National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 238: Hot Pot City Spy, Let's Make A Commotion!

Chapter 238 Hot pot city spies, stir up a commotion!

"Level 50 monster!"

"That is, a rare level boss!"

"All high-level players take action and kill the BOSS! Open the city gate, and the soldiers will dispatch!"

The fourth wave of monsters appeared. After seeing the troll, many players immediately became serious.

Before level 40 earth monsters, players could still have a level advantage, but when it comes to level 50 trolls [players' advantage is not much!

Moreover, this time there were also 10 rare-level bosses scattered across the three city gates.

Seeing the 4 rare bosses attacking from below the city, Lin Feng also shot directly this time.

He summoned Shuang'er and rushed over directly.

Swinging the sword of the archangel in his hand, a huge slash condensed.

Opposite Lin Feng, the blood troll roared angrily and jumped up on the spot angrily. Staring at Lin Feng, his eyes were full of anger.

Afterwards, the blood troll directly took down the javelin behind it, a bloody light surged above its body, and then threw it directly at Lin Feng.

Seeing this, Lin Feng immediately released the guardian light array.


The bloody spear pierced through the sky, stabbing towards Lin Feng.


A damage figure appeared, and at this moment, Lin Feng had already galloped to several blood trolls.

The light of the Archangel Sword floated up.


The huge cross slashing light drowned the 3 blood trolls.

-220000, -220000, -220000...

With one move, the crimson damage numbers floated above the heads of the blood trolls, and the blood volume of the three blood trolls was instantly emptied.

Plop, accompanied by three sounds of falling to the ground!

The three blood trolls were instantly killed by Lin Feng!

"This... so strong!"

"President, it's amazing!"

Above the city wall, the members of the 320 World's No. 1 Guild saw this, and a gleam flashed in their eyes.

One move dealt 220,000 damage, instantly killing a level 50 rare boss!

Among the current players, this is basically impossible, but Lin Feng did it very easily!

At the same time, on the other side, the eyes of other players who saw this scene were also full of shock.

"Is this the strength of Meng Wang? No wonder the people from the previous Mad War Alliance couldn't beat it!"

"Insta-kill with one move! What kind of damage is he doing? I'm afraid we won't be able to take it!"

"This damage... is a bit outrageous! If this is a duel field, who can last?"

Everyone was amazed.

At this time, on the city wall, other players also launched an attack. At the same time, the city gate opened, and melee players also joined the battle.

whoosh whoosh

bang bang bang

Arrows and magic continued to bombard, and soon, ordinary trolls were also hit.

-1235, -1502, -1025...

Under the attack after attack, the troll in the front died very fast. This time when they attacked the city, these trolls seemed not to be afraid of death, so they kept rushing forward!

In this way, the player's skill hit rate is also much higher.

Lin Feng killed 3 rare bosses, then set his sights on another blood troll, and rushed to kill it.

Soon, the fourth blood-blood troll was directly killed by Lin Feng, and the remaining ordinary bosses were entangled by high-level players rushing over.

At the same time, at the other two city gates.

Li Yuan, Murong Yiyi, Murong Wuwu and the others also attacked directly! Although they are not as strong as Lin Feng, they can still deal with a few level 50 rare bosses.

Especially Murong Yiyi, this time (cgdb) she has returned to the Temple of War God and awakened, and her fighting power has increased by a second.

Under the bombardment of artillery fire, those bosses were not Murong Yiyi's opponents at all, and they were soon buried under Murong Yiyi's attack.

The fourth wave of monsters took a while to be beaten back.

At this time, all the players guarding the city have already felt the pressure! Compared with the previous waves, the difficulty of the fourth wave has been reminded a lot.

"The fourth wave is over! Next is the fifth wave!"

The players in Yashan City spoke, and after the words fell, there was a touch of caution and fear in their eyes.

"The fourth wave is already so strong! I don't know what will happen to the monsters behind!"

"The next wave will directly dispatch Gaowan to attack the BOSS. The pressure of ordinary monsters is actually not great, but the BOSS is a bit difficult to deal with!"

"That's right. With so many people casting spells together, it's actually very difficult for ordinary monsters to rush in, but with a boss clearing the way, it's possible! After all, the blood volume of the boss is 10 to 20 times that of ordinary monsters! And the defense is even stronger. High! So you must entangle the boss!"

"Okay, then the next wave of high-players will directly attack and involve the BOSS!"

Soon, the players of the world's number one guild formulated a plan to deal with the fifth wave. And the system prompt sounded at this moment.

[The fifth wave ì will start in 10 minutes, the number of attacking monsters: normal monsters: 5000, bosses: 70. 】

[Players in Yashan City, please prepare for battle!]

Ten minutes later, the fifth wave of monsters appeared directly.

Among them, 5,000 ordinary monsters, 50 ordinary bosses, and 20 rare bosses were still distributed in the three city gates according to the formation of 4, 3, and 3. Monsters are still level 50 trolls.

And when the boss arrived at Yashan City, the high players from the world's number one guild rushed to kill the boss and the rare boss.

On the city wall, the long-range players began to attack with all their strength, releasing skills one after another.

This time, many players released skills with a longer cooldown!

bang rumble

The noise of the battle gradually became louder, and with Gao Wan's attack, the atmosphere of tension and gunpowder on the battlefield gradually became stronger.

Lin Feng at the main entrance directly summoned Xiao Hei and other pets, and then gave the order to let these pets fight on their own! And he himself rushed to several rare bosses.

Guardian Angel Cross Slash, Thunder Clap Release...

-220000, -220000...

A series of damage numbers jumped above the head of the blood troll, and these blood trolls were instantly killed!

And Lin Feng glanced back, on the city wall, Murong Erer continuously released spells, summoning out a series of incomparably powerful spells, flame, thunder, frost...

At this moment, Murong Er'er is like a big fortress, constantly harvesting the lives of ordinary underground monsters!

After the 8 rare bosses were killed by Lin Feng, Lin Feng directly summoned Shuang'er.

"Hold on here first! I'll go to the other two city gates to have a look!"

Lin Feng said.

As soon as the words fell, Lin Feng flew directly towards the other two gates of Yashan City.


For the remaining two cities, one is in charge of Li Yuan, and the other is in charge of Murong Yiyi.

Regarding Murong Yiyi's combat power, Lin Feng was actually not worried too much, but Li Yuan still needed to pay more attention.

Shuang'er's speed was very fast. Three minutes later, Lin Feng arrived at the city gate guarded by Li Yuan.

"What's going on here?" Lin Feng asked directly after reaching the city wall.

At this moment, Li Yuan had already gone down to fight the rare boss, and the one who stayed behind was a team leader who was surprised to see Lin Feng galloping over.


"It's okay, we can resist here! These ordinary bosses are nothing, and miscellaneous soldiers can't rush over, the only consideration is those rare level bosses!" The captain said.

After his words fell, Lin Feng looked towards the battlefield outside the city. There are not many ordinary monsters here now!

However, there are still 2 rare level BOSS alive.

Without saying a word, Lin Feng rode Shuang'er and rushed over directly.


Lifting the sword of the Archangel in his hand, Lin Feng galloped to a blood troll, and directly released the patron saint's hammer.

The huge hammer of holy light fell.

With a bang, the blood troll hit the ground directly.


A wave of damage floated out, and this blood troll was instantly killed!

Seeing this scene of fighting with the blood troll, Gao Wan was taken aback, and looked back in disbelief.



Everyone was still bursting with joy when they saw Lin Feng, and a gleam of light flickered in their eyes.

"Okay, hurry up and deal with the other end! I'll be here during the sixth wave! Kill a few bosses, and then go back!" Lin Feng said.


With Lin Feng joining, the crowd suddenly became motivated, and immediately rushed towards another blood troll on the field.

After half a minute.

Another blood troll has also been beheaded.

On Murong Yiyi's side, she also killed the blood troll with her cooperating Gao Wan, and the remaining ordinary monsters and bosses were strangled by a group of Gao Wan and ordinary players.

The fifth attack was blocked, and the sixth attack arrived 10 minutes later.

But at this moment, in the guardian camp, the spies of Hot Pot City who had been lurking could not sit still at this time, and contacted each other.

"And the fifth wave, and there must be more monsters in the sixth wave! The manpower of the world's number one guild is likely to be very tight! This is a good time for us to do it!

"Well, how do we do it! There must be a problem running into the city now!"

"That's right, and the people from the world's number one guild seem to be on guard. There are basically several members of the world's number one guild in a team. If we leave here, we will definitely be discovered!"

There is a way to go back to the city, but it needs to pay a little price! Facing the enemy, the name is dead! Return to the city and resurrect! In this way, we can appear directly in the city! Bypass their surveillance! And once we are killed outside the city Now, under the scuffle, we will not find that we have returned to the city and resurrected!"

"This is a way! It just needs to die once and drop 1 level! It's a bit of a loss! But there seems to be no other way!"

"It's been lurking for so long, what's the point of dropping 1 level! As long as we knock down Mengchou and the world's number one guild, we'll make money!"

"That's right, that's it! While waiting for the sixth wave of attack, I will go out to meet the enemy!"

After a group of latent high-level discussions were completed, they were notified through friend messages.

Soon, the entire people lurking in Hot Pot City of the world's number one league received the news.

Waiting for the sixth wave to arrive, move people directly!

The city lord's mansion of Yashan City was destroyed, and the promotion of Yashan City failed. .

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