National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 226 Start The War! The World's No. 1 Guild Vs. Berserk Alliance!

I am dead?

I just died like this?

Seeing that the screen was dark, a system prompt appeared.

Long Zhan Yuye was stunned, he felt that he was going towards Lin Feng, and he died suddenly!

This made Long Zhan Yuye somewhat unacceptable.

He killed me in seconds?

When he was fighting Murong Shanshan before, he was able to fight back and forth with Murong Shanshan. But now, facing Lin Feng, he himself was instantly killed!

"How powerful is this cute king!" Long Zhan Yuye was amazed.

Immediately afterwards, Long Zhan Yuye gritted his teeth and chose to resurrect on the spot!

Meng Wang was able to kill him once, maybe it was a big move!

He didn't believe it, it was a trick!

It's not a small move, the cooldown will be longer, and I still have a chance of winning against Meng Wang and Murong Shanshan with 100 people.

But wait, after Long Zhan Yuye was resurrected, the scene in front of him made him stunned again!


"He's a monster!"

"One move kills instantly, there is no way to fight!"


"Vice President? You're resurrected..."

At this moment, the 100 players of the Berserk Alliance have already scattered and fled, while Murong Shanshan and others are chasing after them.

"Haha, weren't the members of the Berserker Alliance very arrogant before? If you want to kill us, come on, I'll stand here, come here!"

100 people have to run against 32 people! Waste is waste!"

"Is this what you guys are capable of in the Berserker Alliance?"

The appearance of Lin Feng and his powerful combat power made the Berserk Alliance and others feel scared, and at the same time made Murong Shanshan and the other wolf 26 let out a bad breath.

The 30 people brought by Murong Shanshan chased the people from the Berserker Alliance and hacked at them while yelling and cursing.

And on this side.

"Vice President, that cute king is too scary! We were almost instantly killed by one of his skills!"

"A flat A hit me with nearly 10,000 blood! I cut him once, and he only lost dozens of blood! How do you fight this?"

"Vice President, withdraw!"

People from the Berserker Alliance spoke one after another.

And at this moment, Lin Feng also directly pursued them, and with Shuang'er, catching up to these players was not a problem at all.

"The people who besieged and killed our world's number one trade union want to leave now! It's too simple!"

Lin Feng looked at Long Zhan Yuye and said indifferently.

Long Zhan Yuye looked at Lin Feng and Unicorn, and frowned when he heard the words of the members of the Berserker Alliance just now.

With the current strength of these people, I'm afraid they really can't beat Lin Feng.

"Then what do you want?" Long Zhan Yuye asked.

"It's very simple, you guys were killed by me to level 1, or call people from your guild! Come and try if you have the courage, and see if our world's number one guild can destroy your Berserker Alliance!" Lin Feng directly opened the mouth.

"Of course, if you die and choose to return to the city to revive, in the next few days, you members of the Berserker Alliance had better stay in the main city obediently and not come out, or I will kill one by one!"

After the words fell, the light on the sword of the Archangel in Lin Feng's hand flickered slightly.

Hearing the sound, the people from the Crazy Battle Alliance frowned and looked at Lin Feng viciously.

"Meng Wang, don't be too arrogant! Don't think that you can bully us on the head of the Berserker Alliance just because you are domineering on Oumen's side?"

"Yes! Meng Wang, others are afraid of you, but our Berserker Alliance is not afraid of you!"

Several people shouted, Lin Feng sneered.

"Since you're not afraid, let's go together! Whoever sneaks first today will be the grandson, how about it? If I don't kill you to level 1, I won't be the cute king!"


On the opposite side, the people from the Berserker Alliance burst into anger, but he himself didn't dare to step forward. Not to mention, he was alone, and all of them combined together might not be Lin Feng's opponent.

"Mengwang, this is what you said! I will notify the president now, don't leave if you have the guts!"

But at this moment, Long Zhan Yuye's gaze sank, and then he directly contacted the president of the Mad War Alliance, Kuang Long.

"I said, today, the Berserker Alliance and the world's number one guild, whoever withdraws first will be the grandson!" Lin Feng said directly.

He is now a word, domineering!

Moreover, the current Lin Gang is full of confidence!

He didn't pay attention to a mad war alliance at all, and this time, Lin Feng didn't plan to do it alone, but pulled the whole world's number one guild, let ** see it too, the world's number one guild can't be bullied .

"Lin Feng, do you really want to wait here?" At this moment, Murong Shanshan asked. "I think it's better to just kill them!"

"Killing them, wouldn't it be cheaper for them?" Lin Feng smiled lightly.

"But...the Berserker Alliance has 5,000 members in Longyu City, this time you have to fight 5,000 alone! No, it's us!" Murong Shanshan frowned.

It is simply impossible for more than 30 people to fight against 5,000 people!

"Who said it's only us? I'm talking about the number one guild in the world! Not me, Meng Wang himself!" Lin Feng smiled faintly.

Hearing the sound, Murong Shanshan's eyes lit up immediately, and she looked towards Lin Feng.

"You mean...let the guild come!"

"Start Guild Wars?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"It has been developed for so long, and the players of the guild should see their blood. In addition, let other guilds know that our number one guild in the world cannot be bullied!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng looked at Long Zhan Yuye.

But at this moment, in Murong Shanshan's eyes, Lin Feng seemed a little taller.

But then, she frowned.

Strange, how could I have such an idea?

This guy... just wants to show off!

Soon, 100 members of the Berserker Alliance besieged the members of the world's number one guild, and Meng Wang came to the rescue, and made a bold statement that the news of choosing to go to war was posted on the forum of the second world.

As soon as the post appeared, it immediately became popular.

Countless players have started eating melons and commenting.

The heart of the macho: "Fuck, the cute king is still the cute king! More than 30 people beat up 100 people and escaped, and they still can't escape!"

Time flies: "I know that Murong Xiaosan, she is a veteran of the duel industry. It is said that many people in the Berserker League have suffered from her! I guess they turned against each other in the duel field!"

The Peerless Invincible Little Overlord: "This crazy fighting alliance is so shameless! If you can't beat them in the duel field, they actually block them in the game, can't you afford to lose!"

Jedi Lao Yinbi: "Is it obvious that you can't afford to lose? But the Berserk Alliance has 5,000 people in Longyu City. Could it be that this time, King Meng wants to fight against 5,000 people alone!"

The times are calling: "Those upstairs, don't forget, King Meng is the president of the world's number one guild, and I think it's a war between two guilds in all likelihood!"

Ghost Knife opened and looked back: "Guild war! There is no guild war yet! Brothers, let me go first, I want to be the best eater in Longyu City!"

The times are calling: "Wait for me upstairs!"

For a moment, the eyes of many players were attracted to Dragon Feather City, the Berserker Alliance and the world's number one guild.

And at the same time, because of the Belvedere.

Kuang Long, the president of the Kuang Zhan Alliance Guild, also received the news from Long Zhan Yuye. When he saw the news, Kuang Long was also angry.

"Hmph, dare to say that our Berserker Alliance is a bunch of rubbish, mob!"

"Mengwang, don't think that you can act recklessly just because you have some ability!"

"Today, our Berserker Alliance is here to teach you, you should be humble!"

There was a hint of ferocity in Kuanglong's eyes, and then he directly recruited many high-level officials of the Kuangzhan Alliance and issued orders directly.

Leading the 5,000 players of the Berserker Guild in Dragon Feather City, they headed towards the dense forest south of Dragon Feather City.

This time their mad dragon alliance wants to kill Meng Wang!

But this time, Kuanglong also has his own plan.

As long as he can kill Meng Wang, the entire Berserk Alliance will be famous in the second world.

As for his besieging and killing Murong Shanshan and others, this is quite normal in Kuanglong's view!

In the game world, strength is king, even if you are besieged, how about you? 360

Didn't you still invite King Meng to rescue you?

After all, the strength of a person is strength, and the strength of a group of people is also strength!

No matter how strong Meng Wang is, he is only as strong as a single person, but his world's number one guild, Kuanglong, is not optimistic at all!

He is powerful, but in terms of the guild, Meng Wang is just a noob! Moreover, Meng Wang runs to Oumen from time to time, in the eyes of Kuanglong, Meng Wang may not manage the guild very much!

So in his opinion, Meng Wang's world's number one guild is definitely not as strong as his Berserker Alliance!

Even if Meng Wang really called the guild members, he would be defeated by himself in the end!

Whether you can become famous in one fell swoop depends on today's battle!

Kuanglong thought in his heart.

At the same time, on the other side, in Yashan City.

"Damn it, these people from the Berserker Alliance dare to block people from our guild!"

"Release the guild mission, gather the members to go to Dragon Feather City, and the Invincible Battle will not return today!"

Li Yuan was angry when he saw the news from Murong Wuwu and Lin Feng.

Subsequently, he directly released a guild announcement.

[Assemble, prepare for battle! Target, Dragon Feather City, Berserk Alliance!]

After seeing this guild announcement, the players of the world's number one guild became excited, and after learning about the situation, they also became angry.

"If we don't make a move, will we really treat our world's number one guild as a sick cat?"

"Brothers! Charge to me and destroy the Berserker Alliance!"

"Destroy the Berserker Alliance! The person who offends my world's number one guild, Saint Unforgiven!"

"If you want to fight, I will fight!"

"A mere Berserker Alliance, really treat us as vegetarians!"

"Brothers, go to Dragon Feather City, this time you won't be able to return!"

"The Alliance of Slaughtering Berserkers, win and never return!"

Immediately, the tide surged in the world's number one guild, and many members became more and more excited one by one.

Afterwards, they directly teleported to Longyu City through the teleportation array. .

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