National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 256 Personal Battle Begins

After Lin Feng checked the rules this time, he also clearly knew that the first thing he had to participate in now was this personal battle!

The system prompts: "Player Meng Wang, do you want to enter the personal battle?"


"Would you like to check your personal HP?"


Lin Feng was slightly startled when he looked at his health and mana.

Both mana and health increased by 10%

Now my blood volume is 692160, and my magic value is 20000.

"Among random players..."

"Please wait……………"

"Match complete!"

In an instant, Lin Feng turned into a white light and entered the arena.

There are viewing seats all around, and the entire arena is more than 20 meters long, presenting a circular shape.

Another player who participated in the personal station also arrived in the arena.

The two looked at each other, and the other's health, mana, and name were all displayed on their heads.

Opponent: Zidou Mingkong

Level: 70

HP: 120000

Mana: 10000

Lin Feng also found that the opponent's health and mana also increased by 10%

Zi Dou Mingkong was a little surprised to see that his opponent was the cute king who shocked the whole second world!

No matter what, I never thought that I would have some shit luck, and he really met the King of Meng!

Although it is indeed possible to lose, it is indeed an honor to be able to fight against the person who is number one in the five rankings, and it is also an honor to lose.

Zi Dou Ming Kong said gently: "I have accepted."

Lin Feng nodded, and there were many players who came to watch the match. 26 Many people were very surprised. They didn't expect to enter a spectator casually, and they actually watched the battle with Meng Wang!

Everyone started discussing happily.

"I really didn't expect that my luck would be so good that I could see the showdown between King Meng and others!"

"That's right! I didn't expect that I would actually meet a boss! Tell me, who will win?"

"I think it must be our boss Meng Wang! He is an invincible existence! Anyone who matches him will definitely lose in the first game!"

"You said so, and I think so too, but I think it's my own glory to be able to fight against such a master, whether he wins or loses!"

"Look, in fact, the opponents of Meng Wang's battle this time are actually quite high in all aspects. It seems that this battle has been watched."

"Let's guess who will win this time! It's just a duel between masters and masters. We ordinary people should just watch it and have fun."

The system prompts: "Both sides are making preparations, the world's number one martial arts conference, and the individual battle will begin soon!"

"Countdown, start!"



Everyone present was excited!

Lin Feng summoned the sword of the Archangel. The kingly demeanor on his body is like a god's mansion. Just move his finger casually, and the whole world will be changed drastically.

Zi Dou Mingkong opened his palm, and saw a magic formation figure circulating between his palms...

In the fighting arena, a huge picture began to appear.

Lin Feng leaped into it, and immediately released the Guardian Star Shield and Guardian Light Array.

These two sets of skills can greatly enhance one's defense and resist the moves used by the opponent.

Just as Lin Feng said, the huge magic array cast by Zidou Mingkong began to drop golden rays of light one after another, and the golden rays surrounded it, forming one by one, and smashing towards his body .

More importantly, his skill speed is particularly fast.

Although his own speed is indeed not a problem, but when faced with so many such powerful attacks, he was still hit by a few stars.


Fortunately, he summoned the guardian star shield and guardian light array in advance to strengthen his defense, and the guardian light skill resisted 85% of the opponent's attacks, not to mention the guardian star shield.

In this way, his injury is just the fur to him now.

Zi Dou Mingkong was also a little shocked when he saw that Lin Feng's body was simply deducted 20 and 30 HP from his damage!

It really is great.

Zidou Mingkong admired Lin Feng's defensive ability extremely!

Seeing this, Lin Feng immediately summoned the Archangel Sword, swung it, and released the Guardian Angel Cross Slash!

Zi Dou Mingkong looked at the sword energy that was directed towards him and quickly avoided it.

But he didn't expect that after all, he still couldn't escape the guardian angel's cross cut released by Lin Feng.

At this moment Zi Dou Mingkong saw that his blood volume was not much, he immediately waved his hands, summoning the power of the stars, and saw that his testicles also began to heal upwards.

A faint smile rose from the corner of Lin Feng's mouth. In fact, if he launched other attacks on the opponent in front of him now, he would have died by now.

It's just that he still wants to continue playing with him, to see what other moves he has.

The audience in the auditorium watched the battle between Zidou Mingkong and Lin Feng and clapped their hands one after another.

"Sure enough, it's a duel between masters and masters, so powerful, I can feel how powerful they are even sitting in the auditorium.

"That's right, I didn't expect Zi Dou Mingkong to be so powerful. Although it is true that he is not as good as Meng Wang, he can actually block the attack of the sect master."

"Wow, now I'm a little afraid that I will be matched with Meng Wang, my God, he is so powerful, I guess I will be directly hit by him.

"That's somewhat possible, but I think Meng Wang should have let this opponent go, because if Meng I didn't let him, he wouldn't have time to recover his health now.

"Yes, yes, Meng Wang is indeed a good boss. If it were someone else, he would have seized this opportunity and killed him directly."

"Of course, only experts have compassion for each other. Otherwise, they would have killed each other long ago. None of us would want to win."

"Although it is true that there is not much difference in this match, and it is indeed what I thought, Mengwang won in the end."

"Please, please, this hasn't reached the finals yet, okay? Besides, the two of them are just starting to play now. I believe that although persistence is a must, maybe they will counterattack."

Everyone began to express their own opinions word by word.

In fact, Zidou Mingkong also felt that the cute king in front of him must have given in to him.

Otherwise, I would definitely not even have time to recover my blood volume.

But since he let him, he couldn't lose this opportunity, and immediately used his big move with both hands!

I saw half of the magic value on his head was covered.

A huge magic circle image appeared from Lin Feng's head.

The gust of wind started whistling at some point, blowing the clothes of the two of them backwards continuously.

There was a smell of gunpowder in the breath.

Lin Feng looked at the magic circle covering his head, and immediately erected the Archangel Sword to block the magic circle.

At this moment, he also felt it, such a powerful force.

Taking advantage of this moment, Lin Feng immediately used the guardian angel counter attack!


The powerful attack wave fell directly and fiercely on this powerful magic circle.

Boom boom boom!

The power of the two began to collide and made a violent sound.

Zi Dou Mingkong frowned slightly when he saw that Lin Feng had pulled out his ultimate move.

Immediately, he used the power of the stars again, intensifying the magic circle's attack on Lin Feng.

A burst of star power blasted down from the magic circle, and directly hit Lin Feng's Archangel Sword.

The audience below saw that Lin Feng seemed to have entered a passive state at this time, and they were all a little anxious.

"What's going on? How could Meng Wang enter a passive state? My God, no way!"

"Impossible, Meng Wang has always been so powerful, it is impossible to be defeated casually, I think this must be some kind of trick."

"Yes, yes, but this one who only understands Ming Kong is indeed really powerful. He can actually bring Meng Wang into a passive state. It is conceivable that his strength is indeed quite 807. "

"Suddenly, I felt that there must be many powerful masters in this dance conference. You guys are asking me whether I should give up the competition, and I feel a little uneasy in my heart."

"Don't worry, don't feel anxious, you may not be able to win, and if you really match the cute king or a powerful master, you will only have a dead end, so it doesn't matter whether you go or not, it's better to go."

"No, just now I was still guessing that Meng Wang would definitely win this match, why did he enter a passive state so quickly? What's going on? This is definitely not Meng Wang's true strength!"

"Impossible. I have seen Meng Wang's move to defeat Hot Pot City. It is completely impossible that he will be put into a passive state by such a simple move. I believe him.

A faint smile rose from the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and the audience in the audience looked at him more anxiously.

Zidou Mingkong's eyes were full of determination.

In fact, even he himself didn't believe that the current Lin Gang would enter a passive state because of some simple moves of his own.

In an instant, Lin Feng used his awakening technique, and the holy light fell!

Immediately, Lin Feng had a thought, four dazzling lights exploded from his Archangel Sword in a circle!

One after another, holy light descended from the sky with the speed of the wind, hitting Zidou Mingkong's body.


Everyone at the scene didn't realize that Zidou Mingkong's blood volume was running low.

Zidou Mingkong also admired the skills Lin Feng used just now.

Today's Zidou Mingkong no longer recovers his HP, and is ready to meet Lin Feng in the past.

Just when he was about to use the power of the stars again, Lin Feng just swung the sword of the Archangel, and hit him with a normal attack, instantly his HP dropped to 0.

"Sure enough, it's number one on the five rankings. It's really amazing." Zi Dou Mingkong couldn't help but praise.

Lin Feng kept a low profile and just spoke lightly.

"Where, where... it's just a false name."

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