National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 261 Personal Battle! Sixth Round!

Seeing Lin Feng blocking one of her moves, Xiao Xiao Sa Sa was very excited!

Because after such a long time, I really haven't met a person who can catch my moves so directly.

Lin Feng saw that he didn't use any unique moves, but every knife in this martial arts was deadly enough. It seems that if he guessed correctly, his hidden profession should be on the side of martial arts.

Xiaoxiao raised the long sword unrestrainedly, and continued to slash at his body, even the air made whistling wind sounds between each of his moves.

Seeing this, Lin Feng dodged while waving the sword of the Archangel to block his attack.

jingle jingle material

The swords of the two men rubbed against each other, making a loud noise.

The audience in the audience looked at their current fight in amazement.

I thought it would be a fight between moves and moves, but I didn't expect it to become a fight between swordsmanship and swordsmanship......

The eyes of both of them met each other, and their eyes were full of determination.

"Not bad, you can keep up with my moves."

Xiao Xiao Sa Sa was a little surprised, after all, his hidden profession is Valkyrie, he can only launch ordinary attacks, and has no other unique moves.

After so long, no one can match his swordsmanship!

People who everyone thinks are great are really interesting.

"Each, each other."

Lin Feng opened his mouth lightly, and abruptly retracted the sword 26, Xiao Xiao Sa Sa was instantly sent flying by this move.

I saw Lin Feng erected the sword of the archangel, released the skill, the patron saint hammered!

In the void, the rays of light converged into the shape of a hammer, and hit Xiaoxiao's head.

His unrestrained gaze fell into the void, seeing the hammer that was hitting his head, and instantly swung the long sword in the water towards the shocking light, pushing his body back


The attack of the two sent out a golden explosion in the void!

A burst of white smoke gave up covering the entire martial arts field and covered their two bodies.

At this moment, everyone didn't know what happened to them now. They could only see that the two were standing in place in the white smoke.

"I didn't expect that although this player said he didn't have any skills, his basic attack is really powerful."

"Yeah, this player is indeed much better than the player just now, and I think he is even better than the gun god just now. In comparison, I actually like this one better."

"That's right, that's right, me too. I think he has a very good personality and looks very docile, and he won't blow up all at once like the gunslinger just now."

"Actually, their two personalities are completely in contrast. One seems to be more fierce, and the other is more docile. In fact, I would prefer to be more docile. After all, who would like a cold one. "

"Yes, yes, who would like a cold one? I think this player is very good. I see him fighting so happily with Meng Wang, and I am also happy in my heart. I don't know who will win between the two of them now." Well, I think this battle is worth watching no matter who wins."

"Meng Wang Bi Sheng Meng Wang Bi Sheng, in fact, I don't think he is very good, but compared with the previous ones, he is quite good. I feel that with this going on, he should soon meet even more powerful players. "

"Yes, yes, I also think it's really powerful. But now I can't see what the two of them are doing at all. I really hope that when the two of them fight, they won't be filled with so much smoke.

"I really want to learn some fighting skills from them, but now there is so much smoke, I can't learn it. It seems that I can only watch it in the next game, and I don't know what the victory of this game will be." Who, but it should be the Demon King, after all, the other party can't even release their skills, so they can only use basic attacks."

"However, I am very happy to see the two of them fighting. At least judging from the current situation, it should be Meng Wang who wins, and according to Meng Wang's attack, if he is really hit If it is, it will definitely be instantly killed."

Standing in the smoke, Xiaoxiaosa slowly spoke to Lin Feng.

"Sure enough, it's number one in the top 5 rankings. It's okay to have such a high attack power, and it's really worth learning for me.

"At that time, I thought it was a waste of fame, but now when I really fight, I realize that it is really powerful.

"But no matter how powerful you are, I will defeat you, and I will definitely not let you pass easily this time.

"Accept it!"

Lin Feng's eyes darkened, and he slowly raised his head and said.

"Okay, then accept the move."

Immediately, Lin Feng swung the Archangel Sword in his hand again towards him.

Lin Feng raised a faint smile, and now he wants to kill him instantly.

His words must hit the skills, but his speed is much higher than all the players he just met, and his basic attack is also higher than other players.

Immediately, Lin Feng released a thunder strike towards him. In the void, his Archangel Sword began to absorb the elements of thunder and lightning.

At this time, the sky also changed from a sunny day to a cloud layer, doped with many small electric seedlings.

In an instant, Lin Feng used it in the direction of Xiaoxiaosa, and when a thunderbolt came, he directly blasted towards Xiaoxiaosasa and spread in all directions!

Xiao Xiao Sa Sa, looking at the Thunder coming towards him, when he wanted to get out of the way, he didn't expect the speed to be faster than his own!

The thunder that struck at him with lightning speed.

It seems that he can only use other methods to block the thunder strike. In an instant, he erected the long sword in his hand, wanting to absorb the power of thunder with the power of his long sword.

Lin Feng saw that he wanted to absorb the power of his own thunder, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

If his thunder power could be easily absorbed by him, his awakening skill would definitely be meaningless.

Seeing him blocking the thunder strike with his own strength, Xiaoxiaoshasha didn't expect that the thunder force would be so strong, and it hit him directly!

The blood volume has been deducted by half!

When he thought he had dodged the lightning strike, he didn't expect that the thunderbolt would change its direction and strike down fiercely again.

Immediately Xiaoxiao began to transform the long sword in his hand into thousands of phantom long swords, and galloped in the direction of the thunder strike. Everyone clapped their hands after seeing the current scene.

Now he plans to do a good job with Lin Feng, Lei Dian, but he didn't expect...

"This scene is really too powerful, too powerful. When I look at them, I feel that I am really too weak. If I meet such a master, I don't know where I will die."

"Of course, Mengwang's attack is not comparable to that of normal people at all, and this Xiaoxiaoshasha can't stop Mengwang's skill, and more importantly, Mengwang must have let him, otherwise he Surely there is nothing now"

"Yeah, yeah, I seem to have realized it after you said that. If Meng Wang used other skills at that time, he would definitely be able to describe it to him directly, but he didn't. It seems that he wanted to let him go. ."

"Oh, why? Why is Mangman so gentlemanly? It's different from others. Sure enough, it's a famous idol now. It's not only powerful but also gentlemanly, and it's so handsome."

"Please, please, girls, can you stop being an idiot? If you really meet some powerful players in the next sentence, you can also learn their moves. Now the troublemaker is the number one."

"Yes, alas, yes, from what you have said, it seems to be true. Now love brain is no longer popular, and now it is suitable for exams. Everyone must work hard to learn 560 and see how they unleash their attacks. , how to release moves, why others can win, but you can't.

"Don't pierce my heart anymore. Alas, my heart is really hurting. I think it's good for girls to fall in love. Why do you have to start a career? I'm not a career. I'm really the king of cuteness." So handsome, even if I'm in love, people don't know who I am."

"Do you think Meng Wang's moves can be learned casually? You don't think too much and take a good look at how they use these moves, and they are so fast. If it were someone else, it would be early. It has already been defeated."

"Don't you appreciate the famous scene of the two of them fighting like I do now? It's so beautiful, too scary, too powerful, and I feel as if I've been shocked."

Everyone in the audience was discussing one after another, and now the scene inspired by the skills released by the two of them is really shocking.

Xiao Xiao Sa Sa originally thought that her Wanjian attack could block Lin Feng's thunder strike, but she didn't expect her attack to be gradually absorbed by this thunder strike.

"How could this happen!"

He was also surprised, he didn't expect to be able to absorb his own ten thousand sword attack ability by doing a thunder strike.

"This is really amazing, how did you do it...

Lin Feng watched silently from the side, now you are giving a thunderous blow in front of yourself, if the current him is giving him a blow.

He must have brought it with him, but he also wanted to see it, remembering how effective Thunder Strike could be at such a critical moment.

After all, fighting monsters is different from beating people.

With a bang, finally the current him could no longer stop Lin Feng's thunderous strike, which became stronger and stronger, the power of thunder.


In an instant, Xiaoxiaosha's entire blood volume was reduced to 0 by Lin Feng's blow. .

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