National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 229 The Berserker Alliance Is Cowardly!


"Brothers, let's go! Let the people of the Berserker Alliance see how powerful our world's number one guild is!"

"Come on, people from the Beautiful and Berserker Alliance!"

As soon as Li Yuan appeared with 5000 people, he rushed over frantically!

On the field, seeing this scene, the members of the Berserker Alliance were shocked!

They were still discussing how to deal with Lin Feng, who knew that the players from the world's number one guild would come so quickly!

"Come on, defense! Hold these men!"

"Kill! Kill the people from the world's number one guild!"

"Go back to Longyuan City, go back to Ya~ Mountain City!"

The players of the Berserker League also got excited.

Just, at this moment. Seeing the players from the world's No. 1 guild appear, Kuang Long didn't feel good in his eyes. He led 100 high-level players from the Kuang War Alliance and rushed towards Lin Feng.

Originally, I wanted to link up with ordinary players and instantly kill Lin Feng in a short period of time, but now it seems that this plan has been ruined!

"Damn it, how did these people come so fast! We just arrived, and they came here!" Kuanglong was speechless for a while.

"All of them in Yashan City are players from the world's number one guild, so the teleportation should be faster than other main cities!" A member of the Berserker Alliance said.

"Fuck, I forgot about this!" Kuanglong cursed secretly.

Then, he looked at Lin Feng again, and then spoke.

"Everyone do your best to see if 100 of us can instantly kill Meng Wang!"

"Also, pay attention to blocking his actions!"

At this moment, an elemental mage behind Kuanglong said.

"I'm an ice elemental mage. I have a trick that can freeze everyone in the surrounding area. The Meng King should not be able to run away! I can control it for 5 seconds!"

"Okay, 5 seconds is enough! I will try my best to shoot later! After killing Meng Wang, the field energy on the opposite side will definitely be affected!"

While the few people were talking, Lin Feng also galloped towards this direction, and at the same time, the sword of the Archangel in his hand leapt with holy light.

"Do it!"

The mad dragon screamed, and at the same time, in his hand, a long sword was wrapped with a layer of blood, turned into a blood sword, and directly slashed at Lin Feng.

At the same time, the elemental mage behind the mad dragon had a killing intent in his eyes.

"The ice is frozen!"

As soon as he shouted, streams of water vapor around him immediately began to freeze, and pieces of ice emerged around Lin Feng's side and froze.


At that moment, Lin Feng's whole body was also trapped in the ice layer, and seemed to be frozen.

Seeing this scene, Kuanglong burst into joy.

"Good job!" he said immediately.

As soon as the words fell, on his side, Long Zhan Yuye and the others also had a flash of excitement in their eyes.

"Haha, die!"

After finishing speaking, Long Zhan Yuye also launched his strongest attack.

Some other people also rushed towards Lin Feng one after another, and 5 seconds was enough for all of them to concentrate on Lin Feng.

Moreover, these 100 players are all high-level players of the Berserker Alliance, so the damage is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary players just now.

It is absolutely impossible for Lin Feng to survive the full blow of 100 high-level players.

"Hey...did it!"

The blood sword in his hand waved! The mad dragon's eyes were filled with excitement.

However, at this moment.

click click click...

Suddenly, in front of him, the ice surrounding Lin Feng suddenly began to shatter, and at the same time a holy light surged from the ice.

For a moment, Kuanglong's eyes widened, and his pupils shrank suddenly!


And behind him, the elemental mage just now was even more shocked!

"This! How is this possible? I have obviously frozen him!" The elemental mage said in shock.

Several other players who rushed towards Lin Feng were also stunned.

"Flash, flash quickly..."

Before Long Zhan Yuye finished speaking, the holy light from Lin Feng's slashing had already submerged him, and behind him, Kuang Long and the others obviously did not expect such a scene, and were directly enveloped by the holy light in it.

-35464, -36500, -36950...


It was a direct instant kill again, under the guardian angel's cross slash.

These Berserker Alliance players who rushed up had almost no resistance, and were instantly killed by Lin Feng.

With this move, a total of 48 high-level players died under Lin Feng's attack.

It was so sudden!

They thought that Lin Feng had already been charged, and they wanted to go up and play output. But it never occurred to Lin Feng that he was immune to freezing control and activated his skills directly.

By the time they wanted to escape, it was already too late!

"Hehe, Frozen? Fortunately, I have the guardian of the Ice Region, otherwise, it would be more difficult to fight!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and then his eyes fell on the other long-range mages of the Berserker Alliance who were attacking from a distance.

Immediately launched a death charge. With a bang, Lin Feng hit directly.

-23650, -24450...

Five mages were directly hit by this blow, and they were instantly killed!

Then, Lin Feng continued to unleash a thunderous strike.

The rolling thunder spread, and once again involved many mages on the field.

Although Lin Feng's operations sounded slow, they were actually completed within a few seconds! At this moment, the members of the Berserker Alliance guild were still in the shock of Lin Feng breaking through the freeze.

-26540, -23650...

Under the blow of thunder, a full 12 mages were killed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng killed 65 of the top 100 players in the Berserker Alliance in just a short time, leaving only 35 left!

And the 35 players were even more stunned!

what kind of harm is this

Also, why didn't you control him just now?

More than 100 people can't beat him, and there are 35 people left, how can they be able to resist!

And right now.

"Lin Feng, here we come!"

A soft shout came from behind the Berserker Alliance and the others, the Berserker Alliance has players with top 100 combat power, as does the world's number one guild!

After waiting for 5,000 players from the world's No. 1 guild to come here, Murong Shanshan and the people before him can also make a move! Li Yuan also brought the elite of the world's No. 1 guild!

A group of people flew over, their eyes were very unfriendly, and then they came directly to Lin Feng's side.

On the opposite side, 35 high-ranking members of the Berserk Alliance who were still alive watched Murong Shanshan and Li Yuan rushing over, their brows furrowed even more tightly.

A cute king, they are already enough headaches! Adding these people......

In this battle, the Berserker Alliance is probably going to fail!

Then, a high-level player looked around. On the battlefield, players from the Berserker Alliance and the world's number one guild were fighting together.


Flames and loud noises resounded continuously in the dense forest.

The battle between ordinary players has also become very intense.

At this time, the two sides are entangled together, and it is not so easy to get out of the battle!

And judging from the current situation, the members of the world's number one guild actually had the upper hand, and the members of the Hunting Alliance were actually suppressed and beaten.

"President, haven't you been resurrected yet?" A high-ranking player from the Berserker Alliance asked.

Then he looked at where the mad dragon was!

【You have been killed by the player 'Meng Wang'!】

The screen turned into a dark, looking at the system prompts, Kuanglong almost went mad.

Why was he killed again!

Didn't you say you can control it for 5 seconds?

How could he suddenly be able to act?

Kuang Long sulked for a while, and Long Zhan Yuye and others beside him were also stunned.

Gao Wan of the Berserker Alliance had no choice but to resurrect in situ, and after the resurrection, they all threw a hostile light at the ten ice-attributed elemental mages before.

That look seems to be asking: why is this happening!

That elemental mage also had a bitter look on his face, he didn't understand either!


When he used skills before, both the player and the BOSS could control the time for 5 seconds! Why did it not work once he got to Meng Wang's body!

At this time, Kuanglong wants to organize another attack!

But at this moment, he looked at Lin Feng. Beside Lin Feng, Murong Shanshan, Li Yuan and others have already come to support him, and Gao Wan from the world's number one guild has also rushed over!

At this moment, Murong Shanshan and the others also looked at Kuanglong and the others with hostile expressions.

"It's a bit difficult to handle!" Kuanglong's eyes sank: "The people from the world's number one guild actually supported so quickly!"

"President, something is wrong! These people don't look weak! I'm afraid to add a cute king..." Long Zhan Yuye seemed to realize that something was wrong, and said to Kuanglong.

"President, why don't I retreat first! Meng Wang is too powerful, we are not opponents at all... If we continue to fight like this, I'm afraid we will suffer a bit!"

Several other people said one after another, and Kuanglong never expected that his Kuangzhan Alliance would turn into a disadvantage in such a short period of time.

And all of this is because of Lin Feng!

Everyone in Lin Feng is too strong, he can beat hundreds of high players alone!

The number and level of high-level players are not equal. If you continue to fight, the Berserker Alliance will suffer a lot!

"Mad Dragon, I want to evacuate at this time! Is it too simple? Believe it or not, you evacuate now, and I will take the tenth member of the world to Longyu City to sing the battle right now."

At this moment, Lin Feng also saw that the mad dragons of the Berserker Alliance wanted to evacuate!

But at this moment, the two guilds have already fought and torn their skins. Now either one of them will be destroyed, or some benefits will be left behind!

Otherwise, the victorious side will never let it go!

This battle can be regarded as in vain!

"Meng Wang hasn't reached that point yet! I'll see today, after all, who will suffer more!" Raptor said directly.

"Okay! I like it like this!"

Lin Feng also revealed a smile!

"If that's the case, then continue to fight!"

After the words fell, Lin Feng then went to kill Kuanglong and others.

Behind Lin Feng, Rong Shanshan and the others also charged away.

"Kill, kill these people from the Berserk Alliance!".

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