National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 227 Start The War! Siege And Kill The Cute King!

In Dragon Feather City, members of the world's number one guild teleported over one by one.

And in Dragon Feather City, the players of the Berserker Alliance have already assembled.

The 5,000 people galloped towards the south of Longyu City, and immediately attracted the attention of many players.

"The Berserker Alliance is really going to fight the Meng King!"

"The Berserker Alliance can be regarded as an old game guild. I don't know if Meng Wang can stand it this time!"

"Moe King's world's number one guild is said to be developing well, so it should be able to resist!"

"I don't know if I don't fight! Most of Meng Wang's world number one guild members are in Meng Wang's own city, and I don't know their strength too much!"

"Go, follow and have a look! This is the first guild war!"

In Longyu City, Li Yuan has already gathered players.

Players from the world's number one guild appeared, and players from Dragon Feather City also cast curious glances.

"Is this someone from the world's number one guild?"

"It doesn't look weak at all! This time I saw some!"

"That's right, but the members of the Berserker Guild set off earlier, I just don't know if Meng Wang can persist until the members of these guilds come to support them!"

"I think Xuan, more than 5,000 people can deal with them in a short time!"

"Let's not talk about it, the people from the world's number one trade union have also set off, let's follow up first!"

After the flying players of the Mad Battle Alliance, players from the world's number one guild also left Dragon Feather City one after another, heading to the south of Dragon Feather City, and immediately a dozen players who eat melons followed.

In the dense forest to the south of Longyu City.

Long Zhan Yuye has received a message from Kuang Long, the president of the Berserk Alliance guild, that the Berserk Alliance guild has sent 5,000 people to the dense forest in the south to support, and asked Long Zhan Yuye to hold Meng Wang Fei.

In this way, they can kill Meng Wang and others before the world's number one guild arrives, defeating the ambition of the world's number one guild.

After seeing the news, Zhan Yuye was filled with excitement.

But what about the others, Meng Wang's arrogant attitude made him very dissatisfied.

"After the people from our Berserker Alliance arrive, let's see how you can still be so arrogant!" Long Zhan Yuye looked at Lin Feng with a sinister smile.

On the other side, Lin Feng has also received the news from Li Yuan that he has brought 5,000 people from the world's number one guild to Longyu City, and will come over soon.

Seeing the news, Lin Feng's eyes also flickered with brilliance.

Although Lin Feng is not sure about the strength of ordinary members of the world's No. 1 guild, he has a general understanding. Because of the existence of Yashan City, the development of players in the world's tenth guild is actually faster than players in other guilds. .

The only downside is that he lacks combat experience. Neither he nor Murong Yiyi, Li Yuan and the others have actually formed any guilds before.

Not to mention the experience of fighting with 5,000 people in the game, and this time is actually a confrontation, which can also be regarded as an opportunity to train troops!

It doesn't matter if you fail, with yourself, the Berserker Alliance will pay a huge price.

The minds of the two parties are different.

And soon, the members of the Berserker Alliance found the location of Long Zhan Yuye, and flew towards them.

With 5,000 people acting together in the dense forest, it is inevitable that there will be some noises.

After a period of stalemate between Lin Feng and Long Zhan Yuye, huh la la——

There was a sound in the dense forest in the direction of Longyu City. Hearing this sound, Long Zhan Yuye's eyes suddenly brightened.

"It must be the president and the others who are here, King Meng, you are dead this time!" Long Zhan Yuye gritted his teeth and said viciously.

After his words fell, beside him, other members of the Berserker Alliance also laughed wickedly.

In their eyes, Lin Feng's domineering is enough domineering, but not enough brains.

You have no problem going to war!

The people who went back to organize the world's number one guild came to Dragon Feather City, and the two sides went to war directly!

Now that we clearly know that this is the territory of the Berserker Alliance, the people from the Berserk Alliance must have come quickly, but they still hold on. When our people arrive, they will definitely beat you!

Let's kill Meng Wang and the others first. It's easy for high-level players to drop a level, but it's very difficult to increase a level!

"Lin Feng, their people are here!" Murong Shanshan said while frowning.

"It's okay, you guys hide behind me later, this is a dense forest area, even if they make a move, they can't make a move with 5,000 people at the same time! Kill some people first, and when Li Yuan and the others come over, they will directly outflank them, so that none of them can escape alone. Drop!" Lin Feng said.

Seeing Lin Feng's vow, Murong Shanshan still hesitated.

Even if 5,000 people can't attack at the same time, among the 5,000 people, I'm afraid there are many mages and archers! One person has one skill, and the damage superimposed on one person is terrifying!

Instant kill is not impossible!

It's just that Lin Feng has already spoken now, and she doesn't speak anymore.

And withdrawing at this time is a bit embarrassing!

I hope he can resist it!

Murong Shanshan said in her heart.

Murong Shanshan had just finished talking, in the dense forest, a few figures appeared, and came to the side of Long Zhan Yuye and others.


Long Zhan Yuye looked at the coming Kuanglong and said. Several other people also opened their mouths.

With a few high-players from the Kuangzhan Alliance behind Kuanglong, he found Longzhan Yuye and Mengwang, and he immediately conveyed the order.

"Let everyone gather and come to me! I found the whereabouts of Meng Wang!" Kuanglong's voice fell, and the sounds of brushing in the dense forest came one after another.

Soon, hundreds of players from the Berserker Alliance appeared in front of Lin Feng and others, and more and more people rushed over in the dense forest.

"Meng Wang, I didn't expect you to be able to stay here!"

At this moment, Kuanglong stepped forward and said.

"I know you have notified the players of the world's No. 1 guild, but it will take time for them to rush over, and taking advantage of this time, do you think we can kill you and these people on the field once!"

"You are over 60 now! You have a lot of experience for leveling up!"

There was a gloomy look in Kuanglong's eyes, and he said to Lin Feng with a smile.

"Just rely on you people, you can try it first!" Lin Feng said lightly: "How about this! This time, the members of our two guilds should not evacuate, let's see which guild is the first to reduce to 1 class!"

"Or if you can't hold on anymore, you can also tell me that it is considered a defeat! How about the defeated one publicly apologizing to the opposing guild?"

This time Lin Feng just wants to play the momentum of the world's number one guild, although the strength of both sides is not very clear now!

But in terms of momentum, I definitely have to improve!

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Kuanglong raised his brows, as if he was interested. To make Meng Wang and the world's number one guild apologize, it must be a glorious thing for the Mad War Alliance.

Maybe, this time, their Berserker Alliance will be able to absorb more people and become the number one alliance in **!

But at this moment, the faces of Long Zhan Yuye and the others became anxious!

"President, don't listen to this kid. His damage is very high, and we will all be instantly killed! If we continue to fight like this, it will be fine for him to turn around, but we will definitely be killed and return to level 1!"

"And there are many members in the world's number one guild, so we may not necessarily be able to win!" Long Zhan reminded him with ambition.

Then, a killing intent flickered in his eyes.

"Let's kill Meng Wang and these people first, and kill their president. When the time comes, the morale of the world's number one guild will be shaken!"

Hearing the sound, Kuang Long nodded and frowned slightly.

If King Meng really did what Long Zhan Yuye said, even if he won the Berserk Alliance in the end, the loss would be very heavy. The bottom-level personnel in a guild are actually nothing, the most important thing is those high-level .

If these people are killed back to level 1, it will be a great loss to the entire guild! The previous Hot Pot City guild was like this!

"Hehe, Meng Wang, you don't have to provoke me! It's useless! I think it's better for you to protect yourself first!"

A gleam flashed in Kuanglong's eyes.

"Do it!"

After his words fell, the members of the Berserker Alliance on his side looked at Lin Feng one after another. At the same time, nearly 300 members in the dense forest behind him also locked on Lin Feng.


On the field, an arrow directly pierced through and flew towards Lin Feng.


Kuanglong gave an order, and then, many long-range players behind him launched (okay, ok) attacks one after another.

On Lin Feng's side, Murong Shanshan and the others frowned suddenly, and the sword of the Archangel in Lin Feng's hand had already been raised high, and the guardian light array and guardian star shield were released together.


An arrow landed on Lin Feng's protective light array.


The damage figure appeared, and after this arrow, more spells and arrows flew directly, hitting Lin Feng's guardian light array.





The damage numbers jumped up one after another, and at the same time, Lin Feng also directly released the Light and Shadow Mystery, and the clones became three people. At the same time, the speed increased, and they began to dodge.

"Keep your distance! Don't come into their attack range!" Lin Feng said to Murong Shanshan and the others behind him.

Seeing the attack from the opposite side, Murong Shanshan frowned tightly at this moment, at the same time, she tightly clenched the dagger in her hand, and wanted to attack, but when she heard Lin Feng's words, she began to hesitate again.

"Are you sure?" Murong Shanshan asked.

"Of course!" Lin Feng said: "I don't pay attention to this kind of person!"

After finishing speaking, the aura around Lin Feng surged up, and then, behind him, a group of fiery aura surged up.

"Dragon Transformation!"

When the words settled down, a dragon chant resounded in the arena!.

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