National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 239 The Sixth Wave Of Attack! The Spy Is Exposed!

Chapter 239 The sixth wave of attack! The spies are exposed!

[The sixth wave of attack will start in 10 minutes, the number of monsters in this attack: normal monsters: 6000, bosses: 90. 】

[Players in Yashan City, please prepare for battle!]

Soon, the system prompt for the sixth wave sounded.

Lin Feng and the players in Yashan City were ready to fight and stared in the direction of the portal.

And at this moment, Li Yuan approached Lin Feng.

"President, it's already the sixth wave! These people should jump out if they want to destroy it now?" Li Yuan whispered.

Lin Feng nodded. During the fifth wave, the players were already struggling a bit. It stands to reason that the players hiding in the world's number one guild should also take action now!

"However, I've already made arrangements here! I'll go over and have a look after these bosses are dealt with!" Lin Feng said.

Whether there are other guilds undercover in the world's number one guild, this Lin Feng can't say for sure!

But this time, such other players are put in, and there is no guarantee that others will not make trouble.

The upgrade work of Yashan City is still very important, and there is no room for mistakes.

Afterwards, Lin Feng notified the reserve players who were hiding in the city, and asked them to protect the city lord's mansion.

The focus of the siege is the City Lord's Mansion, so naturally the focus of these people's destruction is also the City Lord's Mansion!

After getting ready, 10 minutes later.

As a ray of light surged out from the portal, a group of rock trolls came out.

"The sixth wave, here we come!"

Above the city wall, the players began to get nervous.

"This wave must be guarded!"

"Open the city gate and let melee players go out first, Zi Yan!"

"Brothers, follow me! Swear to protect Yashan City to the death!"

"Swear to protect Yashan City to the death!"

A melee player rushed out of Yashan City, and began to lurk before the monster arrived.

The long-range players on the city wall watched the monsters approaching in front of them, and each of them clenched their weapons. Excitement, nervousness, panic, all kinds of emotions surged up.

Immediately afterwards, at the end, the rare-level boss, Blood Troll, also came out of the teleportation array, roaring one by one.

"It's a rare level BOSS, it really has increased again!"

Seeing the extra blood trolls, the player frowned again.

Seeing the appearance of the blood troll on the city wall, Lin Feng directly summoned Shuang'er and rushed over.

"President, then the president will make a move!"

The players of the world's No. 1 guild immediately became excited when they saw this, and the warrior players lurking nearby also launched a charge, following Lin Feng's footsteps.

Shuang'er's speed was very fast, in the blink of an eye, Lin Feng had already arrived in front of the blood troll.

This time there are 30 blood trolls in total, and 9 of them are assigned to the city gate here.

The 9 blood trolls saw Lin Feng coming from the sky, and immediately roared angrily, and 3 of them even flashed a bloody light all over their bodies, and then pulled out the arrows and giant bows behind them, Aimed at Lin Feng.

whoosh whoosh

Three blood arrows shot directly at Lin Feng, stirring up a layer of blood in the air.

Seeing this, Lin Feng immediately released the guardian light array.

ding ding ding

-12500, -12500, -12500...

Three damage numbers jumped on Lin Feng's body, but even so, Lin Feng's protective light array was not broken, but the light was much dimmed.

"Ho ho ho ho..."

Seeing this, the 9 blood trolls were agitated for a while, and their bodies began to dance while roaring.

At this moment, Lin Feng had rushed to these trolls.

Then, the weapon in the troll's hand was replaced with a big stick for close combat.

bang bang bang

The blood trolls exploded with qi and blood one by one, covering their whole body with a layer of blood qi. Seeing Lin Feng galloping over, they raised the big stick in their hand, and smashed it towards Lin Feng.

At this time, the sword of the Archangel in Lin Feng's hand has also been raised high, and the guardian angel's cross cut is launched, and a huge holy light shines on the field, and it goes directly to the blood troll in front.

The holy light shone, drowning 5 blood trolls.

-220000, -220000, -220000...

The five bright red damage numbers jumped up, and these blood trolls fell directly into the holy light.

bang bang bang

At the same time, the attacks of the four blood trolls around them landed and waved on Lin Feng's guardian light array.

-15000, -15000...

The guardian light array shattered in an instant, but then, Lin Feng manipulated Shuang'er to accelerate directly.


Two words of MISS appeared, and Lin Feng directly avoided the attack of the other two blood trolls. At the same time, Lin Feng directly unleashed a thunder strike.

The sound of a thunderbolt resounded throughout the field, and thunder surged out of the void, flashing white light, and then spread out in an instant.

-77200, -77200, -77200...

A series of damage numbers surged out, and the blood volume of the four blood trolls was directly reduced by one-third. At the same time, the power of Jian Jian made them stand in a stalemate.

But after 2 seconds, the thunder spread out in the void and shrank back again.

-142800, -142800, -142800...

The regained Thunder was even more irritable, and directly emptied all the remaining blood volume of the blood troll. In an instant, the remaining four blood trolls were directly killed by Lin Feng.

Killing 9 rare boss blood trolls, Lin Feng didn't spend too much time. His damage was too high, and he released two skills during the whole process.

And a large part of the reason is that these siege monsters have too much desire to attack. When they saw Lin Feng attacking, they almost didn't know how to dodge and attacked directly.

This is a good thing for some players, but it is definitely not a good thing for some entire cities!

"The boss is dead?"

"President, this will kill all 9 rare bosses!"

Gao Wan, who was planning to come up to help Lin Feng, was dumbfounded when he saw this scene!

These 9 rare-level bosses, any one of them is almost courting death if they deal with them by themselves, even if they are a group of people, they must pay attention to tactics.

But now, he was instantly killed by Lin Feng alone! This kind of combat power is so unparalleled!

"Is this the strength of Meng Wang? Sure enough, the world's number one guild is only suitable for alliances!"

"This is too perverted! Our president, can he do this?"

"Worthy of being the number one player!"

Gao Wan from other guilds was shocked when they saw this scene, and at the same time listed Lin Feng in the list of irresistible characters.

"Okay, I'll leave the normal boss here to you, I'm going back to the main entrance!"

Riding Shuang'er and galloping over, Lin Feng said to these high-ranking players.

"Don't worry! President, we will absolutely guard this place!" A Gao said jokingly.

Rare level bosses are hard to deal with, but common bosses are relatively easy to deal with!

After saying these words, the high-level players all went to the ordinary boss.

At the same time, ordinary melee players and monsters also fought together.

……ask for flowers…

This time there are 6000 common monsters, 2400 at the main gate, and 1800 at the other two gates. Common monsters at level 50 often require the cooperation of two players to successfully kill them.

It's just that there are about 3,000 melee players rushing out now, and with the cooperation of the long-range players on the city wall, the fight is not worthwhile.

However, in the melee team, some players hidden in the world's number one guild started their own actions.


A player shouted, and then rushed directly into the pile of monsters in front of him.

"Idiot, don't rush too far!"

On one side of him, a player began to scold angrily, but before he could continue to pay attention, a rock troll had already set his sights on him. In desperation, he could only fight the rock troll.


A javelin pierced through the player who rushed into the group of trolls, his blood volume was emptied, and he turned into a corpse directly, but at the same time, one player felt joy in his heart.

"Success!" he thought inwardly.

Soon, a systematic resurrection prompt appeared in front of his eyes.

1. Go back to the city and resurrect.


2. Resurrection in situ.

"Return to the city and resurrect!"

This player chose without hesitation.

Above the Resurrection Square in Yashan City.

Almost at the same time, dozens of rays of light appeared on the resurrection square.

"came back!"

Seeing the Resurrection Square, the eyes of the resurrected Hot Pot City players were radiant.

Then, he looked at the players around him, most of them were his own, but there were still some players he didn't know.

"Get ready to act, get out of here first!"

This player opened his mouth and said, his voice fell, and the players around him nodded.

whoosh whoosh—

Soon, these players left the resurrection square.

However, at this moment, not far from the Resurrection Square, a player from the world's number one guild has already seen everything.

"Sure enough, the president and the others guessed correctly! Someone really resurrected on the square!"

"However, if we want to catch all these people in one go, we still need to wait a little longer!"

The player's eyes flickered, and then he directly sent the news back to the player's guard in the city, and also notified Lin Feng.

The main entrance of Yashan City.

Right now, Lin Feng is fighting the blood trolls!

There were 12 blood trolls at the main entrance. After Lin Feng rushed over, he killed 6 blood trolls in one move.

At this time, the remaining 6 blood trolls seemed to feel Lin Feng's threat, and even attacked and killed Lin Feng directly.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was not polite, and directly released various skills to kill the remaining blood trolls. During the whole process, it was also extremely straightforward.

On the normal boss side, on the city wall, Murong Er'er directly released his ultimate move, and a thundercloud condensed from the sky.


Immediately, golden thunderbolts fell, directly covering the entire location of the ordinary boss. A series of thunderbolts fell and hit the ordinary boss.

-22500, -22500...

A thunderstorm dealt more than 20,000 damage, and the thunderstorm lasted for 5 seconds.

After 5 seconds, there were not many ordinary bosses left, and it was like being wiped out directly, and the pressure on the field was instantly relieved.

At this time, Lin Feng received news from the players in the city.

"President, there are players gathered in the city, and they seem to be attacking the city lord, Fuchuan!".

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