National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 220 Changing Tactics! Break Into The Fifth Floor!


"Why did it appear here! Could it be that Master Warlord..."

Seeing Lin Feng and Natasha, the Frost warriors also panicked.

On the throne, the patriarch of the Frost Clan let out an even more furious roar, picked up the long spear beside him, and rushed towards Lin Feng and the two of them.

Seeing this, Lin Feng gritted his teeth! Then, he directly activated the Dragon Transformation.


A sound of dragon howling resounded behind Lin Feng and, immediately after, a fiery red scorching sun floated.

Possessed by the Sun God Dragon King!

Immediately, a layer of fiery red scales appeared on Lin Feng's body, and at the same time, a powerful force surged in Lin Feng's body.

Looking at the angry Frost warriors in front of him, Lin Feng released his skills directly.

The holy light of the cross bloomed again.




Instant kill with one move.

The 20 Frost tribe warriors and 10 Frost giant bears who rushed forward were overwhelmed by the holy light and directly turned into a corpse.

Seeing this scene, the head of the Frost clan widened his eyes, roared angrily, and rushed to the front. The spear in his hand swept across, creating a layer of icicles.

But at this time, Lin Feng directly got out of the way.


A big symbol appeared above Lin Feng's head, and then, Lin Feng launched the characteristic skill of Light and Shadow War!


Two holy light clones appeared, and at the same time, Lin Feng's own speed increased by 300%. He directly broke through the Frost Clan leader with a dodge, and rushed towards the Frost Clan warrior behind him.

Death Rush, Thunder Clap, Black Dragon Demon Slash

A series of skills were released, and then, the lives of the Frost warriors were harvested continuously!


"Damn it!"

The patriarch of the Frost Clan roared, he had already seen the power of the invaders! It was impossible for his fighters to resist.

However, just as he was leaving, Xiao Hei froze the ground together and froze it.

Repeated tricks! But with great results!

Soon, Lin Feng cleaned up the minions on the third floor!

Then, he hacked and killed the leader of the Frost Clan a few times.

After 60 seconds, Lin Feng's Shenlong Transformation has been dispelled, but at this time, only the leader of the Frost Clan is left on the field, and after some tremors.

Lin Feng finally took down the leader of the Frost Clan, but at this moment, in the ice cave, a teleportation array in the center still flickered.

Looking at the teleportation light, Lin Feng felt a little headache.

"There's another floor!"

Natasha on the other side also frowned slightly, she had already seen that if she relied on herself alone, she would not be able to pass this trial at all!

It's too difficult!

Even if Anderson accompanied him in, he didn't have much confidence!

She is known as the most promising person to obtain the Ice God's inheritance, but she is only the most hopeful, not certain!

"Brother Mengwang, why don't we go back! I know the secret technique to leave here! But after leaving, within five years, I won't be able to come in!" Natasha looked confused.

"Forget it! After hitting here, I don't believe there are so many layers here!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

The task has been accepted! Giving up at this time is not his style!

And killing the BOSS here is not without benefits? If you have more experience, the equipment that comes out is also good!

If you go out by yourself, you may not have this opportunity!

"Wait for me for a while, after the skill cooldown is over! Let's go to the next floor!" Lin Feng said.

If you want to be more stable, you have to wait for the cooldown of the Shenlong Transformation skill to finish.

The cooldown of the Shenlong Transformation is 30 minutes, and the battle just took some time. After Lin Feng waited for more than ten minutes, the cooldown of the Shenlong Transformation ended, and Lin Feng entered the next floor.

In the fourth floor, it is finally not an ice cave!

It's a frozen snow field. It doesn't look like a room, but more like a small world.

The monsters on the fourth floor have changed, they are no longer humans, but 100 thick-haired centaur guards. These men and horses were almost two meters tall, holding weapons in their hands, and constantly patrolling the territory.

Cold River Guards

Level: Level 100

HP: 640000

Hanchuan Bow and Arrow Guard

Level: Level 100

HP: 600000

The boss on the fourth floor is also a centaur, with a taller physique, a full 5 meters in length, which is very dazzling in the glacier and snow.

Rare Boss Hanchuan Golden Centaur Guard

Level: Level 100

life value:**

Seeing the men and horses, Lin Feng stepped forward and released the guardian cross hymn. The guardian cross appeared, and the flickering holy light immediately attracted the people and horses.

Then, Lin Feng released the Light and Shadow Mistracking, and he also galloped towards the crowd.

But this time, Lin Feng didn't make a quick move, but kept walking in the glacier, attracting more people. On the other side, Xiao Hei and Natasha hid.

In the glacier space, the angry howls of the men and horses came out, and new men and horses were constantly attracted by Lin Feng. Soon, an army of men and horses galloped on the field

At this time, Lin Feng directly released the Shenlong Transformation, and the Zhiyang God Dragon King possessed him. Afterwards, Lin Feng attacked and killed them.

Guardian Angel Cross Slash, Thunder Clap, Black Dragon Demon Slash.....

All kinds of skills were released almost instantly, and before the running guards could react, they were hit by skills one by one and died on the spot.

After releasing a set of skills, there were not many people on the field! Lin Feng then killed the rest of the people, and then only the rare boss, Hanchuan Golden Guards remained on the field.

Then, Lin Feng galloped a few times and arrived at Xiao Hei's hiding place.

Afterwards, a tough battle was launched!

This time, Lin Feng spent a full 30 minutes, and finally used a one-hit kill. When the blood volume of the Hanchuan Golden Horse Guard decreased by less than 5%, he killed it!

Hanchuan's golden guards fell! Lin Feng let out a long sigh of relief, however, another teleportation point flickered on the field.

Waiting for the skill to cool down, Lin Feng gritted his teeth and continued!

On the fifth floor, there are 100 Hanchuan people!

Hanchuan Bronze Horse Guards

Level: Level 100


Hanchuan Bronze Horse Bow and Arrow Guard

Level: Level 100

HP: 1200000

Legendary Boss Hanchuan Patriarch

Level: Level 100

life value:**

"Legendary boss!"

"Could it be the last floor!"

Seeing this change, Lin Feng's eyes lit up. However, at this moment, the ethereal voice of Hanchuan's patriarch came from the space.

"Intruder, being able to come here proves your strength!"

"But the temple is a holy place, we are ordered to guard it, and prevent outsiders from invading!"

"However, your strength is worthy of my admiration! It's just that I'm not the last guardian, you defeated me! You still have to face the Wallfacer of the temple and the high priest of the temple!"

The heavy voice of the Hanchuan people and horse patriarch resounded again...

"Now I can give you a chance. Fight to die! Run to live!"

"Intruder, you only have one chance to choose!"

Hearing this, Lin Feng was slightly taken aback!

"This is not the last floor, but the penultimate floor! In this way, you can't use Seraphim's transformation!"

"More than 30 million blood volume, and the blood volume of ordinary monsters is also more than a million! It's a bit troublesome, but it's not impossible to fight!"

Lin Feng looked around.

The fifth floor has a larger space than the other floors, and there are many glacier hills inside. With the terrain and flying mounts such as Shuang'er, Lin Feng can still kite.

Fight for a while longer, the legendary BOSS will give you a lot of experience! More than 30 million blood, not too bad!"

Gritting your teeth, you have already reached the penultimate floor!


According to the voice recording, Lin Feng drew his sword directly, and the sword of the archangel was drawn.

"Intruder, you are looking for your own death!"

Immediately, the roaring voice of the Hanchuan people and horse patriarch came out.

Then, rumbling—

A group of people and horses galloped directly towards where Lin Feng was.

Soon, the crowd of people and horses rushed over.

Seeing this, Lin Feng was startled, and Natasha on the side was also startled. Lin Feng immediately summoned Shuang'er, rode directly to the mountain, and then invited Natasha!

The army of people and horses rushed over, and at this time, Lin Feng was already galloping on his Shuang'er.

Immediately, a group of people froze in place, looking at the sky.


The centaur patriarch roared, and then Hanchuan's bronze centaur bow and arrow guards shot arrows at the sky.

Shuang'er's speed is fast and flexible enough. Lin Feng also released the guardian light array.

MISS, MISS, -19120, MISS...

Arrows hit the sky one after another, but most of them were dodged.

But at this moment, Lin Feng cast Shenlong Transformation, and then released Holy Light Falling.

Immediately, above the sky, a huge holy light appeared, just like a sun, and then, it smashed down fiercely.

Seeing this, the soldiers and horses dodged 2.5 meters away, but the archer soldiers and horse guards were in the center and did not escape in time.

The huge holy light fell, and there was a loud bang! At the same time, the eyes of the centaur were also covered by the holy light, and Lin Feng could not be seen at all.


The awakening skill directly dealt one million damage, and at the same time, the scattered holy light also caused continuous damage to the centaurs in it.



Soon, the 20 bronze archer guards from Hanchuan had no time to evacuate, and they were directly buried under Lin Feng's holy light. Without the guards, no one could threaten Lin Feng in the air.

He then controlled Shuang'er, swooped down, and the light on the Archangel's sword flickered. The holy light of the cross surged out, and the guardian angel cross cut was released.

-678500, -678500, -678500...

After being beheaded by the holy light, damage numbers appeared on the heads of the other centaur guards, and taking advantage of this opportunity, the centaur guards roared and swung their weapons at Lin Feng.

MISS, MISS, -19120, MISS...

Most of the attacks fell through, and the rest were blocked by shields.

With a successful blow, Lin Feng no longer wanted to fight, and flew directly towards the hill on one side.

The centaur guards became angry, and rushed after them one after another!.

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