National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 221 The Last Floor! The Ice Temple Appears!

Hoo hoo...

Blasts of cold wind howled towards them, and behind Lin Feng and Lin Feng, the guards came galloping one after another.


A loud bang resounded throughout the cold river. The speed of the centaur guards was not enough, they followed Lin Feng, and if it wasn't for the terrain, they could have caught him to death.

But soon, after Lin Feng circumvented an iceberg, the speed of the guards slowed down a lot. They stared at the sky and looked at the direction Lin Feng was leaving, their eyes full of anger.

However, after a while, Lin Feng rode the unicorn and killed him again.

At this moment, the time for Shenlong Transformation has come!

However, Lin Feng also maintained his previous style of guerrilla warfare. After he succeeded in one blow, he immediately galloped towards the iceberg again.

Holy Light Slash surged among the guards.



Soon, a number of damage numbers appeared above the heads of the guards, and then galloped towards Lin Feng.

The centaur guards also waited for the moment when the unicorn's stamina was exhausted, and then rushed forward.

But soon, the centaur guards discovered that Lin Feng and the unicorn's stamina seemed to be recovering quickly, and they galloped to the top of the iceberg. After a short rest, they could fight again!

Before the centaur guards rushed to Lin Feng, Lin Feng had already sped away on the unicorn!

After repeating this several times, the number of guards dropped sharply, and they didn't dare to pursue Lin Feng anymore, and Lin Feng launched a harassing attack even more recklessly.

After fighting for ten minutes, Lin Feng cleared all the 100 centaur guards on the fifth floor, leaving only the centaur patriarch and the boss.

There is only one boss left, and guerrilla tactics are useless! Lin Feng summoned Xiao Hei, and then went directly to a relatively flat glacier area.

"Intruder, you have successfully angered me!"

"Accept the wrath of the centaurs!"

The centaur patriarch let out an angry roar, then swung the spear in his hand and galloped directly towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng immediately cast the Hammer of the Guardian Saint, and the hammer of the Holy Light smashed down directly.


With a buzzing sound, the centaur patriarch froze in place and fell into a state of dizziness. When the state of dizziness was just over, Xiao Hei's frozen land had already caught up!

And after getting familiar with the rhythm of the battle, Natasha followed suit and began to control the output.




Although Natasha is young, her level has already reached level 100, and her damage is not bad at the same time. As a royal family of the ice gods, most of her skills also have freezing and control effects.

Soon, the centaur patriarch fell into the cooperative circle of pets such as Lin Feng, Natasha, and Xiao Hei, and occasionally broke through the control, Lin Feng waved his hand and continued to run. Then they surrounded them to control the output together, and surrounded and killed the patriarch of the people and horses.

After another 20 minutes of delay, Lin Feng's Shenlong Transformation skill has been cooled down! At this moment, Lin Feng and others have also worn down more than half of the blood volume of the centaur patriarch, leaving only about 10 million!

Lin Feng immediately used Shenlong Transformation, and then blasted out various skills.

Guardian Angel Cross Slash, Thunder Clap, Guardian Saint Hammer, Black Dragon Demon Slash, Light Shock...

-696500, -225400, -450500...

A series of damage numbers emerged, and the blood volume of the centaur patriarch dropped crazily.

And when his blood volume was less than 10 million, the centaur patriarch suddenly roared, and then raised his front hooves high, and then, the spear in his hand suddenly pierced into the ground

miso miso

Beside him, ice edges pierced out one after another, and then spread out to the surroundings. Bing Leng's speed was very fast, and he came to Lin Feng, Xiao Hei and other pets in the blink of an eye, and immediately, Xiao Hei and other pets dodged one by one.

And Lin Feng also immediately released the Light and Shadow Miscary, relying on the speed to explode, and galloped to the rear to escape!

Natasha frowned, shouted a spell, and then enveloped herself in a blue magic hood, resisting the blow of the centaur patriarch.

MISS, -95615, MISS...

With one blow, the centaur patriarch still injured Xiao Hei and Lin Feng, but he didn't instantly kill Xiao Hei and Lin Feng. Xiao Hei's current blood volume is also ridiculously high, while Lin Feng has released the Shenlong Transformation, and the two shields of the Guardian Star Shield and the Guardian Light Array are also ridiculously thick.


Seeing the ice spikes stabbing towards him, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and was almost instantly killed.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes fell on the patriarch of the centaur!

After releasing this blow, the centaur patriarch seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and knelt down on his front hooves, holding the spear with both hands, looking very weak.

Naturally, Lin Feng would not let go of such a skill, and rushed forward, slashing and killing with the skill.

-696500, -225400, -450500...

The damage numbers surged, and the blood volume of the centaur patriarch also dropped rapidly. This time, Lin Feng directly cut the blood volume of the centaur patriarch to about 3 million.

And then, after some consumption, the blood volume of the centaur patriarch bottomed out.


The last cross cut took the life of the centaur patriarch, and the defeated centaur patriarch still maintained his weak posture and did not fall to the ground.

However, the centaur patriarch is dead.

And, buzz....

A white light surged from Lin Feng's body, upgraded!

Level 65!

This time Lin Feng's upgrade speed was faster, but it was also because the level of monsters killed along the way was also higher. On the other hand, Lin Feng took a look at his pets and guardian beasts.

Among them, the three guardian beasts have also been upgraded several times along the way, and the Dandan beast has also been upgraded. The two legendary pets, Xiao Zi and Xiao Ha, have not moved much, but they should be soon. "Xiao Hei probably needs some experience!

The light of legend points surged again, after Lin Feng harvested the spoils.

Then waited for the cooling time of Shenlong Transformation, and then walked towards the legendary point.

Ice God Inheritance Trial, the sixth and last floor.

Entering it, the space on the sixth floor has changed the most. It is no longer filled with ice and snow, but a warm and humid plain. The plain is not big. Lin Feng looked around and saw a majestic and tall palace opposite them.

"There should be the Ice God Temple! As long as you reach there, the Ice God inheritance test will be over!" Lin Feng said.

Natasha was also excited at the moment, looking at the Ice Temple. As long as you complete the inheritance, you will be able to protect the entire Ice Realm Protoss and let the Protoss live better in the Ice Realm!

While seeing the palace, Lin Feng also noticed the guards wandering around the palace. Like other floors, there are 100 ordinary guards and 1 boss guard here.


Ice Temple Wallfacer (War)

Level: Level 100


Ice Temple Wallfacer (French)

Level: Level 100

HP: 2200000

Ice Temple Wallfacer (Thorn)

Level: Level 100

HP: 2200000

Ice Temple Wallfacer (shot)

Level: Level 100


The ordinary monsters here are divided into four categories, all of which are humanoid monsters. But their dresses are different, and the suffixes behind them represent their respective occupations. There are 25 monsters of each of the 4 types, but there is no team, and they are all on guard near the temple at random.

At the same time, at the front of the temple, Lin Feng found the boss of this level.

Legendary Boss High Priest of Ice Temple

Level: Level 100

life value:**

"66.6 million HP!"

Seeing this blood volume, Lin Feng couldn't help but click his lips, but he had already guessed it before.

"Same as before, kill the miscellaneous soldiers first, and then deal with the boss!"

Lin Feng said to Natasha, who nodded obediently.

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng left Natasha and Xiao Hei where they were, and groped up by himself. This time he didn't confront directly, but went around to the side of the temple and made a little noise.


The wallfacers of the temple are very sensitive, and they soon discovered Lin Feng. Then, he directly greeted several people and walked towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng turned around and fled. Seeing Lin Feng's figure, the face of the God 270 Wall Facer changed his face, and quickly chased after him!

Looking back, there are a total of 26 Wallfacers chasing after them, which is quite a lot! The other Wallfacers seem to have not noticed the movement here, and are still in their respective territories.

"That's fine! Bring them over and kill them!"

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and then he accelerated to run in the direction of Xiao Hei and Natasha.

"Xiao Hei, the frozen world!"

"Natasha keep up, freeze these people!"

After the voice fell, Xiao Hei jumped out and galloped over! He opened his mouth and roared.


The surrounding water vapor condensed, and then, the 26 temple wallfacers were all frozen in place. Lin Feng took advantage of the moment to release the Shenlong Transformation, and then rushed into it.

Thunder Clap, Guardian Angel Cross Cut

-225400, -450500, -696500...

Holy light and thunder intertwined, plus other skills, immediately, the 26 temple wallfacers who chased after them lost their blood and were instantly killed.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The Wallfacers outside the temple also noticed the abnormality where Lin Feng was.

"What happened there?" the high priest of the temple shrank his pupils and asked.

After the words fell, the other wall-facers of the temple also cast their gazes.

At this time, a Wallfacer noticed that there were many people missing on the east side of the temple, and immediately began to report.

"High Priest, someone chased him out just now, it seems that he found the intruder!"

After finishing the words, the High Priest frowned, closed his eyes, and at the same time, a wave of magic rippled out of his body.

Then, he opened his eyes suddenly.

"It's an intruder! Damn, it's actually possible to come to this floor!"

"No one has been here for six hundred years!"

"There are not many of them! 10 of you are here to guard! The others join me and kill the intruders! Don't let them enter the temple.

After the words fell, the high priest of the temple flew directly to the doctor.

And the numerous Wallfacers behind him also galloped up one after another, and many mages among them also flew up, heading towards where Lin Feng was. .

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