National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 219 The Perverted Ice God Trial!

"You are powerful, intruder!"

"But even if you die in battle, I can't let you enter the next level!"

The leader of the guards scolded, and then, a group of light blue light floated on his whole body, and a group of frost shield formed on his body surface.

Then, the guard commander rushed over again. At the same time, behind him, the surviving trial guards also launched an attack one after another, charging towards Lin Feng directly.


"Kill the intruder!"

Shouts sounded on the field.

At this time, Xiao Hei and other pets also rushed up one after another and launched an attack.


With a roar, Xiao Hei immediately released the frozen earth.



Immediately, the trial guards who rushed up were frozen in place, but at this moment, Xiaoha and Dandanmon rushed up and began to bite.

But with a layer of shield, the guard commander did not receive the freezing effect, but rushed up directly.

Seeing Xiao Hei and the others pulling other miscellaneous soldiers, Lin Feng also began to concentrate and deal with the guard commander.

Level 100 rare boss, not powerful!

Lin Feng can kill alone, but the guard leader will release the frost shield, Lin Feng took a little time.

Five minutes later.


As the Holy Light Slash fell, the last trace of the guard commander's blood was also exhausted by Lin Feng!

With a plop, the commander of the guards knelt down directly, his eyes full of unwillingness.

"Kill me, there are stronger ones behind! Intruder, you can't get through... Go back..."

Before the voice could speak, the bodyguard leader limp and fell to the ground. Lin Feng looked up again, and the miscellaneous soldiers on one side were almost cleaned up by Xiao Hei and Natasha.

One minute later, the 100 guards on the first floor plus the guard commander were all killed by Lin Feng.

And at this moment!

With a buzzing sound, a magical light flickered in the center of the entire square, and a teleportation point appeared in the center of the frozen square.

"It's the teleportation point leading to the next floor!" Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and then he took Natasha to the teleportation point.


The surrounding light changed, and soon, the scene in front of Lin Feng changed.

This time, he came to a frozen property surrounded by irregular walls, and the walls and ground were covered with a layer of frost.

This ice cave is very big. Looking up, there is a naked white light in the center! In the center of the ice cave, in front of Lin Feng, some trial guards are patrolling, but they are somewhat different from the previous trial guards.

There are also 100 guards on the second floor, Lin Feng looked over. It was found that these guards were not wearing armor, but animal skins, and their body size was even bigger. In addition, the weapons in their hands looked a little primitive, including big sticks and axes.

Frost Trial Guard

Level: Level 100


frost wolf

Level: Level 100


These monsters were also divided into 20 teams, one team had 4 Frost Trial Guards, and one Frost Giant Wolf.

Seeing the attributes of these monsters, Lin Feng's pupils shrank slightly.

"The life value has doubled!"

Lin Feng exclaimed. These little monsters are actually not bad, their HP has been doubled, and they will never tire of affecting Lin Feng.

The most critical thing is the BOSS, the life value of the BOSS is doubled. The difficulty of killing is not as simple as doubling.

And soon, Lin Feng discovered the BOSS in the second floor.

Rare Boss - Guardian of the Frost Race

Level: Level 100


Seeing this, Lin Feng was shocked!

"Sure enough, it's not a big trial!"

"No wonder no one from the Ice Realm Protoss has passed through for so many years!"

Lin Feng exclaimed, and looked at Natasha on the side. It's just that now, he has already come in, and it's even more uncomfortable to quit to fail the mission.

Big deal, try to use the same perish in the end! As long as Natasha survives, the trial mission should not end!

Lin Feng thought in his heart, and at this time the guards on the second floor had already discovered Lin Feng and the two of them.


"Damn it, those trash on the first floor actually let intruders in!"

A guard yelled, and then the Frost Giant Wolf beside him howled, which resounded in the ice cave.

After the howling ended, the trial guards in the ice cave rushed over one after another, and at the same time, giant frost wolves appeared in front of Lin Feng and the two of them.

Lin Feng glanced at it, and saw that 80 Frost Clan trial guards, 20 Frost Giant Wolves, and a rare level boss Frost Clan Warrior rushed over.

"Kill these little monsters first, and then focus on dealing with the BOSS!"

Seeing the attributes of these monsters, Lin Feng immediately changed his strategy!

Both the mobs and the boss have doubled their HP. It would be too time consuming to deal with the boss by yourself and let Xiao Hei and Natasha deal with the mobs!

The best result is to kill the mobs first, and then open fire with all your strength to deal with the boss. In this way, the Frost clan guards and the Frost giant wolf can be wiped out quickly, and with Xiao Hei and other pets and Natasha's restraint, Lin Feng's output to fight the boss will be faster.

After deciding on the tactics, Lin Feng started to fight directly, released the shield and rushed into the camp of the Frost Clan's trial guards, and directly released the Thunder Strike!

As Thunder ran, one of the Frost Clan guards was hit, and several Frost Giant Wolves were also pierced by Thunder.

-50500, -50500, 50500...

-105000, -105000, -105000...

The two stages of damage from Thunder Clap came out, more than 30 Frost Clan trial guards, and 4 Frost Giant Wolves were hit with 150,000 damage, and the blood volume was instantly reduced to less than a quarter.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng made a cross slash with a guardian angel, reaping the lives of more than 20 Frost clan guards.

Compared with the trial guards of the Ice Temple on the first floor, the Frost clan guards have higher HP and are more ferocious. They seem to rush to kill as if they are desperate, and all of them surge up directly.

And Lin Feng liked their desperate impulses just now. After the cross cut was harvested, the patron saint hammered and released, and once again killed 8 trial guards of the Frost Tribe [severely injured 1 trial guard.

At this moment, the Frost Clan warrior at the back of the team couldn't hold back anymore, jumped up and slashed directly from behind, and slashed towards Lin Feng.

Seeing this, Lin Feng's pupils shrank, and immediately after, he launched a death charge!

With the shield in front of his hand, he charged and bounced all the Frost clan guards surging up from all around, and reaped the lives of 13 Frost clan guards at the same time.


The BOSS fell with a jump, but Lin Feng's Death Charge had already dodged its attack. The Frost Clan warrior turned his head and looked at Lin Feng viciously, but at this moment, Lin Feng yelled.

"Little black!"

As soon as the voice fell, the magical aura around Xiao Hei surged, directly releasing the frozen land.

………ask for flowers…

Ka Ka Ka——

The general of the Frost clan was about to turn around when streams of water vapor condensed and fixed him on the field.

At the same time, as Natasha's magic power surged, layers of icy air were released from her body, which also froze many guards.

Seeing this, Lin Feng reaped the guards again.

The Archangel Sword in his hand was filled with light, and every time it bloomed, many Frost clan guards fell down, restraining the BOSS, and the other guards did not do much damage to Lin Feng at all.

One minute later, Lin Feng directly resisted the guards' damage and killed many guards on the field!

Seeing this scene, the Frost War is unstoppable!

But at this time, he was the only one left in the field, and Lin Feng also turned his head around and dealt with Frost Warrior.

"Guardian Angel Cross Slash!"

After the skills were settled, he looked at the heavily decelerated Frost Warrior.


Damage numbers floated up. Lin Feng then started to release his skills again!

On the other side, with the deceleration of Dandan Beast and Xiao Hei, Natasha also joined the ranks of deceleration control. The Frost Warrior was extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do!


Now he can't wait to slash Lin Feng, but under the heavy deceleration, he doesn't have many skills to remove the control and negative status, and it is difficult to walk in front of Lin Feng, so he can only approach Lin Feng by jumping and slashing.

However, the move of jumping and slashing is really easy to dodge! Once he activates it, Lin Feng can dodge once!

miso miso

Lin Feng's skills are constantly being released, and the blood volume of the Frost warriors is also decreasing.

The fight lasted five minutes.

In the end, under Lin Feng's tactics, the Frost Warrior's health plummeted, leaving only the last trace!


He roared angrily, and when there was only the last trace of blood left, he actually chose to kill himself!

However, in the system prompt, it is still counted as the kill by Lin Feng!

After harvesting the spoils, a magic transfer point appeared in the ice cave on the second floor.

This time Lin Feng did not teleport directly, but waited for a while, after recovering his status and skill cooling, he stepped into the teleportation point.

The light flickered, and the third floor was still in the form of an ice cave, and the monsters inside were still 100 Frost tribesmen and a boss, but this time it was no longer a trial guard.

Frost Warrior

Level: Level 100


frost bear

Level: Level 100


"Sure enough, the blood volume has doubled again, and not only the blood volume, but also the attack power and defense power have also doubled!"

Lin Feng frowned. When he was fighting with the Frost clan guards just now, he already felt that Fang Yu on the other side was obviously higher than the Ice Palace guards on the first floor.

Then, Lin Feng looked at the field again, looking for the boss.

Soon, he saw the boss on the third floor on a frozen throne built in the ice cave.

Rare Boss-Frost Race Patriarch

Level: Level 100


"Eight million and four hundred thousand blood!"

Lin Feng frowned and began to think.

This time, will he activate his transformation form?

For this trial, how many layers are there below?

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