National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 251 The Scandal Of Hot Pot And Red Wine

Hot pot with red wine Hearing the words of hot pot with pulse, I couldn't help but let out a cold sigh!

"Someone has seen Meng Wang kill the dark dragon!"

"All these days, give me a good grade brushing!"

"You must obey my orders this time!"

After finishing speaking, Hot Pot with Red Wine clenched his fists angrily.

There is hatred towards Lin Feng in his eyes, and the endless hatred in his heart boils like a flood!

"Meng Wang, just wait for me, this time I will definitely not make it easier for you!"

Hot Pot with Sprite and Hot Pot with Pulse looked at the hot pot with red wine that was so angry now, so they had to leave the Hot Pot City silently, ready to start leveling up.

The news that Hot Pot City wanted to use the boss to kill Meng Wang went crazy in the post bars of the whole second world.

Many people began to take advantage of this incident and make a big fuss.

In the posts on Tieba, everyone is discussing the importance of files.

"My God, I didn't expect that this hot pot city would do such a shameful thing. Maybe this is the result of self-inflicted evil!"

"It's probably because I have always hated Mengwang! I don't think about why Mengwang is so powerful, and why they are so rubbish!"

"Some people have the mentality of sour grapes. I guess after this time, they will definitely not dare to provoke others again."

"It's simply lemon essence. I guess the last time Meng Wang wiped out the entire hot pot city was not enough. I probably want Meng Wang to destroy it again!"

"I think so too, oh well, get used to it, there are many people in this world who are like sour lemons."

"This is the funniest thing I've seen this time. Oh my god, someone was so clever that he was mistaken by his cleverness. It's so stupid, like a pig."

Hot pot with red wine also started to flip through the posts at this time, only to feel that this time I really lost my face!

At this moment, Lin Feng rode Shuang'er to the dungeon Siren Dungeon like a normal person.

The death mode is selected, and the mode of frantically brushing copies all the way is started!

As soon as he entered, he heard the sound of the system prompt.

"When players enter death mode, there will be a chance to activate the hidden BOSS, pay attention to safety."

First level copy!

Elite Siren Yaksha Soldier

Level: 50

HP: 66000

Lin Feng immediately asked his four pets to pull monsters, and pulled the Siren Yaksha soldiers to him!

Skills released!

Soul Absorbing Array!


The magic circle starts!

All the Kraken Yaksha soldiers inside were killed by the soul-absorbing circle!

After clearing the first level copy, Lin Feng went to the second copy.

Lin Feng used the soul-absorbing magic circle again!

At the same time, a soul-binding magic circle was created!

Boom boom boom!

All the Kraken Yaksha soldiers in the circle died.

It only took five seconds to go to the third floor.

Elite Siren Yasha Shooter

Level: 55

HP: 81000

The blood volume of these monsters has increased a lot.

"Little Hei, little Hara monster!"

Lunar Dragon King Xiao Hei and Blood Moon Sirius Xiao Ha immediately pulled Siren Yaksha Archer to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng released the Hellfire Sea Domain.


Accompanied by the Kraken Yasha shooter, the raging fire not only slowed down his speed, but also kept dropping his blood volume.

Lasting for a full fifteen seconds, all the Siren Yaksha shooters fell to the ground.

Fourth floor!

Lin Feng entered the fourth floor hall with his pet.

Elite Siren Yasha Warrior

Grade: 60

HP: 96000

"Kill monsters!"

As soon as Lin Feng gave an order, the two pets immediately pulled all the Kraken warriors to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng immediately cast the soul-binding circle and the soul-absorbing circle!

A huge circular magic circle appeared under all the Kraken warriors!

After all the chanting is over, the soul-binding circle and the soul-absorbing circle also start to activate!

Under the bombardment of the magic circle...all the monsters were wiped out!

It probably only takes a few seconds.

Finally arrived at the palace!

BOSS·Kraken Yasha Water Mage

Grade: 65

HP: 252000

Rare Boss Siren Yaksha King

Level: 70

HP: 1560000

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and he still ordered.

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Ha, pull monsters!"

Taiyin Dragon King Xiaohei and Crescent Moon Sirius Xiaoha [began to attack these BOSS!

Pull all the bosses in front of Lin Feng.

Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of Taiyin, first used Frozen World, and then used Taiyin Strike again!

The thin ice froze all these bosses in place!


Under the blow of the sun!


Blood Moon Sirius Xiaoha was not to be outdone, and released the skills Zhen Tian and Blood Moon Howling!

Under the release of two attacks!

Directly hit the Kraken Yaksha King with a critical strike!


Double the physical attack, hit the Siren Yasha Water Mage and Siren Yasha King fiercely!


Seeing this, Lin Feng immediately used the awakening technique Necromancer Dance!

In the case of holding a scythe, the attack of one's own dark skills will be improved.

Within a hundred meters, many undead spirits wearing black hats poured out from below, and began to rush into the monster's body!

Lasts for five seconds!

The blood volume of the monster began to drop gradually...


Lin Feng once again unleashed Blood Mist!

The red blood mist surrounded the surroundings, covering Lin Feng's location, and the monster lost its mark...


Taking advantage of the time when the monster is now surrounded by blood mist, he used the move Nether Flame Domain again!


Flame followed the monster at this moment, seeing its HP finally reduced to 0, Lin Feng smiled.

Lin Feng brushed the dungeon of Siren's Dungeon again!

This is also the fastest way to get gold coins and equipment!

Inventorying equipment.....

Equipment: 10,000 gold coins, two sets of gold level equipment!

Lin Feng walked out of the dungeon of Siren's Dungeon, and immediately flew to another dungeon, Land of Thunder!

At this time, Lin Feng came to another copy.

Copy: Land of Thunder

Requirements: Level 50 (Daily: 0/5)

Modes: Normal Mode, Elite Mode, Abyss Mode, Hell Mode, Death Mode

Did the player enter?


"May I ask what mode the player needs to choose?"

"Elite Mode!"

After all, the elite mode takes a short time and can be played in one go.

Not to mention the normal mode, there are not many equipment and gold coins, the easiest way now is to start directly from the elite to swipe once, and then swipe the death mode twice

Confirm to enter the copy!

Lin Feng entered the copy, and the surroundings are similar to the lost ruins, but the environment has become a broken rock wall, and there is a layer of black mist floating in the sky...

Looking up, there were 30 Helm Spirit Warriors and 30 Helm Spirit Mages each, adding up to 60, and their targets fell on Lin Feng who entered the dungeon at this time.

It's just that some Helm Spirit Demonstrators and Helm Spirit Masters were still holding a tattered long sword and stood there blankly without realizing it.

Helm Warrior

Grade: 60

HP: 22000

Helmet Mage

Grade: 61

HP: 13600

The difference in blood volume between the two is not that big...

To Lin Feng, these are just weaklings.

"Xiaoha, little black monster!"

After all, seeing some helmet spirit mages and helmet spirit warriors still in a daze, Lin Feng doubted their brains...

Sun Dragon King Xiao Hei and Blood Moon Sirius Xiao Ha launched an attack on all Helm Spirit Warriors and Helmet Spirit Mages!

Some helmet spirit warriors and helmet spirit mages who stood in a daze came to Ye Yun's side with Xiao Hei, the Dragon King of Taiyin, and Xiao Ha, the Blood Moon Sirius.

Ye Yun looked at the Helm Spirit Warrior and Helmet Spirit Mage in a daze in front of him, and immediately released his skills!

Ghost Claw!


The black mist condensed into a giant ghost claw in the void, and directly tore in the direction where the Helm Spirit Warrior and Master Sheng Ling were.


After being restrained for two seconds, all the Helm Spirit warriors and Helm Spirit mages had their blood volume reduced to zero, fell to the ground and burst out their equipment and gold coins!

After counting, there are: 240 gold coins and five pieces of silver quality equipment.

Passing the first area, Lin Feng entered the second area.

At this time, there were a lot fewer Helm Spirit Warriors in front of them, only 20, and the rest were 15,930 more well-equipped heavy Helm Spirit Warriors, and the long swords in their hands were replaced with heavy swords.

Although there is no obvious change in body shape, it can still feel a little bigger.

Elite·Heavy Helmet Warrior

Level: 70

HP: 100000

The heavily armored spirit warrior dragged his long sword and attacked Lin Feng's position!

It's just that their speed is much slower than that of Helm Spirit Warrior and Helm Spirit Mage.

Lin Feng immediately cast the soul-absorbing circle and the soul-binding circle, and a white magic circle appeared on the ground.

Seeing that all the monsters were inside, Lin Feng sang a few words.

Both magic circles started to activate, sending out attacks one after another, and the dark streamer fell on the monsters.

The blood volume on their heads has also been continuously decreasing.

-160628, -160628, -160628...

All the monsters are in this picture, they are all killed, and gold coins burst out of their bodies!

Lin Feng picked up these gold coins and began to count the gold coins, there were 360 ​​in total.

Immediately, Lin Feng started to go to the third area.

The monsters in front of me have all become elite monsters, 20 heavy armored spirit warriors, and 10 black evil helmeted spirit mages, but these monsters have very little HP, and they cannot resist Lin Feng's two attacks at all. All the monsters are killed.

After counting the dropped equipment and gold coins, continue to the fourth area.

Rare Boss · Black Evil Helm Spirit Commander

Level: 80


At this time, the BOSS finally appeared!

However, compared to the bosses in the death mode in the dungeon I brushed just now, the current commander of the black and evil helmet spirit is really too weak.

Behind him, ten elite mobs also appeared.

Elite · Black Helmet Commander

Level: 70

HP: 460000

Just when Lin Feng was about to order them to pull monsters...

Today's Lunar Dragon King Xiao Hei and Blood Moon Sirius Xiao Ha have already rushed forward, and started to launch moves to pull the boss and elite mobs to Lin Feng.

"You are really getting smarter now." Lin Feng praised. .

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