National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 223 Pass The Ice God Trial! The Harvest Is Full!

"Some hit!"

Seeing the Ice Domain Guardian BUFF, Lin Feng burst into joy.

The attack has increased by 5 times, and the resistance has also increased by 5 times. In this way, it is equivalent to at least 25 times of improvement, and it is more than 25 times in actual battles.

On the field, seeing Natasha release the ice guardian, the high priest immediately looked at Natasha. At the same time, three black ice thorns floating around him headed towards Natasha

But at this moment, Natasha gritted her teeth, her magic power fluctuated, and a wall of ice crystals formed in front of her.

The black ice thorns melted immediately after hitting it, it was very miraculous, as if it had encountered a raging fire. At this moment, Lin Feng realized that the ice-type skills used by Natasha and the ice-type skills used by the high priest, although both belong to the death system.

But it seems like one light and one dark in the ice element, and in the confrontation, Natasha's ice attribute has the upper hand, and the restraint is stronger than the holy light and darkness attributes.

Seeing this, Lin Feng also started to attack. With the blessing of BUFF, Lin Feng didn't have to be afraid to attack. The sword of the Archangel in his hand was raised up directly.

Then, rushed to the past!

The guardian angel released the cross cut, and the holy light of the cross fell, drowning the frost lich transformed by the high priest.


2.6 million damage!

Seeing this number, Lin Feng immediately became excited.

Although the High Priest has 66.6 million HP, he can deal more than 2 million damage with one move. As a result, the High Priest's HP advantage is gone.

Feeling Lin Feng's strong restraint on himself at this time, the high priest transformed into a frost lich, two blue flames danced, and then he opened his hands.

Six black ice balls condensed around his body and smashed towards Lin Feng directly. Lin Feng dodged for a while, but was still hit four times.

-14500, -14500...

The damage figures jumped up, 643 Lin Feng's blood volume decreased, but in Seraph state, his life value increased by 3 times, and 50,000 blood volume was less than one-third of Lin Feng's total blood volume.

Healing Cross was summoned, and then, Xiao Zi on the side also flew over, and healed Lin Feng with his skills.

The two shield skills are released again, the damage of the high priest is reduced, and Lin Feng is no longer afraid!

He originally transformed into a Frost Lich, and believed that his power would be released, and he would become even stronger! But now, this transformation made him fall into a predicament!

However, even if there is no transformation, the ice-type skills used by the high priest still belong to the dark ice-type, and will be restrained by Natasha, as long as Natasha can find this out. This restraint relationship will exist.

Lin Feng continued to attack, the guardian holy hammer fell, and the huge hammer of holy light hit the head of the frost lich.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Natasha also launched an attack, shooting out six ice stimuli.

-210500, -210500...

The six icicles also dealt more than one million damage.

The Frost Lich's blood volume has dropped rapidly, but he is still in a stunned state, and waiting for him to regain his freshness, this is, Natasha's freezing technique directly froze him in place!

It's just that after being transformed into a frost lich, the high priest's resistance to freezing has increased, and the freezing time has been shortened a bit.

Lin Feng continued to output, and all kinds of skills can be used directly as long as they are cooled down.

Thunder Strike, Black Dragon Devil Slash, Guardian Angel Cross Slash, Guardian Angel Counter Slash...

-780000, -1596000, -2616000...

Horrible numbers floated out, and the damage caused by the high priest to Lin Feng was much smaller. Under Lin Feng's shield and Xiao Zi's treatment, Lin Feng's blood volume was basically stable at full blood state.

The battle lasted for a while, and the Frost Lich's blood volume dropped to around 10 million. At this moment, Lin Feng's Dragon Transformation skill had also cooled down.

Lin Feng directly released the Shenlong Transformation, the blazing angel form plus the Shenlong Transformation, and Lin Feng's state immediately rose to the strongest state.

Afterwards, a guardian angel slash of his fell directly, slashing towards the Frost Lich.


Output explosion!

Do damage!

Seraphim form magic attack X3, Sun God Dragon King possessed attack power X2, skill damage X2, plus ice protection BUFF, damage to Frost Lich X5.

Under the triple blessing, the damage of Lin Feng's blow was 50 times more than usual.

Doing thousands of damage with one blow!

With this cut, the Frost Lich's blood volume bottomed out, Lin Feng used Residual Blood to Kill, and directly harvested the Frost Lich's life.


The Frost Lich made a hissing sound, and stretched out his hand towards the direction of the temple, but in the end, the blue flames in his eye sockets flickered a few times, and then slowly extinguished. The whole person fell on the ground and turned into a pool of black crushed ice.

The system prompts that the Frost Lich is dead, and Lin Feng heaves a long sigh of relief. At the same time, he showed a satisfied smile, and with the last knife, he directly cut tens of millions of damage "It's really exciting.

At this moment, Natasha walked up to the high priest and looked at the high priest's body, but her eyes were full of complexity.

"My father said that Frost Liches are generally those who are extremely loyal to the goddess and can be transformed successfully. Ordinary people will directly turn into black ice and die during the transformation process."

"Don't worry about these, your goal is to pass the trial! Now the boss of the last level has been killed! There should be some Wallfacers left, but they are no longer a threat!" Lin Feng stepped forward to harvest the loot , and then spoke.

"You belong to the princess of the Frost God Race, so you should consider it for the Frost God Race! There is no need for other things..."

Hearing the sound, Natasha nodded, and then smiled.

"I see, Brother Mengwang!"

"Let's go! Go to the temple!"

After speaking, Lin Feng walked directly towards the temple.

When we arrived at the temple, Lin Feng's Dragon Transformation had disappeared, but the seraphim still existed, and the 10 Wallfacers were no match for Lin Feng.

Soon, after the Wallfacers were dealt with.


The gate of the temple opened slowly, and Lin Feng looked inside, seeing a white and transparent world. And in the innermost part of the temple, a huge ice god statue stood up.

Then, Lin Feng and Natasha walked in.

"Congratulations, brave trialer in the ice field, you have passed the trial of the ice god, and you will receive the gift of the ice god! Accompanying you, you will also get the reward you deserve!"

In the temple, ten voices of nothingness resounded.

At the same time, two clusters of light floated towards Natasha and Lin Feng, and then merged into their bodies.

"You have received a gift from the Ice God. You have obtained a passive skill - Blessing from the Ice God!"

The system's voice reminded Lin Feng of joy, and he looked at the new skill.

【Ice God Blessing】-Passive Skill

Effect: Immune to any ice attribute control and deceleration effects, increase the damage of own ice attribute attack skills by 20%, and increase the control and deceleration effects by 10%.

Lin Feng does not have ice attribute attack skills! But Lin Feng is very satisfied with being immune to ice attribute control and deceleration effects.

This means that I will not be frozen by the enemy in the future, nor will I be slowed down by the frost! This is a god skill when the player is in PK! Especially when facing the frost elemental mage, it can make the opponent doubt life.

"That's right, passive skills won't take up the skill bar!" Feng was quite satisfied with this!

"Brother Mengwang, I have received the gift from the Ice God! We succeeded!"

At this moment, Natasha smiled excitedly and said. Lin Feng also smiled back.

Above the main hall, a teleportation point of light jumped up.

"Teleport! This should be the place to go!"

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and Natasha became excited too.

Afterwards, the two walked directly to the teleportation point.


The light flickered, and the two of them returned to the holy temple in the ice holy city.

But at this moment, in the temple, Anderson was still waiting. Seeing Lin Feng and Natasha appear, Anderson was excited, for him, "It is a good result that Natasha is alive.

"Grandpa Anderson, I passed!"

"I passed the trial of the Ice God, and got the gift from the Ice God!"

Natasha excitedly shared her good news. Anderson was ecstatic when he heard the words, tears of excitement flowed down his face. He looked at Natasha and felt that Natasha was indeed a little different from before.

At this moment, he looked at Lin Feng again, and saluted heavily.

"Lord Mengwang Shengzi, on behalf of the lord and the people of the Ice Realm Protoss, I would like to thank Lord Shengzi in advance [Master Shengzi will be the distinguished guest of Anderson and the entire Ice Realm Protoss from now on!"

"Hehe, you don't have to be polite, Your Excellency Anderson!" Lin Feng smiled lightly: "I just did what I should do!"

And I also got a lot of benefits......

Of course, Lin Feng didn't say the last sentence.

Anderson was very excited, and then he started nagging, wanting to tell the good news to the head of the Ice Region Protoss, Natasha's father.

The three of them then walked out of the temple and walked towards the King's Hall of the Water God Race.

It took a lot of time on the road, and taking advantage of this time, Lin Feng directly sorted out what he had gained in the Ice God Trial Space.

Opened the backpack and looked at it, Lin Feng was filled with joy.

One trial space has 100 miscellaneous soldiers and 1 boss.

In the entire trial space, Lin Feng has killed 600 level 100 trial soldiers, 4 rare level 100 bosses, and two super powerful level 100 legendary bosses.

Tap Harvest, Lin Feng got a total of 4 pieces of level 65 dark gold equipment, 15 pieces of level 65 gold equipment, 26 pieces of level 65 silver equipment and 18 pieces of rare materials and $126 pieces of common materials.

The total value of these items is estimated by Lin Feng to be at least 20 million.

In addition, Lin Feng's level has also been increased by 1 level, and he has obtained a passive skill, which is immune to ice attribute control and deceleration.

Moreover, this time the task has not been settled yet, after the settlement, his level can be increased by 1 level.

The harvest is full!

Lin Feng is very satisfied with this mission trip!

It is indeed rewarding!.

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