National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 211 Take Down The Mine! The Geographical Advantage Of Yashan City!

The Kraken King of the Catacombs was left alone, and Xiao Hei and other pets also came to support him, and the battle soon became easier.

As for Murong Sisi and others, their strength is too weak! They didn't fight Lin Feng much, so they couldn't cooperate.

"You guys, pay attention, this boss has AOE damage, and the range is very large! Try to output from a distance, don't get close!"

"Come closer, it is very likely that you will be instantly killed!"

The Real Estate Siren King hit Lin Feng with more than 20,000 blood with one move, and it is likely to be an instant kill against others.

Xiao Hei came for reinforcements, and released the Frozen World without any hassle.


The Catacomb Siren King was frozen in ice, and Lin Feng quickly released his skills.

With the cooldown reduced, Lin Feng's skills were released as if they didn't need money.

Reaper form, soul-binding magic circle, extreme death harvest, hell fire sea domain...

-99469, -265920, -152912...

The damage figures fluctuated one after another. In the death form, Lin Feng was still using 16% of his magic to suck blood. Soon, he lost 20,000 life points before being sucked back.

5 seconds later, the Real Estate Siren King broke through the ice, and at this time, Xiao Hei immediately made up for the Taiyin blow, while Dandan Beast released the skill again, freezing the Catacomb Siren King!


The Kraken King of the Catacombs once again fell into a frozen state, and Lin Feng also seized the time to output, waiting for the 3-second freezing effect to disappear again. At this time, the Kraken King of the Catacombs only had a layer of blood skin left.

Lin Feng once again released the soul-binding magic circle and the soul-absorbing magic circle 26 to cooperate with the output of several pets, and took them away directly from the burrow siren king.


As the last bit of blood disappeared, the Catacomb Siren let out a scream, and his whole body began to squirm and curl up, and finally exploded with a loud bang, turning into a dead body.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of Li Yuan and other players lit up, and they walked over immediately.

"Crazy, you really have it! This boss, if I really bring 100 players here, I may not be able to beat it!" Li Yuan gave a thumbs up and praised.

The level 80 legendary boss is really unbeatable for ordinary players at this stage. Even if there are 100 people, under one AOE of the boss, more than half of them may be killed or injured

Moreover, their output is not as high as that of Lin Feng. Lin Feng also has pets to cooperate with. These players are basically difficult to play. One mistake may destroy the whole team.

"Look quickly, is there any good equipment!" Murong Sisi walked up directly and said.

Lin Feng walked up to the Siren King and harvested the spoils.

The Siren Emperor revealed 2 pieces of equipment, and a large piece of high-grade material, the Siren Emperor Stone, a high-grade material with water attributes. Lin Feng directly shared the equipment information.

Siren Staff

Grade: dark gold

Level: Level 60

Physical attack:

Magic attack:

Intelligence: +60

Features: Calling Tide: Consume 100 magic points, summon a wave to impact the enemies within the range of 100*200 in front, and add water attribute damage of 300% magic attack power. Cooldown: 120 seconds.

siren crown

Grade: dark gold

Level: Level 60

Physical Defense:

Magic defense:


HP: +1200

Features: Blessing of Water: Water attribute damage +50%.

Both pieces of equipment are good mage equipment, especially suitable for elemental mages who have changed their profession to water attributes.

Then, a few people took another count, and the other gains were the equipment and materials that were released by ordinary sea monsters on this floor, plus the equipment and materials that were released on the other 5 floors before.

After this dungeon trip, everyone harvested a total of 2 pieces of dark gold equipment, 5 pieces of gold equipment, 32 pieces of silver equipment, and 69 pieces of common equipment. They also harvested 18 kinds of rare materials and 87 kinds of common materials.

In general, it is also full of gains.

"Let's put these things in Yashan City for the time being! Let's see if there are any suitable people in the guild for the two dark gold equipment. If not, we will sell them!"

"The players are basically developed now, and the territory system has been activated on the city side, and there may be guild battles and the like in the future! We must get a batch of combat preparation resources!"

Lin Feng said, hearing the sound, Li Yuan nodded.

"It's better to have more money and gold coins. After Yashan City is upgraded, it will also need to consume a lot of gold coins!"

While the two were talking, the system beeped.

"Congratulations on clearing the Siren Iron Mine wasteland reclamation dungeon and occupying the Siren Iron Mine!"

"Would you like to quit the Siren Iron Mine wasteland reclamation dungeon?"

Lin Feng is the team leader, so he directly chose yes.


A ray of light flashed past, and several people retreated.

Afterwards, the few people flew back towards Yashan City. After returning, Lin Feng directly bound the Siren Iron Mine to Yashan City, hired construction workers and guards, and went to the Siren Iron Mine.

Siren Iron Mine is a large mine, but currently Yashan City is only a middle city, and there is no way to build a large mine. Lin Feng can only build a medium-sized mine and hire 100 level 100 guards.

After doing this, Lin Feng handed over Yashan City to Li Yuan and Murong Er'er for management, and he himself rode Shuang'er out of Yashan City.

He is going to explore the terrain near Yashan City [Looking at the surrounding environment of Yashan City.

Riding Shuang'er, all the way to the north.

Soon, the mountains and forests near Yashan City were under Lin Feng's eyes. Looking at the lush and green scene, Lin Feng's mood also improved involuntarily.

After two days of playing time, Lin Feng finally explored the entire area around Yashan City. What surprised Lin Feng was that Yashan City is not on the mainland, but on an island.

That's right, it is on an island, but this island is very big, and Yashan City is still in the center, if you don't explore it specially, you won't find it at all.

"It's actually an island city, and there seems to be only Yashan City on this island!"

"In this way, no one will snatch this island from me when the time comes!"

"I just don't know if the nearby sea area can be occupied, and if players can build ships and engage in naval battles in the future!"

"With flying babies, you can fight in the air! There is no need to not be able to fight in the sea! Otherwise, the location of Yashan City is too invincible, and it is too suitable for a base camp!"

He passed the news to Murong Er'er and the others that the place where Yashan City was located was an island, and they were also taken aback when they heard the news!

Many of them thought that Yashan City should not be far from Longyuan City, but now it seems that they are all wrong!

This is an island city far away from the mainland, surrounded by the sea!

Now it seems that if other players want to come over, they can only pass through teleportation, and the teleportation authority is in the hands of the world's number one guild!

As long as the naval battle does not start, there will be a safe group in Yashan City!

This news made Murong Yiyi, Li Yuan and others even more excited, and hurriedly prepared to start the land reclamation work in Yashan City.

In this update, Lin Feng also noticed the importance of mountain cities and cities.

In the following time, Lin Feng wasn't too busy leveling up. Now he's level 64, far surpassing other players, and he needs too much experience to level up in the future.

Then, Lin Feng started to download the dungeon and did some guild tasks.

The dungeons are the same as the previous dungeons, but now Lin Feng chooses the death mode every time, except that Zhao's Tower can be spawned three times a day, other dungeons are done twice a day, and the rewards are also a lot.

In addition, for the guild missions, most of them are to collect some materials, and occasionally there are some boss challenges, but they are basically ordinary bosses with more than 50 levels, and Lin Feng can kill them instantly.

After doing daily tasks for three days, Lin Feng put most of his harvest into the guild, enriching the guild's small treasury.

Then, he went to the City of the Dead and spent 200,000 gold coins to recruit 200 special construction workers. By the way, he took a look at the progress of the City of the Dead's repairs. As Lin Feng imagined, the progress of the repairs was very slow!

The entire City of the Dead will need about 500,000 super-grade construction workers to repair it for a month. Now Lin Feng is working in the City of the Dead, including the 200 newly recruited 290, and there are only more than 300 people. The speed is of course Can't get up soon.

But special construction workers are also ridiculously expensive, 1,000 gold coins each! And now, Lin Feng still has Blood Wolf City and Yashan City to develop, and Lin Feng also needs to invest in Triangle City.

"There are too many places to spend money, but not many places to make money!"

"It would be great if there was no limit to the number of copies per day!"

"In addition, when the veins are mined, it should be much better! At least Blood Wolf City and Yashan City can be completely self-sufficient in their daily needs!" Lin Feng analyzed.

Then, he left the city of the dead.

On the fourth day, Lin Feng did not continue to brush the dungeon, but pushed the guild task.

Instead, it was sent directly to Triangle City. After the version update, Wuri Glacier had already contacted Lin Feng. Lin Feng asked her to search for ore veins near Triangle City, but unfortunately, there were no mine veins near Triangle City. What lode to find.

But after thinking about it, Triangle City used to be a city managed by NPCs. If there were to be mineral veins, Triangle City had already mined them!

Because of the mineral veins, the glacier in Wuri is also relatively busy. After confirming that there are no mineral veins around Triangle City in the past few days, I then contacted Lin Feng and talked about joining forces with her brother Wuri's Lieyang's Lieyang Guild things.

Lin Feng directly agreed.

He decided to go there himself to see the development of Triangle City and the world's No. 1 guild on Oumen's side. At the same time, he also took a look at Noon Ri's brother Bing Chuan. What kind of person is the most important thing? taste. This will determine the degree of cooperation!

During this period of time, the Lieyang Union, the Glory Guild, and other guilds in Oumen are also exploring the mine veins. All players who occupy the mine veins know that the mine veins are definitely an important resource location in the later stages of the game.

However, after a few days of exploration, the terrain near the cities owned by the major guilds has almost been explored. As for the mineral veins in places too far away, even if they are discovered, it will be more troublesome to mine, and it is not worthwhile now!.

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