National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 212 S-Class Mission, Escort The Ice God Race Princess!

The light flickered, and Lin Feng came to Triangle City.

When we arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, the glacier in the afternoon was already waiting for Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, my brother will be here later!"

"How is it? The development here is not bad!"

The glacier in the afternoon said.

Hearing this, Lin Feng nodded. On the way to the City Lord's Mansion, he did see some players, and they should have been recruited by the glacier in the afternoon.

"What's up with the guild now!"

"There are already 3,000 people!" Bing Chuan was overjoyed in the afternoon: "There were many players and some small guilds who were at odds with Glory. After the guild was established here, a group of people came!"

"In addition, several other guilds have also contacted us! Lin Feng, you don't know now, our guild has become a favorite in Oumen's side!"

"However, some people from Glory will come to make troubles, but it's not a big problem. They also have a lot of internal conflicts. Now Glory Light has almost become the shame and public enemy of the entire Oumen players!"

"After my brother left, many guilds turned towards the Glory guild. The Glory is probably going to be pissed off!"

Noon's Glacier said with a smile. She also didn't expect that the battle in Triangle City would have such a big impact on Oumen's side.

"However, this period of time is a little better. All the families are busy exploring the mine veins near the city, and there are fewer battles!"

"Are there no mine veins near Triangle City?" Lin Feng asked.

"Not yet!" Noon Glacier shook his head, with a somewhat disappointed expression on his face. My elder brother, Lieyang City, has now discovered a mine vein, "but the protagonist's city has not yet escaped.

"Forget it! Triangle City is a port city, and trade is the most important thing! The resources of players and NPCs are not enough just relying on the player's backpack!" Lin Feng said: "There are more ore veins in the back, it must be for trade ! Go back and pay more attention to the development of the port!"

After the words fell, the eyes of the glacier in the afternoon brightened. Before, she was always entangled in ore veins, but Lin Feng said this, and she also felt that it made sense. Soon, the mentality adjusted.

Then, after waiting in Triangle City for a while, the scorching sun of noon came to Triangle City.

After meeting Lin Feng, Lie Yang in the afternoon went straight to the point, directly asking to unite with the branch of the world's number one labor union in Oumen.

"Light of Glory hates you and me the most now. The Glory Guild still has more than 60,000 players, and it is very troublesome to deal with. The other guilds may only wish to see us fight, and the probability of making a move is not very high! "

"So, King Meng, I came here this time to hope that our two families can join forces. When the time comes, if the Light of Glory chooses something, everyone will go together!"

"Your combat strength is now obvious to the players on Oumen's side! There are also 40,000 players on my side. If you really fight, the Glory Light will be afraid!"

Lie Yang in the afternoon said. Lin Feng has no objection to this point. After all, this is not his base camp, and it would be nice to be able to cooperate with the Lieyang Guild.

"In addition, I hope that the transmission authority of Lieyang City and Triangle City can be opened up. Although Lieyang City is only a middle city, there are also many resources nearby! Triangle City is a port city, and there must be more transactions in the future! The two of us Complement each other, it's good for both cities~~!"

"This is also fine..." Lin Feng nodded and said.

Immediately afterwards, Lie Yang in the afternoon talked about some specific things, but in general, it was the above two points.

First, partner to resist the Glory Guild and the Glory Light.

Second, Lieyang City and Triangle City open transmission permissions to each other, resource sharing!

These two points are beneficial to both guilds, so Lin Feng did not refuse. After talking about things, Lie Yang in the afternoon left Triangle City.

Seeing him walk out of the city lord's mansion, Zai Bingbing frowned.

With his older sister standing here, he didn't even greet her!

Really hateful!

"This is your brother?" Lin Feng was also a little curious, the other party's swift and resolute actions were not the same as the glacier in the afternoon.

"Yeah!" Noon's Glacier nodded.

"Brother?" Lin Feng asked again.

"That's right!" Wu Ri's Bing Chuan frowned: "He has such a temper. He usually likes to teach me a lesson, but he didn't talk today! He must have been stimulated by the development of my side!" 1

"As for his Lieyang City, I've been there before! He didn't even recruit all the guards! He didn't even start construction! It's not comparable to Triangle City at all!" Noon Bing Chuan looked proud.

Lin Feng didn't pay much attention to the glacier at noon, and went around the Triangle City, and then, Lin Feng was transferred to the Great Bright Holy City.

"My lord son! My lord bishop sent you to the holy city, go find him!"

Just after arriving at the teleportation hall, a teleporter from the Holy City of Light spoke to Lin Feng.

Hearing the sound, Lin Feng was slightly taken aback, knowing that there must be a mission.

All the way to Baikeli Bolan's hall.

"I've met the Bishop!" Lin Feng said first.

"Son of Meng Wang, you are finally here! The church has issued a mission, I have considered it for a long time, and I still think it is more appropriate to entrust this mission to you!"

Baikeli Bolan spoke directly.

"The princess of the Ice God Race went out, but the news was leaked out. On the way, they were blocked by the Dark Night Sacred Church. Although the princess of the Re'an Ice God Race was safe, the guards were seriously injured."

"The ice gods are devout believers of the church and they believe in the angel family. They asked the church for help. The church has decided to send a team of holy dragon knights to escort the princess of the ice gods into the holy city of ice. In addition, a holy son is needed. as a leader."

"Among the Holy Sons in the church, the Pope and I both like you more! This time the task will be entrusted to you!"

"Of course, this task has certain dangers. As the Holy Son of the church, you can refuse it! However, in this way, your status in the church will also be affected! As your supporter, I also hope that you able to take on this task.”

"And once you win the favor of the Ice God Race, it will also be beneficial to the future position competition in the church! You can think about it yourself!

Baikeli Bolan looked at Lin Feng, Lin Feng smiled lightly, this kind of task is naturally next.

"Bishop, please rest assured, I will definitely accept and complete this task!"

"Well! In today's church, you are most likely to take over the position of the next pope and bishop, but be careful, the Dark Night Guild will also send out a holy son! Killing the princess of the Ice Realm Protoss, for them It is also a great feat!" Baikeli Beran reminded him.

"Thank you bishop for reminding me!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng then left the main hall of Baikeli Beran and went to the mission hall of the Holy City of Great Light.

Soon, Lin Feng found related tasks.

Mission: Escort the princess of the ice gods

Mission limit: Holy Son of the Bright Church!

Explanation: S-level mission of the Church of Light. Odin Natasha, the princess of the Ice Gods, wanted to go to the holy city of the Ice Gods, but encountered obstacles from the Church of the Night on the way, please go to the territory of the Ice Gods [Escort Odin Natasha to the Holy City] city.

Mission failure: On the way to escort Odin Natasha, it is considered a mission failure.

Failure penalty: Favorability of the Church of Light -100, Merit of the Church of Light -100. Player level drops by 10.

The mission is successful: Escort Odin Natasha safely to the Holy City of the Ice Hell Protoss, the mission is considered successful.

Mission rewards: 100 points of light church merit, favorability of the ice gods, and random rewards.

After reading the mission introduction, Lin Feng directly accepted the mission.

Later, Lin Feng learned about the specific situation of the mission and the specific situation of the ice gods in the Holy City of Great Light.

Although the Ice Realm Protoss are known as the God Clan, they are actually descendants of the gods in the world. The gods ordered the Angel Clan to protect the Ice Realm Protoss, so the other party also believes in the Angel Clan.

The Ice Realm Protoss also own a territory, which is adjacent to the Glacier Empire where Triangle City is located, but the area is not large, because the climate there is relatively cold, and most places are covered with ice and snow all year round, so people in the second world call it the Ice Realm. The name of the Ice Realm Protoss also comes from this.

This time, Lin Feng received a mission to go to a place called Bingying City, where the princess of the ice protoss is waiting, and before that again, "Lin Feng needs to meet up with 20 holy dragon knights from the Church of Light.

Soon, Lin Feng found 20 Holy Dragon Knights in a square in the Great Bright Holy City.

"...Meet the Son of the Cute King!"

A sharp-edged middle-aged man, led by the holy dragon knight, looked about 30 years old, and on his side, a golden holy dragon with a body length of nearly ten meters also looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the golden holy dragon, only feeling a bit of wind (what?), but looking at the other people, basically they all have one dragon with one head!

This holy dragon knight is completely a dragon knight!

There are 20 holy dragon knights and 20 dragons, but there are only two golden holy dragons among them, and the others are basically ordinary red dragons or black dragons, but they look very cool.

Lin Feng looked at the level of the holy dragon knights again. The 20 holy dragon knights are all level 100, and their mounts are undoubtedly level 100.

"This should be the backbone of the Church of Light! Sending 20 holy dragon knights, it seems that the Ice God Race is not light in the Church of Light!"

Lin Feng muttered in his heart, and then looked at the leader.

"Are you all clear about the mission this time?"

"Master Shengzi, I understand! Escort the princess of the Ice God Race to the holy city of the Ice God Race!" the leader of the Holy Dragon Knight said.

Lin Feng nodded, and then asked Chuang.

"Can your mounts teleport? This place is not close to the territory of the Ice God Race!"

"It can be teleported, and the church has a teleportation array dedicated to teleporting the holy dragon knights, and there is also such a teleportation array in Bingying City."

After the Holy Dragon Knight's voice fell, Lin Feng was slightly relieved. If you can't teleport, let yourself fly there! Then Lin Feng would rather not have these 20 dragons.

"That's good! Get ready, we'll go to Bingying City when we're ready!".

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