National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 230 Destroy The Berserker Alliance!


"Kill all the people in the Berserk Alliance and send them back to Level 1."

"The number one guild in the world, die for me!"

Dragon Feather City, above the jungle battlefield.

One after another roars resounded.


All kinds of magic, arrows, and skills were released, and the entire dense forest vibrated instantly.

In the entire dense forest, many trees continued to collapse, layers of smoke and dust stirred up, and in an instant, the field became a flat land.

Looking down from the sky, there is a cloud of smoke and dust within a radius of 500 meters!

And at the center of the smoke and dust, Lin Feng fought with Kuanglong and others.


Li Yuan shouted first, and then he rushed over. Behind him, players from the world's number one guild followed closely.

On the opposite side, Kuang Long and the others frowned, looked at Li Yuan who was speeding over, and then looked at Lin Feng with apprehension.

At this moment, Lin Feng is definitely the player who stands at the top of the food chain among the players. Without him, the strength of the others can still maintain a balance, but once Lin Feng joins them, this balance will be broken in an instant.

However, at this moment, it was obvious that Lin Feng would not just stare blankly and not make a move.

When Li Yuan and the others were acting, Lin Feng also "four six seven" rushed over with the sword of the archangel. Moreover, under the burst of speed, "Lin Feng has already rushed to the front.

"Everyone be careful, don't be killed by Lin Feng!"

"If you die too many times, you can consider returning to the city and resurrecting. I will not hold you accountable!"

At this time, Kuanglong couldn't think so much. With Lin Feng around, the high-end combat power of the Mad War Alliance will definitely not have the upper hand, but at this time, the Kuanglong didn't think about killing Lin Feng, but put his mind on other people.

After all, Lin Feng is only one person, if you can't kill him, if you kill members of other guilds, it's the same if the others can't hold on!

Take a gamble now to see who can last till the end!

At this moment, Lin Feng has rushed over.

But after seeing him, Kuang Long and the others immediately dodged and rushed towards Li Yuan and the others.

"Want to get around me?"

At this moment, he also discovered the other party's thoughts.

"But it's a bit simple to think!"

"Little black!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng directly recruited Xiao Hei and other pets. Both Xiaohei and Dandanmon have control and deceleration effects, and their combat power is not weak, and their speed is a little faster than the player.

After Xiao Hei and other pets joined the battlefield. Then, Xiao Hei released the frozen earth.


Layers of water vapor condensed and turned into ice cubes, and five high-level players from the Berserker Alliance were immediately frozen on the field.

But at this moment, Lin Feng had already rushed over, the Archangel Sword in his hand shook, and then, a ray of light fell.

-23545, -35540, -25641. …

The five top players were directly killed by Lin Feng. Seeing this, the others widened their eyes.

"What's this? A pet?"

"Be careful, Lin Feng's pets, hide from them, hurry up!"

The mad dragon also roared, Lin Feng is already difficult enough! But what he didn't expect was that Lin Feng had so many tricks. Moreover, these pets don't look weak either.

But when everyone was dodging Lin Feng and Xiao Hei and other pets, Li Yuan and the others had already rushed up. After fighting, Kuang Long and the others were shocked to find that Li Yuan and the others were not bad at all.

The two sides fought, and many high-level players were directly dragged down.

On the other side, Xiao Hei and Lin Feng rushed over, and they had no energy left to escape.

Soon, Lin Feng turned into a battlefield harvester, constantly shuttling among the high-level players of the Berserker Alliance.

-34500, -26500, -30500...

A series of skills were released, and many high-players of the Berserker Alliance who were entangled with the high-players of the world's number one guild were instantly killed by Lin Feng.

Soon, with the situation on the battlefield, the Berserker Alliance was at an absolute disadvantage.

"Damn it, how did this happen?" Kuang Long saw that there were fewer and fewer Gao Wan in front of him, and he couldn't help but start to feel desolate.

The other players on his side looked even more desperate.

This can't be beat at all!

Lin Feng is too powerful, and no one is restricting him! Right now Lin Feng is in a state of random killing.

If there was surrender in this game, they would have surrendered by now!

But alas, there was no surrender in this. Moreover, the mad dragon didn't speak, and they were embarrassed to return to the city to resurrect.

Some high-level players can only delay the resurrection time, and if it can be delayed for a second, it is a second.

"President, there is no other way! If you can't restrain King Meng, all of us will die if things go on like this! And it's useless to revive in place!" Long Zhan Yuye said.

Yes, it's just not very useful!

Originally they wanted to consume the high-player level of the world's number one guild, but the current situation is that when the world's number one guild is at a disadvantage, Lin Feng will appear immediately and instantly kill the local opponents.

And the equipment of the world's number one guild is very good, and the members of the Berserker Alliance have no way to kill the opponent immediately.

In this way, almost all the players on the side of the Berserker Alliance died, but on the side of the world's number one guild, the player's loss was less than one-fifth.

If the fight continues like this, even if Lin Feng doesn't fight back, they will be able to fight, but it's not certain if they can't. After all, when the level drops, so does the strength.

Especially when the level drops to the point where he cannot wear his current equipment, his combat power will plummet, and there is no way to fight anymore.

"President, you really can't withdraw!" Long Zhan Yuye continued.

This incident was caused by him, and if the result of the final battle was too tragic, Long Zhan Yuye would also bear a great deal of responsibility. With the current situation, Song was afraid that someone in the Kuzhan Alliance would already bear a grudge against him.

"Get out!"

Kuanglong looked at the unscrupulous Lin Feng in front of him, finally gritted his teeth and said.

After his words fell, Long Zhan Yuye immediately shouted.

"Evacuate! Everyone evacuate!"

And in the guild channel of the Berserker Alliance [Long Zhan Yuye also spoke.

"I am the vice president, Long Zhan Yuye, all the brothers of the Berserker Alliance, retreat first! Return to Longyu City, and fight again after rectifying!"

When these words came out in the guild channel, many members of the Berserker Alliance were dumbfounded.

Just now their slogans still took off.

"Slay the world's number one guild, and capture the cute king alive!"

"Kill them all, down to cough!"

Why is it that this period of time has passed, and the vice president ordered everyone to retreat!

To put it nicely, this is called withdrawing and fighting again, but to put it bluntly, it is that you can't beat others, and you are beaten and run away!

Losing the guild battle is a very embarrassing thing......

Especially among the ordinary players, the skills and equipment are not bad. They can kill several people, and they are in high spirits, feeling that they are going to win.

But at this moment, the members of the guild were about to withdraw! I was very unwilling in my heart, on the contrary, the players with poor skills and who were easy to be killed were relieved.

On this side, after hearing Long Zhan Yuye's words, all the high-level players in the Mad War Alliance breathed a sigh of relief. To them, Meng Wang is like a god of death, whoever catches his eye will die!

The sooner you evacuate now, the less your losses will be!

"Want to go?"

Li Yuan and the others immediately sensed the personnel movement of the Berserker Alliance.

And Lin Feng also directly pursued some high players who were fleeing in the surroundings.

go, yes!

But after dying, return to the city and resurrect!

The Light and Shadow Mistalking was released again, and Lin Feng's speed instantly increased.

Patron Saint Hammer, Guardian Angel Cross Cut, Thunder Clap...

Immediately, a series of skills were deployed, and the 10 high-level players who had just escaped in front were instantly killed by Lin Feng again, almost without any suspense.

And these people who were killed in seconds, this time they also directly chose to return to the city to resurrect!

All the high-level players began to evacuate one after another, and Lin Feng was unable to hunt down all of them. After killing some people, he set his sights on Kuang Long and Long Zhan Yuye, and then he ran directly towards them come over.

"Damn it, Meng Wang is eyeing this side!"

Seeing Lin Feng galloping over, Kuang Long said in a fit of frustration.

"Damn it, fight him!"

"At this point, there is no other better way!" Long Zhan Yuye said in frustration, "Mo Dan, if I had known, I would not have messed with Murong Xiaosan and the others!"

Long Zhan Yuye has some regrets, but now the regrets are over!

Lin Feng quickly ran up to the two of them.

"Meng Wang! Now I am not your opponent, but let's wait and see in the future!" Kuanglong said harshly!

Afterwards, he charged directly towards Lin Feng. At this time, Long Zhan Yuye, who was on his side, also looked at Lin 4.1 Feng viciously, and charged over.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and then directly launched the death charge.

On the shield in his hand, a dim light flickered, and Lin Feng charged straight up.

Then, there was a bang.

-36500, -36950...

A damage figure floated up, and afterward, Long Zhan Yuye and Kuanglong were instantly killed!

【You have been killed by the player 'Meng Wang'!】

The system prompts sounded in the ears of the two of them, and the picture returned to black and white again, and at the same time, the resurrection reminder also appeared.

Kuanglong's heart is full of anger and unyielding, this time he chose to return to the city to resurrect!

"Damn it!" Long Zhan Yuye also cursed secretly in his heart, and chose to return to the city to resurrect.

Lin Feng took a look around. At this moment, the high players of the Berserker Alliance have basically been killed, and some of them have fled, and they can't catch up!

On the other side, there are still many ordinary players sticking together, and they are still fighting each other!

"Go, get rid of these people, and then go to Longyu City!"

Lin Feng said to Li Yuan and the others beside him.

Retiring the Berserker Alliance is just the beginning, the first time you fight, you have to be more aggressive. .

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