National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 210 A Mine Is Discovered In Yashan City!

Seeing the information introduction, Lin Feng directly recruited 500 construction workers and 50 intermediate builders in the recruitment temple, and designated the magic crystal vein to build a medium-sized mine.

Then, Lin Feng sent another 100 guards in the city, and then assigned them to the place where the magic red crystal mine was located, responsible for protecting the construction workers and builders.

Soon, as the rays of light flickered, construction workers and guards were recruited in the recruitment temple, and organized to go to the magic crystal mine

It also takes time to build a mine. Lin Feng plans to wait for the completion of the mine before recruiting miners.

The current map of Blood Wolf City is not yet open to most players, and the magic red crystal veins are still in a safe state, and it will be safer after Blood Wolf City wins the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts.

After finishing these, Lin Feng then contacted Murong Yiyi and asked about the information of the guild players.

But at this moment, news came from Murong Er'er who had already returned to Yashan City.

Ore veins have also been discovered in Yashan City!

Lin Feng was overjoyed when he heard the news, and quickly contacted Murong Er'er and Li Yuan in Yashan City.

Then, Lin Feng teleported to Yashan City.

After arriving at Yashan City, Murong Er'er, Murong Wuwu, Murong Sisi and Li Yuan were all here.

After the five Murong sisters went online, Murong Yiyi took charge of "057" and came to the land reclamation operation in Blood Wolf City. Murong Er'er returned to Yashan City to investigate here, while Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi They came here together.

"Lin Feng, you are here!"

Seeing Lin Feng appearing, Murong said in his ear.

"Did you find the vein?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yes, it's a mine!" Li Yuan on the side said: "After the version update this time, the online players are more concerned about the mine veins, and the Yashan City is also here, sending out a few teams!"

"As a result, one of the teams actually discovered the ore vein, and it was a mine, and it was able to take down the terrain and the ore vein!"

"Mine?" Hearing the sound, Lin Feng's eyes lit up. "What kind of vein is it!"

"Iron ore! But it's very big, and the players in the guild also found a lot of iron ore there! It should be an iron ore!" Li Yuan explained.

"That's fine, you guys will go and have a look with me later!" Lin Feng said.

The dungeon of mine reclamation allows 100 people to enter at a time, but Lin Feng is not very familiar with the players in the guild! Moreover, the level of monsters in Yashan City is not as high as that of Blood Wolf City. At the same time, it is only an iron mine, so the dungeon of reclamation is difficult It shouldn't be very big.

"No problem, if the lunatic wins the mine this time! Yashan City can be upgraded to a big city after a period of development!" Li Yuan said excitedly.

"It's not urgent. Now that the game has been updated, we have to look at the terrain around Yashan City! I didn't pay much attention to it before!" Lin Feng said.

Indeed, because of the teleportation, Lin Feng didn't pay much attention to the exploration around Yashan City. Lin Feng paid attention to resource exploration because of the high-level map in Blood Wolf City.

But now that the version is updated, the terrain near the city can be incorporated into the territory of the city through the wasteland dungeon. In this way, the exploration around the city is more important.

Just like the iron mine this time, this is the result after exploration!

"Yes! That's right, occupy the surrounding terrain, so that the members of the guild can upgrade quickly!" Li Yuan also nodded and said.

After that, the few people discussed about the exploration plan around Yashan City, and then they formed a team and went to the iron mine.

The iron mine is not too far from Yashan City, and with the guidance of the player who discovered the iron mine before, it didn't take long for Lin Feng and the others to reach the player's iron mine.

"Here it is!" a player said.

Lin Feng followed the trend and looked over, in front of him was a gray-brown mountain range, the surrounding trees were not lush, only thin vegetation, which looked a bit bare, the mountain looked a bit like a trident, with three peaks protruding from its head mouth.

When everyone walked to the bottom of the iron mine, the system will prompt that there is an iron mine here, whether to start a wasteland dungeon.

Without thinking too much, Lin Feng formed a team with Murong Er'er, Li Yuan and others, and entered the wasteland reclamation dungeon.

Different from the wasteland reclamation dungeon of the magic red crystal, the reclamation dungeon here is a space similar to a dungeon. As soon as Lin Feng and the others entered, they saw monsters wandering around in the open space on the field, and there were more than 100 of them.

These monsters look a bit strange, covered in red scales, a bit like a mutated shrimp monster, holding various weapons in their two front paws.

Catacombs Red Armored Demon Soldier

Level: Level 50

HP: 11500

Level 50 monsters have no pressure on Lin Feng and others!

Lin Feng struck directly, and Murong Wuwu and others on the side also launched an attack, and even Murong Er'er and Murong Sisi fought these monsters without much effort.

Although they are relatively weak compared to Lin Feng, they are still relatively strong for ordinary players, at least in terms of equipment, other players cannot compare.



As soon as Lin Feng made a move, it was basically an instant kill.

In a few tens of seconds, he had killed more than 20 red-armored demon soldiers in the crypt.

But at this moment, there was a rustling sound from the field, and then, the BOSS walked out from a group of soldiers.

BOSS·Real Estate Red Armored Demon General

Level: Level 50

HP: 115000

Boss swung his four legs, swung the sledgehammer in his hand, and rushed over. Seeing this, Lin Feng directly slashed the guardian angel with a cross.


A white holy light streaked across the field.


In an instant, the boss was killed, and the mobs nearby were almost cleaned up.

After waiting for all the monsters to be killed, Lin Feng and others found the way to the second floor of the crypt. The second floor was still an empty place, and they still met the real estate red-armored demon soldiers, but their level was 5 higher. class.

The BOSS at level 55 still has no pressure, and it has been pushed all the way to the third floor, where the monster level has been raised to level 60, and at the same time, the mobs have also changed.

Catacomb Black Armored Soldier

Level: Level 60

HP: 16000

BOSS·Real Estate Black Armored Demon General

Level: Level 60

HP: 160000


The carapace on the body of the black armored monster is more obvious. At the same time, it has grown 8 legs and a pair of huge claws, which look like pincers. The overall image is more like a crab general.

On this level, Lin Feng and others didn't spend much time. They advanced to the fourth level. They were still black-armored demon soldiers, and their level was raised to level 65. At the same time, the boss was also transformed into a rare boss, with more HP.

The monsters on the fifth floor turned into 100 cave sirens with snakes and human heads holding tridents in their hands. At the same time, these minions would release mental attacks, and their level had also been raised to level 70.

Level: Level 70.

HP: 26000

Rare Boss-Real Estate Siren General

Level: Level 70

HP: 520000

The rare level boss with 520,000 blood volume, Lin Feng directly singled out the boss, while the others got entangled with the minions......

To deal with the Kraken General, Lin Feng felt a little relaxed, but Li Yuan was a little bit powerless. Lin Feng simply released Xiao Hei and other pets. With the help of the pets, Li Yuan and the others Also killed 100 Krakens.

Soon, a group of people entered the sixth floor. The monsters on the sixth floor were still Krakens, but their level jumped to level 80. Among the sea monsters, Lin Feng searched for the boss, and soon, a huge monster [with scales whose color was completely different from other sea monsters appeared before Lin Feng's eyes.


Level: Level 80

HP: 38000

Legendary Boss Real Estate Siren Emperor

Level: Level 80

HP: 3800000

"Level 80 legendary boss!"

"It seems that this should be the last floor!"

After seeing the Kraken King in the Catacombs, Lin Feng basically understood. And several other people also guessed it one after another, and became excited.

"Leave the boss to me, and leave the other soldiers to you!" Lin Feng said.

Then, he rushed directly towards the Kraken King in the Catacombs. With an attitude of making a quick decision, Lin Feng directly used Shenlong Transformation at the beginning.

With a roar—

A black dragon soul phantom floated on the field, and then directly attached to Lin Feng's body. This time, Lin Feng summoned the remnant soul of the most yin dragon, and the cooldown of the skill was reduced by 1 times

After using Shenlong Transformation, Lin Feng immediately transformed into Death God form.

The soul-binding circle and the soul-absorbing circle were released.

Immediately, layers of black mist surged under the body of the Sea Demon Emperor.




A series of damage numbers appeared above the head of the Kraken Emperor in the Catacombs, and the deceleration effect under the soul-binding magic circle also took effect.

The Kraken King of the Catacombs made a hissing sound, and then, the trident in his hand shook, and a huge wave of water rushed towards Lin Feng out of nothing, Lin Feng hurriedly flickered

But the surface area of ​​1.7 water waves is too large, so it was still hit.


A damage figure soared, and Lin Feng's blood volume dropped a lot in an instant.

"It's a bit troublesome to have a large-scale AOE!"

Frowning, Lin Feng immediately activated the awakening skill Necromancer Dance of the Grim Reaper, and at the same time released Light and Shadow Mistracking.

100 ghosts from hell were summoned, and most of them rushed directly to the Kraken King in the Catacombs [the other part rushed to the ordinary land monsters on the field.




In an instant, the blood volume of the Kraken King dropped a lot [while the ordinary Krakens around Lin Feng directly killed more than 20 of them in a flash. This eased the pressure on Murong Sisi and others a lot.

Lin Feng glanced at it, and there were not many ordinary real estate sea monsters on the field. Afterwards, he directly locked 10 ordinary cave sea monsters, and released the shadow of death.

swipe swipe——

Streams of black mist surged out from Lin Feng's body, and then directly penetrated into the bodies of the 10 ordinary Krakens.



Ten ordinary sea-monsters were instantly killed, and Li Yuan and others also quickly beheaded other ordinary sea-monsters.

Soon there was only one BOSS left, the Catacomb Siren King!.

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