National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 233 Crazy Upgrade! Do The Task!

Soon, the news that the world's No. 1 guild had defeated the Berserk Alliance spread among the circles of the ** Second World.

The players of the world's No. 1 trade union are extremely excited, and at the same time, the reputation of the world's No. 1 trade union is also rising. Meng Wang has also become a hot figure among them.

On the contrary, the Mad War Alliance in Longyu City fell into a trough. Although the Kuanglong made a series of speeches in the guild afterwards, they were scolded around the main city for two and a half hours. Dare to attack, this is not acceptable to all players!

All of a sudden, many players quit their memberships one after another, the number of members of the Berserker Alliance plummeted, and their prestige also plummeted. Many other players in Dragon Feather City spontaneously formed guilds, and some even wanted to replace the Berserker Alliance.

Seeing such a result, some other guilds were a little moved. Some actions are more cautious.

And after defeating the Berserk Alliance, the players of the world's number one guild were extremely cohesive, and they began to devote themselves to the guild missions one after another.

And Lin Feng didn't have other tasks during this period of time, and he started to refresh the dungeon every day, and then did some guild tasks.

Three days later, Lin Feng suddenly received news from Murong Yiyi.

Murong Yiyi has already reached level 60, and she is about to return to Oumen's Temple of War to awaken.

Lin Feng just replied that if you need help, you can speak. Murong Yiyi is the descendant of the Temple of the God of War, and Lin Feng still cannot enter the Temple of the God of War, so he did not follow him.

On the second day, Murong Yiyi had already returned to Yashan City, and had successfully awakened.

"During this period of time, the quality of the guild members is very high! Take advantage of this period of time to do more guild tasks and see if you can upgrade the guild!"

In Yashan City, Li Yuan spoke.

"Moreover, after our battle with the Berserk Alliance, more and more people are applying to join the world's number one guild! If we don't upgrade, we simply can't accommodate so many players!"

"Well, for this period of time, I and others will do guild tasks! Accumulate guild points as soon as possible! Let the guild upgrade to a high-level guild! Players can also encourage it!" Lin Feng said.

"I'll do more guild tasks too! The higher the level, the higher the level of tasks that can be completed! The more guild points you get!" Murong Yiyi also said, and then he looked at Lin Feng.

"But Lin Feng, you should hurry up and upgrade! As long as your status as the number one player is still there, the world's number one guild will be there, and now many people join because of you!"

"Also, I took a look! The current guild missions are not too difficult, even the most difficult missions, I can handle them!"

Li Yuan on the side nodded.

It is indeed a bit overkill for Lin Feng to do these guild tasks!

And now Lin Feng's benchmark influence is greater than Lin Feng's own contribution to the task!

Stimulated by Lin Feng and the world's No. 1 guild, many members of the guild started to level up and do quests crazily. Even PK madmen like Murong Shanshan also devoted themselves to leveling up.

Now Lin Feng is number one in **'s ranking list, this title cannot be lost, otherwise, it will be a loss for the world's number one guild.

"Well, I'm indeed a bit full of upgrades these days! If that's the case, I'll leave the guild to you!" Lin Feng said.

"Don't worry! Madman, just take care of yourself!" Li Yuan said with a smile.

Then, the days that followed.

The entire world's No. 1 guild was caught in a battle of guild missions. Players of the world's No. 1 guild, whether they were high-level players or ordinary players, started to do guild missions.

And many people can naturally guess that the guild is going to be upgraded! So it is necessary to do guild tasks so vigorously!

The guild is going to be upgraded!

For the players who have just won, this moment is also extremely exciting.

A battle brought the players of the world's number one guild together. Everyone took the task very seriously, and some even put down all other tasks and concentrated on the guild's tasks.

At the same time, Lin Feng was teleported to hell and started his own upgrade journey.

No player has explored in Hell yet, and the level of monsters here is also terrifyingly high!

After coming here, Lin Feng can use his innate skills to upgrade, but because of the cooldown, he can only kill one boss a day.

But now, Lin Feng wandered around a few times on a piece of terracotta, and after bypassing some other spirit monsters and ordinary monsters, a BOSS had appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Legendary Boss-Scarlet Flame Sword Demon



"Legendary level BOSS, and the level is not a question mark! That's him!"

Seeing the Scarlet Flame Sword Demon, Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and then he walked directly towards the Scarlet Flame Sword Demon, and at the same time activated his talent skills to kill them together, and also summoned Xiao Hei and other pets, so that they could also be assigned to part of the experience.

The Scarlet Flame Sword Demon is not big in size, only 3 meters tall, which is nothing compared to a huge demon in hell. On his head are two burning demon horns. At the same time, he also holds a wielding a demonic greatsword blazing with flames.

Lin Feng walked up directly step by step.

And soon, Scarlet Flame Sword Demon discovered Lin Feng, and a human appeared in hell. He immediately roared, and rushed towards Lin Feng with his goat legs.


A flash of fire pierced the sky and directly penetrated Lin Feng's body. Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng's blood volume was emptied!

At the same time, the Scarlet Flame Sword Demon laughed loudly and called out.

"Stupid human beings who are so weak dare to break into our clan..."


At this moment, the blood volume of the Scarlet Flame Sword Demon was also emptied in a straight line! He felt the power in his body disappear crazily, and at the same time, his eyes also became dark.

"No, it's impossible!"

He struggled in his heart, but after a while, the Scarlet Flame Sword Demon had turned into a corpse.

And at the same time, buzzing on Lin Feng's body——

A white light flickered.

Lin Feng has been promoted to (cgca) level!

Moreover, this time it was directly promoted to level 2!

At the same time, pets such as Xiao Hei on the side have also been upgraded directly!

After choosing to resurrect in situ, Lin Feng directly harvested the spoils of the Scarlet Flame Sword Demon.

The loot is also quite rich, 2 pieces of dark gold equipment, but they are both level 120, the level is too high, Lin Feng can't use it now.

Sword of Red Flame

Grade: dark gold

Level: Level 120


Magic attack: 32500

Strength: +100

Constitution: +50

Features: Scarlet Flame: (Passive Skill) The sword is wrapped with an everlasting scarlet flame, the fire attribute attack is increased by 50%, and the dark attribute attack is increased by 10%.

Armor of Red Flame

Grade: dark gold

Level: Level 120

Physical Defense: 5500

Magic Defense: 5500


J: +50

Features: Guardian of Red Flame: After wearing it, the fire attribute resistance is increased by 50%, and the ice attribute resistance is reduced by 30%.

"Let's put these things away when we go back! Even if we sell them now, no one wants them!"

After looking at the two pieces of equipment, Lin Feng said.

But now, his main purpose is to increase the level, and a legendary boss can increase the level by 2, which is already very good for Lin Feng!

Then, Lin Feng went straight out of Hell!

The talents and skills are still cooling down, even if you find a second boss, it won't be of much use! And it's a bit dangerous here, if you are instantly killed by some powerful monsters, the level will drop, but the loss outweighs the gain!

Without talent skills, Lin Feng came directly to Blood Wolf City. The monsters here are of high level, but they are still within Lin Feng's handling range. Here Lin Feng started his own upgrade path, and at the same time Find some more powerful BOSS.

And Xiao Hei and other pets can also participate in the battle here and have been upgraded!

In this way, 5 days in the real world have passed, while in the game it has passed half a month, 15 days.

In the past 15 days, Lin Feng either killed monsters in the Hundred Thousand Beast Mountain near Blood Wolf City, or he was teleported to Hell, where he replaced more powerful monsters with the help of his natural skills

During these 15 days, Lin Feng's leveling up speed has increased by leaps and bounds. Now he has reached level 75, and the levels of Xiao Hei and other pets have also increased.

"Level 75!"

Teleported out of hell, Lin Feng sighed.

After level 75, not only did his own attributes improve, but as Lin Feng killed many hell creatures, his weapons also grew a lot.

【Archangel Sword】(Growth Type)

Grade: dark gold

Requirements: Level 75


Magic Attack: 5500



Special effects: 1. Light attribute attack +30%

2. Holy light baptism, which consumes 100 points of mana to cover the Archangel's sword with a layer of holy light, increasing the damage of the next skill by 100%. Cooldown: 120 seconds.

3. As the player's level increases, it can automatically evolve and enhance.

At the same time, in the state of death, the equipment used has also been improved.

【Death Scythe】(Growable)

Grade: dark gold grade

Requirements: Meng Wang

Physical Attack: 5500

Magic Attack: 5500

Features: 1. Exercising the skills of trainee god of death, the attack increases by 40%.

2. Scythe blood sucking: 10% of the damage done to the target is converted into blood.

3. Scythe Clone: ​​When receiving a fatal blow, you can create a clone to resist the fatal blow for yourself.

4. The original body of the sickle: it can be sealed into the body without being discovered by anyone. During the sealing period, only the attack power is added, and there is no characteristic increase.

5. As the player's level increases, it can automatically evolve and enhance.

【Book of the Dead】(Growable)

Grade: epic

Requires: Grim Reaper

Physical Attack: 6000

Magic attack: 7000


Constitution: +150

Features: 1. Death skill damage increased by 20%

2. Death is like the wind: Send a death blow to the target within 100 meters, randomly causing 1% to 100% damage and cooling down for 30 minutes.

3. Weapons will increase their attack and grade as the Reaper level increases. .

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