Everyone else got impatient with the wait.

"Do you think Meng Wang failed the dungeon challenge and returned to the main city?"

"It's not impossible! But if Mengwang really failed the challenge, there must be an announcement from the world!"

"I think it's really impossible based on Meng Wang's strength. Maybe the monsters in this new dungeon are more powerful!"

"No, it's not which side you are all talking to. Can you talk to us?" Hot pot with Sprite couldn't help but complain.

Only then did everyone react.

"If Mengwang has passed this new dungeon, there will definitely be an announcement from the world!"

"It's not estimated yet because it hasn't been defeated yet. It seems that this cute king is nothing more than that."

While everyone was still yelling, Lin Feng came out from the tower, took four pets and didn't even look at the players of Hot Pot City and Berserk Alliance surrounded by Angel Wings.

Seeing Lin Feng coming out, Hot Pot Pairing Sprite immediately winked at Hot Pot Pairing Pulse.

Hot pot with pulse immediately go to attract the big wild monster boss they discovered just now!


"This time, our Hot Pot City and the Mad War Alliance will never let you go easily, "740". If you let us kill you first, we can consider letting you go."

Hot pot with Sprite said to Lin Feng with a haughty attitude.

Lin Feng couldn't help but chuckled, for some reason, he always felt that this hot pot paired with Sprite was like a no-brainer.

Now I still have other dungeons to brush, and I don't have time to get entangled with them, so I continue to rush to another dungeon, Siren Dungeon.

Seeing that Lin Feng ignored him, Hot Pot with Sprite angrily launched an attack on Lin Feng!

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng avoided it directly!

"Boom boom boom..."

There were loud footsteps in the grass.

Lin Feng frowned slightly and turned around.

I saw a dark dragon with a pair of red gold and black wings coming out from behind.

Its body is very large and slender, its body shape is like a bus station, in front of it, everything seems to be much smaller, its arms and body are also wearing a red gold and black armor!

Rare Boss Dark Dragon

Level: 70

HP: 7000000

The attributes of the boss appeared in front of everyone.

Hiding in the grass, Murong Wuwu and Murong Yiyi, who were observing all this, couldn't help frowning.


This dark dragon spewed out a dark flame towards the direction of the hot pot with Sprite!

The hot pot and Sprite dodge, and the flame attack of the dark dragon sprays on his player who came to kill Lin Feng!

I saw that the HP of the attacked player instantly became 0, and he died directly!

Everyone was shocked by the attack power of this dark dragon!

"No! I asked you to find a slightly more powerful BOSS. How did you find such a powerful BOSS!"

Hot pot with Sprite, I just feel like my IQ is being rubbed on the ground by these people.

it's good now!

Their strength is not as high as this dark dragon, and their most important purpose is to use the boss to kill the cute king, but they were killed by the boss instead!

"If you just find a weaker boss, you won't be able to defeat Meng Wang, and you will be instantly killed by him!"

"Look at this BOSS, Meng Wang will definitely not be able to kill him in one move!"

Hot pot with Sprite is speechless......


This BOSS Moe King is definitely impossible to kill in seconds!

But this also means that they can't be killed in seconds, and they will - die!

Lin Feng watched the dark dragon continuously radiating fire towards them. Many players were instantly killed by the dark dragon. He silently shook his head...

He was really going to be stupid to death by this group of people.

However, seeing them dodging around like mice scurrying along the street, I couldn't help but smile.

"Then what should we do now! This dark dragon has been attacking all the time, and there is no chance to escape!"

One of the players spoke to Hot Pot with Sprite.

Today's hot pot with Sprite doesn't have time to think about my own plan, the only thing left in my mind is escape, two words!

After all, one level will drop once you die, and this leveling up is not an easy task.


The flames of the dark dragon sprayed on the player who just matched the hot pot with Sprite!

Immediately, he fell to the ground, his blood volume cleared to zero!

Some relatively strong players just blocked a few attacks from the dark dragon before falling to the ground.


Lin Feng continued to watch the way the dark dragon reflected its attack on them, like a bystander watching the show.

This dark dragon also helped him a lot, killing all the people brought by Hot Pot with Sprite, leaving only Hot Pot with Sprite and Hot Pot with Pulse.

Their vitality is now depleted.

"What should we do now!" Hot Pot Pairing asked Chao Hot Pot Pairing Sprite.

Although two people attacked the dark dragon, the blood volume of the dark dragon did not drop at all.

While they were still on the run!

The raging fire spouted from the mouth of the dark dragon directly deducted all their remaining blood volume!

Watching the hot pot with pulsation and hot pot with Sprite fell to the ground.

Lin Feng shook his head speechlessly, his playful eyes fell on the dark dragon that had gone berserk.

To him, a boss with such blood volume is nothing at all.

Murong Wuwu and Murong Yiyi came out from the grass and came to Lin Feng's side together.

"Meng Wang, you are really lucky, you have activated another copy so soon!" Murong Wuwu said with a smile.

Murong Yiyi instead turned her eyes to the dark dragon in front of her!

"Xiao Wu, let's get rid of this giant dark dragon first, and let's chat with the parents!"

Only then did Murong Wuwu realize that there was still a boss they hadn't solved yet.

Immediately, four people stood in different directions and imprisoned the Yuan Song boss in the middle.

Lin Feng put away the sword of the Archangel, opened his palm, and summoned a huge death scythe more than two meters long.

Lin Feng immediately created a soul-binding magic circle under the body of the dark dragon.

After singing for two seconds, the soul-binding circle was activated.

The strange magic circle was activated, and the blood volume of the dark dragon began to decrease slowly!


The high damage immediately began to explode!

It lasted for a full ten seconds, killing a total of 1.6 million blood volume of the dark dragon!

Murong Wuwu and Murong Yiyi also released their own skills, hitting the dark dragon in a series...

The blood volume of the dark dragon continued to decrease slowly!

Suddenly, it uttered a piercing cry toward the sky!

I saw that black and yellow patterns began to appear on its body, and the mana fluctuations gushing out from its body instantly changed the color of the entire sky.

The dark dragon howled at Lin Feng's body, and a black firework radiated from its mouth again!

Lin Feng released the guardian light array!

The platinum power of light turned into an isolation circle, resisting the attack wave of the dark dragon!

Seeing that the dark dragon changed its attack target, Lin Feng immediately cast Shadow of Death!

Suddenly, ten shadows, like Rakshasa ghosts, rushed into the body of this dark giant dragon!

-537758, -537758, -537758...

A total of five million damage cut off more than half of the dark dragon's blood volume!

At this moment, the dark dragon is attacking all around like a blind man!

Murong Wuwu, Murong Yiyi no longer hesitate!

At the same time display their own skills!

Lin Feng casts the Ghost Claw!


The dark dragon fell to the ground, and three sets of dark gold-level equipment and three hundred gold coins exploded from the body.

Murong Yiyi and Murong Wuwu were both present in this battle, and Lin Feng gave them two hundred pieces of equipment and gold coins that exploded.

I also have a set of dark gold level equipment and a hundred gold coins left.

Murong Wuwu pouted her lips and said.

"Those people in Hot Pot City are really dead, they still want to use the boss to kill you!"

Murong Yiyi was so calm that she couldn't speak calmly.

"Normal. After all, Meng Wang has stolen their limelight now. Even if they don't succeed this time, they will definitely make plans for the next time."

Murong Wu 0.2 Wu heard Murong Yiyi say this, and thought about it carefully, it was true, after all, there are indeed many people who are sour grapes.

"Then what are you going to do later?" Murong Wuwu asked.

Lin Feng said lightly: "Swipe dungeons, brush wild monsters."

Murong Wuwu nodded in understanding.

"Then let's go first, you continue to farm wild monsters!"

After speaking, the two left here together.

All the players in Hot Pot City who were killed by the BOSS dark dragon, Hot Pot Match Sprite, Hot Pot Match Pulse all returned to Hot Pot City.

Hot pot with red wine is really going to be pissed off by them, not only did King Meng fail to kill him, but he even let him watch their hot pot show!

"You are simply a bunch of trash!" Hot Pot and Red Wine yelled angrily!

Hot Pot with Sprite "Apologetically, I said, "I didn't know they found such a powerful BOSS......"

"President, this time we are definitely an accident!"

"Please give us another chance!"

The hot pot partner pulsed: "This time it was really an accident, we didn't expect this dark dragon boss to be so powerful!"

"But I don't think they will be spared this time!".

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