National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 257 The Battle Continues! The Second Round Begins!

The audience in the auditorium, seeing Lin Feng's first victory, all stood up and clapped their hands!

"Meng Wang is really amazing! I thought Meng Wang would not win this time, my God, at that second just now, I was really terrified!"

"That's right! Me too. I thought Meng Wang would really lose in the martial arts arena just now. At that time, I was sweating for him."

"It's so handsome! The cute king is really handsome when he uses his tricks. I don't know who he will continue to fight with later... This time, I guess it will scare many people."

"People are afraid of things that they can't see, but in the end, Meng Wang won the victory, so I feel very happy!"

"That's right, that's right, on the whole the result is really good!"

"I was thinking that if I met a weak person, the moment I saw Meng Wang, I must have wanted to surrender a long time ago..."

"Of course, everyone knows how strong Meng Wang is. You don't even need to think about it, you don't need to fight, you must have given up on yourself early."

The system displays: "Player Meng Wang defeated Zidou Mingkong and gained one victory point in personal battles.

"The losers please make persistent efforts and withdraw from the game, and the winners will continue to compete individually.

Zidou Mingkong was also beaten this time and was convinced.

"Then brother Mengwang, please continue to work hard!"

"I believe you will definitely get good results."

His eyes were filled with calmness, after all, it was normal for him to lose when he met such a powerful master.

Lin Feng listened to Zidou Mingkong's voice of blessing to him, nodded and said.

"Yes, you are also working hard."

After finishing speaking, Zi Dou Mingkong left the stage and came to the auditorium, ready to continue watching Lin Feng's individual battle.

In other competition areas, there are also many powerful players who have gained a little victory point, and will start the second round of individual battles.

As everyone gains more and more victory points, the masters they encounter will definitely become more and more powerful. If you want to stand on this stage, strength must be the most important.

"May I ask if the player Mengwang is going to play the next game?"


"Automatically match players..."

"Match complete."

The second round of personal standing officially started.

A new player has arrived in the fighting arena.

The player name and attributes are also - displayed.

Player: Buddhist girl

HP: 300000

Mana: 15000

This Buddhist girl looks quite beautiful, wearing a sexy and hot leather armor, and the black perfectly outlines her figure.

The face is a typical oval face, painted with big red lips, showing a kind of domineering.

But honestly...

Lin Feng felt that her attire didn't quite match her player name...

In the audience, many men were attracted by this Buddhist girl. After all, with such a tall and beautiful figure, everyone would take a few glances, okay?

However, many girls in the audience have been staring at Lin Feng, and they have been completely nympho from the first round to now.

The buddhist girl looked at Lin Feng's player attributes, and was slightly shocked, and asked incredulously in her eyes.

"You are the famous cute king? 々!"

Lin Feng nodded silently, seeing her so surprised, felt a little embarrassed...

All of a sudden, I thought she would be a domineering Yujie type girl like Murong Yiyi, but I didn't expect...

The Buddhist girl stared at Lin Feng obsessively, her eyes were full of stars.

It is precisely because of her current appearance that there is a huge contrast under her attire.

"Oh my God, I never thought I would actually meet you, you are my idol!"

Lin Feng was stunned, for a moment he didn't know what to say, and he didn't know why.

I always feel that the current atmosphere seems to be a bit wrong. This is obviously a fighting arena, why does it feel like a star chasing arena?

Seeing that Lin Feng was silent, the Buddhist girl tossed her hair with her hand, and said with a smile.

"Then please be merciful, His Royal Highness Meng Wang!"

Her voice was weak and pleasant, which made Lin Feng really helpless with this kind of girl for a while.

What he was most afraid of was meeting this type of girl.

At this point the system will issue a prompt.

"Players, please get ready, the game will start immediately, and the time will enter the countdown.


The Buddhist girl suddenly returned to a state of indifference, and directly threw the whip at Lin Feng.

This attack wave also caused thin ice to appear on the dancing field, judging from his attack.

Lin Feng immediately thought of the Lunar Dragon King, Xiao Hei's skills, Frozen World.

Lin Feng swung the sword of the Archangel, dodging the attack wave from the Buddhist girl.

I have to say that her speed is much faster than that of Zidou Mingkong, whom I fought in the first round just now.

More importantly, she was not ambiguous at all when she launched the attack.

Seeing Lin Feng dodging her move, the buddhist girl raised a faint smile at the corner of her mouth.

Although Meng Wang is his idol, but being able to compete with idols is also something that is particularly cherished.

So he and she must show 100% strength to fight.

The ice that surrounded the entire fighting arena began to slow down Lin Feng's speed, weakening his blood volume little by little.

-100, -100, -100...

The buddhist girl frowned slightly as she looked at the bloody numbers popping out of Lin Feng's head.

He has always been able to defeat a rare monster with only a few moves.

He didn't expect that his own ice would have no effect on him, and the blood emperor who killed him was actually so low!

It seems that my idol's defensive power is really high, otherwise ordinary people can't hide from this icy thing like him.

Seeing that Lin Feng hadn't attacked the Buddhist girl at this time, the people in the audience were a little puzzled.

"Sure enough, Meng Wang really has a gentleman's demeanor. He has never attacked this opponent. It must be because she is a girl."

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect to be so gentlemanly at such a late hour. I really wish I was a woman. If so, I might have a little chance of winning when I meet Meng Wang. It seems that I still have no chance of winning."

"Can you stop saying such depressing words one by one, I feel very speechless listening to you say such depressing words.

"It's your business that you are speechless. After all, you won't go to fight Mengwang last time. I have already made plans. After Mengwang runs out of the number of individual battles today, I will participate in this martial arts conference."

"Oh my god, what about it? I think everyone should not think too much. After all, after entering, maybe you may not even meet the cute king, and you will be directly defeated by other masters."

"Look at this girl, although she's a bit silly in her words, she's really good at it."

"That's for sure! After all, no one is a master. If you really meet a powerful master, you might still be able to fight. If you meet a master like Meng Wang, you don't need to fight. Let's just get out of the game."

"I just hope that I can fight against Meng Wang, so that I can know where I am not enough." "

"Look, there are still a lot of people in the world who want to die, I won't stop them, everyone go to sleep, but first of all, you must have this luck, and then you can meet the King Meng, otherwise you may die Die directly in the hands of other masters."

Seeing that Lin Feng hadn't used any moves on her, the Buddhist girl couldn't help asking.

"Are you looking down on me? Let me tell you that I am very good."

"Although in front of you, I may really be just a very small and weak girl, but you should hurry up and launch the ultimate move!"

The people around and Lin Feng were instantly amused by what the Buddhist girl in front of him said.

Lin Feng actually made her want to show her gentlemanly demeanor.

But since she let herself activate the moves, she must not be able to let her.

In an instant, Lin Feng raised the Archangel Sword, and streaks of golden holy light began to emerge from his Archangel Sword, and he performed a move towards her, Guardian Angel Cross Slash. !

Seeing his attack wave coming towards her, the buddhist girl quickly jumped to the side, but she still couldn't get past his attack.


Nine-tenths of the blood volume was instantly reduced, and now only one-tenth is left! (Zhao Le's) His attack power can be imagined.

The audience couldn't help taking a dark breath, and everyone came to a conclusion.

"Mengwang is really powerful, and he will never show mercy to anyone, including women."

The buddhist girl saw that her blood volume had been killed so much, and now she has no way to restore her blood volume, so she can only use her own trick to forcefully judge him.

"Frost World!"

A lot of crushed ice began to be used around her, and she swung the whip full of crushed ice.

Slashing down fiercely in the direction of Lin Feng, all the shattered ice flew forward like an arrow blade.

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng immediately summoned Shuang'er.

Shuang'er's speed was also even more astonishing, directly leading Lin Feng through the shards of ice that were coming towards him, and all the shards fell into the air and hit the fighting arena.

However, in everyone's eyes, the scene that happened just now was like a gust of wind blowing by, and they didn't see clearly what happened just now.

Lin Feng raised the Archangel's sword in an instant, and slashed directly at the Buddhist girl's body, instantly clearing her blood volume to zero.

The Buddhist girl was amazed at Lin Feng's speed just now, because even she didn't react.

It's the first time I've seen him move so fast in his crushed ice. Sure enough, a master is a master. .

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