National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 232 The World's Number One Guild, Long Live!

"Crazy War Alliance, get out!"

"Kid Dragon, get out and die!"

"What's the point of hiding in the main city? Since you dare to start a war, and now you're shrinking your head again, why are all the people in the Mad War Alliance shrinking their heads?"

"Crazy Battle Alliance******, Crazy Dragon I******

In front of Longyu City, after the players from the world's number one guild arrived, they did not enter the city. Instead, they shouted directly outside the city!

Under normal circumstances, as long as the player does not make a move in the city, the guards in the city will not intervene!

As long as the guards are not touched, the players of the world's number one guild and Lin Feng naturally don't have to be afraid of anything!

The sound of shouting and cursing spread from outside the city to the inside of the city, although many players of the Berserker Alliance could not hear it directly.

But at this moment, they all know that the people from the world's number one guild are yelling at the Berserker Alliance outside!

But now they themselves can only hide in the city, like turtles shrinking their heads!

This made many players of the Berserker Alliance very upset.

They came to the second world to play games and find happiness!

And now?

They just felt a bit of suffocation!

On the other side, when Kuanglong heard the news, he also had an ugly face!


This cute king is murderous!

Hard enough!

Now if Kuanglong takes the people from the Kuangzhan Alliance out to continue fighting, he may really be killed to level 1!

If all members of the guild are killed to level 1, what guild do you want to form? It will go bankrupt immediately!

"Meng Wang, you are cruel enough!"

"This time I am convinced!"

Kuanglong gritted his teeth, he refused to accept it!

Afterwards, the mad dragon directly contacted the water dragon in the Seven Dragon Palace, and wanted the other party to help him become a second person.

And the water dragon from the Seven Dragon Palace also agreed. He had dealt with the Berserk Alliance before, and the people from the Seven Dragon Palace also had friendship with Meng Wang.

Of course, borrowing conflicts is also for nothing, and besides that, the Berserker Alliance must also give some benefits to the world's number one guild, otherwise, why give up.

After the water dragon of the Seven Dragon Palace agreed, Lin Feng was quickly connected.

Lin Feng frowned when he saw the news of the water dragon.

"It seems that the Berserker Alliance is unwilling to come out!"

"Reconciliation is also possible...but..."

After receiving the message, Lin Feng did not choose to reply immediately. Instead, it continued to make the guild members yell and scold.

The Berserker Alliance besieged Murong Shanshan, and at the same time, taking advantage of their home field advantage, they wanted to besiege themselves directly when the battle started. Moreover, speaking in a high-sounding manner, in the game world, the strong are the truth!

Lin Feng cannot forgive this behavior alone!

Moreover, since you admire the weak to be preyed upon by the strong, then I also adopt your reasoning here!

I've beaten it, how's the door press going?

Do you only need to bully others, and don't allow others to bully yourself?

There is no such reason in the world. At this time, even if the mad dragon is mad at himself, it is his own fault! No wonder others.

And before that, Lin Feng had already given the choice of Long Zhan Yuye.

Either 100 of them were killed to level 1, or it was a guild battle!

Since you chose guild warfare, you must afford the price of guild warfare.

Now that the Berserker Alliance has found the water dragon to negotiate a peace, in Lin Feng's eyes, they have already confessed their cowardice! And they are still trying to escape punishment.

That is to say, Lin Feng's current strength can't fight against the main city, otherwise, Lin Feng would lead the people from the world's number one guild to kill in.

It's like crazy dragons who care about the problems!

Kill a few more times, they also know how to obey the rules, who should be messed with and who should not be messed with!

The people from the world's number one guild continued to surround Longyu City for two hours, until Lin Feng felt that it was almost time.

At this time, Lin Feng replied to Shuilong's message.

Meng Wang: "People who want me can retreat! Ten million! In addition, let the Mad War Alliance publicly write an apology letter. As for the content of the apology, let him ask Long Zhan Yuye, he should know how to write `!"

Water Dragon: "Okay, I'll ask the Berserker Alliance!"

Meng Wang: "Let them decide quickly, this is my card number.... The money has arrived, and the letter of apology has been posted on the forum! I will evacuate!"

Seeing the message from Lin Feng, Shuilong shook his head slightly.

"I've never seen this kid so ruthless when dealing with Meng Wang before! Not to mention losing money, once this letter of apology goes up, the entire Berserk Alliance will lose face!"

However, the water dragon thought about it immediately.

An apology letter is shameless! It is even more shameless to be scolded in the main city!

If the Seven Dragon Palace is treated like this, he can't wait to rush out and kill him immediately!

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated!

And this is still the game world, at worst, everything will start all over again!

"The mad dragon is also a great man! I can bear this!"

While Shuilong muttered in his heart, he directly conveyed Lin Feng's conditions to Kuanglong.

Seeing Lin Feng's conditions, Kuang Long's expression changed instantly.

Ten million!

And a public apology!

"This cute king is a bit too much!"

The mad dragon burst into anger, and directly punched the wall in front of him! It may be that this is in the game and not in reality.

And in the end, he also saw the reminder of the water dragon, this matter has a certain relationship with Long Zhan Yuye!

Of course, Kuanglong himself knows about this matter!

After hesitating for a while, Kuanglong finally compromised!

Just as Shuilong thought, a letter of apology is better than people swearing outside the main city and not daring to go out!

"I agree! You tell Meng Wang, I will transfer the money right away, and the apology letter will take a while!" Kuanglong replied.

After a while, the water dragon recovered.

"Meng Wang said that he must read the apology letter before he can send it! Otherwise, he will not recognize it!"

Seeing the water dragon's reply, Kuanglong almost vomited blood. He originally wanted to embellish the letter of apology to discredit Meng Wang and the world's number one guild, but he didn't expect Lin Feng to do such a trick all of a sudden.

This is simply unexpected!


This word, Kuanglong almost gritted his teeth and replied!

After half an hour.

The transfer of the mad dragon has arrived, and on the forum of the second world, the letter of apology from the mad war alliance has also been sent up, and the content has been "guided" by Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng did not tamper with the facts, but just told the whole process. And the whole incident from the beginning to the end, the players of the Berserker Alliance did not hold any reason.

After the release of the apology letter from the Berserker Alliance, the one whose ID is the world's number one guild left a message below!

"Anyone who offends my world's number one guild will be punished!"

Immediately, this message became popular in the entire forum.

Daai Soymilk: "666, the world's number one guild domineering!"

Don't eat dumplings: "It's amazing! It's amazing, it's worthy of being the guild of Meng Wang! It's really domineering!"

Dynasty Stranger: "Mom, I'm joining the world's number one guild!"

Spider Girl: "It turns out that's the way it is! Support the world's number one guild, support the cute king!"

Big Turtle: "Awesome, my guild! I belong to the world's number one guild. Unfortunately, I didn't go there this time, and I'm still here in Blood Wolf City! President Meng Wang, next time there is such an event, I must bring it with me!" fuck me!"

Yituan Xiaotiaotiao: "Thank you for the invitation, I am in the world's number one guild, and have already evacuated from Longyu City!"

Lemon Yellow: ""I'm so stupid, the 6 upstairs! It smells so thick!"

In an instant, the world's number one guild became popular on the forum.

At the same time, as the first guild battle on ** in the second world, major game media and self-media also began to report.

"The world's number one guild, Brave Fighting Alliance, won a big victory! The president, Meng Wang, became the biggest winner!"

"Shocked! The number one player in the second world actually did this kind of thing yesterday..."

"Speak wild words! Is it the fault of strength? Or is he too high-profile! Let's count down the game experience of the number one player in the second world, Mengwang!"

A piece of news continued to spread on the media, and suddenly, even many people who didn't play the second world knew about the second world, and at the same time, they knew about a player like Mengwang.

Of course, when there are noisy disturbances on the Internet, there is no time to deal with it.

Lin Feng has returned to Yashan City with 5,000 players from the world's number one guild at this moment, and when he returned to Yashan City, the first thing Lin Feng did was to send out benefits.

He directly gathered 5,000 players on the square of Yashan City.

"Brothers of the world's number one guild, we have won a complete victory in today's battle!"

As soon as the voice sounded, the players below applauded enthusiastically.

"In the future, there will probably be many such battles! And not only guild battles, but also city battles, and even national wars! I hope we can win in future battles like today (Promised)! Always invincible!"

"Invincible! Invincible!" The players from the world's number one guild shouted in unison.

After the shouting ended, Lin Feng continued to speak.

"However, although we won this time, it was not without mistakes. It was not a perfect victory! There are still many areas to improve in our battle! The world's number one guild is a whole, I hope this victory will not let us Blindly arrogant, but to go further!"

"Even if we face guilds that are stronger than us in the future, we will still be able to defeat them!"


As soon as the voice changed, Lin Feng continued to speak.

"The victory this time is certain! So I decided that everyone who participated in this battle will be rewarded with 100 guild merit points and 500 yuan per person."


After these words fell, the players from the world's number one guild couldn't sit still anymore!

Not to mention the merits of the guild! The number one guild in the world can be exchanged for many good things in the game, and 500 yuan is a direct cash reward. 500 yuan per person, 5000 people is 2.5 million!

For some local tyrants, 500 yuan is nothing, but for some ordinary players, this is an income! And this is the guild's affirmation of itself!

"Long live the president!"

"Long live the world's number one guild!"

Immediately, the entire arena resounded with a voice of calling. .

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