National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 240: All Back To Level 1!

Chapter 240 Return to Level 1!

"President, there are players gathered in the city, and they seem to be attacking the city lord's mansion!"

Seeing this news, Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

"Are these people finally going to be exposed?"

"It's a good time to clean the inside of the world's number one guild!"

The murderous intent floated in his eyes, and afterward, Lin Feng came to the main entrance and confessed to Murong Erer.

"It's up to you here! There's something going on in the city, and I'm leaving for a while!"

"Well! Don't worry! There's no problem!" Murong Er Er said, and then she asked again: "Is it someone from the inside?"

"a part of it!"

After speaking, Lin Feng galloped directly in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

At the same time, near Yashan City and the City Lord's Mansion.

People from Hot Pot City and Berserker Alliance were lurking nearby and began to observe.

"Boss, there are too many guards here! And some of the guards in the city are here! Those are level 100 guards!"

A player of Hot Pot City looked at the guards of Yashan City coming and going in front of him and said.

They are not very afraid of dozens of players, but it is a bit troublesome to deal with dozens of level 100 guards.

"Damn it, I don't know what Meng Wang thinks about "June 13". The 100-level guards are actually placed in the city at this time!"

"In this way, we won't be able to forcefully attack! We can only find a way to sneak in!"

"Hmm! Level 100 guards, those of us will definitely not be able to solve them in a short time. If the time comes, it will cause trouble for the people on the other side of the city gate! Boss, should we take a step back and destroy other places? We don't have to choose the city lord. House!"

"Other places don't work, but the City Lord's Mansion does! Although Yashan City is only a medium city, it has quite a lot of buildings!" The boss of Hot Pot City frowned.

But, soon, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of a good idea.

"In this way, you will go to the city lord's mansion to make an emergency later, saying that the main gate cannot be guarded, and let the players here take the guards to the city gate, and we will take advantage of this time to go together! Hundreds of people will attack together, and I will I don't believe that the defense of the City Lord's Mansion can withstand it!"

The voice of the boss of Hot Pot City fell, and the eyes of the players beside him suddenly lit up.

But also at this time.

"Hey, there are so many people! What are you talking about here! What can't you bear?"

A voice with a smile suddenly sounded beside them.

Hearing the sound, the boss of Hot Pot City and the players around him were stunned for a moment, then they quickly turned around to look at the place where they were speaking, only to see Murong Shanshan wearing a leather armor, wielding two daggers in his hand , looking this way.

"Murong Xiaosan!"

The boss at Hot Pot City was taken aback.

"How will you be here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Murong Shanshan showed a smile: "Besides, I'm not the only one here!"

"Come out! These people should be almost done! It's time to close the net!"

After Murong Shanshan finished speaking, 300 elite members of the world's number one guild appeared beside her.

"You guys really think that this is the first time we are a guild, so we won't be wary of others?"

Murong Shanshan spoke, and then her gaze became cold.

"Kill me! Don't leave a single one behind, just kill them when they are revived in place! Send them back to level 1!"

After finishing the words, the players beside Murong Shanshan came over aggressively one by one.

At this moment, the hatred value of the world's number one guild is even higher than that of monsters outside the city.

At critical times, such people who secretly sabotage will die!

Seeing that their whereabouts were discovered by others, the players in Hot Pot City were shocked at first, but then they broke their cans!

Especially seeing that the players led by Murong Shanshan are actually only 300 players, while they have 500 players.

"Everyone, don't be afraid! We have 500 people here, and they only have about 300! If you follow them, it won't be good to delay the battle in front of them!" come over.

"Kill all these people!"

Murong Shanshan also let out a stern shout and charged towards these people directly.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The 300 people from the Berserker Alliance had the same idea as the people in Hot Pot City, and they chose to do it at this time, and they also gathered near the City Lord's Mansion.

But just like what happened in Hot Pot City, they were discovered by players from the world's number one guild as soon as they gathered.

"You people are actually thinking of causing sabotage in the back, you are all damned!"

"Xiaobai, Sisi! Kill them!"

Looking at the people of the Mad War Alliance, Murong Wuwu looked fierce, pointed at these people and said. At this moment, there are 200 elite players from the world's number one guild by her side, and at the same time

Murong Sisi also followed.

"Okay!" Murong Sisi also had a fierce look on her face, but just as she finished speaking, she saw Murong Wuwu's pet Xiaobai rushing out, and she felt something was wrong even after she ran two steps.


Turning her head and glaring at Murong Wuwu suddenly, Murong Sisi looked angrily. This guy actually treats himself as a pet!

Forget it, it's more important to kill these people at this time, and find Wu Wu to settle the score later.

After a lot of internal struggle, Murong Sisi also directly rushed towards the players who had sneaked in from the Berserker League.

bang bang bang

whoosh whoosh

The sounds of fighting continued to ring out in two places in the city.

Fighting hand to hand, the players of Hot Pot City and Berserk Alliance originally thought that their numbers would give them a certain advantage! But when they really fought, they realized that they were wrong

In order to increase the chance of sneaking in, the selectors of Hot Pot City and Berserk Alliance are basically ordinary players with average combat power, and they will not attract too much attention.

But it was also because of this and that, now that they were fighting against elite players from the world's number one guild, they immediately discovered that they were no match for these people.

And among the people in the world's number one guild, people like Murong Shanshan and Murong Sisi are even more powerful.

Swinging two daggers, Murong Shanshan directly rushed to the crowd of players in Hot Pot City, dancing the daggers, showing a dazzling posture and skills.

-10200, -10200...

Almost every blow, Murong Shanshan can deal 10,000 damage. And the blood volume of the ordinary players opposite him was only around 10,000, some players were instantly killed by Murong Shanshan! And most of them were left with only a trace of blood, and were attacked by the world's number one guild player rushing up from behind killed!

【You have been killed by the player 'Murong Xiaosan'!】

【You have been player.........】

【You have been...】

A series of notification sounds kept ringing among the players in Hot Pot City, and soon, more than 300 of the 500 people on the field died.

"No, I can't beat it!"

"Everyone, don't resurrect in place, go back to the city to resurrect, go to the resurrection point!"

A player appealed. At this time, the spies of Hot Pot City chose to return to the city to resurrect...

On the other side, the same is true in the Berserker Alliance!

After fighting for a while, everyone began to choose to return to the city to resurrect. As long as they poured down the resurrection point, they would evacuate and destroy everywhere.

More and more players of Hot Pot City and Berserk Alliance have chosen to return to the city to revive!

Quickly, resurrect. Accompanied by a series of white lights, the players of Hot Pot City and Berserk Alliance revived.

However, just when they wanted to escape!

At this moment, they discovered that the entire Resurrection Square had been surrounded by 500 guards from Yashan City!

Level 100 guards, this is not something they can defeat!

And in the center of the guards, Lin Feng was watching them coldly.

"Moe King!"

"Damn it, Meng Wang is actually here!"

Seeing Lin Feng, the players of Hot Pot City and Berserker League were surprised, followed by powerlessness and despair.


The spy boss of Hot Pot City slumped on the ground!

For these people, Lin Feng showed no mercy at all, and directly led the guards to attack.

Immediately, the entire resurrection point turned into a massacre city!

resurrected, killed.....resurrected, killed resurrected, killed

800 saboteurs who came in, died again and again, and as soon as they revived, they entered the battle state directly!

Soon, these people were killed to around level 30, their equipment was no longer equipped, and their combat power plummeted.

Lin Feng looked at the 800 people on the field with very cold eyes.

That is at this time.

[The seventh wave of attack will start in 10 minutes, the number of monsters in this attack Normal monster: 7000 BOSS: 110.1

[Players in Yashan City, please prepare for battle!]

The system's notification sounded, and at the same time, on Lin Feng's side, the elite team leader in charge of guarding the city flew over at 5.7 and took Lin Feng's place.

"Don't keep any of these people, kill them all to level 1! Put them into the guild's blacklist, in the future, as long as guild players kill them, they will be rewarded with 10 guild merits!" Lin Feng said.

"Okay, President! Make sure that none of them turns back to be level 2!" The elite team leader's eyes lit up, and then he called 300 elite players to cooperate with 500 guards to continue the slaughter.

The spies of Hot Pot City and the players of the Berserk Alliance were immediately frustrated. They didn't even touch the City Lord's Mansion, they were blocked back, and now they are about to be killed to level 1!

Fail, this is a colossal failed operation!

However, if you fail, you will be punished.

After solving the civil strife in the city, Lin Feng immediately galloped towards the main city gate.

Murong Shanshan, Murong Wuwu and others also returned to the city gate they were in charge of.

Soon, the seventh wave of attack will come!

But this time, it was no longer a troll, but another level 60 monster. The first one to come out of the portal was a huge monster similar to a stitch monster, and behind the stitch monster was a group of snakes The monster with a human head also looks a bit hideous.

These are all ordinary monsters, and then, Lin Feng searched for the boss among the monsters. .

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