National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 255 The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference

Hot pot with red wine immediately spoke.

"In the past few days, you will give me a good job of brushing monsters and dungeons, improving your own level, and waiting for my plan."

Hot pot with Sprite and hot pot with pulse, nodded quickly.

But they are all thinking, it seems that according to the current situation.

Even if they kept spawning monsters and dungeons, they still couldn't catch up to the level of Meng Wang.

Just seeing how angry hot pot and red wine are now, the two of them can't say much.

"This time, I must come up with a perfect plan to pull this door king down from his position. Humph, I don't believe it. He can always be number one on the list!"

With hot pot and red wine at this moment, life is full of anger, and my heart is full of anger towards Meng Wang's overwhelming anger.

Now Lin Feng is leisurely lying in the bathtub soaking in the bath, not knowing what's going on in Hot Pot City.

But thinking about it, they probably won't come out to be monsters again in a short time.

After taking a bath, Lin conveniently put on his ordinary clothes and went out for a run.

Although games are indeed very important, the body is more important than one's own body.

Not far away, Murong Wuwu was wearing a tracksuit and ran towards him, "September 47".

"Hey, what a coincidence."

"I actually met you today, I didn't meet you a few days ago.

Lin Feng smiled, followed Murong Wuwu's footsteps, ran together, and replied.

"I've been earnestly brushing dungeons for the past 9 days. When I went for a run, weren't you also serious about spawning monsters?"

Murong Wuwu was a little shocked when she heard that, she didn't expect Lin Feng to know what she was doing, so she asked curiously.

"How do you know I've been spawning monsters all the time?"

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu with a pair of curious eyes open in front of him, couldn't help but smiled helplessly, reached out and tapped her on the head and said.

"How do you think I know?"

In fact, you can guess what he has been doing for the past 9 days. After all, everyone has nothing to do except doing tasks to spawn monsters.

Murong Wuwu shook her head incomprehensibly.

But thinking that he actually understood what he had done so well, it seemed that he had taken himself to heart, and was inexplicably moved a little.

"Then let's have breakfast together later!" Murong Wuwu suggested to Lin Feng beside her.

Lin Feng nodded and replied.


"Then what do you want to eat?"

Murong Wuwu frowned slightly, thought for a while and asked quickly.

"I don't really want to go out for those breakfasts, what would you do for breakfast?"

In fact, the main meaning of this sentence is that she just wants to eat the breakfast made by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng thought about it for a while, and actually making breakfast is not a difficult task for him.

It's just that the breakfast I make by myself is some very, very simple food.

For example, boiled wontons and the like, I don't know if this Murong Wu can get used to eating them.

Seeing that Lin Feng has been silent, Murong Wuwu pouted her lips and said.

"Why don't you talk anymore? In fact, don't worry, I like to eat whatever breakfast you make.

Lin Feng nodded, and brought Murong Wuwu back to his home.

The decoration of the whole villa is still the same as before, after all, he doesn't have much time to tidy up the house and place other small objects.

Murong Wuwu was thinking about the villa where Lin Feng lived, the overall decoration was leaning towards European and American simplicity.

And the whole villa didn't put too many things, said with a smile.

"It seems that you should seldom clean the house, and you don't have much time to come, so you should put some small objects?"

Lin Feng waved his hand, brought Murong Wuwu to the kitchen and said.

"Yeah, I usually don't have much time."

Lin Feng opened the refrigerator and saw that the few wontons left in it were just right, enough to feed two people.

"Then let's eat boiled wontons this morning."

"I didn't know you were coming, so I didn't prepare any other ministers.

Murong Wuwu nodded heavily, her eyes lit up, as far as she could eat the breakfast made by Lin Feng.

This is already a very beautiful thing, how could I be picky?

"I think it's a wonderful thing to know the breakfast you make, how can I be picky.

"Besides, do you think I look like a picky person?"

Lin Feng was amused by Murong Wuwu's little gesture at this time. He took out shallots, chopped them, put them into the pot, added water, put some salt, and started to cook.

In fact, the reason why he usually likes to eat wontons is mainly because it is more convenient, and he can eat them directly after cooking.

Not long after, Lin Feng poured the wontons directly into the pot and cooked them for ten minutes.

He ate two bowls of wonton and put one of them in front of Murong Wuwu.

Lin Feng didn't care about anything and started to eat.

Murong Wuwu also followed him and ate the wontons bit by bit. She didn't expect the taste of these wontons to be so delicious.

"Your wontons are the best wontons I have ever eaten. If I have time in the future, can I still come to your house to eat wontons?"

While speaking, he blinked a pair of huge eyes towards him, which were full of expectations.

Lin Feng nodded and said.

"Yes, if you want to come when you want, just come directly, but you must send me a message in advance."

"I'm afraid that there will be nothing in the refrigerator by then.

Murong Wuwu nodded heavily, patted her chest and said.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely bring my own vegetables next time I come here."

Soon, Murong Wuwu and Lin Feng ate up the whole bowl of wontons.

After the two cleaned up the kitchen together, Murong Wuwu also left Lin Feng's house.

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Feng also returned to the computer to start the game.

It just so happened that Second World made another announcement.

"The number of players who have reached level 60 in the game has exceeded 10,000, and the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament has officially opened. Players can freely transfer to a copy of the martial arts arena for competitions.

"After the player enters the dungeon five fighting arena, it is divided into stands and rings. It is decided that the contestants will be randomly selected by the game to appear in the ring. The winner will continue to stay in the ring, and the loser will leave the ring. You can also watch the players on the ring. "

"—A player can participate up to ten times in a day, death will not drop, everything remains the same, victor attributes, etc. will be restored again...

"Everyone is welcome to actively participate."

Many players began to discuss the world's number one martial arts tournament opened by this game.

First floor: "I didn't expect the group arena to start so soon. If Meng Wang participates, no one will be his opponent. I hope I won't be matched with Meng Wang..."

The second floor: "Why are you talking all about your frustrations? What's wrong with your physique? If you match the cute king, you can just admit defeat. You don't even need to beat me. If you are so powerful, you may be looking for death if you beat me."

Third floor: "The most important thing this time is randomness, so anyone who respects them may be matched with a master, and the most important thing is that there are so many masters, a little trash like me just watches you compete. "

The fourth floor: "No, I haven't participated yet, why are they retreating one by one, can you show your domineering spirit!"

Fifth floor: "After all, everyone is very clear about how much you are. If you want to show domineering, unless you are particularly powerful or not very powerful, but have strength."

Lin Feng looked at the news of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference, with a confident smile on his lips.

It seems that the next few days are really fun.

I believe that most of the participants in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament will be powerful players, and they will definitely meet many other professions.

Lin Feng immediately participated in this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

The system also shows the rules of the game.

There are two types of rules, individual battles and group battles.

Personal battle: Regardless of rank, one player VS another player, the loser will withdraw from the ring, and the winner will add one person's victory point.

After having personal victory points, players with the same victory points will fight in pairs, and if the player with no more than 10 personal victory points loses, he will lose the qualification for the ring battle [one failure minus one personal victory point.

Team battles are divided into: two-person battles, six-player battles, and ten-player battles.

Two-player battle: some levels, two players vs two players, the death of two players is a failure, the loser will withdraw from the ring, and the winner will add a two-player battle victory point.

After having 1.1 double victory points, players with the same victory points will fight in pairs. Players with no more than 10 double victory points will lose their qualifications for the ring battle. Players with more than 10 double victory points will lose one double victory point after losing a game Victory point.

Six-player battle: Regardless of rank, six players VS six players, five players die, it is a failure, the loser will withdraw from the ring, and the winner will add 1 six-player victory point.

After having double victory points, players with the same victory points will play against each other in pairs. Players with no more than 10 six-player victory points will lose their qualifications for the ring battle. Players with more than 10 six-player victory points will lose one game and lose one six-player victory point.

Ten-player battle: Regardless of rank, six players VS six players, five players die, it is a failure, the loser will withdraw from the ring, and the winner will add 1 ten-player victory point.

After having double victory points, players with the same victory points will play against each other in pairs. Players with no more than 10 ten-player victory points will lose their qualifications for the ring battle. Players with more than 10 ten-man victory points will lose one game, and one ten-man victory point will be deducted.

In the end, the individual or team with the most victory points will become the strongest master and the strongest team in the first martial arts tournament, and will receive the best rewards! The rewards are from high to low. .

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