After all, the current boss will definitely become stronger and stronger, and his blood volume will also increase.

Although my physique may not be able to withstand it, but if I attack more, there is definitely a chance to kill the boss directly.

The Properties panel for Lin Feng is now displayed.

Player: Meng Wang

Grade: 78

Races: Angel Race·Seraphim, Sky Demon Race·Demon God, Dragon Race·Tai Chi~Dragon King

Hidden Occupation: Reaper/-Guardian of Light

Identity: Holy Son of the Holy Cult of Light, Archangel Michael the Student, Holy Cult of the Night Holy Son, Lucifer the King of Demon Gods the Student.

HP: 69216 (Physique X40+ suit, total value X1.4, because there are 20% of the shield body and 20% of the death body)

Magic value: 2000 (spirit X20)

Physical attack: 17323 (intelligence X4+ weapons, accessories.)

Magic attack: 19662 (intelligence X4+ weapons, accessories.)

Physical defense: 17192 (Physique X4+suit+shield, total value X1.2, because there is a shield body protection increase of 20%)

Magic defense: 15352 (Physique X4+Suit+Shield, total value X1.2, because there is a shield body increase of 20%)


Physique: 986(141)



Agility: 300 (110)

Lin Feng immediately went to Yashan City and came to Zhaoshen Temple.

Behind the recruiter, there is a clearly written sign...

Currently recruitable: civilians, workers, guards, educators, blacksmiths, tailors, pharmacists, cooks, architects, real estate sales officers, teleporters.

Consumption: The recruiting price of city lords is reduced by 20%. Others recruit the original price, and the castellan commissions 1% of the recruitment fee.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng immediately bought 17,000 soldiers, and all of them were at full level. This would also make the security in the city a little tighter, after all, it has expanded by more than ten meters.

"Purchased successfully."

After purchasing 17,000 soldiers, Lin Feng walked out from the recruitment hall.

Came to the side of the teleporter Xi Na.

"My lord, do you need to activate the teleportation array?"


I have finished everything I should have done, and now I will let Murong Yiyi and Murong Er start to develop.

Teleporter Xi Na summoned a magic circle, and after singing softly on the teleportation circle, the teleportation circle emitted a blue light.

"The activation was successful."

"Reminder: The number of people on the blacklist has been set. Players on the blacklist in Yashan City cannot use the teleportation array in Yashan City. Does the city owner need to transfer the players from the blacklist?"


Those who can be pulled in by themselves, just stay in it forever.

Lin Feng immediately contacted Li Yuan and sent him a text message.

"Help me post a post on the World Forum, and now the teleportation array in Yashan City has been activated.

After Li Yuan received Lin Feng's message, he replied: "Okay."

Immediately, Li Yuan went to the World Forum to release the news.

"Yashan City Lord Meng Wang officially opened the Yashan City Teleportation Formation!"

Sure enough, in less than a few minutes, the post jumped to the first place on the homepage!

Everyone was very shocked!

Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, Meng Wang has already activated the teleportation array in Yashan City!

In an instant, the news that Lin Feng opened the teleportation array in Yashan City was densely covered!

"I didn't expect Meng Wang to activate the teleportation array so quickly. It seems that the layout of Yashan City has been completed. It's really fast!"

"That's right! That's right! Everyone must go and have a look, I heard that there are a lot of equipment for sale!"

"Yashan City sounds like a good place. I went to it once when it was still in the middle city. I didn't expect it to become a big city so soon. I must go and see it.

"I mainly want to buy equipment, but this reminds me of the spies in Hot Pot City who were blackmailed by Meng Wang. I guess I even have the desire to die now."

"Hahaha, there's no other way. Who made these people stupid to work as spies for Hot Pot City? I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Hot Pot City fed them."

"It's estimated that Hot Pot City can only go to autism now. Sure enough, people who have sour grapes don't eat grapes in the end!"

"Mengwang is really great! Everyone must learn from Mengwang and build your own city!"

In the chat group of the world's number one guild, everyone is also talking about this matter.

"I really didn't expect the president to open it so quickly. I thought it would take half a month, but now it only took eight or nine days. He really is the big boss among the big bosses.

"I feel that those Hot Pot City spies who were blacklisted by the president probably don't know where to squat in a corner and cry now.

It's not a good choice, but I want to be a spy, what else can I do if I don't cry?"

"Yashan City is so good, not only can you buy all kinds of equipment and blue potions, but more importantly, there is such a beautiful goddess leading everyone."

"Have you all entered the current Yashan City to see it? It's so beautiful. If you haven't seen it, go and have a look. The space is much bigger than before!"

Many players are very excited to enter Yashan City today.

At this time, Yashan City was enlarged ten times, and many players were once again shocked by the doubled city!

Murong Xiaoyi, Murong Xiaoer, and Murong Xiaowu also entered the Yashan City together.

The prosperous Yashan City in front of them also made everyone very happy.

Lin Feng looked extraordinarily calm, standing beside the teleportation array, watching players enter Yashan City one after another from the teleportation array.

Murong Xiaowu came to Lin Feng's side, and said with a smile.

"It's really hard for you these few days."

Lin Feng spoke slowly.

"These are as they should be."

"Now that Yashan City has expanded ten times, it is indeed much more advanced."

Murong Yiyi has already started her own plan for the entire street in the west of the city. For her, planning everything, making money is the whole of life!

Many players are admiring the prosperity and prosperity of this cliff mountain city...

I have to say, here is really a good place for leisure.

Lin Feng saw that everyone was very satisfied with this Yashan City, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Go offline and get ready to take a break.

After all, I have been brushing dungeons and wild monsters for nine days, and now it is worth everything to get the current Yashan City.

After leaving the computer, Lin Feng took off his clothes, walked into the bathroom and began to take a bath, relaxing his body and mind at the moment.

…… Ask for flowers ………………

It's just that at such a happy moment, some people are happy and some are sad.

At this time, the hot pot city has already turned upside down.

The hot pot was paired with red wine, and he slapped the wall beside him angrily.

"I didn't expect to be succeeded by Meng Wang so soon! You are a bunch of trash.

Hot pot with Sprite, and listening to hot pot with red wine, I also felt some inexplicable helplessness in my heart.

After all, this Meng Wang is indeed a heaven-defying existence, otherwise, if everyone beat him up alone, how could he be instantly killed by him?

"Brother, in fact, I don't think this can be said in the same way. It may be that we really don't remember as well as others, so that's why we are like this."

Hot Pot with Pulse, nodded quickly when he heard what Hot Pot with Sprite said, but in fact, this sentence has always been what he wanted to say.

After all, it is indeed not good for Hot Pot City to have trouble with Meng Wang all the time, and it is absolutely impossible for the current Meng Wang to be defeated.

Hot pot with red wine. Hearing what the two of them said, he became even more angry. He didn't expect that these two guys would also start eating inside and out.


"The two of you didn't expect that now you are actually starting to eat inside and outside, it's really because of you.

"Look at the plans you have made yourself, and what kind of results you have achieved now, I am ashamed to say."

Hot Pot with Sprite and Hot Pot with Pulse Listening to the scolding of hot pot with red wine, I don't know what to say, so I can only listen to being scolded without saying a word.

The mad dragon of the mad war alliance also sent a message to the hot pot with red wine.

"What kind of situation are you people in Hot Pot City? They are purely cheating our Berserk Alliance!"

Hot pot with red wine quickly explained.

"Plans always fail to keep up with the changes. I didn't expect this League to be so lucky. It must be because our plan is not perfect. Next time we will make Meng Wang pay the price!"

Kuanglong couldn't help but sneered when he heard the hot pot with red wine.

"Then I really want to see what other plans you can come up with."

"If we didn't listen to you this time, would our Berserker Alliance lose face?"

It is a bit helpless to pair hot pot with red wine, so I can only continue to talk.

"There is no way to do this, after all... After all..."

"After all, King Meng is indeed very powerful, and it's really unexpected that these idiots under me actually managed to win such a powerful boss."

"Guild Dragon, I think we have the same plan now, we must not just care about this little failure in front of us, and then stop working together, right?"

"Many people are powerful. I think next time, as long as our perfect plan can give Meng Wang a hit sooner or later, I don't believe that Meng Wang's luck can be so good!"

Kuanglong listened to the hot pot with red wine, and his thoughts suddenly felt that it was true.

Since everyone's goal is to kill the cute king, what is this little mistake?

"Okay, then I'll give you one more chance, if you give us such a lazy plan next time, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people.

With hot pot and red wine, he squinted his eyes slightly, thinking about how to pull Meng Wang down in his mind.

But according to the current power of King Meng, it really needs a long-term plan to pull it down now. .

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