City!

Moreover, the wild resources around Blood Wolf City are very rich, and now city players can occupy territory, which is undoubtedly good news for Blood Wolf City.

"Yes! Especially here, I have to organize it later to see if I can get someone to knock down the Myriad Beast Forest near Blood Wolf City, so that the development of Blood Wolf City will be better! "

"At the same time, you also need to keep an eye on Yashan City to see if there are any ore veins nearby! By the way, I don't know if the ore vein needs to be opened again!"

Afterwards, Lin Feng looked at the city panel of Blood Wolf City, and found the information of the magic red crystal veins on it, but this time, there was an extra occupation value on it.

At present, the occupation value of that mine vein is only 30%, obviously it has not been fully occupied yet.

Immediately afterwards, after discussing with Murong Yiyi, Murong Yiyi began to recruit players to open up wasteland in Blood Wolf City, while Lin Feng went to find the magic red crystal veins

Soon, Lin Feng came to the location where the magic red crystal vein was located.

Entered into the magic crystal vein, looked at the red crystal in the mine.

Just at this time!

The sound of the system suddenly came to Lin Feng's ears.

"Ding, you found the magic red crystal vein! You can open the wasteland dungeon!"

"Do you want to open the wasteland dungeon?"


The system's notification tone fell, and immediately after, Lin Feng directly entered the land reclamation dungeon.

The wasteland reclamation copy is a crystal mine, but it has a lot of space.

As soon as he entered, Lin Feng found a group of ape-like monsters similar to the golden-backed giant ape, there were about twenty or thirty of them.

Great Ape

Level: Level 100

HP: 70000

Seeing these monsters, Lin Feng didn't think too much, and directly transformed into death mode, and released a soul-binding magic circle.




A series of damage numbers fluttered, and two seconds later, the black-backed giant ape died on the ground.

After harvesting the spoils, Lin Feng continued to set off.

Soon, he came to the second crystal mine, where besides the black-backed giant ape, there was also a purple-backed giant ape.

Elite·Purple-backed Giant Ape

Level: Level 100

HP: 210000

Under Lin Feng's fierce attack, the purple-backed giant ape is also hard to resist!

Soon, he was beheaded by Lin Feng.

In the end, the boss of the dungeon is not the golden-backed giant ape, but two yellow-backed giant apes.


Rare BOOSS Yellow-backed Giant Ape

...asking for flowers...

Level: Level 100

HP: 3500000

Seeing the two yellow-backed giant apes, Lin Feng directly activated the dragon transformation.

With the remnant soul of the Sun God Dragon King possessing his body, Lin Feng's output directly doubled by 4 times. Although the two yellow-backed giant apes have a lot of blood, they are much less than the previous golden-backed giant apes.

After some fighting, the two yellow-backed giant apes were wiped out by Lin Feng alone, and 3 pieces of equipment were exposed, all of which were gold-grade.

Diamond Crystal Boots

Grade: Gold

Level: Level 65

Physical Defense: 650

Magic Defense: 650

Agility: +40

Diamond Armor

Grade: Gold

Level: Level 65

Physical Defense: 700

Magic Defense: 700

Constitution: +40

Diamond Crystal Great Sword

Grade: Gold

Level: Level 65

Physical Attack: 1500

Magic attack: 1500

Features: Broken: Attack has a 5% chance to cause armor-breaking effect on the enemy for 5 seconds. Under the Armor Penetration effect, the attack ignores the defense.


After glancing at the equipment, Lin Feng immediately put it away.

The mobs in the dungeon also revealed a lot of materials and equipment, but none of them were very good, and Lin Feng was too lazy to read them.


"You have obtained the occupation authority through the wasteland reclamation copy of the magic red crystal vein (middle)!"

Hearing the prompt of the dungeon, Lin Feng was also sent a dungeon.

"This boss is a little weak. It seems that the golden-backed giant ape that was killed before is likely to be the boss of the dungeon, but it was killed in advance, and the dungeon has not been spawned again."

After speaking, Lin Feng turned around and ran towards Blood Wolf City.

Returning to the City Lord's Mansion, he opened the city panel. This time, Lin Feng could finally control the options for building mines, hiring miners, and mineral guards that appeared on the panel.

At the same time, there are some more explanations on the panel, and some information related to the ore veins also appeared.

Lin Feng then looked at the information about the vein.

[Mine] - resource building outside the city.

Small mine: as long as 1000 gold coins, 100 construction workers, 10 low-level constructors. Can cover small veins.

Medium-sized mine: 10,000 gold coins, 500 builders, and 50 intermediate builders are required to cover medium-sized mines.

Large mines: need 100,000 kills, 1,000 construction workers, and 100 senior builders. Can cover large veins.

Very Large Mine: Requires .. …

Giant Mine:  ……

【Miner】-Mine staff.

Low-level miners: 10 gold coins per person, can mine 1 unit of veins a day.

Intermediate miners: 50 gold coins per person, can mine 5 units of veins a day.

Senior miner: 100 gold coins per person, can mine 10 units of veins a day. (Requires Shrine of Higher Recruitment.)

Super miner: 1000 gold coins per person, can mine 100 units of veins a day. (Requires a Grand Recruit Shrine.)

[Mineral Guard] - Mineral protection personnel.

Currently, guards of level 10-100 can be hired, level 10 guards cost 1 gold coin per person, level 20 guards cost 2 gold coins per person, and so on.

A small mine can hold 50 guards, a medium mine can hold 100 guards, a large mine can hold 1000 guards...

(Remarks: Guards are also counted in the 100-player group. Each mine player can choose to be stationed independently, with 100 people as the upper limit. Yu).

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