National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 222 Fierce Battle! Natasha's Secret Technique!

The location was locked, and soon, Lin Feng and others were pursued.

Lin Feng frowned when he saw 64 Wallfacers and the BOSS High Priest chasing after him.

"Some trouble!"

Then, he prepared to evacuate here and fight guerrilla battles with these Wallfacers.

It's just that the speed of the Wallfacers on this floor is not slow, and their blood volume is also thick. Even if Lin Feng casts the Dragon Transformation, there is no way to kill him in one hit!

After riding the unicorn for a while, he realized that the guards behind him were still chasing after him, and his brows became more and more tight.

"It looks like it can't be shaken off! We must fight head-on!"

His eyes sank, Lin Feng decided not to run away, and directly released the Seraph form to fight. But with so many monsters gathered together, it is not easy to deal with even using the Seraph form!

And at this moment, Natasha on the side spoke!

"Brother Mengwang, I have a way to temporarily separate them, but it will take some preparation time!"

After Natasha finished speaking, Lin Feng's eyes lit up. Lin Feng has actually led most of the battles since she first came in. Although Natasha has level 100, due to her age and size, Lin Feng always feels that she is a child.

And now, Natasha seems to be gradually getting used to the fighting mode, ready to start to shine!

"Okay, I'll defend you for a while!"

"Later, you'd better separate the boss from other miscellaneous soldiers!" Lin Feng said.

Natasha nodded, ready to start casting spells.

The two stopped fleeing, and Lin Feng's sword of the Archangel flashed with holy light, directly liberating the Seraph form.


The aura of holy light surged out, six-winged wings appeared behind Lin Feng, and at the same time, his aura became extremely holy.

The powerful holy light flickered, and the Wallfacer and the high priest on the opposite side were startled!

"This is the blood of Seraphim..."

"Stop him, don't let him enter the temple!"

The high priest became more and more flustered, and said in a panic.

At this time, the Wallfacers had rushed up, releasing their skills one by one!

Lin Feng's body was intertwined with light and shadow, and the light and shadow fascination was released, and the clone became three people! At the same time, he released two shields and carefully dodged the skills of the opposite wall-facer!

The attack of 64 enemies, even in the Seraph form, he has to be careful! If there are too many skills, he may fall into crisis.

Simply, the distance between the two sides is far away now, and Lin Feng's agility has increased by 3 times in the form of Seraphim, and with the addition of the movement speed bonus of Misty Light, his speed has increased by 9 times compared to before, making it easier to dodge easy.

MISS, MISS, -21400, MISS...

One after another messages floated above Lin Feng's head.

Soon, the first wave of skills on the opposite side ended, and Lin Feng just shattered the protective light array. At this moment, Lin Feng looked back at Natasha.

The icy atmosphere around Natasha has become more and more intense, and the whole person seems to have turned into a daughter of frost. There are continuous streams of ice and snow around him, forming a tornado, wrapping Natasha inside.

Then, an illusory incantation was issued from Natasha's mouth, followed by a blue light that shot towards the high priest and the others.


Blue light exploded between the High Priest and the Wallfacer.

-145200, -145200, -145200...

A series of numerical damage jumped up, and at the same time, near the wall-facer, a blue transparent ice wall was erected, directly dividing the crowd into two parts.

The blue ice wall condensed, dividing the wall-facers on the field, including the high priest, into six spaces, which looked like a hexagram and also separated Lin Feng and the 15 wall-facers together.

Seeing this, the wall-facers were taken aback, and one by one began to bombard the ice crystal wall.

Boom boom boom——

A series of skills hit the ice crystal wall, but the damage was not obvious, and the crushed wall quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Natasha gritted her teeth on one side. Restoring the ice crystal wall needs her magic power as a support, not zero consumption.

Lin Feng also noticed this, and then directly attacked the 15 Wallfacers who were separated from him.

The holy light on the sword of the Archangel flickered, and skills were released one after another.




The damage figures kept fluctuating, and facing their skill attacks, Lin Feng directly used his speed advantage to dodge.

In less than a minute, the Wallfacers blocked in this area were easily killed by Lin Feng!

But at this moment, a gap opened directly on the ice crystal wall, leading to the next ice crystal wall. Lin Feng was overjoyed immediately, and rushed over directly.

There are 13 Wallfacers in the second ice crystal space, Lin Feng also spent about a minute.

Continue to the third, fourth...

After the Wallfacer was separated, facing Lin Feng in Seraph's state, he had no resistance at all, and their attack could not threaten Lin Feng's safety.

After the fourth ice crystal space was cleaned up, Natasha's complexion suddenly changed, and a lot of mana was consumed. Under the attack of the high priest, the entire ice crystal space suddenly exploded.

But at this time, there were only 18 Wallfacers left on the field, and with the high priest included, there were only 19 people.

Lin Feng's seraphim form can last for 1 hour, enough to kill everyone else when dealing with the High Priest!

Looking at the corpses of the Wallfacers around, the high priest's eyes were burning with anger, and he directly attacked Lin Feng.

On the other hand, the Wallfacers rushed towards Natasha, their skills just now made them feel the threat from Natasha, and they absolutely couldn't let her go.

At this moment, although Natasha was exhausted, Xiao Hei and other pets were still around her, and they all jumped out to cooperate with Natasha to fight.

bang bang bang

The high priest waved the staff in his hand [the black ice thorns on the main root floated around him.

Then, his staff fell!

The black ice thorns flew towards Lin Feng quickly, and Lin Feng directly used his shield to block the three ice thorns.




The third ice thorn, the guardian light array shattered, and the guardian star shield resisted it.

Seeing the high priest's damage, Lin Feng was also taken aback! This amount of blood, this attack... In the form of Seraphim, Lin Feng is not completely sure!

Swinging the sword of the Archangel, unleashed the Hammer of the Patronus.

With a buzzing sound, the high priest was knocked unconscious on the spot. Lin Feng immediately released the Guardian Angel Cross Slash, and then retreated to the rear without looking back, keeping a sufficient distance to wait for the skill to cool down.

Withdrew from the high priest's attack range, and then used control skills and input skills to harass, although the fight was slow, it was safe. And taking advantage of this time, Lin Feng can also deal with other Wallfacers!

-372000, -494400

Two damage numbers floated out, but for the high priest, this amount of blood is nothing!

After recovering from the dizziness, he looked up and found that Lin Feng was already galloping in the direction of the other Wallfacers. He was annoyed and followed closely.

However, Lin Feng is faster!


Before the High Priest could catch up, Lin Feng had already reached the Wallfacer's side, aroused the power of thunder in the void, and released Thunder Strike! Then, he released Death Rush and Holy Light Fall.

A huge holy light fell from the sky and hit the ground directly, enveloping all the Wallfacers in it.

-804000, -80400, -80400

The first impact plus the subsequent continuous damage directly caused the blood volume of the Wallfacers to drop crazily, and the writer who was full of Lin Feng's skills was all killed. There are still 5 map remnants and wallfacers left on the occasion.

At this moment, the high priest came galloping forward, with three icicles on his head.

Lin Feng quickly dodged, and Natasha and Xiao Hei, who were on the side, also dodged away and fled!


Turning around, Lin Feng hit the patron saint hammer again, stunned the high priest, and he himself dealt with the remaining 5 wall-facers with residual blood.


A gust of wind came, waiting for the high priest to come back to his senses. On the field, Lin Feng, Natasha and Xiao Hei have already surrounded it.

Seeing this, the high priest's eyes flickered with fear, and he looked at Lin Feng!

"You are strong! Intruder, maybe you can enter the temple this time! But you must step on my dead body"!"

As soon as the words fell, a layer of black ice floes surged around the body of the high priest, and at the same time, his body actually began to rot, turning himself into something like a skeleton. A blue flame jumped up in the empty (De Li's) eye sockets, staring at Lin Feng, looking very scary.

"Frost Lich!"

At this moment, Natasha on the side exclaimed! Seeing this, Lin Feng immediately looked over.

"Brother Mengwang, this is the Frost Lich! He was originally a servant of the Ice God, but he lost himself and turned into a Lich!"

"Brother Mengwang, don't be afraid! Our ice gods have special secrets to deal with frost liches! I can bless you with secrets so that you can deal with him!"

"And the Frost Lich is the enemy of our Ice God Clan. As a royal family of the Ice Realm God Clan, I also have the obligation to destroy him. Brother Mengwang, I will fight side by side with you!"

Seeing the appearance of the high priest, Natasha clenched her fists tightly, her eyes full of determination.

Afterwards, the staff in front of her floated up, and a ball of white light surged on her body, cast a secret technique, and directly blessed Lin Feng.

As for Lin Feng, he felt a strange force descending on him. At the same time, Lin Feng discovered that he had an extra BUFF.

BUFF-Ice Guardian.

Effect: The damage to the Frost Lich family is increased to 5 times, and the resistance is increased to 9 times.

Duration: 60 minutes.


Seeing this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up!

"Some hit!".

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